"lets go!"

A group of people walked out from Sunagakure, and they went to the capital of the Kingdom of Wind.

Ebizō leads the team.

The main members of the team are Baki, Shiraishi, volume.

And a dozen Anbu ninjas.

Before, the letter had already been locked in the hands of the daimyo of the country of wind.

Luo Sha invites the daimyo from the Land of Winds to visit Sunagakure.

The daimyo of the country of wind agreed.

Thus, the emergence of this team.

A group of several people, the speed is fast.

Instead of taking the usual route, it went straight across the desert.

But the sandboat was not used.

Everyone is a ninja with good skills. In comparison, running directly will be faster.

Luo Sha stood behind the window, looking in the direction of the capital of the Kingdom of Wind.

"hope everything is fine."

"Once this thing is successful, then Sunagakure will have a stable income. Compared with performing ninja missions, the income from renting out sand boats is much higher.

"Moreover, after the transportation is convenient, the entire Kingdom of Winds will become more prosperous."

"Sunagakure as well."

"Shiraishi, is truly a treasure bestowed by the heavens on Sunagakure."

"It's far from something a genius puppet master can interpret.

"The emergence of sand boats will change the entire Land of Winds.

"One person drives an era.

Chiyo sat on a bench in the training ground.

In the training ground, it is Temari who is instructing Xianglin to train.

These days, Xianglin has gradually adapted to life in Sunagakure, and he has adapted very quickly, because compared to Kusanagi Village, life in Sunagakure is really much better.

Nobody bullies.

You can be full every day, and there will be meat in every meal.

Rarely need to use the medical ability of xiangphos.

Although the daily training is a bit hard, Xianglin can clearly feel that his strength has improved, which makes Xianglin very happy. The experience in Kusanagi Village makes Xianglin feel insecure.

The capital of the Kingdom of Wind has arrived.

Most of the land of the wind country is a desert, but there are also some areas that are not deserts, and the capital of the wind country is one of the few.

Here is the plain.

Not an oasis.

It borders the Land of Rain, the Land of Grass, and the Land of Earth.

It can be said that this is the most fertile area in the entire Kingdom of Winds.

Sunagakure is to the south.

On the west side, there is also the largest oasis, surrounded by many small oases, like an archipelago.

If the desert is replaced with sea water, it will be very similar to the Land of Water.

These two places are the most populous areas in the Kingdom of Winds.

Domestic resource exchanges are basically carried out in these two places.

Very inconvenient.

The desert in the middle blocks most people.

Resources cannot be exchanged, which will lead to a shortage of resources in the oasis.

As for the capital city of the Kingdom of Wind, it is necessary to conduct transactions with outside countries.

Then the price will undoubtedly be much more expensive.

The Kingdom of the Wind suffered a lot from this.

And once the transportation between the two regions is facilitated, the entire Kingdom of Winds will benefit from it.

A huge city appeared in front of everyone.

Ebizō glanced up.

"go in."

Some guards looked over here.

Even though Shiraishi and others are ninjas of Sunagakure, they are still guarded by the daimyo of the land of wind.

One country, one village is a model of cooperation.

Both are allies and cooperate with each other, but they also compete with each other.

It's like the land of fire.

When Senju Tobirama was still alive, Hokage was the stronger Fire Nation daimyo.

But by the time of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the more powerful one became the daimyo of the land of fire.

An official came up with guards.

"Lord Ebizō."

"Master Shan Teng."

"The daimyo has been waiting for a long time, Master Qing Ebizō, come with me.

"Okay, Master Shan Teng, please lead the way."

Under the leadership of Shan Teng, a group of people entered the daimyo's palace, then crossed a road and entered a courtyard.

After that, it stopped in a large hall.

"Daimyo will be here soon."

Not long after, a middle-aged man walked in accompanied by many people.

He is obviously an ordinary person, but his demeanor is very extraordinary.

"Big name."

"Senior Ebizō."

The middle-aged man looked at Ebizō and smiled.

"I haven't seen you for many years. I heard that Senior Ebizō has retired. Why did you come out again this time?"

Ebizō shook his head.

"I have something to do in the village, I have no choice but to toss and fro with my old bones."

Immediately, the eyes of the middle-aged man turned to Shiraishi.

"This is Sunagakure's genius puppeteer, Shiraishi.

"I've seen the daimyo."

Shiraishi saluted the middle-aged man.

"Sure enough, a good-looking talent, young and promising, not bad, not bad."

The middle-aged man showed a kind smile.

As the daimyo of the Land of Wind, the middle-aged man naturally knows something about Sunagakure....

If there is no accident, Shiraishi will definitely become the next Kazekage in the future.

"What happy event has Sunagakure had recently? Kazekage didn't say it very clearly in the letter, but after so many years, I should go to Sunagakure to see it, and I haven't been there for many years."

"The shadow of the wind came to the capital of the country of the wind, and it fell several times."

"I don't know what Sunagakure looks like now."

Ebizō said: "Sunagakure hasn't changed much. This time, Kazekage-sama invited you to Sunagakure. One of the daimyos hasn't been to Sunagakure for many years."

"It just so happens that this time Sunagakure coincides with the fire festival, so you can watch it because of its name."

"The other thing is, taking this opportunity, we at Sunagakure have something we want to show you daimyo."

The daimyo frowned, knowing that this was the point.

It doesn't matter what fire festival or not.

"Then I'll wait and see."

The daimyo was a little curious, but as the king of a country, he still had some patience.

"The time is set in three days."

"These days, senior Ebizō, you can take a good rest in the capital, and if you need anything, you can find Shan Teng."

"Thank you, sir."

Shiraishi stayed inside the yard and didn't go out.

There is nothing to see here. Shiraishi doesn’t like to go shopping. Whether it’s past life or this life, he still has some interest in food, but the food in the capital city of Windland and Sunagakure are not much different.

At this time, Shiraishi might as well spend it on cultivation.

Soon, three days passed.

Daimyo is ready.

A team of dozens of people appeared behind the daimyo. 2.5 It is a whole army that goes with us.

"Senior Ebizō, let's go."


The crowd left the city in a mighty way. The whole road was cleared, and the troops on both sides were stationed. Otherwise, any unrelated people would have the opportunity to approach here.

Not far away is the desert.

As usual, everyone will spare this desert.

There will be a road that is more suitable for the convoy to walk next to it.

But Ebizō stopped.

"My lord, please wait a moment."


Ebizō looked at Shiraishi.

"Shiraishi, you can take that thing out.

yes. "


Shiraishi came to the desert in a flash.

After that, open the scroll.


A huge sand ship appeared on the desert.

Daimyo's eyes widened in an instant. .

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