People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 139 Scarlet Pigment Spiritual Transformation【Please subscribe】

Zhang Jingyun understood clearly in his heart that, in fact, the more companions for dual cultivation, the better. When he was at the lighthouse, dual cultivation already took up a lot of time every day.

But now, the dual cultivation process with Bai Yuekui has given Zhang Jingyun several times more attribute points than Beacon. It is obvious that his partner pays more attention to strength.

"It is necessary to speed up the practice of others. Otherwise, every time you practice double cultivation, you will actually lose 0.8 attribute points, which is not cost-effective."

In terms of realm alone, the closer it is to Zhang Jingyun, the better the dual cultivation effect will be. Each time you add points, you may reach a perfect state.

Zhang Jingyun immediately decided that next time he returns to the lighthouse, he will personally guide Jingnan, Feixue, Fanti and others in their daily practice so that they can reach Bai Yuekui's level as soon as possible.

Of course, it is difficult to reach Bai Yuekui's level. Zhang Jingyun already knows Bai Yuekui's specialness. She took two special potions when the disaster struck in the old world. These two potions can be called the two greatest achievements in the genetic field of the old world. .

The two potions have different functions.

One of the potions is called Miracle K, which was developed by Nirvana Biological Company in order to completely restore human youth and achieve eternal life.

Unfortunately, Miracle K cannot affect the brain. While the body is rejuvenated, the brain is still old, so people will still die.

Another kind of angel potion is a super potion that acts on the brain. It can change the aging state of the human brain and bring it back to life by promoting the automatic connection of nerve cells in the brain.

Therefore, if Miracle K and Angel Potion are fused, or act on a person at the same time, the result may be to successfully restore human youth.

What a coincidence.

Both of these two super potions are related to Bai Yuekui. Miracle K potion was secretly developed by Nirvana Biological Company with the support of her businessman father.

Angel Potion was jointly developed by Bai Yuokui and her teacher. At that time, Bai Yuokui was still a genius brain scientist in her early twenties. She even performed a human brain transplant and the transplant was successful.

With the end of the world coming, these two potions have been cut off. It is almost impossible for others to reach Bai Yuekui's level. Zhang Jingyun thought that after Jing Nan and others' strength increased to a certain level, it would not be a loss to double cultivate and add 0.4 attribute points at a time. .

Zhang Jingyun and Bai Yuekui practiced for a day.

With the addition of nine attribute points, the speed is very impressive. If Zhang Jingyun is willing, he can stay in the ground base and live a comfortable life.

However, the lighthouse has reached its most critical moment. According to Zhang Jingyun's inference, Mark has crossed that boundary at this time.

Become the "bridge" in Master Lai's words.

It is the bridge between humans and Mana ecology.

The ground base lacks people like Mark. The knowledge mastered by Bai Yuekui and his group is closer to the truth of Mana Ecology. According to Bai Yuekui, humans can defeat the Mana Ecosystem with Mark and rule the world again.

Also, if you are not forced to do anything, who would want to live underground every day, or float in the sky every day.

Returning to the ground and returning to normal world order is the goal that everyone pursues. The pole-devouring beast must be cleaned up.

And to accomplish this goal.

It is obvious that a large number of people are needed to supply. The lighthouse can provide more people than the ground. This is the necessity of its existence.

If Zhang Jingyun hadn't arrived.

According to the original plot, after Mark was parasitized by the spinegu, he genetically mutated into a poleeater, and the person who led the lighthouse became Charles.

Charles believed in the Lord of Light and Shadow from the bottom of his heart. He could be sure that the Lord of Light and Shadow existed, but no one could be sure that the Lord of Light and Shadow faced humans.

Therefore, it is not safe for the lighthouse to be handed over to Charles. On the contrary, there will be greater hidden dangers. Zhang Jingyun also has his own considerations and wants to obtain more benefits.

So the lighthouse must fall into his hands.

When Zhang Jingyun returned to the lighthouse, Bai Yuekui did not stop him. Master Lai once said that Mark was the last hope to save mankind. Now it seems that mankind has other hopes.

"Boss, are you willing to let him go?"

Beside Bai Yuekui, Xia Dou suddenly asked.

Zhang Jingyun's strength is obvious to all. He is very strong. If Bai Yuekui keeps him on the ground, the ground base will develop to another level.

"I can't stay, so you can give it a try. He's responsible for breeding at the lighthouse. You might be more lovable if you're so cute."

Bai Yuekui blinked and said.

Xia Dou immediately tensed up, "No, no, boss, I'm still young, and it's not cute if I drool while sleeping."

Bai Yuekui smiled and said nothing.


After Zhang Jingyun turned on the return state and approached the lighthouse, he entered the communication range and soon contacted Jing Nan to personally lower the lifting platform for him.

Return to the lighthouse.

Zhang Jingyun felt like he was entering the city.

The population of the ground base is still too small, and many of the survivors are still the travelers who "voluntarily" went to the ground on the lighthouse.

To put it bluntly, the lighthouse is to let them fend for themselves, while the ground accepts these people, allows them to see another world, and gives them a chance to use their remaining energy.

The population of the lighthouse was divided into different levels. There was originally a natural divide between the superior citizens and the ordinary citizens. The fate of a baby was determined from the moment he was born, and it was difficult to change it.

But with the arrival of Zhang Jingyun.

The spread of various exercises.

This allowed Chenmin to see the hope of becoming a Shangmin, and Shangmin gradually understood that good genes did not mean he could sit back and relax, but he had to work harder.

Zhang Jingyun is like a catalyst.

The potential of the lighthouse exploded to a certain extent, and the illusory hope became a reality. Zhang Jingyun felt that there seemed to be light in the eyes of these ordinary people.

"You are finally back. If you don't come back, the lighthouse will probably be in chaos." Jing Nan slowly came over to meet Zhang Jingyun's eyes and said.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Jing Nan, his belly was getting bigger and bigger. Her noble aura made her not very approachable at first, but now she was obviously much gentler.

"How is Mark?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

"The situation is not good. While collecting supplies, he was unexpectedly attacked by one of his own people. His spine was shattered. Even the medical technology of the lighthouse could not cure him.

Not only that, when Mark’s life was in danger, he was also parasitized by the spine voodoo, which was equivalent to the spine voodoo maintaining Mark’s life. With the approval of the city lord, Dr. Carrie was allowed to perform the spinal voodoo transplant surgery..."

Jing Nan quickly recounted various things that happened at the lighthouse. Zhang Jingyun was not surprised when he heard that Mark died after the operation and was then thrown into an incinerator and cremated and evolved into a pole-devouring beast.

These are basically the same as what Bai Yuekui said. Master Lai had anticipated everything a long time ago, and now Mark is being held in the Ecological Medical Department.

Charles was in charge of the lighthouse.

As for how to deal with Mark, Charles suggested that he could give it to Dr. Carrie as a biological sample for scientific research. It is a rare sample anyway!

Ran Bing and others did not want Mark to be tortured again, so they applied for Mark to travel far away. Ran Bing even prayed to travel far away with Mark.

"Isn't Morgan rescued by the supplies that Mark brought back? Why is it that Charles is in charge of the lighthouse affairs?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

Jing Nan paused and said, "The city lord woke up once, but he only showed up on the first day. No one has seen him since. The outside world only knows about the city lord's current situation through Charles."

"Oh? Morgan is under house arrest!"

A smile appeared on Zhang Jingyun's face. His methods were clever and neat. Charles could even attack his own father. He was truly a "loving father and a filial son"!

Jing Nan didn't speak, probably because he acquiesced in his heart. No one was able to stop Charles, and the lighthouse was actually controlled by Charles.

"I'm only worried about Mark now. Mark has devoted himself to the lighthouse for so many years, and Charles will not let him go easily."

Jingnan expressed pessimism about the situation in the lighthouse.

She knew in her heart that Mark could charge into battle, but his political skills were not very good. He was not the most suitable candidate for the city master, but he was still better than Charles as the city master.

After Charles became the city lord, she couldn't imagine what the lighthouse would become. Would she pray to the Lord of Light and Shadow every day to save mankind?

Zhang Jingyun held Jing Nan's hand and said, "Don't worry, Charles doesn't say how the lighthouse will develop. Guess what I found on the ground?"

Jing Nan was extremely intelligent, so when Zhang Jingyun asked casually, she immediately thought of something, "What did the hunters see on the ground really be human?"

"Yes, I have had in-depth discussions with their leader. If the lighthouse still wants to survive in the apocalypse, it must cooperate with the ground."

Jing Nan wanted to ask something more but Zhang Jingyun stopped him, "Okay, you should just take care of your baby without worrying about these little things."

As expected, Jingnan stopped asking.

Suddenly, when she wanted to ask the leader on the ground whether he was a man or a woman, Zhang Jingyun had already waved his hand and walked towards the golden hall.

"Sir, why are you back?"

Seeing Zhang Jingyun, the two guards were obviously stunned, because during his absence, the Golden Hall was basically controlled by Charles.

"Why am I back... Is this what you should ask?" Zhang Jingyun's tone was cold. The man trembled subconsciously and did not dare to look into his eyes.

Zhang Jingyun went straight to check the breeding mission records to see if anyone had broken the rules of the golden hall during this period. The faces of the people in front of him turned pale.

Finally, Zhang Jingyun slapped the table and scolded: "Humph, you are a bunch of trash. The Legal Training Institute asked you to arrange breeding tasks, and you just carry out the breeding tasks? Are you all dogs raised by the Legal Training Institute?"

"Sir! We don't want to either, but the people from the Law School have said that if you don't follow it, you will offend the leader..."

"What the hell are you afraid of? Why don't you dare to fight with Charles?" Zhang Jingyun scolded him.

Several people looked at each other. Although they didn't speak, the expressions on their faces said everything. Mark had turned into a beast. Charles was obviously the new city lord. Anyone who couldn't get along with him would be a fool, wouldn't he?

Zhang Jingyun scolded and felt particularly comfortable. He immediately arranged several breeding tasks for himself to fulfill his duties as the master of the golden hall.

With the implementation of the practice, genetic optimization is very rapid, more and more people are promoted to the rank of superiors, and the Golden Hall has more and more breeding tasks.

Zhang Jingyun also has more burdens on him.

In the evening, Zhang Jingyun called Fanti, the bearer of light, as usual. After his training, the bearer of light no longer dressed as unrestrainedly as before, and covered herself up quite tightly.

She was ten months pregnant, so it was not that she could not practice dual cultivation all the time. In the intervening months, she could exercise appropriately. Zhang Jingyun decided to play the Pokémon game with the Light Bearer.

The two sides in the game are Zhang Jingyun's Big Steel Snake, and the Light Bearer Fanti's Armored Shell. The Steel Snake took the lead in using hardening impact, and accurately collided with the Armored Shell. The Armored Shell used the wave of water, with the flow of water. way to reduce physical damage.

Zhang Jingyun's big steel snake's attacks were endless. After many collisions and even a stunt that cost him his life, the Light Bearer's armored shell was not to be outdone, and even took the opportunity to use a water gun to attack...


Both Light Bearer and Zhang Jingyun were breathing heavily. This game was really exciting. Although the armored shell was very defensive, the purple steel head of the big steel snake could still break through the two shells of the armored shell, and the water gun attack was useless.

In this sentence, the Light Bearer still lost.

The Light Bearer huddled like a kitten in Zhang Jingyun's arms. There was no clue that she was the cold Light Bearer Fanti on the lighthouse. Her warmth seemed to be given to Zhang Jingyun.

"Has Charles said anything to you recently?" Zhang Jingyun asked softly, stroking He Guangzhe's smooth back.

"No, the president rarely sees me."

Fanti's voice was calm, but Zhang Jingyun noticed that her light and shadow value had risen to over 40, which was considered a mild danger and required a warning according to the lighthouse law.

In fact, the Light Bearer deliberately did not control her emotions. During this period of time, Charles barely cared about the Light Bearer, and she was rarely free. Sometimes she tried not to control her emotions, but she felt extremely comfortable and happy from the bottom of her heart. But in When necessary, she will still control the light and shadow value within ten.

"You have changed a lot." Zhang Jingyun could feel that the Light Bearer was very different from before, at least it was more pleasing to the eye now.

The Light Bearer just hugged her tighter.


The next day, Charles finally agreed to Mark's trip. In addition, Ran Bing's proposal to travel with Mark was also agreed, and the two will leave together tomorrow.

Zhang Jingyun knows.

Charles would not let Mark leave the lighthouse easily. There would be big moves tomorrow. Charles originally wanted to see Zhang Jingyun, but Zhang Jingyun ignored him. Charles felt that the "Lord of Light and Shadow" had acquiesced to his plan, so he became more determined.

Zhang Jingyun originally wanted to see Morgan who was under house arrest, but he didn't expect Feixue to suddenly find him, looking quite anxious.

"Can you please save Erica? Last time we went to the medical collection point to search for supplies, Erica was accidentally eroded by scarlet pigment..."

After Feixue finished explaining the situation, she looked at Zhang Jingyun. Infection with scarlet pigment was already a terminal disease at the lighthouse. It couldn't be cured at all and would only slowly make her go crazy.

If she hadn't been using sedatives to maintain the status quo, Erica would have been alienated long ago. In Feixue's opinion, only Zhang Jingyun could save Erica.

"Infected with scarletin?"

Bai Yuekui should have relevant treatment methods, but Zhang Jingyun was pressed for time at that time and did not have time to learn.

But Zhang Jingyun only remembered.

Scarlet pigment can be sucked out.

"Take me over there and have a look."

Zhang Jingyun said nothing, little Erica, whose genes are exceptionally strong, is over eighteen years old, has never performed a breeding mission, and is a high-quality talent.

He saw Erica lying quietly on the hospital bed, her face pale, and there was a wound on her shoulder, which was faintly glowing red. Sure enough, she was infected by scarlet pigment.

"How to save?" Feixue couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know, I can only treat a dead horse as a living doctor." Zhang Jingyun helped Erica up and let her lean into his arms, then lowered his head and kissed her.

Zhang Jingyun remembers a fragment.

Mark returned to his human form after transforming into the Devouring Beast. He saved a female officer, but the female military doctor was also infected with scarlet pigment. Mark kissed her passionately and sucked out the scarlet pigment from the wound of the female military doctor.

Zhang Jingyun felt that he should be able to do it too. He pried open Erica's pink lips and used spiritual energy to activate the life source in his body. Sure enough, he felt the scarlet pigment.

Under Zhang Jingyun's guidance, these scarlet pigments instinctively poured into Zhang Jingyun's body, which had a stronger source of life. In an instant, Zhang Jingyun's eyes, nostrils, ears and even mouth were filled with scarlet pigments.

After the scarlet pigment entered his body, Zhang Jingyun was refreshed, and he vaguely felt that his soul seemed to be affected by this power.

But in the next second, Zhang Jingyun's powerful mental power completely shattered these scarlet pigments and transformed them into the purest energy for spiritual absorption.

At this moment, Zhang Jingyun's spirit seemed to be transformed, and his mental power increased by as much as 30%. This was only due to the absorption of a small amount of scarlet pigment.

There are so many spinegu on the ground.

Don’t you have as much scaratine as you want?

Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized that the scarlet pigment was greatly supplemented, and the supplement was mental power. If he could absorb the scarlet pigment well, his mental power would be strong enough...

Strong mental power means strong mental power. Zhang Jingyun's mental power is mediocre. Only small objects such as steel needles can be lethal.

To put it into perspective, even mineral water is difficult to move, let alone lethal, so what does it mean to have strong enough mental power?

"Wouldn't it be possible to fly in the air?"

Zhang Jingyun was suddenly stunned. Erica in his arms gradually woke up as the scarlet pigment was absorbed. He found that they were being kissed passionately, and there seemed to be electric currents in his body.

Her pretty cheeks were visibly red.

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