People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 111 Grave Robbers Great Compassion【Please subscribe】

Zhang Jingyun communicated with the white ape through taming skills and learned that there was a mysterious place in the valley surrounded by white mist all year round.

There is a clear spring where the fog is thickest. The spring water is turquoise and has no impurities. Beside the clear spring, there are one large, two small and three peach trees growing.

The peaches Zhang Jingyun ate were from the big peach trees, and according to Bai Yuan's description, it took a long time for the three peach trees to bear fruit.

"Brother Ape, please take me to see it."

Zhang Jingyun asked Bai Yuan for help and called Bai Yuan Brother Yuan. In fact, Bai Yuan was actually old enough to be Zhang Jingyun's grandfather.

After being treated by Zhang Jingyun, the white ape ate goat meat. It had long understood human nature and took Zhang Jingyun to the green spring without hesitation.

When he arrived at the clear spring, Zhang Jingyun was slightly surprised. The spring water exuded a light fragrance and was turquoise when it came out of the ground. It was extremely magical.

Zhang Jingyun held some spring water in his palm and drank it. Suddenly, a refreshing feeling came to his heart, as if his soul had calmed down.

Not only that, the spring water contained the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and Zhang Jingyun felt a strange power slowly transforming his body.

Drinking turquoise spring water over many years to absorb spiritual energy will have the effects of cleansing muscles, cutting marrow, reborn, and prolonging life. It is really a rare spiritual thing.

Zhang Jingyun looked around.

Three peach trees stand tall, the inner one is the thickest because it is closest to the clear spring, and the two outer peach trees are slightly smaller, but still as thick as a person.

However, for such a large peach tree with lush branches, there are only a dozen fruits scattered on the top of the tree. The largest peach tree only has one peach, which has been picked by the white ape and given to Zhang Jingyun to eat.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Bai Yuan and said: "Brother Yuan, the fairy peach is so precious that you are willing to give it to me. I am really grateful."

The white ape was dancing and dancing, and the corners of its mouth were slightly cracked. Zhang Jingyun understood its meaning and had suffered pain day and night for ninety years.

Do it yourself a favor.

Of course, we must use the most precious things in return.

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while: "Give me this fairy peach. I don't know when the next result will be. Is Brother Ape's lifespan okay?"

This white ape is well versed in human nature, knows how to repay kindness, and is kinder than most humans. Zhang Jingyun ate the fairy peach it used to extend his life. If the white ape does not survive the next time, it will be bad, and it will die of old age.

"Oh hahaha!"

The white ape bared his teeth and smiled non-stop.

Zhang Jingyun understood what it meant and smiled. It turned out that the white ape had just told him that he didn't need to worry about its lifespan.

Maybe Zhang Jingyun can live without it.

"You old ape, have you underestimated me? Regardless of how old you are now, my lifespan is actually more than three times longer than yours!"

Zhang Jingyun said without any secret.

He would never say these words to anyone else, even the girl in yellow. Zhang Jingyun told her that he could live to be three hundred years old, which was magical.

But the white ape doesn't have this problem. It can't speak and can be regarded as the most intimate listener. It's okay to tell it everything about Zhang Jingyun.

After thinking about it, Zhang Jingyun suddenly tiptoed a little bit more, used Ladder Cloud to leap three feet high into the air, and picked two small peaches at will.

Throwing one to the white ape, Zhang Jingyun ate one. As a peach entered his stomach, the lifespan bar flashed again and another year was added to his lifespan.

"A large peach increases its lifespan by five years and a small peach by one year. Compared with a large peach tree that can directly bear a fairy peach, it is still more affordable for a small tree. The quality is not good but the quantity is amazing."

Zhang Jingyun then flew up and picked eight fairy peaches, gave three to the white ape, and ate five himself. However, after his life span reached three hundred years, he never moved again.

"The small fairy peach can no longer increase my lifespan. It is estimated that the big fairy peach will also be difficult to be effective. My life span has completely reached the bottleneck."

Zhang Jingyun knew it well, so he stopped eating fairy peaches. However, there were dozens of fairy peaches on the two trees. Zhang Jingyun asked the white ape for permission and picked twelve of them.

Put it in the system space, and when you return to Wudang Mountain, you can give your wife, children and children a taste of the peaches and turquoise spring water. Drinking it for many years will have miraculous effects.

For a moment, Zhang Jingyun was reluctant to leave the valley. This was definitely the most magical paradise in Jin Yong's martial arts world. If the sect was moved here...

"It's the Immortal Cultivation Sect, no matter the martial arts disputes, or the chaos in the world, the pursuit of immortality is the ultimate goal, and the Qin Emperor and the Han Martial Arts can only pursue it."

Zhang Jingyun is in a peaceful state of mind, and there are constant disputes in the world, but with the influence of the Wudang Sect, without Zhang Jingyun, his status as the number one in the world will not be affected.

That’s right, Wudang is the best in the world.

There are living legends Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Zhenren on the top, and the Seven Heroes of Wudang below. Take any one of them and they are masters at the master level in the world.

Wudang is too strong.

Even though Zhang Jingyun had amazing strength, there was no need to deliberately do anything for Wudang, so Zhang Jingyun decided to practice in the Green Valley for a few years.

Completely integrate your own martial arts.

Even...break through to a higher realm!

To this day, Zhang Jingyun has almost reached the extreme level of cultivation in the innate master realm. Only by breaking through to a higher realm can his strength and even lifespan change.

Green Valley happens to have the most perfect conditions for cultivation, the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the life-extending fairy peaches. If one cannot break through the realm here.

Elsewhere it’s tougher.

Zhang Jingyun immediately took up residence next to the Green Spiritual Spring and fed on spiritual energy every day. He once practiced the magical skill of Purple Qi from the East without eating or drinking for 72 days.

If in the outside world, one does not eat or drink for seventy-two days, it would already be a high-level practice of fasting, but it is different here. The spiritual energy is extremely rich. If there is a cultivation method for immortality, it will definitely take off.

Zhang Jingyun practiced here, and his internal strength increased day by day. Unknowingly, he stayed there for more than half a year. After the bigu practice, he slaughtered two goats and stewed them with spiritual spring water.

Until half a year later.

Zhang Jingyun's accumulation of internal energy has reached a bottleneck. His internal energy is so rich that ordinary people cannot reach this level after three to four hundred years of hard training.

You should be happy that your skills have improved to this point, but Zhang Jingyun is not happy at all. What is the state above the innate state?

How to break through the innate realm?

Zhang Jingyun was at a loss. The path of cultivation seemed to have suddenly stopped like in the previous world. All kinds of exercises were top-notch, such as the Nine Yin Manual, the Nine Yang Divine Technique, the Pure Yang Wuji Technique, and the Xuanming Divine Palm. , Purple Qi Dong Lai Magical Technique...are useless for breaking through the innate realm.

"What other kung fu is possible to break through the innate?" Zhang Jingyun thought in his mind. Among the magical skills in Jin Yong's martial arts world, Nine Yin and Nine Yang are already the top.

There are only a few that are more powerful than these two magical skills, and not many that can compete with them. The innate skills of the Quanzhen Sect may be able to compete with them.

However, the Xiantian Kung Fu was lost with the collapse of the Quanzhen Sect. Even if Zhang Jingyun wanted to find it, it would be very difficult for him to find it. However, he still had a magical skill at his disposal, Yang Finger, which he had not yet perfected.

This Kung Fu is not as famous as Nine Yin and Nine Yang, but in fact many people underestimate the One Yang Finger because no one has perfected the One Yang Finger.

The one-yang finger is easy to learn but difficult to master. After practicing it to the fourth level, you can barely activate the Six Meridians Divine Sword, but even this step is stuck for most people.

In the world of Tianlong, Master Kurong, Duan Yanqing, Duan Zhengchun, and Master Benyin are fourth-grade and one-yang-fingered, and their military power is not as good as Jiumozhi.

Not counting Duan Yu, the Duan family who specializes in Yiyang Finger, that is, Master Nandi Yideng's Yiyang Finger may break through to the fourth level.

In the later period, Master Yideng was able to fight with the Boruo Palm powered by Jinlun Dharma King's ten-level Dragon Elephant Technique from a few feet away.

At this time, Master Yideng's Yiyang Finger Kungfu has reached its peak and is extremely proficient. The Gang Qi emitted from his fingers seems to be gentle and gentle, but it is powerful and powerful and cannot be resisted.

"Yideng seems to be the fusion of Yiyang Finger and Innate Kung Fu. He and Wang Chongyang exchanged martial arts. Huh? It seems that the ancestral tomb of the Duan family in Dali in this world has not been stolen yet..."

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and his eyes lit up. He wouldn't have the chance to obtain the Xiantian Kung Fu, the Six Meridians Divine Sword, the Beiming Magic Kung Fu, and the Lingbo Weibu, right?

"There's no such thing as a chance..."

Zhang Jingyun was quite excited, but he was not in a hurry. He still had a Yang Finger Complete Kung Fu in his hand, and he wanted to practice it to perfection first.

With your thoughts together, start practicing!

Nowadays, Zhang Jingyun has attained the mastery of Jiuyang God. In theory, all kinds of martial arts can be used. There is no need to add points to upgrade the first four levels of Yiyang Finger.

In a long time, Zhang Jingyun cultivated the Yiyang Finger to the fourth level with his own efforts. This is the terrifying thing about the Nine-Yang Divine Art.

On average, a martial art can save at least forty points. How many times did Zhang Jingyun work hard to save forty attribute points?

Exactly two hundred times!

As he cultivated the One Yang Finger to the fourth level, Zhang Jingyun suddenly discovered that the third level One Yang Finger was actually a process of transformation.

Similar to the Nine-Yang Magical Technique that breaks through the final barrier, the Purple Qi Donglai Magical Technique breaks through the Second Bridge of Heaven and Earth, and the Third-Rank One-Yang Finger also goes through this process.

Zhang Jingyun has rich experience and takes the initiative to hit the mark. In fact, the practice of Yiyang Finger is very simple. You only need to have sufficient internal strength to make brave progress.

What Zhang Jingyun lacks most is internal strength.


There was a shock in my mind.

When one yang finger breaks through the third level, the effect is obvious. Use the index finger to tap the acupuncture point, and the finger can be extended slowly or quickly. When it is slow, it can be free and elegant, and when it is fast, it can be as fast as lightning.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly pointed out in the air!

The surging finger force turned into Gang Qi and shot out. Just hearing Biu's life, a walnut tree as thick as a calf was broken in the middle five feet away.

Zhang Jingyun looked at his fingers.

It is more powerful than many pistols.

Zhang Jingyun immediately sighed. Today, he has gradually got rid of the nickname of half man, half ghost and the best gun.

The third grade and one yang finger is already an innate power. Zhang Jingyun then added some points to practice the second grade and one yang finger, consuming twenty attribute points.

However, the second grade and one yang refers to cultivating the innate realm to perfection. According to the description in the secret book, the first grade and one yang refers to the theory envisioned by the ancestors when they created the technique.

Zhang Jingyun felt helpless again.

Based on his level, he can find that there are many contradictions in the one-level Yang finger, and the practice route will only go crazy if he practices it forcefully.

A few days later, Zhang Jingyun decided to leave Cuigu and look for some powerful martial arts, brainstorming to improve his martial arts system and achieve breakthroughs.

Zhang Jingyun's first stop was to go to Dali. With the experience of the previous world, Zhang Jingyun knew that the ancient tombs of the Dali royal family had not been stolen.

Especially Duan Yu’s tomb.

In the last world, a member of the Sun Moon God Sect had a rough tomb robbing technique, which resulted in the oxidation and damage of several magical skills in the tomb.

The last person could only barely remember some of the secrets of the Beiming Divine Technique, and was then transformed into the Star-Absorbing Technique by Ren Woxingchuang.

In fact, the Star Absorbing Technique is only the Qi storage part of the Beiming Divine Art. It can only absorb other people's internal energy into the body, but it cannot refine it.

Zhang Jingyun just wants to say...

If you don’t know how to rob a tomb, don’t do it!

Tomb robbing is an art. Lighting candles in the southeast corner is so romantic. Zhang Jingyun immediately decided to personally protect the precious skills in the ancient tomb.

Coincidentally, the location of the ancient tombs of the Dali royal family is also recorded in Zhuwu Lianzhuang. After all, the two apprentices of Master Yideng were Zhu Ziliu and Wu Santong.

Zhang Jingyun went to Dali after confirming the response location. In fact, Zhang Jingyun communicated with Ren Woxing and inquired about the location of Duan Yu's tomb.

It's just that it took too long and Ren Woxing didn't know clearly. He only vaguely mentioned two locations. With the information from both parties, Zhang Jingyun found Duan Yu's tomb in only two and a half months.

"Hahaha! Beiming Divine Skill, Lingbo Weibu, and Six Meridian Divine Sword are all complete. Unfortunately, Master Yideng's tomb was robbed and no innate skills were found."

Zhang Jingyun felt slightly regretful.

He personally robbed the tomb and did not destroy any bricks or tiles. He only took three secret books from the tomb. Duan Yu and his four imperial concubines were not touched by Zhang Jingyun.

After leaving Dali, Zhang Jingyun felt that it was not enough, and the Beiming Magic Technique was not necessarily as powerful as the Zi Qi Donglai Magic Technique he created.

Lingbo Weibu is a superior light skill that can break through the realm, but it may not be that helpful. The Six Meridians Divine Sword is an advanced version of the One Yang Finger.

From a single-shot gun to a machine gun, it can shoot. Therefore, these three magical skills are powerful, but they have not actually broken the barriers to martial arts realm.

Zhang Jingyun still had to look for more powerful techniques, and this time he targeted the Tibetan Tantric Sect, which is not too far away from Kunlun Mountain.

"Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, I only harvested the first eight levels from tomb robberies before. This unparalleled martial art is the supreme Dharma-protecting magical skill of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism.

The realm of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu is divided into thirteen levels. Its external power can make the palms powerful, domineering, fierce and unwavering. After practicing the first level, the power of one dragon and one elephant will be increased. After practicing the tenth level, it will have the huge power of ten dragons and ten elephants.

Jin Lun Dharma King is a prodigy in martial arts. He studied hard and made rapid progress. If you practice Dragon Elephant Kung Fu to the tenth level, you can compete with Master Yideng's Yang Finger remote attack. There must be a complete secret book of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. "

Sure enough, Zhang Jingyun found the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu in the tomb of the previous Tantric Dharma King. The time required to practice the Dragon Elephant Kung Fu will double with each level.

Theoretically, it would take at least a thousand years to master all thirteen levels of skills, but who in this world can live for a thousand years?

Therefore, this is a skill that is destined to fail to be perfected, but it is different in the hands of Zhang Jingyun. There is no magical skill that he cannot practice.

Zhang Jingyun left Tibet while practicing Dragon Elephant Kung Fu, and went to the Lingjiu Palace ruins. Before the Tianshan Sect was established, he recorded the martial arts in the stone chamber.

"It's a pity that the power of Bahuang Liuhe Sovereignty has been lost. The Tianshan child has been shrewd all her life, but she didn't expect to be tricked by her subordinates. Otherwise, immortality may not be a dream for her!"

Zhang Jingyun just lacks a self-respecting skill. If not, relying on the characteristics of Jiuyang Divine Skill and Xiao Wuxiang Skill, plus Beiming Divine Skill and Sovereign Skill, he can try to derive the Everlasting Eternal Spring Skill!

The golden book says: The sacred book has gone with Xiaoyao, and the spring of longevity is empty in this valley.

Legend has it that in Dali, there is a mysterious valley called Changchun Valley of Immortality. People in the valley all live to be over a hundred years old, and their appearance is the same as that of teenagers and girls.

There is also a unique secret book in the Eternal Spring Valley, which teaches people to live forever. If you drink the stream water in the valley and then practice this magical skill, you can live forever.

Later, this secret book was taken away by Xiaoyaozi. Xiaoyaozi accepted three apprentices and evolved the Eternal Life Kung Fu into three techniques and taught them respectively.

In fact, Zhang Jingyun has only heard of this statement. It is difficult to judge whether it is true or false. After all, Zhang Jingyun does not even have the "Eight Desolation and Liuhe" self-respecting skill.

Taking all the harvest with him, Zhang Jingyun returned to Cuigu. In fact, the Ming Cult also has the magical skill of shifting the universe, but this skill only has six levels.

The seventh level of the Great Shift of the Universe was written by the old man in the mountains who created the technique based on his wisdom and imagination, but he himself did not practice it.

In addition, Mingjiao's Guangmingding was too far away, and it would take more than half a year to go back and forth. Zhang Jingyun thought about it and finally decided not to go.

"Anyway, there are still six sects besieging Guangmingding. You can take a look at it when the time comes." Zhang Jingyun then returned to Cuigu day and night.

In addition to looking for secret books, nearly a year passed, and Zhang Jingyun was unable to catch up with Zhang Sanfeng's 104th birthday.

Zhang Jingyun could only ask someone to send a letter back to Wudang, saying that he was safe and telling Zhang Sanfeng and Song Yuanqiao that he was practicing martial arts and could not escape.

Regarding the spiritual springs and peaches in Cuigu, if there is a chance in the future, Zhang Jingyun will tell Huang Shinu and Song Yuanqiao that he is busy practicing now, so there is no need for anyone to come over.

"This time I finally have the complete version of the Tianshan Plum Blossom Hand, as well as the Tianshan Six Sun Palm. It took no effort to acquire it. Now I can use all the martial arts I know to build a Buddhist Scripture Pavilion."

Zhang Jingyun will gradually succeed in practicing martial arts that can be practiced without attribute points, and the martial arts that require additional points of practice is the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu.

When he was preparing to practice, Zhang Jingyun suddenly discovered that the white ape he was treating often appeared and occasionally imitated Zhang Jingyun's meditation practice.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved: "The white ape understands human nature and is much smarter than ordinary people. Humans can practice magical skills and unique skills, so why can't it?"

"Brother Bai Yuan, do you want to practice?"

Zhang Jingyun asked. The white ape danced and beat his chest with joy after hearing this. It obviously longed to practice like Zhang Jingyun.

"Okay, since you want to learn, then I will teach you!" Zhang Jingyun is also straightforward. He is the only one in the world who has the ability to tame beasts. How can anyone else explain meridians, internal forces, etc. to animals?

White Ape has been tortured by the Nine Yang Manual for more than ninety years. Zhang Jingyun had an idea and immediately decided to let White Ape learn the Nine Yang Manual. This is the cycle of cause and effect.

Zhang Jingyun then practiced Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu every day, and also taught the white ape to practice the Nine Yang Sutra. The white ape could not understand the internal force, so Zhang Jingyun personally used the internal force to guide it in its body. The meridians and acupuncture points of apes and humans are different, so Zhang Jingyun used The clairvoyant ability designs the exercise route suitable for the White Ape's practice.

After half a year, Zhang Jingyun actually designed a set of the White Ape Version of the Nine Yang Manual. Without perspective and tame communication, no matter how amazing and talented people appear in the world, they would not be able to do this.

Zhang Jingyun himself practiced the Dragon Elephant Kung Fu to the ninth level, and the time it took doubled. Zhang Jingyun could only start to practice more.

This Tantric practice is very different from the Central Plains martial arts. Tantric practice practices three meridians and seven chakras, while Central Plains martial arts practices twelve main meridians and eight extraordinary meridians.

Finally, after Zhang Jingyun added some Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, he saw the hope of breaking through to a higher realm, and many of his own martial arts were gradually integrated with more practice.

In the end, seven peerless martial arts were formed.

Every martial art can be called the strongest in the world.

Zhang Jingyun also integrated the seven martial arts into a canon to form a complete set of martial arts secret canons. When the success is achieved, purple energy will come from the east, the sky and the earth will thunder, and the ghosts and gods will cry at night!

There is only one name that is most suitable for the secret book.

Heaven and earth join hands to conquer Yin and Yang, and the great sorrow comes from them.

Any secret scripture is based on the inner strength and mental method, the inner method of great compassion, which is ancient and unparalleled today. It takes the Nine Yin Sutra and the Nine Yang Sutra as the core, refines the two qi of yin and yang, Tai Chi combines yin and yang, and creates Hunyuan with all methods.

The internal force can be improved by itself, automatically protect the body, refine the essence into Qi, refine the Qi to return essence, the Vajra is indestructible, endless life, heaven and man are one, and immune to all poisons.

The ever-changing internal force can activate all martial arts and greatly increase its power. This inner power is called the Great Yin and Yang Fu of the Emperor and the Earth Queen.

Zhang Jingyun combines the light skills such as Lingbo Weibu, Wudang Ladder Cloud Zong, Tianluo Diwangshi, Bird Catching Kung Fu, Golden Wild Goose Kung Fu, and Eight Steps to Catch Cicadas into one.

Create the most powerful light skill in the world, called the Great Void Step of Heaven and Earth, which can turn external resistance into internal force and form body-protecting aura.

His own body skills are as fast as a startling giant, as powerful as a swimming dragon, and as fleeting as a fleeting shadow. He can ride on waves and chase clouds, and when performing light skills, he is as powerful as a white horse passing through the gap.

In addition to internal skills and mind skills and light skills, there are two sets of techniques. One is the Heaven-Jue-Earth-Destroying Great Universe Hand. All changes in martial arts in the world are contained in the two palms. The two palms are as solid as diamonds. The power between the hands can subdue dragons, subdue tigers, and dragon-elephant prajna. . The second is the Great Soul Searcher, which was created based on the soul-moving method in the Nine Yin Manual.

Then there is a large-scale acupoint-moving method, which involves escaping the meridians and moving acupoints. It can ignore all acupoint tapping, pulse interception, capture, and restraint techniques, and the acupoints can be moved several inches.

Finally, there are the Six Meridians Divine Sword and the Dugu Nine Swords. Which of these seven sets of martial arts is not the strongest in the world? Zhang Jingyun worked so hard to create martial arts that he forgot about time.

So much so that when he wanted to leave the valley, he suddenly realized that his beard was already over a foot long, and his black hair was thickly spread behind him, almost reaching his heels.

"How long has it been...?"

Zhang Jingyun subconsciously looked at a jade bottle next to him, which contained the antidote for the Three Corpses Brain Pill. In the past few years, Zhang Jingyun had asked White Ape to deliver the antidote to Zhuwu Lianzhuang during the Dragon Boat Festival.

"I have been practicing in this valley for five years. There are no armors in the mountains, and there are no years of practice. I practice fasting for several months at a time, but I didn't expect that time passes so quickly."

Zhang Jingyun sighed.

In the past five years, Zhang Jingyun has been confident of reaching a higher level, whether he is practicing the skills of his predecessors or creating his own magical skills.

But he has a feeling that once he breaks through the realm, he will leave this world, and he still has things to deal with in this world.

"Drive out the Tartars and restore China to us."

This is Zhang Jingyun's mission in this world. He was about to leave the valley when he suddenly saw the great fairy peach tree next to the spiritual spring bearing fruit again.

"It turns out that the results are obtained every five years. It's really a rare treasure!" Zhang Jingyun looked at the white ape and practiced the white ape's version of the Nine Yang Magic. It only took five years for it to achieve a breakthrough.

More than ninety years of spiritual energy nourishment and many fairy peaches have long accumulated a large amount of medicinal power in Bai Yuan's body, and now they all explode as he steps into practice.

This is nothing more than a blockbuster.

"Brother Yuan, I will give this peach to my wife, and it will be yours in five years!" Zhang Jingyun said, and Bai Yuan agreed without hesitation.


Zhang Jingyun did not need to drill a hole, but relied on the Great Void Step to climb over the steep snow peaks and leave the valley together with the white ape.

Go and see what the world is like today.

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