Unlike Konoha, Shinobi Village is built in a valley within the mountains.

If this terrain is compared to a soup bowl, then the village is in the middle of the bowl, and a high mountain wall around it surrounds the Sand Ninja Village, coupled with the existence of the prohibition, if there is no means of flight, it is really not easy to attack when the Sand Ninja Village is well prepared.

At least much more difficult than Konoha.

The islands of Kiri Shinobi Village, the rock walls of Iwa Shinobi Village, the valleys of Sand Shinobi Village, and the various islands of Kumo Ninja Village, Konoha is the most ordinary village in comparison, at least in appearance.

Do you dare to believe that Konoha’s village fences are all made of wood?

The village is gray as far as the eye can see, with strong wind and sand, and all the buildings are made of rock and sand.

Most of them are built by ninjas, and ordinary buildings here can’t withstand the erosion of wind and sand.

As far as the eye can see, the entire Sand Ninja Village, except for a few areas, is a mess everywhere, and there are ruins of buildings everywhere.

God knows what kind of big war has been going on here.

If it weren’t for the ruins all over the place, Yanfeng would suspect that someone had come here and used an oversized Shinra Tianzheng.

This time, Sand Ninja Village lost a lot, and not many people were killed by the ninjas of Yunnin Village, and most of the people who died died at the hands of the tailed beast.

It is ridiculous to say, all villages want to control the power of the tailed beast, but countless people have died tragically at the hands of the tailed beast.

Every time the tailed beast loses control, it brings endless losses, even if it is Yunnin Village, even if the three generations of Thunder Shadow are strong, they can’t defeat the eight tails in a short time and control it.

Not to mention the Nine Tails.

In the original book, Konoha was made miserable by the Nine Tails.

“It is said that those big pits are left by the tailed beast, and most of this tragic situation is caused by the destruction of the tailed beast, not by the enemy.”

Tsunade didn’t know when he came to the roof and looked at the entire Sand Shinobi Village side by side with Enkaze.

Rasa and Chiyo are still good at being people, and have selected some relatively complete houses for the people of Konoha to live in, and they sleep outside.

“But let them release the tailed beast, they can’t bear it, right?”

No matter how big the threat of the tailed beast is, the major ninja villages will hold it firmly in their hands, but those who become human pillars can be sad.

Few have a good ending, and they can’t even live a quiet life.

Tsunade raised his eyebrows and didn’t answer, after all, Konoha wasn’t like that.

“By the way, I heard that you proposed to let Jiu Xinnai control the power of the Nine Tails, aren’t you afraid of accidents?”

“How can the seal of the Vortex clan be so fragile, it is really so easy to have accidents, then the Nine Tails have already appeared in Konoha for an unknown number of times.”

You’re a fool.


Tsunade looked at him with a smile and said:

“But Jiu Shinai said that you would help her, do you have a way to control the Nine Tails?”

Why should I tell you?

Yanfeng pouted and said:

“Shao, I was miserable by you this time, my eyes hurt to death, I really can’t forcibly control people casually, I wanted to run away with Jiu Shinna and Hinata Shizune.”

“Aren’t you afraid that the medical team will be wiped out?”

“I’m afraid, but others are looking for death, I can stop it? People also say I’m upset and kind. ”


“In other words, aren’t you helping to treat the wounded? Still have spare time coming here to chat with me? ”


Tsunade stretched,

“Just leave the rest to the group of bastards, damn it, if you have nothing to do, you like to make trouble for the old lady, and it’s also thanks to those two bastards that they died, otherwise the old lady slapped them to death.”

By the way, the village came with news, let Zilai also bring people to bring Renzhuli back, both of them back. ”

The wisest decision!!!

Even if Yanfeng does not have half a good impression of the high-level, he should praise, which is a very correct decision.

“You are famous this time, everyone in the village knows that you caught the eight-tailed human pillar force, and some people of the Uchiha clan are probably snickering.”

Seeing that Yanfeng did not reply, Tsunade continued:

“And it’s a direct notice and notice.”

Don’t believe you kid doesn’t care about anything.

“That’s great, I still have to think about how to thank the village and the family for their cultivation, and thank them well.”

Yanfeng’s expression became very exaggerated, and he screamed strangely.

Tsunade raised his hand and felt the urge to hit someone.

The old lady will tell you the news as soon as possible, and you will react like this?

“Forget it, I went to sleep, I was bored to death, there was no good food, no beautiful girls, the whole Sand Ninja Village was a mess, boring.”

“Uchiha Yanfeng, what the hell are you thinking!!”

Tsunade’s expression became serious, and the longer she was in contact with Yanfeng, the more bottomless her heart became.

It feels that in Yanfeng’s eyes, it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as he doesn’t move Uchiha Mikoto, he doesn’t care about anything.

“I just want to be a beautiful man quietly, but I didn’t expect you Tsunade to appear, trouble came one after another, I am obviously a small subordinate, but the enemies I face are stronger and stronger every time.”

Thanks to the blessing of the village, I am famous this time, and the villages will definitely collect my intelligence as soon as possible, and there will be basically no quiet days in the future. ”

Are you upset?

Lao Tzu is still not happy.

It’s not you, where is so much?

There is a kind of one that makes me stay for a few years to see if I don’t lift the ceiling of Konoha.

This is not the growth that Yanfeng wants.

He also estimated that the third ninja war gangsters were messing around, and he would be almost safe.

Who knows, before the signs of a big war come, it will be chaotic.

And Tsunade is primarily responsible.

Lao Tzu wants to stabilize the brush of prestige!!

Step by step, but now it’s a rocket, what’s going on?

One tragic word is no longer enough to describe the current situation in Sand Ninja Village, which has led to the deepening of hatred between Sand Ninja Village and Yunnin Village.

At the same time, it also allowed the Shinobu Village to constantly move closer to Konoha, unswervingly standing in the position of Konoha’s weak ally.

If the village wants to return to its former prosperity, it will take a long time to develop.

Even if this war did not kill too many ninjas in the village, the village was almost destroyed, making the financial situation of the village more and more difficult.

If the daimyo of the Land of Wind continues to pull back as in the original book, the Sand Shinobi Village will definitely be forced to take the path of reducing the number of ninjas and taking the elite route.

It is said that it is an elite route, in fact, it is not harmed by lack of money.

The funny thing is that Sand Ninja Village lacks money, and the fourth generation of Sand Ninja Village uses gold sand!!

With nothing to do, Yanfeng simply started a salted fish life in Sand Ninja Village.

All day long is either practice or training, watching Tsunade’s hands and teeth itching, and I want to hit people.

But she can’t force Yanfeng to help do things, after all, Yanfeng is not a medical ninja, and she can’t do the work of a medical ninja.

Can’t let Yanfeng help smash stones and move stones to build houses, right?

But in addition to repairing the house, you can’t let this guy help the Sand Ninja Village train ninjas, or help with classes, right?

It is estimated that he is willing, but the Shinobi Village is not happy yet.

What if you take advantage of this time to train a group of spies to come out?

After some thought, Tsunade decided to let Yanfeng continue to salted fish.

Aren’t you training in teleportation?

Go, go, I won’t pull you either, just toss it as you like.

Just don’t go to the places that Sand Shinobi Village considers forbidden to wander around.

Tsunade regretted it a little, knowing that this would be the case, it would be better to stuff him into Jiraiya’s team and return to Konoha together.

It’s not that Tsunade can’t see the wind as salted fish, but the people of Sand Shinobu Village keep watching, and they will feel uncomfortable in the end.

The losses are huge, the whole village is almost destroyed, everyone is busy to death, but you Uchiha Yanfeng leisurely train every day and sleep a lot, what is the matter?

The villagers of Shinobi Village were grateful for Konoha’s assistance, but the top management was a little unhappy.

As for why it is unhappy, it has something to do with Kirabi’s disposal.

Chiyo’s disposition of Kirabi clearly meant to mix a kick, wanting to dig a piece of meat from the Yunnin Village to make up for the loss of the village.

It’s just that the proposal has not yet been said, and he has run away with people.

For Kirabi, Konoha will not allow Shinobi to come and kick in.

“Hiss~~~ Could it be that I Uchiha Yanfeng belongs to the type that does not hurt and does not change strong? Dog system you come out and walk two steps? ”

Noticing that the body was not quite right in recent days, the spiritual power and Chakra soared wildly again, Yanfeng took out Ku Wu and slammed his arm, and as a result, the wound was healing rapidly.

The speed was even more exaggerated than before, so that Yanfeng suddenly had an urge to come to the tree realm.

What the hell is this?

Yanfeng did not pay attention to the blood that had just flowed on his hands, condensed the two attributes of water and earth, Chakra, and put his hands on the ground.

A few seconds later, a green leaf emerged from the sand and quickly grew taller.

Damn, the system really gave me an immortal body?

This is the legendary Mu Duan?

Looking at the small sapling in front of him, Yanfeng was immediately amused by himself.

Doesn’t it mean that if you want to use Mudu, you need to have the Chakra of Asuras?

How can your own chakra also promote the rapid growth of plants?

Lifting his hand to his chin, Yanfeng was considering a very serious issue.

How does Mudun Ninjutsu make a seal?

Between the original Hokage Thousand Hand Pillars, it is no joke to fight the world with one hand.

It is a pity that in modern history, only the Thousand Hands Pillar can use the wooden dun in the Thousand Hands Pillar, even if the Thousand Hands Pillar has done countless research, even if he gets out part of his brother’s body, he has not been able to study a reason.

So much so that basically no one paid attention to how Mu Dun was sealed.

If you ask the ninjas of Konoha how to seal the Ninjutsu, 99% of the ninjas will be confused.

Yanfeng is the same, now he is very confused.

Open the strongest plug-in, but be the most doggy person.

This is a terrier that Yanfeng often laughs at himself, turning on the kaleidoscope, but has been keeping a low profile.

If the experiment can be successful, then do you still need a dog?

Fuck your uncle’s, believe it or not, I directly turned Konoha into a primeval forest.

Moreover, the strengthening of mental power means that Yanfeng’s use of kaleidoscopes, including a series of ninjutsu illusions, will be easier and more powerful.

Sitting on the ground, looking at the small saplings on the ground, the kaleidoscope in his eyes opened.

Yanfeng watched quietly like this, and did not feel anything about the turmoil in the Sand Ninja Village behind him, to be precise, he noticed it, but did not mean to move.

In the Sand Ninja Village, Tsunade is very busy, there are too many wounded in the Sand Ninja Village, even if she doesn’t need to deal with some small things, all kinds of troubles add up, it is enough for her Tsunade to drink a pot.

In addition to these things, there are also troubles from Raisha and Chiyo, which are also very troublesome.

Once again, Tsunade felt the urge to get drunk.

“Two, this matter is not for me to decide, if you Sand Shinobi Village also want to join the negotiations of the eight-tailed Pillar Ricchi rabbit, then please communicate with Naruto-sama personally.”

“And I can clearly answer you, there is no hope, it is better to send a group of people from Sand Ninja Village to Konoha to assist Konoha in negotiating with Yunnin Village, and take the opportunity to mention the matter of Yunnin Village’s compensation, what do you think?”

The Shinobi village suffered a big loss, and they would definitely not be willing to swallow this breath, so they wanted to meddle in Kirabi’s affairs, but Konoha would not agree.

Tsunade could only suggest that they take a step back and send a group of people to negotiate with the three generations of Hokage from the position of allies while Konoha and Kumo Shinobi were about to start negotiations.

Take the opportunity to ask Yunnin Village for a batch of compensation, just when Sand Ninja Village needs to be rebuilt, even if it costs a sum of money, it is better than nothing.

Trouble piles up.

The village was already in chaos, and the daimyo still ran out to pull their hind legs, clamoring to cut funds……..

How much money can Sand Shinobi Village get?

If it continues to be reduced, how to develop the military power of the village?

It is estimated that it will be difficult to maintain the current state of affairs.

“Can’t you really let Sand Shinobi Village join in?”

Luo Sha was very unwilling, if the Sand Ninja Village could join in, he would ensure that Yun Ninja Village would shed a layer of skin.

Yunnin Village does not generally value the pillar power of these eight-tailed people.

Not to mention, Kirabi is still the partner of the fourth generation of Ai.

For Yunnin Village, it is too important.

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