A bowl of hard rice; a bowl of soft rice; you want me to choose one?

Xiang Long was a little angry - you use this to test cadres?

Well... okay, you are really good at judging people.

Xiang Long admitted that he was indeed a little moved just now...

After all, it was Bai Mengyan who sent this message.

Isn't it nice to be Bai's pretty little milk dog?

Xiang Long knew even if he just wanted to know that once he and Bai Lu really confirmed their relationship, he would definitely get at least 10 million, or even more popularity!

Calculated based on at least 10 million popularity, that would be 10 customized songs!

You have to know how many traffic idols don't have a work that can be shown off.

With these ten king bombs, plus the operation behind the agency, Xiang Long believes that it will take only a few minutes to make himself a new generation of top stream.

By then, popularity will naturally come in, and he will continue to become stronger by relying on new popularity draws to achieve a positive cycle...

Xiang Long seemed to see himself wearing a crown and touring the entertainment industry.

The only disadvantage of this choice for him is that he will suffer from some people's public opinion attacks at the beginning.

As he continues to produce excellent works, those criticisms will sooner or later disappear.

However, after thinking for a moment, Xiang Long shook his head and threw away this tempting idea.

After all, he already has a popularity lottery system.

More importantly, he is a person who likes to think long-term - if he really relies on Bai Lu's fame to get promoted, who will have the final say at home in the future?

Therefore, for the sake of the future, Xiang Long could only reluctantly reply:

【Rich woman, hungry, food!】


Seeing Xiang Long's reply, Bai Lu laughed so hard that she rolled over on the bed holding her phone, and quickly replied:

【The rich woman believes that to eat, you have to work with your own hands.】

‘I knew it.'

Xiang Long rolled his eyes.

He had already seen that Bai Lu was not the type of person who was in love and could accept his behavior of being a gigolo.

If he really had such an idea, Bai Lu would probably send him the 'nice guy card' at the first time.

Li Ba Shan Xi: Bai Meng Yan, you ignore me today, but tomorrow, I will be the movie emperor that you can't afford. Li

Ba Shan Xi: Don't blame me for not giving you the chance to take me in~

Jian Jia Cang Cang: Did you give yourself the title of movie emperor? [Seriously]

Li Ba Shan Xi: You look down on me, don't you? Next time on Running Man, you can ask Brother Chao yourself, how is my acting?

Jian Jia Cang Cang: I won't ask, you must have discussed it with Brother Chao in advance.

Jian Jia Cang Cang: You want to lie to me? I have been to elementary school.JPG

Li Ba Shan Xi: Really, I'm not lying to you, I think this role of mine can win the 'Golden Rooster Award for Best Newcomer'

Jian Jia Cang Cang:? ? ?

Jianjia Cangcang: You must have drunk too much, and you still want to win the Golden Rooster Award for Best Newcomer?

Jianjia Cangcang: I doubt your current mental state.JPG

Libashanxi: How about we make a bet?

Jianjia Cangcang: Sure, let’s bet!

Jianjia Cangcang: What’s the bet?

Libashanxi: If I win the Golden Rooster Award for Best Newcomer, you have to promise me one thing unconditionally.

Looking at the message sent by Xiang Long, Bai Lu’s cheeks couldn’t help but turn red, and her eyes sparkled.

Although Xiang Long didn’t say it explicitly, the implication was too strong, and she couldn’t help but think about it.

‘Is he trying to confess to me in a different way?

Bai Lu felt her mind was a little confused for a moment, and she sat up and grabbed a handful of hair.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of something and quickly searched the Internet:

【When will the next Golden Rooster Awards be held?

Soon, the answer came: January 13 next year

"January 13th next year, that is, there is still nearly half a year left."

Bai Lu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Such a long time is enough for me to see whether Xiang Long and I are suitable for each other."

After thinking about it, she replied:

Jianjia Cangcang: OK, if you really win the Golden Rooster Award for Best Newcomer, I will promise you one thing.

Jianjia Cangcang: What if you don’t win?

Libashanxi: If you don’t win, then I will unconditionally promise you one thing.

Jianjia Cangcang: No, if you don’t win, you have to promise me three things. Libashanxi: No problem, it’s settled.

Jianjia Cangcang: It’s settled!

In the hotel,

Xiang Long couldn’t help but clenched his fist and shouted excitedly.

Bai Lu’s answer means that for the time being, she does not rule out the possibility of them dating!

This goes a step further than the tacit understanding between the two.

Afterwards, the two chatted again until midnight when they reluctantly hung up.


The next day,

Xiang Long arrived at the set early.

After being strengthened by the super serum, his energy was much stronger than that of an ordinary person.

Not to mention sleeping for only a few hours at night, he had no problem working from day to night without rest for several days.

"What a young man, he is so energetic."

Looking at the energetic Xiang Long, Deng Chao and Duan Yihong looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. They didn't have any scenes this morning, and they came here just because they wanted to see how Xiang Long acted.

Yes, because he discovered Xiang Long's superb acting skills, Cao Baoping simply decided to shoot Xiang Long first.

"Here, Xiang Long, olives!"

Cao Baoping asked the prop master to give Xiang Long a few olives, and said with a smile:"It's so dirty to put tissues in your mouth"

""Thank you, Director Cao."

Xiang Long thanked him and went to the makeup artist to undergo a transformation.

Half an hour later, Xiang Long came out of the dressing room wearing an ordinary khaki T-shirt, an olive in his mouth, and a buzz cut.

With the change of makeup, he now looked much more ordinary than before.

Although his appearance was still very good, at least the audience would not only notice his face.


Xiang Long was called to his side by Cao Baoping and asked,"How is it, have you memorized all the lines?"

"Okay, I remember it."

Xiang Long nodded.

He only had two minutes to act, and only about thirty lines. With his brain, he remembered everything after just one look.

"How do you feel about your role?"

Cao Baoping suddenly asked


Xiang Long was stunned.

"I'm asking you, do you have any other ideas about your scenes and the role you play?"

Cao Baoping smiled and asked,"Don't be polite to me, as long as what you say makes sense, I will consider it."

Xiang Long was secretly surprised. You know, the director is the most powerful person on the set. Usually, what he hates most is that the actors change the scenes without permission or question his arrangements. I didn't expect Cao Baoping to take the initiative to ask Xiang Long for his opinion. After thinking for a while, Xiang Long said in silence:

"I have an immature idea."


"I want to try to perform it in dialect"


"Yes, because I am not very old, when I was in school, Mandarin was basically popular. Only those who dropped out of school early and entered the society can speak Mandarin poorly. Therefore, I think using dialect can better reflect the past experiences of this murderer."

Cao Baoping couldn't help but be surprised.

The reason why he asked Xiang Long about his opinion on this role was just out of habit, and Xiang Long's performance yesterday amazed him. He didn't expect Xiang Long to actually give a good idea.

""Okay, then you can try using dialect first."

Cao Baoping was a director who could listen to opinions, and he immediately agreed.

Then, he told the prop master to start preparing the props.

Taking advantage of this time, Xiang Long stuffed the olive into his mouth, then closed his eyes slightly and immersed himself in the role.

Seeing him like this, others did not disturb him and left him space.

Ten minutes later, the scene was set up.

"Teacher Xiang, you are ready, you can come over now.


Xiang Long replied calmly, opened his eyes, glanced at the other party, and walked towards the studio.

What he didn't notice was that when he saw him, the face of the stage attendant turned pale instantly, as if he was frozen in place.

After a long while, he finally came to his senses, looked at Xiang Long who had already entered the studio with fear, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and muttered:

"Is this Xiang Long really an actor, or did Director Cao find a killer who just got out of prison? I’m so scared!"



Xiang Long naturally didn't know what the crew was thinking. He had already sat in a studio similar to an interrogation room, handcuffed on both hands, sitting on an interrogation chair, with no sadness or joy on his face, and even a bit of freedom.

At this time, the three main actors Deng Chao, Duan Yihong, and Guo Tao also came around, waiting to see how Xiang Long would play the murderer.

Like Cao Baoping, they were also amazed by Xiang Long's performance yesterday, so they wanted to see how good Xiang Long was.

Seeing that everyone was in place, Cao Baoping said loudly:

"All set, all in place - action!"

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