Chapter 307

They originally wanted to leave, but Ye Han put them in the car directly.

"Damn letting us out of this place has nothing to do with us, we're just people at the Rich Economics Institute."

"It's only because I found that there was a large-scale thunder and lightning here, so you S.H.I.E.L.D and the people in the alliance are not qualified to lock us up and let us out."

"Otherwise, we will call the police directly. The things you are doing now have seriously threatened the safety of the entire LD city area. Aren't you worried that the superiors will call you to inform you?"

I have to say that these people's eyes are still not bad. After seeing the logo of S.H.I.E.L.D, they immediately learned to refute the fact that they are all high-IQ people in the world. They have graduated from LD City University.

Most of them studied psychology. People with two double majors in scientific research and people with such high IQs would know how to change the scene.

At this time, the doctor also squeezed himself into the car, watched the two people in front of him take out the computer in his hand, and shot them in the face.

When those people realized what the doctor wanted to do, they quickly incited, but their facial images had been directly entered by the doctor.

After their facial images were entered, it immediately revealed their true identities. These people had graduated from college when they were teenagers, and several of them were well-known hackers in the market.

Seeing the content that popped up on the computer screen, they were speechless and could not continue to explain, but urged the doctor to put them down from this place, and they also carried some large-scale explosive weapons in their hands.

"Don't force us, we also have blasting weapons in our hands. Besides, our people are also nearby. After Magneto comes, all of you will not be able to escape from this place. Now we are giving you an escape. If there is a chance, get out of here quickly and let us go”々. "

Ye Han pulled the doctor out from the inside, and then threw a bomb directly into the car. When the two doctors saw the bomb, they were completely blinded, and they wanted to open the door on one side.

At this moment, the car in front of him was suspended high, and all the magnetic things around it were absorbed into the air.

The two doctors also fell directly from the car door and ran towards Magneto in front of him.

When watching the Marvel movie before, Ye Han always liked the character like Magneto. He has a certain ability to control all things with magnetic particles in the world. It can also be said that he is a very domineering man. people. "" Originally you were (Nuo Zhaozhao) a very domineering person. Now they were caught by me. You wanted to take them away without asking my opinion. Do you think you are so polite? ?" In this case, what they do is really very impolite.

As soon as Ye Han raised his hand, everything Magneto had just suspended them hit the ground, and a doctor running on the side of the road was directly cut off by the iron plate rolled in the air. .

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