People are in Naruto, I am Aizen

Chapter 159: Shippuden Begins

Time flies, and a year seems to pass in a flash.

For the ninja world, there is not much change in a year. After all, compared to the Konoha collapse incident that happened in Konoha two years ago, and the subsequent attack and Tailed Beast incident, the past two years can be said to be calm.

It's as if the whole world is deliberately accumulating some kind of power, quietly waiting for the passage of time. And during this year, besides the children's continuous growth, the appearance of certain organizations is also constantly fermenting and growing. It seems that some things have changed, but nothing seems to have changed.

The organization named Akatsuki has now been listed on the dangerous list by the major ninja villages, and these rebels chasing tailed beasts seem to have started to move around recently. After the wave country has passed the bridge, it has become almost the same as before, and there seems to be no huge change. In other ninja villages, the original children quickly grew into the backbone. These ninjas who have passed the zhongnin test often become jonin zhongnin and become the most solid members of the village.

These children, who were once hailed as various geniuses and various strongmen, seem to have gradually separated their talents in the past two years since the Battle of Konoha.

Gaara has been Kazekage for two years, and it seems that there are no major problems in Sand Ninja Village. As for the geniuses of other ninja villages, those with the most famous names have become jounin-level, and those who are not well-known have gradually become chunin.

There is still no news from Otonin Village. It is said that there seems to be a descendant of Uchiha in the ninja world, but it is just a rumor. On the contrary, Konoha seems to have undergone various changes in the past year, and many people think that Konoha seems to have shown a decadent trend. The most fundamental reason is that Konoha has fewer and fewer people going out to do missions recently, and their actions have become more and more sluggish.

It seems that after Konoha's collapse plan and defection incident, Konoha's backbone began to fall apart. Many little ninjas who were originally not well-known seemed to have declined due to various reasons, and Konoha seemed to have become extremely weak.

But the major countries did not take any action, because the blood has not been shed completely, this kind of dilapidated beast is the most dangerous, as long as anyone who has hunted knows it well. This is the time to wait patiently.

The prosperity of a country and village can be seen from the ninja system. A healthy system is the basis for the existence of this world.

Although there may only be a gap of one year or a few years, in essence, there has been a gradual gap in their actions. It may be because of the lack of talent, or it may be because of the lack of environment. People who used to be able to keep pace with each other, but who were not impressive, began to gradually divide into ranks and ranks.

Under the gap brought about by time, the small gap in people's talents is constantly magnified, and people are constantly aware of the huge gap between those so-called successful people and ordinary people. Even if it seemed that he could barely catch up when he was young, but after the research began to deepen later, it seemed that he finally had a real conclusion.

People are different, and the world naturally has all kinds of gaps and inequalities. It wasn't because everyone was very gentle that it didn't show up before, it's just that the gap wasn't too obvious, giving people the illusion of chasing.

It's just such a world.

The more you grow, the more you realize your own powerlessness.

The more you realize your own powerlessness, the more painful it is. Then gradually numb and sluggish in the pain, and finally distorted into an appearance that no one knows and no one wants to see.

In the end, some people will understand their own powerlessness and become the nourishment and nourishment of others, while some people will take another path out of obsession. It's just that most people are the former, and only a very small number of people can reach the position of the latter.

"What on earth did Granny Tsunade do? I've heard it many times on the way to practice."

Walking on the main road to Konoha, the boy with yellow hair and a few beards was a little dissatisfied and said to the big man with white hair wearing straw sandals behind him:

"It is said that Konoha Village is no longer good, there are no ninjas to accept the mission, the whole village has been run down, or something. Really, if Granny Tsunade can't do well, what will happen to Konoha's future."

"Don't worry, Naruto. Tsunade must have her own reasons for doing this, just trust her."

"When I go back to the village this time, if Granny Tsunade can't say anything, I won't let it go. If she says something inexplicable like before, I must wake her up. She is Konoha's Hokage, Mr. Hokage How can you not do it?"

Naruto slapped his palms angrily as he walked on the road, as if he punched the decadent Tsunade in fantasy, directly waking up that Hokage who didn't know what he was doing this year.

And Zilai who followed behind also looked at Naruto's back with a warm smile, but fell into deep thought.

During the more than two years of going out to practice, they traveled all over the world of ninja, and constantly improved their abilities and knowledge.

However, the evaluation of Konoha on the road has changed from a stable to good one year ago, and it seems that it has fallen rapidly within a year. The Konoha buildings continued to decline and decay, the population disappeared one after another, and some families even disappeared directly into the ninja world.

Even inside Konoha Village, there are still many terrible rumors leaking out. The most typical one is that Tsunade lost most of Konoha's assets because of gambling, and finally offset a considerable part of Konoha to an unknown Such rumors appeared. Hearing this rumor, the two of them were filled with righteous indignation at first, but then they felt a little guilty.

Although I know that Tsunade is not the one to do this, and I also know that Tsunade should be able to clearly distinguish the priorities of things, but that is the Tsunade who is addicted to gambling. Each of them Sannin has a little bit of bad habits. If it is said that Jiraiya is tirelessly pursuing pornography and Orochimaru is fascinated by the poison of immortality, then Tsunade can be said to have a certain obsession with gambling. up.

Thinking of this, the two of them quickened their pace, wanting to see for themselves what Konoha has become.

Then they walked near the gate of Konoha, looking at the dilapidated scenery, the two of them felt a chill in their hearts.

In the original impression, not to mention the heavy traffic, at least outside the gate of Konoha Hidden Village, which needs a few ninjas to take care of it, the inside of the gazebo where the ninjas are taken care of has begun to be covered with spider webs. All kinds of dust are constantly scattered.

And one of the leaves of the wooden leaf gate, which should be very strong and tall, even disappeared, and some beams and columns directly collapsed and fell to the side. Instead, there was a figure standing on the top of the Konoha gate, who saw the two figures approaching and greeted them.

"Yo, Naruto. Long time no see."


Seeing the figure with arms crossed and jumping upright from the dilapidated Konoha gate, and hearing the slightly familiar but completely different tone, Naruto opened his eyes wide and looked at the smoke and dust. A figure walking slowly among them.

Unlike the sakura-colored girl in my impression, under Naruto's dumbfounded gaze, standing at the gate of Muye Village was a sakura-haired girl in a tattered white coat with a somewhat weird expression. Dozens of crystal-clear ones of different colors are listed on both sides of the white coat, and they make a series of crisp sounds with the amplitude of walking.

Standing still in front of the completely rigid Naruto, this girl whose style was completely different from the past looked at the boy in front of her, showing a bright smile.

"It's so slow. Everyone has been waiting in the hall for a long time. Now it's up to you."


"Ah, it's me. Is the change a little bit bigger than before?"


This is not only big, but it makes people don't know where to look.

Seeing the color of skin and underwear inside Sakura's tattered coat in front of him, Naruto wanted to look away, but he couldn't do it at all.

From the gap in the tattered white coat, one can vaguely see the girl's slim figure, as well as the light pink chest wrap and pure black hot pants that also seem to be very unkempt. It seems that everything has been dressed with the goal of maximizing freedom.

Although she still doesn't wear makeup and has a delicate face, how to put it, I feel that the atmosphere is different. Those ninja leggings, forehead guards, headbands, vests and other things disappeared without a trace on the girl Naruto had a crush on, and all that was left was her hair tied in a ponytail behind her head, under the cherry-colored hair The pale green eyes seemed to have inexplicable ambition.

"Is it big? Well, I think it's okay. Maybe it's just because I wanted to open up, so I showed my true character."

"True character?"

"Well, this is the real me. I don't hide it at all. I'm not a quiet and good female student, it's better to say that my personality is quite violent."

"This, that's it."

"Hey, where are you looking? Look at me."

The moment she saw Naruto turned her eyes, she didn't even know what method she used, and she appeared next to Naruto in the blink of an eye, and reached out to hook his shoulder while Naruto was blushing. The smile on the face looked sincere and full of an indescribable madness. It seems that for her, the boundary between men and women has become thin and almost non-existent, and the soft touch of her chest even made Naruto's heart start to pound.

what happened? what's the situation? This, is this not good? Is it necessary to have such good luck once you return to the village? Could it be that I am dreaming?

Naruto felt the soft and girly texture of the body of the person around him, and stood there shyly. But Sakura didn't seem to feel anything, just hooked Naruto's shoulder and walked towards the village.

"We are a team of three, right? Sasuke, you left me here for such a long time, and you don't even have much news. I have been studying in the village for a long, long, long time, and I have waited for you to come back. The training time is too long, right? If I don’t come in another month, I won’t be able to restrain myself and go.”

"Small, Sakura! Why are you so..."

"Huh? So what's the matter with you... Oh, it's just physical contact, it's okay, it's okay."

The emerald eyes moved slightly, seeing Naruto's flushed face and the way his arms and chest touched his shoulders, Haruno Sakura didn't mind laughing, and patted Naruto's shoulder .

"I haven't seen you for a long time, I'm just very happy. You can accept a little bit of welfare so happily. Don't be so shy, it looks funny. There are three friends between us. People team, I have experienced all kinds of embarrassments when I was actually on a mission, why are you so shy at this time, really. You don’t make me look like an uncle.”

"Eh? Eh???"

Is Sakura really like this? Then am I going to transfer?

Seeing Haruno Sakura approaching him with a bright smile like a tomboy, Naruto felt as if he had fallen into a soft and beautiful world.

But when the two were laughing at each other, Jilai, who had been silent behind Naruto, also suddenly sighed. Like hating iron but not steel, this lustful man did not observe Sakura's figure, but said directly to Naruto:

"Be careful, Naruto. This Sakura is not me."


"Hahaha, of course, this is a chakra meat avatar made by myself. After all, people are very busy. And in the final analysis, there is no difference between the avatar and the main body. It depends entirely on where the source of its own signal exists."

Sakura, who was directly called out of her identity, did not change her face, but laughed and patted Naruto's shoulder, her emerald pupils rolled, and she looked curiously at Jiraiya who was following behind.

"However, how do you tell? I think this ninjutsu should have no major loopholes. Whether it is the meridians of the human body or the touch of flesh and blood, they are all modulated by myself. Why can I see it at a glance? Just see it? Uncle, do you have any tricks?"

"Uncle or something... Didn't your clone chakra never move at all? The fluctuation of Chakra in the instant body technique did not change at all, and there was no movement of Chakra when you acted. Is there any explanation other than the clone technique?"

"Eh? But this doesn't need Chakra in the first place?"


"It's like breathing, how can breathing use Chakra?"


"It's a very simple theory, even simpler than Shunpo?"

Looking at the old and the young in front of her, Haruno Sakura folded her hands on her chest, the pale pink chest was even clearly showing color from the tattered white coat, but the girl didn't show any shyness at all, she said naturally :

"After all, if the human body itself is regarded as a part of the chakra module, as long as the relative chakra resonance is used, the chakra in the air is regarded as the jumping unit, and then the chakra fluctuations of the body are adjusted to carry out the aggregation reaction, then the You can send your body to where you want to go without any large-scale chakra fluctuations. But the surrounding environment should not change too drastically. In the final analysis, it is a way to hurry. Sub-hole technology, have you heard of it? ? The journal has been published for almost four months?"

"do not understand at all."

"Huh? Don't you understand this?"

"Well, Sakura, you haven't seen Naruto for such a long time, are you a little too excited..."

What the hell is this man talking about?

Zilai also looked at Xiao Ying who was dressed in different clothes in front of him in a daze, and felt that there was something wrong with her mental state.

That is the instant body technique, and it is of an extremely high level. Any burst of action of the instant body technique requires extremely powerful chakra fluctuations. Ordinary avatars cannot afford it at all, and even if they can afford it, the main body must decide to launch it. It is difficult for the body to have changes in chakra fluctuations. .

But it seemed that the common sense of ninjutsu had been broken. Looking at the bewildered Jiraiya behind him, Haruno Sakura patted her head in distress.

"Ah... so that's the way it is. I probably know it. After all, the two of you have been outside all the time, and you don't know what Konoha has become like recently, right? Then come with me, and we will talk as we walk. "


"There's nothing to be shy about, come on, let's go. And I also have a lot of things I want to tell Naruto."

"Oh, oh oh!"


This kid...

Looking at Naruto who showed a very happy expression and followed Sakura as soon as he greeted him, Jiraiya wanted to put on a senior air, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't say anything, and followed He got behind Sakura and walked inside Konoha.

This is not to say that Jiraiya, one of the Sannin, also showed such a peaceful, generous, earnest elder. It's because, he can feel that this Sakura who looks like a doppelgänger, speaks a bit incoherently, like those people who haven't communicated with for a long time, has a strong chakra that is almost close to him.

If this level of Chakra is just a clone, then what kind of changes has happened to Sakura in the main body in the past two years? Why did Konoha become like this? Perhaps, as in the legend, Konoha has been secretly controlled by an unknown person.

Whether it's Sakura or the rumored Tsunade, the changes in them are too huge, and it's not like a huge change that can happen in just over two years. I have never heard of any tragic events happening to Konoha, so why such a change?

Following Sakura's figure, Jiraiya looked at the village that once raised him with the greatest vigilance, hoping to get the truth about Konoha's decline from it.

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