People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 149 Three Maoshan Taoist Priests [Please subscribe]

"Something happened to the Ren family, Ren Fa is dead~"

Dong Xiaoyu couldn't wait to report to Zhang Jingyun. Her tone was a little excited, and Zhang Jingyun was quite curious.

"What, you have a grudge against Ren Fa?"

Dong Xiaoyu revealed her true form in front of Zhang Jingyun and said, "Don't blame me, Taoist priest, I have no grudges against Ren Fa, but I have some grudges against the Ren family.

The Taoist Master also knew that I passed away at the age of twenty, although at that time the head of the Ren family was still Ren Fa's father, Mr. Ren. "

"Were you killed by Mrs. Ren?"

Zhang Jingyun was surprised, and Dong Xiaoyu shook his head and said: "No, but I was forced. At that time, I felt that I belonged to someone, and it was at the stage of talking about marriage.

Ren Weiyong fell in love with me and kept coercing and tempting me. My parents were powerless and did not dare to resist. I thought that man would take me away.

Unexpectedly, Ren Weiyong gave him thirty taels of silver, and he gave me up to Ren Weiyong without hesitation. I couldn't think of anything, so I committed suicide. "

Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized that this was the first time he knew about Dong Xiaoyu's past, and he committed suicide. No wonder Dong Xiaoyu could live as a ghost until now.

To know.

Not everyone can turn into a ghost after death. Normal death and reincarnation of the soul are normal. Even if you don't want to be reincarnated, it will slowly dissipate after 7749 days and you will have to reincarnate.

However, the souls of some people who died abnormally often accumulate resentment and remain in the world. Dong Xiaoyu fits this situation.

She died at the age of twenty, which was the best time. Under normal circumstances, she would seek revenge from Ren Weiyong or the man who abandoned her.

But in the cycle of cause and effect, the person who abandoned her died of a sudden illness. Because of the protection of a Feng Shui master, Mrs. Ren was unable to get close to her due to her low cultivation level.

Many years later, I heard that Mr. Ren robbed the tomb prepared by Mr. Feng Shui for himself and forced the Mr. Feng Shui away.

Dong Xiaoyu is preparing for revenge.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Ren was already very old and died, so she did not give Dong Xiaoyu a chance. From then on, she stayed in the world.

"Wait a minute, the Feng Shui master you just mentioned originally prepared a tomb for himself, but was snatched away by Mr. Ren?"

"Yes," Dong Xiaoyu nodded.

Zhang Jingyun had a strange expression on his face: "That's a coincidence. The Feng Shui master you mentioned is my master, and it was his tomb that Ren Weiyong robbed."

Dong Xiaoyu opened her mouth slightly, which was indeed a coincidence.

Zhang Jingyun changed the subject and said, "Forget it, let's talk about Ren Fa. How did he die? Was anyone else in the Ren family killed?"

"The day before yesterday, Renfa invited the chief mage in the town to move the grave of Mr. Ren. When moving the grave, it was a bad omen for the crows to fly south.

The servants of the Ren family opened the coffin. Inside the coffin, there was the immortal corpse of Mr. Ren. There was a strong black air spreading out, which was a precursor to the transformation of the corpse. "

Ren Fa's grave was buried next to Dong Xiaoyu's grave, so Dong Xiaoyu saw what happened that day very clearly.

"The mage named Uncle Jiu suggested burning the body, but Ren Fa said that Mr. Ren was afraid of fire and refused to burn the body.

In fact, if the corpse is burned, everything will be fine, and Ren Fa will not die. I thought it was Uncle Jiu's poor Taoism that allowed the zombies to escape. "Dong Xiaoyu said.

"Uncle Jiu is not very good at Taoism?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head, that's not the case. With Uncle Jiu's Taoism, it would be easy to kill Old Master Ren before he transformed into a corpse and avoid future troubles.

Even if Old Master Ren had just transformed into a zombie, it would be easy to kill him, so he didn't even take action himself but handed over the task of suppressing the zombies to his apprentice.

It is said that it is suppressing zombies. In fact, it is to soak the ink fountain thread with chicken blood and ink, and then use the ink fountain thread to flick it on the coffin. This is the ink fountain sealing the corpse.

However, the two apprentices really didn't live up to expectations.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng used ink fountain thread to flick the surface of the coffin, but ignored the bottom of the coffin. This caused the zombies to come out of the cage and kill Ren Fa.

In addition, Mrs. Ren is not an ordinary zombie. He has been nurtured by the Feng Shui treasure land for twenty years, and his strength has increased rapidly after turning into a zombie. This caught Uncle Jiu off guard.

Dong Xiaoyu added at the right time: "Later I discovered that Uncle Jiu's Taoism was so fierce that I couldn't escape. It was just that my apprentice was a little stupid, so I allowed Mr. Ren to escape."

"Eh? Did you see Uncle Jiu fighting?"

"On the day I moved the grave, the apprentice named Qiu Sheng offered me incense. I wanted to express my gratitude, but I happened to see them working together to deal with the zombies."

Zhang Jingyun chuckled lightly. If it were Dong Xiaoyu before, she would have wanted to seduce Qiu Sheng at this time, but now she has no such thoughts and only thinks about Zhang Jingyun's obedience.

"According to what you said, Mr. Ren was seriously injured, Uncle Ninth's disciple was also slightly injured, and many people are tracking the zombies now?"

"Yes, the captain of the police force is called Ah Wei, and Ren Fa is his uncle. He has always been thinking about his cousin Ren Tingting, so he works very hard."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jingyun's thoughts became clear.

The plot has developed to this point, and it's time for him to take action. Old Master Ren was injured by Uncle Jiu's spell, and is now hiding somewhere to recuperate.

Awei's group couldn't find Mr. Ren at all, but Zhang Jingyun vaguely remembered that Awei's group accidentally broke into a gorilla cave.

The secret cave next to the gorilla cave is the hiding place of Mr. Ren, so now is a good opportunity to refine the corpse.

"Let's go, I'll avenge you."

Zhang Jingyun took out the oil-paper umbrella and let Dong Xiaoyu in, and then left the residence. He was so fast that many people felt a gust of wind blowing past him, and the figure disappeared.

Zhang Jingyun searched with his golden eyes, and it didn't take long for him to detect the traces of Awei's group of patrolmen. A group of idle patrolmen, carrying rifles, swept back and forth on a hillside like devils.

"Captain, no zombies found."

"I didn't find it here either!"


Ah Wei's hat was tilted on his head and his chest was open. Yesterday when he was chased by zombies, he was accidentally stamped on his chest by a branding iron, which caused severe pain.

"Mad, if it wasn't for the purpose of avenging my cousin, I wouldn't have come to this hellish place to catch zombies. My uncle is really willing to give up. From now on, my cousin will be mine, as well as the family property left by my uncle..."

Ah Wei had a lustful look on his face, and showed no restraint in his greed and anger. He allowed himself to die, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise, otherwise he wouldn't be so motivated.

"Captain, we found a cave here!"

A voice sounded.

Ah Wei perked up and said, "Come with me!"

After many searches, it was basically determined that the zombies were hiding nearby, and Ah Wei took the lead and rushed into the cave with great interest.

But before the zombies saw it, a gorilla suddenly went crazy and rushed out of the cave, knocking Awei and flying several meters away.

A group of patrolmen dispersed.

The search for zombies also came to nothing.

"Incompetent bungler."

After Ah Wei and his group disappeared, Zhang Jingyun also appeared. A group of armed patrol police were frightened by a chimpanzee and fled in all directions. Is it okay?

With this virtue in mind, Awei would still brag to Ren Tingting about how brave he was after he returned home, even if he really encountered a zombie, he would be killed.

"Mr. Ren is hiding around here?"

Dong Xiaoyu emerged from the oil-paper umbrella.

The fog here is thick and the sun has been blocked, so Dong Xiaoyu can also appear during the day, and she also feels that it is quite comfortable here.

"This is a place with four yins, and the yin energy is strong. Mr. Ren will also look for a place. Not only will his health improve quickly here, but his cultivation will be even better."

Zhang Jingyun is proficient in the secrets of Feng Shui, and his attainments in Feng Shui are much higher than those of the old Taoist priests. Uncle Jiu is not necessarily better than Zhang Jingyun.

Old Mrs. Ren found a geomantic treasure land for himself. In the original plot, Mr. Ren was probably in the Green Zombie state when he was injured by Uncle Jiu.

But at this time, he was still afraid when he encountered magic weapons such as Mo Dou Line. Later, after cultivating in the Four Yin Lands, his cultivation level reached a breakthrough again, reaching the point where his hair was stiff.

Mao Zheng jumps very fast, is not afraid of people or animals, and his fighting power soars. It is because of this that he can fight with Uncle Jiu back and forth.

"The land of the Four Yins is perfect for refining corpses!"

Zhang Jingyun flew up without touching the ground with his soles, and stared at Dong Xiaoyu. No matter how powerful a Taoist, it would be difficult to fly, right?

Youdao has a mortal body, and his body is as heavy as Mount Tai. Even accomplished practitioners fly with swords. How can he fly like Zhang Jingyun?

Dong Xiaoyu felt more and more that she was with the right person.

Zhang Jingyun landed in front of the cave that Ah Wei and others found, and then turned his eyes to a dark cave covered with grass a few meters away.

Faintly, there was corpse air permeating the air.

Dong Xiaoyu was still a little timid at the entrance of the cave. Although Mrs. Ren was injured by Uncle Jiu, it was essentially the nemesis of ghosts.

Creatures like zombies are born from the resentment and filth between heaven and earth. They are immortal and immortal. They are abandoned by the three realms of heaven, earth and man, and are excluded from the six realms of living beings.

For Dong Xiaoyu.

Zombies are far scarier than humans.

Zhang Jingyun, however, was completely unafraid and went straight in. As soon as he entered the cave, he saw a charred humanoid creature lying in a pool of muddy water.

The corpse was lying upright.

"The iron-clad old man Ren, the protagonist of Liu Shui, tsk tsk, the time travelers from all over the world have almost ruined the old man!"

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but sigh.

You know, Mr. Ren is also a famous experience package in the novels of all realms. If Uncle Jiu is the saint master of all realms and the head of Novice Village.

That old man was a model worker.

Old Master Ren was indeed miserable. When he was buried, he was dressed gorgeously, but now he was beaten violently by Uncle Jiu. His clothes were in tatters and his body was covered with scars.

Lying in a puddle of muddy water.

The mice were all crawling on Mr. Ren’s face.

"Looking at you, you must be working very hard. Just be patient and wait until I can transform you into a psychic armored corpse."

Zhang Jingyun slowly approached, and when he was about ten feet away, Mr. Ren noticed the aura of a stranger and jumped up suddenly to look at Zhang Jingyun.

Ordinary zombies have no vision, such as purple zombies and black zombies. They basically rely on their sense of smell to detect anger, and can be detected as long as they breathe.

So when you encounter a zombie, you can try to hold your breath. Of course, it will definitely be of no use to Mr. Ren now. It has evolved and can see people with its eyes.

Zhang Jingyun did not hide it, he continued to move forward, and Old Master Ren suddenly attacked. His dry claws were harder than iron, and the people they caught were either dead or injured.


Zhang Jingyun is faster than Mr. Ren.

A heavy punch hit Old Master Ren in the heart. The heart of the copper-skinned and iron-bone zombie was half an inch dented, and Zhang Jingyun was so beaten that he was hung on the wall.

"So hard?"

Zhang Jingyun was pleasantly surprised. Mr. Ren was not too weak. Uncle Jiu would probably have died on the spot if he had punched him. After all, they were not part of the same system.

Cultivation pays more attention to the soul.

As for a being like Zhang Jingyun who has external powers, only zombies can compare with him in this world. Looking at the miserable appearance of Mr. Ren, his whole body was charred and black, not because of black zombies, but because he was injured by a magic weapon.

In fact, Mr. Ren is now considered to be a Green Zombie. His breath is green. If he cultivates it for a while, he should be able to break through the Mao Zong.


Mr. Ren was punched by Zhang Jingyun and flew to the wall. When he landed on the ground, he was already frightened. He jumped up and wanted to escape from this place.

Ring ring ring!

A crisp ringing sound rang.

In an instant, Mr. Ren suddenly froze his figure. Zhang Jingyun mobilized his magic power to shake the soul-capturing bell. With the corpse blood and hair stained by the soul-capturing bell in his early years, he could easily freeze Mr. Ren.

Zhang Jingyun said to Dong Xiaoyu: "I will refine the body here for as little as seven days and as long as forty-nine days. No one is allowed to disturb me during this time."


Dong Xiaoyu's eyes were crystal clear, and she admired Zhang Jingyun's strength to the extreme. No matter what the instructions were, she would execute them without hesitation.

Zhang Jingyun laid Mr. Ren flat on the ground, took out the corpse talisman and ignited it with magic power, and at the same time recited a spell to refine the zombie.

These corpse talismans were all left by the old Taoist priests. Zhang Jingyun had not had time to learn how to draw corpse talismans, so naturally he could not draw corpse talismans.

In fact, the old Taoist priest did not expect Zhang Jingyun to successfully refine Old Master Ren. After all, even if he went out in person, the success rate was only two levels.

Burning the corpse talisman three times a day and activating the magic power at all times is not something ordinary people can bear. However, Zhang Jingyun is not the predecessor. His cultivation level has already surpassed that of the old Taoist priests, and he is better than the old Taoist.

Seven days passed by in the blink of an eye.

The surface of Mr. Ren's corpse was shrouded in talisman light, and the power of the corpse talisman had been integrated into his body. Even his injuries were completely restored by Zhang Jingyun's magic power.

After the seven-day corpse refining period was over, Zhang Jingyun began to bleed. What he bled was extremely precious blood essence. He then transformed the psychic talisman into the blood and chanted a spell to pour the essence and blood into the corpse.

At dawn, take three mouthfuls of the Eastern Yang Qi, pass it through a bamboo tube, and blow it into the corpse's mouth to arouse the Yin Qi accumulated in Mr. Ren's body.

For fourteen days in a row, zombies channeled spirits.

At this moment, Mrs. Ren's body flashed with red light, and the blood essence absorbed by Zhang Jingyun seemed to undergo some unreasonable changes.


The terrifying power even made Zhang Jingyun tremble.

I saw the aura on Old Man Ren's body suddenly surged. Under the red light, Old Man Ren instantly broke through the zombie realm and was promoted to Mao Zhan.

It's just normal. Mao Zhan has white hair on his body. The thin white hair is harder than iron wire. It covers the body and can resist spell attacks.

However, Mr. Ren had red hair on his body. The dark red hair fluttered in the wind. Some of the red hair fell to the ground and blew a dark wind, which was full of ominous omens.

"This damn thing has mutated?"

Zhang Jingyun was stunned when he looked at the red-haired zombie in front of him. He used the Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique to create such a thing. Is it successful or not?

"Attack me!"

Zhang Jingyun shook the soul-stirring bell, and the red-haired old man punched Zhang Jingyun so hard that Zhang Jingyun was secretly stunned at the speed.

More than three times faster than before.

The power was so great that Zhang Jingyun even took it seriously. He combined his waist and horse and punched out with the same punch. The red-haired old man took a few steps back to stabilize his body.

He was about to continue the attack when Zhang Jingyun waved his hand, "Stop!" The soul-catching bell shook, and the red-haired old man stood there like a stone pillar.

Zhang Jingyun frowned, "Red hair is an ominous sign. Mr. Ren's strength improvement is several times stronger than the effect recorded in the Corpse Refining Technique. Nothing will happen, right?"

After thinking about it, Zhang Jingyun took out another piece of paulownia wood and carved it into a human shape so that it would be the same spirit as the zombie. If the zombie was out of control, he could destroy the wooden figure to break the corpse's energy.


Twenty-one days in a row.

Zhang Jingyun has succeeded in refining corpses, but on the other side, Renjia Town is panicking because of zombies. Uncle Jiu is a highly respected Taoist priest in Renjia Town, so he naturally has to shoulder the important task of subduing and slaying demons.

The zombies have been waiting for a long time and have not appeared. As the time gets longer and longer, their strength will become stronger and stronger. Just in case, Uncle Jiu invited two junior brothers to help.

"Senior Brother, why are the zombies making such a huge battle and calling Junior Brother Qianhe and me here?" A Taoist priest holding a soul-calling flag and a soul-calling bell walked into Yizhuang.

This man has green features and a slightly thin figure. Because he wears a pair of glasses, he is known as the Taoist Priest with Four Eyes over time.

The Taoist who walked beside Si Mu had a good momentum, he was not angry and had a strong look, and he had a fierce look, which made ghosts feel a little frightened when he saw him.

This is a mahogany sword. It only plays in the peak competition. At first glance, all the teammates are useless. The opponent is Zongwang Tongtian, and the face of the pain mask is Qianhe Taoist Priest.

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