Jiu Xinnai hesitated

“I want to eat hot pot !!!”

Every time she heard Tsunade and Mikoto Uchiha talking about how delicious and delicious it was, she had never tasted it once, and she had already remembered it.

But every time I was beaten by Yan Fengqi, I didn’t eat every time, so I took advantage of today’s good meal.

“Okay, let’s go.”

In fact, Yanfeng thinks it’s quite good to go directly to eat barbecue.

But since the two girls want to eat at their own home, let’s go, and it will be troublesome for a while.

Pushing open the office door, Tsunade walked into the Hokage’s office and asked first:

“The village needs me to lead a team to support Shinobi Village?”

The three generations of Hokage looked up and said

“Yes, the medical aspect has always been the shortcoming of the Shinobi Village, so we suggest that you bring some people to support and bring some medicines, which can be regarded as Konoha’s support for allies.”

“Okay, when do you leave?”

Tsunade also has no mother-in-law, and the existence of the Shinobi Village is very important to Konoha, and when it is time to support, it is still necessary to support.

Not to mention that there are few medical ninjas in Sand Ninja Village, even basic medicines are scarce, so if you want Konoha to support, there will definitely be many injured people who need to be treated this time.

“Tomorrow, bring your squad with you, including Jiu Xinnai.”

“What do you mean?”

Tsunade slapped the table

“Three generations of old man, you are looking for something for me, Renzhuli has been stared at in the village, but you asked me to take her to the battlefield?”

You guys are crazy, either don’t allow others to leave the village, leave the Fire Nation, or throw them directly into the battlefield.

“People also need to grow, and this is a decision that several of us have made unanimously.”

Koharu spoke on behalf of several people.

The old lady still doesn’t know your intentions?

Isn’t it borrowing Jiu Shinai to stimulate Sand Shinobi Village?

Let the Sand Shinobu Village come to Konoha, you guys will be so kind?

Pull it down.

Yes! You just decide, but if something happens, the old lady doesn’t care, and you slowly toss it yourself.

“By the way, Uchiha Yankaze

Seeing Tsunade’s anger turn around and leave, the three generations of Hokage spoke.

Stopping, Tsunade turned to look at the three generations of Hokage and said with a smile:

“What happened to Uchiha Yankaze?

Is it strange that the parents sacrificed for the sake of the village and were hit to awaken the Sharingan?

You still don’t know Uchiha?

It’s just a few of you who have been watching them. ”


The three generations of Hokage were almost not angry

“The old man means, since you opened the Sharingan, why haven’t you reported it?”

“There is a rule in the village that ninjas must keep all information in the file?”

“Several!! He was only six years old!!! ”

“But at the age of nine, he has the Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye, once such a person is stimulated, it may bring a lot of impact to the village, we need to be prepared, Tsunade.”

“Otherwise, what do you think the old lady is doing all the time running towards his house? Can’t fall in love with a nine-year-old brat? ”

Tsunade really wanted to kick Shimura Danzo to death.

The village, the village, the mouth full of benevolence and righteousness morality, all for the village, look what you do?

“If you don’t say, I almost forgot, who issued the pension? Parents sacrificed for the village, children have been gnawing the old books left by their parents, powerful, fortunately other people’s parents left a lot of money, otherwise they will starve to death. ”

“Don’t be so nervous, it’s not good that after a while, others have been under your surveillance, break away from Uchiha, return to the ordinary, open a small restaurant, anyway, kill a person’s growth, isn’t it good at what you do?”

Tsunade didn’t speak, and as soon as he spoke, the few people present couldn’t speak.

“This is the end of Uchiha Enkaze’s matter, Tsunade is directly responsible, I don’t want to see others interfere.”

The three generations of Hokage, who were almost scolded by the scolding, were also angry, and forced themselves to hold back their anger and looked towards Koharu.

You should have given me an explanation.


Koharu himself was dumbfounded, who would have thought that Tsunade would move all the pensions out, and in the face of the questioning of the three generations of Hokage, he could only be embarrassed:

“I thought Uchiha was in charge, so…”

Saying that, he didn’t forget to look at Shimura Danzo.

The meaning is obvious, you look for this, the money goes to him.


Too good to !!!

What is the result, the three generations of Hokage already know, these money have become the development funds of the root and department, and for a while the three generations of Hokage are angry and angry.

The pension was originally a ninja sacrifice, and the village gave money to the descendants of others to ensure that the children who lost their parents could grow up smoothly.

Otherwise, who will fight hard for you?

It can be said that it does not matter if there is a problem with funds elsewhere, but there can be no problem here.

But now the problem arises, the funds are being misappropriated.

He went out of the hands of his third generation Hokage, and without putting it into the hands of those who should have arrived, he flew to Genna.

You like it, don’t you?

I’ll accompany you to do it slowly!!

No one is allowed to interfere in Uchiha Yanfeng’s affairs, otherwise Hugh blames me for not being polite!!!

At this point, it is no longer a problem of a pair of writing wheels, but the outbreak of contradictions between high-level officials.

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