On the east side, there is a café with the “Six Scars” flag.

They usually serve alcoholic and coffee drinks.

It is a shop with a good reputation.

At this time, a figure also looked over there, it was a cat-eared girl.

She also showed amazement, in normal times, she was like a maid in this shop.

“Meow! I really didn’t expect them to recover like this so quickly? ”

“It is worthy of the former main body of the alliance.”

“The existence of countless miracles.”

In fact, this cat-eared girl is a member of the Community [Six Wounds] from the Southern District.

The store is opened here, which is to spy on the situation in the East District and spread it back to the South District.

Her name is Kello Gendeger.

Six Wounds is a member of the Southern District’s “Dragon Horned Vulture Lion”, and they are composed of six communities together.

“One Corner” and “Five Claws” are responsible for fighting;

“Two wings”, “four legs”, and “three tails” are responsible for handling;

The Six Wounds covers agriculture and commerce.

All of these communities are collectively known as the “Dragon Horned Vulture and Lion” Alliance.

And the last leader of the six wounds is one of the original staff officers and founders of the “Dragon Horned Vulture Lion” alliance, also known as “Strange Cat Garoro”.

It was also a major member of the big league at the beginning.

He has fought against the Demon King with Canary many times, and is one of the few characters who fought “Az Dakaha” two hundred years ago.

Now, the descendants of Six Wounds have opened a branch here, just to secretly collect the surrounding situation.

And Noname was the main center of the big leagues, and whatever happened in the first place, they wanted to find out.

Perhaps, through the people traveling to and from the eastern district, some clues can be found.

At this moment, she did not look back, but spoke up towards here.

“Pass the news back, Noname is revived.”

“Whether it is the previous alliance or those transactions, it is something that cannot be lost, it depends on what those guys in the community do.”


And a black shadow appeared in the back and disappeared here.

This night is not destined to be peaceful.


And in the North District, there was also an old friend who received news from Ye Luo, hoping that she could come immediately.

It is the Lappzi that appeared before.

The leader of the community they are in is the Laplace Demon, and the other party is still asleep at the moment.

Laplace was also one of the class dominators in the Northern District.

This place in the North End is the most complex and unique, and there are all kinds of races.

This also leads to the fact that there are three classes dominating the region.

In addition to Laplace, there is also the community Salamandra, the Oni Hime Alliance.

And now, Rappuzi is also coming to Noname.

Ye Luo needs the help of their little devils.

【NONAME】Here, a new day begins.

Everyone is also more energetic and hopeful, and they are more motivated to do things.

Today, more search squads set off.

As Ye Luo said, this is not a safe mission, and it is likely to be gone, but this group of young vampires still chose to go.

Nothing can stop them.

In addition, Ye Luo actually sensed something and supported it.

As long as you can find the location of the other party, you can directly attack.

Since the forces at the top cannot cross the boundary to the lower level, then what is he afraid of.

Could it be that Ouroboros would also let a whole bunch of demon kings guard those members?

At most, it’s just hiding in a very hidden place.

The demon kings are all arrogant, and if you let them go to a place, they are not happy.

At most, sit down,

Let a group of minions go to custody.

So Ye Luo is waiting, and the traces of the other party are so secretive, it must not be easy to find.

Even the means that [Aksha’s Record] and [Laplace] can’t be found out, and it is completely unworkable to try to calculate a kind of method.

The latter, Laplace, is the concept of omniscience and omnipotence.

And the former [Aksha Record], which represents the highest dimension of consciousness, is a range of divine mysteries.

It is the “book of life” of the universe, containing the history of the entire universe, including both the blueprint of life in the universe and all the experiences and experiences of all living beings in different periods of time according to this blueprint.

It records two parts.

The first part is the divine blueprint of life in the universe of the reality or source of life.

This reality or blueprint is formless, immutable, eternal, without beginning or end.

The other part is all the experiences and activities that the Source carries out as a living individual in different times and spaces.

Even such a perverted thing, you can’t find traces of the ouroboros.

You know how fierce they really are.

Therefore, you can only constantly send personnel to search, a very stupid and useful way, that is, to make the box court full of their own people.

In this way, even if the ouroboros hides strongly, it must show its horse’s feet.

Regarding this plan, Ye Luo already had a framework in his heart.

This has to be linked to the rest of the world.

Can’t come in a hurry for the time being.


At this time, Ye Luo was tasting the food made by the black rabbit himself.

The river fish prepared by Black Rabbit himself is first slightly grilled on the surface, then fried, and then drizzled with a thick soup before serving as a dish.

She herself seems to think that it is a pretty good masterpiece.

I don’t know what happened to her suddenly, and she actually began to cook a big meal for Ye Luo.

Let Ye Luo scratch his head.

And not after that, Lappuzi also came to Noname, in order to rush her, but directly after passing through the realm gate, she came non-stop.

He didn’t even go to see him.

“Hey, boy!”

“Your Aunt Rappuzi is here!”

“Coming, coming! Here we are! ”

At this time, there was also the voice of Lappzi, and there were several voices, who also followed her.

A few little guys, jumped straight out.

The first, naturally, is Lappzi.

Behind were a few young and beautiful little girls, who were still jumping alive and jumping out in turn.

Greet with a smile.

“I’m Lapuzi Demon No. 2.”

“I’m Rapuzi Demon No. 3.”

“I’m Lapuzi Demon No. 4.”

“I’m Lapuzi Demon No. 5.”

Lined up in turn, is a row of cute girls.

Although they were the same as villains, they still made Ye Luo smile.

“Welcome, little devils.”

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