People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 135 Double Cultivation with Bai Yuekui [Please subscribe]

"System, give me more!"

As Zhang Jingyun roared, a data panel suddenly appeared in front of him, and then the skill bar began to flash.

[Introduction to the Returned State]

[Proficiency in returning state]

[Return to Yuan status is complete]

As the skill bar stopped flashing, at the same time, Zhang Jingyun's whole body trembled as if he was enlightened, and a lot of practice knowledge poured into his mind.

For a time, it was as if he had been practicing hard for more than ten years. The experiences of various practices were deeply engraved in Zhang Jingyun's soul.

Zhang Jingyun even had a feeling that he was able to achieve what he is today all thanks to his own efforts... plus twenty attribute points.

"Twenty o'clock..." Zhang Jingyun secretly gasped.

The spiritual cage world's cultivation system is different. Just for a return state, five attribute points are required for each small realm upgrade.

As Zhang Jingyun raised the Guiyuan state to perfection, he started the Guiyuan state with his thoughts, and felt that some inexplicable power was being mobilized in his body.

Then Zhang Jingyun felt that his emotions had calmed down to a terrifying level, with no emotion shown in his every move.

This technique is somewhat similar to the turtle breath technique included in the Nine Yang Manual, but it is different. The turtle breath technique relies on internal force to maintain the turtle breath state, while the return to the original state relies on another special power.

This special power is Lingyuan.

Lingyuan is based on the essence of life. In fact, Zhang Jingyun cannot explain what the essence of life is.

However, after Zhang Jingyun's understanding during this period, the essence of life is definitely not the so-called soul. The soul is a very complex concept, but one thing is certain, that is, damage to the soul cannot generally be recovered.

The life essence is different. After some loss, it can be replenished. Otherwise, the members of Bai Yuekui's team would have been exhausted by using the life essence to fight.

In Zhang Jingyun's view, the so-called source of life should be a spiritual power, but this power contains flesh and blood genes.

After a normal person loses a small part of his life essence, he can make it up by relying on his own regulation ability. If the loss is excessive, the hemoglobin in the blood will decrease, and he can only rely on blood transfusions to maintain life, and he cannot restore his normal ideology.

If the life essence is completely absorbed.

That person will become a piece of shit.

In myths and legends, the story of Nuwa creating humans is from the soil of the Nine Heavens. However, soil alone is not enough. People have spirituality. Only when Nuwa injects spirituality into these little clay people can they become normal human beings.

The essence of life may be this spiritual concept. Without this original substance, human beings will return to their original state, just a piece of flesh and earth.

"The source of life, spirit essence...the spirit cage world is still too complicated. Even with my current level, I have not been able to touch the core of this world."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart.

Not far away, Bai Yuekui has been watching here, with a look of surprise on her slightly baby-fat face.

"The Guiyuan state was achieved in less than half a day. What the hell is this? Master Lai can't even figure out its origins."

Bai Yuekui was thoughtful.

In the ground base, there are two people who are most respected. One is Bai Yuekui, and the other is Master Lai. This is an extremely mysterious figure.

The people in the base only know that he has the ability to predict future changes and lead mankind on the right path.

Bai Yuekui also respected this person very much.

After returning to the base to teach Zhang Jingyun Lingyuan cultivation, Bai Yuekui went to find Master Lai, hoping to get some inspiration from him.

The result is naturally useless.

Master Lai calculated for a long time and finally just said, it seems that you two are quite a match, but it would be a good thing to get together as a couple.

Bai Yuekui: "..."

"Eh? Who sucked all the life essence?" At this moment, several people who were practicing on the shore of the blue lake suddenly took off their mechanical masks.

It turned out that a small amount of life essence in the lake suddenly surged in one direction, and everyone else's practice was interrupted by this sudden change.

People in the base can only use the lake to practice cultivation. Although the blue crystals mined by the miners contain a large amount of life essence, after all, they are the life essence left by the dead pole-devouring beasts, and their power is quite violent.

Unless they are powerful masters like Bai Yuekui, if others directly use blue crystals to practice, it will put a huge load on the body and even endanger their lives.

Integrating the blue crystals into the lake in a special way is equivalent to diluting the source of life, making it relatively safe to practice.

But today's practice was disturbed.

Everyone took off their mechanical helmets and searched for the target. Finally, everyone's eyes fell on Zhang Jingyun. However, when they saw him, many people were surprised.

"Who is this? Why have I never seen him before?"

"I know all the people who have mastered Ling Yuan in the base. This is the first time I have seen this person. Could it be that Boss Bai kidnapped him from somewhere?"

"What do you know? I heard from Shandong University and others that this man used to be Boss Bai's husband. Later, he got divorced for unknown reasons and they are getting back together recently."

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

This is really getting more and more outrageous.

He had just reached the Guiyuan state and was in excellent condition. He was just trying to practice the more advanced techniques in the Lingyuan cultivation system, which was the breathing method commonly practiced by Bai Yuekui and others.

When he and Bai Yuekui teamed up to fight the pole-devouring beast, Zhang Jingyun noticed that after Bai Yuokui activated the source of life, his breathing had some mysterious patterns.

There is also the sharpshooter Broken Star. When she shoots arrows, she will also use her breathing method to stimulate the source of life. This thing is the essence of Lingyuan practice.

Just as important as the Zhuang Gong in the Chinese martial arts system and the internal strength in the internal force system, practicing martial arts without practicing martial arts will lead to nothing in the end. This also applies to the Lingyuan practice system.

The breathing method taught by Bai Yuekui is also simple and crude. It is called Lingyuan Breathing Method, which uses a mechanical helmet to absorb the life essence in the lake water.

But Zhang Jingyun is different from others.

While the others absorbed the life essence step by step, Zhang Jingyun directly added some practice in the system and directly upgraded the Lingyuan Breathing Method to perfection.

Upgrading the Lingyuan breathing method is the same as returning to the original state. Each small realm has five attribute points. Upgrading the breathing method to perfection consumes a total of twenty attribute points.

You must know that Zhang Jingyun now has thousands of attribute points, and twenty attribute points are just a fraction. There is no need to worry about not having enough attribute points.

Just twenty attribute points.

The changes in Zhang Jingyun's body have been earth-shaking. Originally, the life essence in the lake was absorbed and practiced by everyone in an orderly manner. Now, the life essence in the lake is not enough for Zhang Jingyun to practice alone.

Others could only watch.

However, everyone who was still scolding suddenly changed their attitude after hearing that Zhang Jingyun and Bai Yuekui had such a deep relationship.

“It turned out to be the boss’s man, what a perfect match!”

"Boss Bai's vision is really bad."

"He and the boss are the golden boy!"


Bai Yuokui has seen all this. Standing next to her is Xia Dou. Seeing that Bai Yuokui seems to have acquiesced in the relationship with Zhang Jingyun, he believes more and more that she has that relationship with Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun didn't know that he had affected others. He just felt that while he was practicing, he suddenly didn't have that much life essence for him to absorb.

Is this okay?

Zhang Jingyun's cultivation is at a critical stage. When he reaches a state where he doesn't have so much life essence, why not just absorb the energy in his own body?

At this time, Zhang Jingyun remembered what Bai Yuekui said. The fragments of spiritual breath seeds of the king-level pole-devouring beasts contain a large amount of life essence and can be absorbed.

He immediately took a smaller piece of spirit breath seed and threw it into his mouth without thinking. His forty teeth directly chewed up the spirit breath seed fragment and swallowed it into his stomach.

"This idiot ate the pieces?"

Bai Yuekui was caught off guard when she saw this. She only said that she could use the spiritual breath seed fragments of the king-level pole-eating beast to practice, but she didn't say that she would let him eat it!

In fact, Bai Yuekui never thought that Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level would improve so quickly, to the point where it would be worse than that of others who had practiced for ten years in the blink of an eye. He also never thought that the life essence in the lake was not enough for him to absorb.

The final result was that Zhang Jingyun ate the fragments, and the fragments of spiritual breath seeds had to be processed at extremely high temperatures to remove the violent aura within them.

The king-level pole-devouring beast is considered to be the pinnacle of the pole-devouring beast. It absorbs a large amount of life essence and transforms into it. Its core contains the violent aura of the king-level pole-devouring beast after death, which directly impacts the soul. If you are not careful, Will be destroyed into an idiot.

It was too late for Bai Yuekui to stop Zhang Jingyun, but she noticed that there was no pain expression on Zhang Jingyun's face, but was surprisingly calm.

"Is it possible that there is not much violent aura left in the spirit breath seed fragments?" Bai Yuekui thought in his heart.

Naturally, she didn't know that Zhang Jingyun's soul and will had undergone transformation. Whether it was national martial arts or internal strength cultivation, he paid special attention to consciousness training.

It is said that a child's heart is as strong as a rock in Chinese martial arts. Zhang Jingyun's will is as strong as a rock. How can the residual aura of the Devouring Beast break his will?

Even if the residual consciousness of the Extreme Devouring Beast is very huge, washing out like a big river, it will only temper Zhang Jingyun's will and will not defeat him at all.

In a moment, Zhang Jingyun resolved the crisis, and then inhaled a large amount of life essence into his body. In a trance, his body and soul were sublimating.

With a thought in his mind, Zhang Jingyun opened the panel.

I saw the life span column changing for a while.

[Lifespan: 28/? ,47/524]

The age of the soul has increased from more than 490 years to 524 years old, which is almost the same as Zhang Jingyun's guess. The spirit cage world focuses on spiritual cultivation.

The limited lifespan of the soul is Zhang Jingyun's shortcoming. Unexpectedly, someone would give him a pillow when he was sleepy. Bai Yuekui taught him the Lingyuan breathing method, which is perfect for cultivating spiritual power.

"There should be more than one level of Lingyuan Breathing Technique, right?" Zhang Jingyun thought to himself, and tried to add attribute points to the breathing technique.

I didn’t expect that there was actually a second layer.

After the six attribute points are added, the skill bar flashes and becomes [Introduction to the second level of Lingyuan Breathing Method]. Each small realm has six attribute points.

A total of twenty-four attribute points were consumed.

Cultivate the second level to perfection.

The spiritual energy in Zhang Jingyun's body was already extremely strong, and his aura caused people around him to have their heads buzzing within three meters of him.

With a thought in his mind, Zhang Jingyun used his return state to control the aura on his body, and returned to his previous approachable appearance.

Zhang Jingyun felt that the Lingyuan Breathing Technique had a third level, but the fragments of spirit breath seeds he picked up were all absorbed.

Compared with the complete spirit breath seeds, the life essence contained in the fragments is really insignificant. Zhang Jingyun thought that he could peel the spirit breath seeds alive in the future for cultivation.

It is estimated that it will be difficult for Mana Ecology to control Zhang Jingyun, or they can directly get rid of the restrictions of the Spiritual Breath Seeds by using the system and adding some practice.

Shaking his head, Zhang Jingyun didn't think much about it.

Lingyuan training has come to an end. Next, Zhang Jingyun will kill more king-level pole-devouring beasts, both to complete system tasks and to practice.

However, Zhang Jingyun alone is still not enough. It is important to have a good teammate to deal with the Devouring Beast, and Bai Yuekui is the most suitable candidate.

Zhang Jingyun stood up and came to Bai Yuekui's side under the gaze of everyone. He could see a bit of confusion in her eyes.

"Can you eat spiritual breath seed fragments?"

Bai Yuekui's words made Zhang Jingyun's heart skip a beat, "What do you mean? If you use this thing to practice, don't you just eat it?"

Bai Yuekui: "..."

Bai Yuekui told him the correct method of use, and Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized, "So that's it. I thought it was a difficulty in cultivation. It's too easy to practice according to what you said, right?"

Xia Dou, who was next to Bai Yuokui, twitched when he heard what he said. If training were as simple as he said, everyone would be a master.

"Didn't you encounter any difficult problems when practicing this set of exercises?" Bai Yuekui couldn't help but ask him.

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while: "No."

Bai Yuekui looked strange. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Did you have any strange feelings when you practiced the breathing method?"

Zhang Jingyun said this time, "Yes."

"What is it?" Several people couldn't help but ask Zhang Jingyun, and then listened attentively. Even Bai Yuekui wanted to hear his experience.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the expectant eyes of several people and said, "This set of exercises is quite easy to practice. You can master it once you get started."

Bai Yuekui pursed his lips, and Xia Dou lowered his head. Shan Da and Sui Xing, who were watching the excitement beside them, only felt that the gap between people was wider than that between people and the Devouring Beast.

"Perhaps it's because I've been practicing some martial arts, and the genetic results from the lighthouse test are super good, so I'm suitable for practicing the Spiritual Energy Breathing Technique."

Zhang Jingyun's words made a few people's eyes light up, and they all wanted to try the exercises of another cultivation system. Others had no problem, but Bai Yuekui's cell failure was very serious. Even though Xiantao extended her life for five years, she still had no symptoms after five years. Not far from death.

"It means it's useless for me to practice?"

Bai Yuekui looked calm.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head, and then took her to the room, "You must practice another technique and master it quickly in a short period of time, and then you can hope to completely solve the hidden danger of cell failure."

Bai Yuekui bit his lip slightly and listened.

"I have a double cultivation method, the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, which can be mastered quickly. When your inner strength comes into play, you can then switch to another superior method to rejuvenate your youth, and cell failure will no longer be a problem."

Bai Yuekui taught him the Lingyuan Breathing Technique. Accordingly, Zhang Jingyun would not treat Bai Yuokui badly. At the same time, he also made clear the conditions for dual cultivation of the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra.

"When practicing the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, the heat will rise from your body, so you must take off all your clothes. In fact, I took off your clothes myself when I was healing you.

Don’t worry about these details, your importance in the base is self-evident, and you must solve the hidden danger of cell failure..."

Zhang Jingyun was interrupted by Bai Yuekui.

"When does it begin?"

"at any time."

If Zhang Jingyun wanted to use his skills to get any benefits from Bai Yuekui, it would be easy, but he did not do so.

At least in Bai Yuekui's eyes, he was trustworthy, so Bai Yuekui agreed to Zhang Jingyun's suggestion after some thought.

That night, Zhang Jingyun and Bai Yuekui began a thrilling double cultivation schedule, and their cultivation progressed rapidly.

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