People are in Naruto, I am Aizen

Chapter 152 The World Where Aizen Doesn't Exist

"The guess should be correct..."

Feeling the several hallucination-like touches that appeared, Aizen sat on the chair and looked at some materials and documents Tsunade gave him.

Just as he expected at the beginning, Hatake Kakashi came back after being dragged to his world, not without any influence and feeling. After Aizen created the invisible garden, whether it was the confusion when Tsunade left, or It was Aizen's own feeling that he could feel that an invisible link was beginning to emerge between the chakras.

The same chakra will always produce aggregation phenomenon, and chakra with completely consistent nature will tend to bond and produce resonance phenomenon. This is the same for any chakra. Their final result is to aggregate into Dan, showing a kind of aggregation that is different from normal creatures. This is the result of Aizen's research. But to be honest, this result can be applied to different time and space, which Aizen never thought of.

That is to say, if you continue to exert your own imprint and influence on this world, as the resonance gradually increases, although the two worlds will not be physically connected together, you can start from the direction of Chakra. to interact.

Just like some theories I have learned before, similar things will always produce similar textures, and as long as two identical things are put together, they are two identical things. Instead of individual A and individual B. Based on this theory, Aizen is also convinced that it is probably not an accident that he came to this world.

All scientific research relies on bold assumptions and careful argumentation. Although this resonance theory has been around for a while, Aizen feels that his actions are still necessary to discover the phenomenon of the other world, bravely enter the other world, and successfully trigger the resonance phenomenon in the other world for interaction. In other words, he also felt a little happy about his courage.

After all, going to another world is essentially a gamble.

As for why this world is called a different world, the reason is very simple.

"Aizen Soyousuke, didn't it exist from the very beginning?"

Looking at the relevant records of the Konoha Orphanage provided by Tsunade, Aizen raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised.

Theoretically speaking, if he can travel backwards and let him enter this world, there should be a basic common ground, and that anchor Aizen Soyousuke thought it should be himself at first.

But if you think about it carefully, the main reason why he was able to come to this world is because of Kakashi Hatake's call, and the resonance of Kakashi's so-called divine power space and subsequent powerful spiritual power. Then, if he calculates this way, maybe he squeezed out the original interaction process that Kakashi might have existed, and stuffed himself in.

Perhaps for Kakashi in the future, it should be possible to cross parallel worlds similar to chakra and energy systems by anchoring himself, but for today's Aizen Soyousuke, there is no original The anchor of the world, he couldn't find his way back. You can only constantly search for approaching signal sources through the resonance of your own abilities. Once you capture something, you can shuttle back through the space ability again.

Although there are still a lot of free testimonials in theory, and the conclusions obtained in terms of data are not too precise, but it is enough for the experiment itself.

After all, it is impossible for Aizen to experiment by himself, so he must find a few test subjects to be the first batch of characters.

How do you say that? Just like an exchange student, sending people from this world over and pulling people from that world over, with interaction and understanding, it doesn't seem so difficult to lock the position.

But the question remains the same, why does Aizen Soyousuke not exist in this world? According to the normal theory, Aizen Soyousuke, as a universal individual, should have traces even in death, but it does not exist in this world at all.

In the original world, Aizen Soyousuke was in an orphanage after he became conscious. According to other people's descriptions, his own judgment, and the data of subsequent investigations, he should have been sent to At the entrance of the orphanage, it was formally entered into the orphanage system after requesting for upbringing.

And the man named Aizen was later excavated by Aizen Soyousuke. His real name is not Aizen, but Shixia. The reason for naming the child Aizen is entirely because he wants the child to have a nice name instead of a cheap one. He died of tetanus very early, and the child Aizen himself was brought out after he heard crying from a deep mountain.

As for who brought it into the deep mountain, it is impossible to verify. During those war-torn years, it was already a custom in the ninja world to send children who could not be raised after they were born to the mountains and forests. They have no way to afford the life of more children. If they have parents, they will not be raised by orphanages. They can only be sent to the gate of the temple or in the forest, hoping that some kind people can help and save them.

After checking his own DNA, Aizen couldn't find any similar DNA system in the Land of Fire. If he guessed right, this kind of family whose child is difficult to raise is probably the same as the one in many wars in the Land of Fire. The family was also quietly destroyed. This kind of thing is not particularly rare in the Ninja War period, and everyone has become accustomed to it. And Aizen Soyousuke's chase came to an end here, it seems that there is no clue.

But in this new world it's completely different. There is no civilian named Shishita in this world at all, and the place where Shishita lives has already been destroyed by the Ninja World War.

And the orphanage in his impression was not even established, because after Konoha started the all-people war, facilities like orphanages were even attacked indiscriminately by opponents, and such welfare facilities were blocked and closed very early. It was not turned on again until after the war. It's completely different from his world.

Therefore, the matter of trying to track down the source of the memory in my mind seems to have ended without a problem. But for Aizen Soyousuke, this kind of tracing to the source is essentially a three-shot if there is nothing to do. It would be great if there is any news. If there is no news, there is nothing to be sorry about. When he was an ordinary person, he did not read less novels, and few of those time travelers pursued the essence of time travel in the end.

Although the nature of this time travel is still a mystery, it still seems to be a very attractive option if it is regarded as a long-term scientific research goal. Who wouldn't want to know where they came from, what they would look like, and where they would end up?

The charm of scientific research lies in breaking this kind of mysticism, expanding the feared, illusory, and non-existent things into real, unaffected truths.

On the surface, it seems that the investigation of many things is fruitless, but Aizen Soyousuke never thinks so.

He was very happy to feel that he had rejected a wrong option and pushed what could be detected further. This is not a bad thing, but an obvious happy event that can make him happy.

However, since I have obtained the information and information given by Tsunade, Aizen also feels that the anchor point of Chakra and energy is also to expand his influence in Konoha and Ninja World and to anchor another world. I should follow another process of the transaction.

In the case of information asymmetry, packaging your own request as a gift to others is actually a very effective means. Even if Konoha is unwilling, Aizen will eventually choose to directly expand the invisible courtyard, using the invisible courtyard to try to call the Chakra aggregation phenomenon. But now, the Intangible Garden has become a gift, and the technical expansion of the redevelopment of the Shinigami system and the thinking of co-resonance has also been packaged as a gift for trading with Konoha.

Now in the eyes of Konoha, Aizen Soyousuke is undoubtedly a qualified and responsible super researcher who seems extremely mysterious, promotes the advancement of knowledge in the entire ninja world, and only knows how to conduct research. Of course Aizen will not deny this, after all he is indeed such an existence in essence. It's just that from a certain point of view, he will also be a little bit tricky, and use these things to gain a little bit for himself. This is human nature, and he does not want to embark on the old path of fighting against the whole world.

To be able to do things well in a friendly manner, so that everyone will think of you, even if it is clear that the chariots and horses have betrayed, people will think that you have difficulties. If you have such a state, wouldn't it be better?

Flipping through the materials about the construction records and collection records of the Konoha Orphanage sent by Tsunade, Aizen sat on a chair and looked at the above data, and soon heard a small knock on the door.

"The door is not closed, please come in."

"That... hello, I'm here to study."

A small head protruded from behind the door, with cherry blossom-colored hair, a broad forehead, and a delicate and small face.

This thoughtful looking girl didn't open the door carelessly, but glanced sideways at her surroundings, then opened the door and walked in.

But the girl who pushed the door in looked at Aizen who was sitting on the chair with a certain poise, and was slightly taken aback, then subconsciously and honestly stood aside under the instinctive reflection, and bowed deeply to Aizen bow.

"My name is Haruno Sakura, and I was appointed by Tsunade-sensei, oh no, Hokage-sama, to study here. Aizen-sensei, please give me your advice in the days to come. No matter what kind of difficult course it is, I have the confidence to go to it." understood and learned."


"Ah, eh? Aren't you?"

"Well, there's nothing wrong with saying that, it's just that this kind of address is relatively new to me. After all, the people I taught before don't use this kind of respectful name to call me."

Looking at the somewhat dazed Haruno Sakura, Aizen Soyousuke said with a smile:

"They all call me 'hey', 'blue dye', 'that person', 'you' and other impolite names. If you call me directly by teacher, you seem to be the first person. I am very relieved , Sakura-kun."

"Eh? Eh? Is it like this?"

"However, are you the only one who wants to come to study with me now? It seems a little lonely, is that okay?"

"Ah, no. There are three people waiting outside. I just came here to make sure. The four of us came here together."

"Really? That's really rude to keep you waiting."

"Ah, no..."

Seeing Aizen Soyousuke said apologetically, then stood up and walked to her side, Haruno Sakura looked at this tall and mysterious man in surprise, feeling something strange in her heart.

She was notified by her master Tsunade early in the morning, asking how much sacrifice she could make for Sasuke, Haruno Sakura said without hesitation that she could endure any kind of hardship. But strangely, Master Tsunade did not teach her ninjutsu directly, but asked her to bring three other people to this man named Aizen Soyousuke, saying that he wanted to learn a new technique.

Although I am a little distressed that I can't study under Sannin, Tsunade is Hokage after all, and Hokage's orders are absolute and unambiguous. Since Tsunade decided to send her to this position, she definitely has her reasons. And it's not like she imagined, going to some terrible man's laboratory to do all kinds of human experiments or dirty things.

Looking at the tall and handsome man with a gentle face and a stylish white trench coat with a stand-up collar, Sakura was still looking forward to it in her heart.

After all, he is a good-looking handsome guy, and he was directly ordered by Hokage-sama to study. If you think about it carefully, it seems that you have a little expectation for the future.

Haruno Sakura put on a proper and suitable smile on her face, followed Aizen Soyousuke and walked out of the door obediently. In the lounge outside the door, three Chunin who looked about the same age were sitting upright, as if they wanted to show their professionalism as Konoha.

But in the eyes of Aizen Soyousuke, these three people seem to have too much personality. To be precise, it doesn't seem to be very similar to the ninjas in his impression. Compared with the ninjas who have become strange in that world but uniformly dressed unexpectedly, what is presented in front of Aizen now are ninjas who are dressed in personal characteristics and have even more strange abilities.

Their data and appearance have been given in the information provided by Tsunade.

The blond girl who was sitting by the coffee table, who seemed to be stealing snacks just now, looked fashionable and revealing, her name was Ino Yamanaka, she was good at secret arts and fine chakra operations, and she had her own thinking and progress in terms of spiritual will .

Wearing black sunglasses and wearing a burqa, Yume Shino, a member of the insect-raising clan, is very good at studying various insect-type ninjutsu, and has experience in cultivation and extraction. It can be regarded as a kind of good helper in the experiment.

And the last one who looked tired was Nara Shikamaru, a genius highly recommended by Tsunade. Known to have a very high IQ, he can draw inferences about anything.

In addition, Haruno Sakura at the beginning, a medical ninja, is an unknowing genius who can make small improvements to various props.

This time Tsunade really spent a lot of money in this transaction, and he didn't take out some crooked melons and cracked dates to dawdle, nor did he make any ridiculous jokes. The four selected are the most pioneering ninjas with the strongest mental endurance among the new generation of Konoha.

It's not that other people are mentally unstable or unqualified, but in comparison, these four people really meet Aizen Soyousuke's requirements the most. To some extent, this is also a so-called mutual trust process given by Tsunade.

And looking at the four theoretical teenagers in front of him who may be seven or eight years younger than himself in terms of physical age, Aizen Soyousuke showed a gentle smile and looked at the ninjas standing there.

"Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino, Yume Shino, and Nara Shikamaru. The four of you were appointed by Tsunade to come to me to learn new techniques. Is that right?"


"Don't be so restrained. In fact, my environment here is quite generous and gentle, and I don't have any unique requirements. After all, I am just a person who imparts knowledge. How much you can really understand and how much you can study depends on yourselves. Tsunade and her The deal finally got four of you places, so don't let Tsunade be disappointed."

"Didn't you call Hokage-sama Hokage, but call him Tsunade..."

Looking at Aizen Soyousuke with a gentle face in front of him, Nara Shikamaru who was standing there was thinking subconsciously.

As a genius with high IQ, he instinctively likes to analyze various discourses and environments. But before he could analyze anything, he heard Aizen's gentle voice sounding in front of it.

"Shikamaru-kun, it's a good thing to like to think and ponder, but I still hope that you can tell others about your thinking. After all, communication is the root of progress. Bringing everyone's thinking together, There is always a better result.”

"Ah, yes. Thank you for your instruction!"

'Is it a guess? Or is he trying to bluff me on purpose? For those of us newcomers, let's get off the ground? '

"Not a guess, but an affirmation. Shikamaru-kun."

Facing Shikamaru with his head down, Aizen Soyousuke sighed slightly, and explained sincerely:

"After all, Shikamaru-kun, you seem to be very smart, but in fact, the thinking of such smart people is often the most optimized result, and their performance will become extremely similar. At this time, smartness is no longer It's smart, it's stupid."

"...Yes, thank you for your teaching."

Looking at Aizen's gentle and calm gaze, Shikamaru said nothing but bowed his head respectfully.

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