Hua Huo covered her toes with tears in her eyes

"Honey, our friendship is gone just like that. You are so cruel."

"This is your punishment, dear Fireworks." Lin Ze refreshed her status, expelled the pain, and the pain returned to normal.

She felt no pain and smiled:"If only you could get out, we could form an alliance, a duet, and turn Pinocchio upside down."

"I'm not as shameless as you. If someone else came here, they wouldn't be as miserable as you."

"Are you looking down on me? I'm so sad."

"Okay, put away your clips."

"How can I say that? Fireworks never talks with a pinch."

"First, I can't go out, and second, I can't dance."

"Can't dance? I'll teach you. I have nothing to do anyway."

"All right."

He had nothing to do anyway.

Lin Ze stood up, changed himself into a formal suit, combed his hair like an adult, changed the background music in the carriage, and played"Free a Heart from Sorrow" and stretched out his hand,"Dear Fireworks, are you willing to dance with me?"

"Oh, you are much more interesting than that guy Sambo, but like him, you have a bottom line." Hua Huo put her hand on Lin Ze's hand,"Come and follow me, one, two, three...ah, don't step on my feet"

"Sorry, I'll give you a buff."

【Status: Normal] Change [Status: Pain weakened tenfold】

"Really, if you can bring this ability out, I will definitely drag you and me to have a fight at Pinocchio"

"The bottom line is very important to me. The bottom line of humanity must be maintained."

"Really, dear, sometimes the bottom line is dispensable, just be happy"

"If I had no bottom line now, you would have rolled your eyes and stuck out your tongue"

"Well, telling dirty jokes to a beautiful girl after just a few words will not win her heart."

"It’s enough to have the body, what’s the point of having the heart?"

"A forced melon is not sweet."

"It quenches my thirst." Lin Ze spun with Hua Huo,"Hua Huo, you are the Masked Fool, I am just an ordinary person, I cannot persecute people who have nothing to do with me."

"You are very good at persecuting me."

Hua Huo leaned on Lin Ze's arms, and the two of them looked like a close couple.

"Because bullying you and making you cry is really fun."

"Keep it like this, dear. I believe that sooner or later, you will experience joy like me. If you become the Masked Fool, I will be your girlfriend, okay?" He blinked mischievously, stood on tiptoe, and put his arms around Lin Ze's neck, very intimately.

"Come on, the dialog box above your head now says [Just trick him, he's a pervert anyway, he'll definitely fall for it.】"

"This is not fun at all." Hua Huo let go of Lin Ze and stopped dancing.

Lin Ze said,"Wait for me."

He disappeared in front of Hua Huo and came back with two cups and a few bottles of Suleda

"I went to Pinocchio and brought some back. Would you like to try it? It tastes pretty good."

"Did you enter the Pinocchio of your dreams?"

"Yes, for me, dreams and reality are just a matter of switching scenes."

Lin Ze smiled and shook his head, opened the iced Sulada, and drank with Hua Huo.

"What a useful ability." Hua Huo drank the Suleda and narrowed her eyes,"I really want to take you out and let you cooperate with me."

"So what if we cooperate? The undercurrent behind Pinocchio will swallow you up." Lin Ze said:"By then, Harmony, Order, Exploration, Protection, Hunting, and Nothingness will all gather at Pinocchio, and some will attract the attention of Hippie. If you participate, you will be left with nothing."

"Honey, what do you know?"

"Know what I should know"

"Tell me, don't be so stingy." Hua Huo came closer and leaned against Lin Ze,"Aren't we the most intimate couple?"

"Is it time for us to become a couple?"

"I call you dear, and you call me that, isn't that right?"

Good fellow, you really have no bottom line.

"Are you doing this to me or to everyone else? If everyone else has it, then I don't want it."

"Why are you jealous again?"Hua Huo laughed. This guy is really interesting.

""Okay, okay, I promise, I will call you my dear, this is a name that belongs to you alone."

Hanabi was in a good mood, and all the previous unpleasantness was forgotten. Anyway, there was no way to retaliate, right?

This magical world, interesting man.

Oh, I really want to meet him outside.

Let's have a duet

"By the way, do you know where Sambo is?"

"How can you be like this?" Hua Huo pouted,"I'm talking to you about love, and you're talking to me about Sambo? That blue-haired wild man, do you like him so much? You don't like men, do you?"

"Bullshit, I like girls"

"I've thrown myself into your arms, and you're not moved at all? Ouch."

Hua Huo covered her head and said pitifully:"What are you doing?"

"I need to see where the Skytrain is going. Did you mention Yaloli 6 before?"

"Uh-huh, Sambo said"

"Why don't you go to Yaloli 6? It's more fun there, you know? Hanabi, those people might do something earth-shattering in the future."

"Oh? Because you live on the SkyTrain?"

"Haha, maybe." Lin Ze danced again with the fireworks,"I like the shining light of human nature more."

"You are really similar to that guy Sambo, but you have more bottom line than him."

"No, my moral bottom line is very flexible, I can't stand tragedy"

"Tragedy is sometimes part of joy"

"Go, go to Yaloli No. 6, and save that world with Sambo."

Lin Ze whispered in Hua Huo's ear,"You are a good child, right? Hua Huo, I don't want you to destroy yourself one day."

"Haha, if you play too big, you will destroy yourself. Well, can you drop the little pearls?"


"So heartless"

"I will go to your grave and eat your offerings like crazy, you are my only concern now,"

"It's really touching, are you confessing your feelings? Do you like me?" Hua Huo jumped onto Lin Ze, hanging her soft body on him,"You are so cute, I like you more and more, it would be great if you could go out"

"Pu Xinnu, you are really down."

Lin Ze pulled the koala-like firework off his body.

"Nothing he said was true. I don't want to be deceived in my future life."

"Haha, I can deceive you countless times."

"If it happens more than three times, you have to think about who is deceiving whom."

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