People Are In Sand Shinobi, Sign In The Mohist Mechanism At The Beginning

Chapter 83: Blaming Konoha In Progress (Seeking Follow-Up)

"What's happening here?"

I was stunned.

"Why aren't Shiraishi and Temari here?"

"Aren't they even qualified to take the Chūnin exam?"

"Too weak."

"Fortunately, I still look forward to you so much."

"That's the result?"

"I'm so disappointed."

After thinking about it, I can only think of this reason, because I really don't know why a ninja doesn't even take the Chūnin exam.

A person, there may be the possibility of encountering special circumstances.

But if there are two people, then definitely not.

In my position, it is normal to think so.

Because he couldn't imagine how much Shiraishi had improved in this year.

Shiraishi's true strength has reached the level of the best among Elite Jōnin.

And even Temari has steadily reached the Chūnin level.

The combination of hidden weapons and Wind Style makes Temari stronger than in the original plot.


Aburame took the root's injury and returned to Konoha.

"Master Danzo, I'm sorry."

Aburame took the root and lowered his head very low.

Danzo looked at Aburame taking root, and after a long time, the group said, "What was the situation at that time?"

"Back to Lord Danzo, we were attacked not long after entering the territory of the Kingdom of the Wind. Judging from the situation at the time, there was more than one such ambush team."

"When we fled, there were quite a few ambush teams nearby."

Danzo snorted coldly.

"Go down.

"Yes, Danzo is the world."

After watching Aburame take the root and leave, Danzo looked in the direction of Kusanagi Village, his eyes flickering.

"These grass bears are completely untrustworthy."

"It's not because of them, my subordinates won't die at all."

"And, Shiraishi must have been killed!"

"Damn Kusanagi!"


A root ninja is coming towards Danzo at breakneck speed.

"Master Danzo."

"What's wrong?"

"We just got a piece of news, I know last time, because of why the grass village would waste room


"Because of the Bliss Box."

Danzo frowned.


"Master Danzo, this box of bliss is a very special ninja tool. According to legend, it was used by the Sage of Six Paths, and it can help people realize all their wishes.

Danzo doesn't believe it.

Such a thing simply cannot exist.

——Only the idiots in Kusanagi Village would believe it.

"and then?"

"That's why Kusanagi Village wants to get Sunagakure's Jinchūriki. To use the Box of Elysium, you need a lot of Chakra. Kusanagi Village doesn't have that many Chakras.

The ninja below continued: "However, some time ago, the box of bliss was suddenly stolen, and all the ninjas in Kusanagi Village went to find the box of bliss."

"Without the Bliss Box, it's useless for them to get Jinchūriki, so they retreat."

Danzo frowned, thinking of a possibility.

"Could it be this box of bliss that appeared in the Land of Fire?"

"Master Danzo is very predictable. Indeed, this box of bliss has appeared in the Land of Fire. Our people have already obtained the exact location. Lord Danzo, do we want to get the box of bliss back?"

Danzo's eyes flickered.

Danzo doesn't believe that any wish can come true.

But since Grass Ninja Village attaches so much importance to this box of bliss, then Danzo believes that this box of bliss must be valuable, so why don't he take it?

After all, they have already arrived in the Land of Fire.

Then it should be your own.

"bring back."


The preliminaries for the Chūnin exam are over, and I passed the preliminaries as I wished. The second round will be ten days later, and the number of participants at that time is only one-third of the preliminaries.

"Have you seen Shiraishi?"


"Have you seen Temari?"


I asked a lot of people, but all the answers were that I didn't see it. Shiraishi didn't go home, and Temari didn't either. Both of them were doing special training in the training ground.

My heart skipped a beat, and a not-so-good guess surfaced.

"Could it be that Shiraishi and Temari were unfortunately killed during their mission?"

"The death rate of ninjas is so high, it is possible."

Thinking of this, my mood suddenly became bad.

What I want is that I surpass Temari and Shiraishi in strength, not that these two competitors simply disappear.


A figure came into my sight.


I have an impression of Kankuro, Temari's younger brother, who used to go to school with Temari and Shiraishi, and occasionally there was a person carrying a gourd next to him, who was younger.


Kankuro turned his head and looked at Taiga with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"You are?"

"I want to ask you something."

"you say.

Shiraishi and Temari, did they die during the execution of their mission?"

Immediately, Kankuro's face darkened.

"`~You are sick!"

"I'm sorry, I know this is sad for you, but I just wanted to make sure.

"Confirm your uncle!"

Kankuro yelled straight up with a fist.

"Your sister just died!"

"My sister and Shiraishi brother are alive and well!"

"Much better than you!"

Kankuro's strength is not as good as my own, but it came so suddenly that my older brother didn't react at all. Kankuro directly rode on him and hit me. It took a while for my older brother to react.

"Stop, stop, I'm a classmate of Temari and Shiraishi."

"I mean no harm. 11

Big I hold my head.

Kankuro just stopped, took two steps back, but stared at me with a bad expression.

"Shiraishi and Temari are really not dead?"

"My sister and brother Shiraishi will live well after you die."

"That's strange, why I didn't see them in this Chūnin exam.

"Chūnin exam?"


The big self said: "When I was in the ninja school (Liano's), both of them were stronger than me, so I think they will definitely take the Chūnin exam this time."

"I want to compete with them in the Chūnin exam."

"It turned out they didn't show up at all."

Kankuro reluctantly accepted the reason of the big self.

"I don't know that, I only know that they are in special training now."

"Special training? Can I go and have a look?"

My eyes lit up forever.


Kankuro shook his head and said: "Even I can't go there often, and you can't even do it. Grandma Chiyo is angry. "Maybe even I will be punished with poison."

"But one thing I know is that you can't be Shiraishi's opponent."

"Brother Shiraishi defeated Special Jōnin a long time ago."

"The Chūnin exam is nothing to Brother Shiraishi."

My eyes widened.


"Believe it or not is up to you.".

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