People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 170 Rejuvenate Him【Please subscribe】

With Bai Yuekui's character, it was her limit to allow Zhang Jingyun to hold herself and another woman at the same time.

If Zhang Jingyun still wants to push further.

Bai Yuekui would go into a rage if he tried to commit suicide by sleeping with someone else, but fortunately Jing Nan calmed down after a brief absence.

She reported what happened in the lighthouse during this period, so that Zhang Jingyun had a clear understanding of the development of the lighthouse this year and then turned around and left.

Bai Yuekui looked at Jing Nan's figure and couldn't help but said: "You, the city lord, are quite competent. Have you taken care of all the beautiful women on the lighthouse?"

"What are you talking about? I'm not Teddy."

Zhang Jingyun was greatly surprised. Why did Bai Yuekui's tone make him feel a little jealous? If her teammates saw this, their jaws would drop in shock.

After a pause, Zhang Jingyun then added, "Actually, there are not many. In addition to performing normal breeding tasks, only Jingnan, Feixue and a few others only perform breeding tasks with me."

"In other words, after these people belong to you, you still have the ability to win the title of lighthouse breeding pacesetter?"

Bai Yuekui was slightly surprised.

In fact, Bai Yuekui still knows Zhang Jingyun's excellence in some aspects. After all, she has experienced it personally, directly allowing this eighty-year-old beautiful girl to experience what it is like to be eighteen years old.

However, after the ground camp and the lighthouse formed a coalition, Bai Yuekui was still shocked after learning more about Zhang Jingyun's deeds on the lighthouse.

"Don't you know if I have any spare capacity? I have the advantage in breeding. Your current situation is not good. Let me check your health."

As Zhang Jingyun spoke, he picked up Bai Yuekui and walked into the bedroom. He laid her on the bed and was about to take off her clothes. Bai Yuekui scolded: "Is there such a person to check her body?"

"Don't move!" Zhang Jingyun held Bai Yuekui down, "You are in a very bad situation. You have been fighting against the Devouring Beast this year, right?

The condition is worse than before I left!

Hey, let me tell you what's good about you. If you don't practice the exercises properly, you will commit suicide slowly if you attack others! "

Zhang Jingyun touched Bai Yuekui's body and said with distress, the cells were severely depleted and even the internal organs were injured. It would not be an exaggeration to say that his life was hanging by a thread.

It can be said that according to Master Lai's prediction for her, Bai Yuekui might not even be alive today if she had not met Zhang Jingyun.

It was Zhang Jingyun and Bai Yuekui who both repaired trophic cells and took Pantao to extend their life span for five years. The cell activity was greatly improved.

As a result, 7788 yuan was consumed in just one year.

Bai Yuekui's attitude softened and she knew she was in the wrong, but she had nothing to do. The coalition forces and Mana Ecology suffered serious losses in the battle. As the commander-in-chief, she sometimes had to stand up and take the lead.

"Then what do you say we should do? I will listen to you." When these words came out of Bai Yuekui's mouth, Zhang Jingyun felt a strange impulse.

"Huh, what else can we do? Of course it's an injection!" Zhang Jingyun said pretending to be angry, and Bai Yuekui felt something was wrong as he listened.

"Is this a serious injection?"

Zhang Jingyun patted her buttocks with his big hand and said, "Injections must be serious. I don't know if the injections are serious."

After a moment, Bai Yuekui exclaimed: "Stop being so fussy!"

Unknowingly, the system voice in my mind sounded: "Practice once with your partner, and your attribute points will be +1."

Zhang Jingyun was very satisfied. After traveling through multiple worlds, he and Bai Yuekui were the most efficient in dual cultivation, adding a full 1 attribute point at a time.

And this time, Zhang Jingyun used the Xuannv Sutra. Huangdi once consulted the Xuannv of the Nine Heavens for advice on this dual cultivation secret technique, and finally achieved enlightenment and ascended.

Dual cultivation together, Xuannv Sutra can be called a great secret technique. Every time one of Xuannv's nine postures is performed, the effect of dual cultivation is doubled. If all nine postures are performed, the effect will be increased nine times.

So Zhang Jingyun's attribute points increased by nine.

During the double cultivation process, Bai Yuekui endured nine days a day, and his already severely damaged body was instantly injected with a gentle and long-lasting power.

This magical power nourished her whole body, every muscle, every bone, every organ and even every cell.

The wonderful nourishment that came from the depths of her soul greatly improved her body, and Bai Yuekui immediately started the technique.

It is not the spiritual cultivation technique of the spirit cage world, but a magical technique taught to her by Zhang Jingyun, which is the Everlasting Eternal Spring Kung Fu.

After all the calculations, Bai Yuekui had only practiced this technique for less than three years. Naturally, he could not achieve the level of rejuvenation and immortality in such a short period of time.

If you want to rejuvenate, you need at least fifty years of internal strength. No matter how talented Bai Yuekui is, he can't use it in three years instead of fifty years.

However, as Zhang Jingyun and Bai Yuekui practiced dual cultivation and took the flat peach that extends life span for five years, she actually developed a lot of internal strength.

This time, Zhang Jingyun and she used the secret technique of dual cultivation. The power generated by practicing the Xuannv Sutra was higher than the internal power or even the spiritual energy. It even made the two forces in Bai Yuekui's body show signs of merging into one.

This is amazing.

Bai Yuekui's body does not have fifty years of internal energy, but it has more than fifty years of spiritual energy. The spiritual energy and internal energy are cultivated and fused under the influence of Xuannv Sutra, which instantly changes Bai Yuekui's dilemma.

The Everlasting Eternal Spring Kung Fu operates rapidly, the spiritual energy and internal force are integrated, and the cultivation level increases at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhang Jingyun had already anticipated Bai Yuekui's change. He already knew that Xuannvjing could fuse alien powers within his body.

Zhang Jingyun himself also practices various cultivation systems, including internal strength, internal strength, spiritual energy, and magic power. So many powers appear mixed in the body.

The Xuannv Sutra is like a fusion agent that integrates various powers together and can be used separately at any time. However, Zhang Jingyun has not yet achieved great success in practicing the Xuannv Sutra.

Now we can only integrate internal force, internal energy, and spiritual energy into one. If we can integrate magic power into one, then wouldn't it mean that if Zhang Jingyun's internal power of more than a thousand years is converted into magic power, he can directly break through to the realm of refining the void?

"You have to continue dual cultivation."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart, Bai Yuekui's side has also undergone tremendous changes. As the spiritual energy and internal energy merge into one, the internal energy breaks through some shackles.

A surging energy rose from Bai Yuekui's body.

"Hey, the dragon and the tiger are in harmony, breaking the two bridges of heaven and earth. This is a breakthrough in the innate realm. After the spiritual energy is transformed, the internal strength has exceeded fifty years.

Yuekui, you can be young again.

Rejuvenation for the first time is the key to Changchun Kung Fu. I will use my inner strength to guide you to follow me and do the Kung Fu. Don’t take the wrong route. "Zhang Jingyun said.

A hand was placed behind Bai Yuekui's back to circulate the internal force. The deep internal force in Bai Yuekui's body suddenly had a direction and was running through the meridians in a complicated route.

After a while, Bai Yuekui gradually entered a better state.

Soon Zhang Jingyun saw Bai Yuekui's body shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, he turned into a seven or eight-year-old little girl.

Her pink cheeks make people want to kiss her, her fair and rosy skin is full of elasticity, and her small body has endless vitality.

"Is this rejuvenation?"

Bai Yuekui looked at his hands in disbelief, his naked body and bare feet, and ran to the mirror to take a closer look at himself.

"It's unbelievable that modern science has worked hard and the immortality that countless people wanted at the cost of their lives was actually realized by the ancients."

Zhang Jingyun also understood that in ancient times in this world, without the internal strength that was only available in the martial arts world, immortality would definitely not be possible.

Bai Yuekui seemed very satisfied with his current situation. He was rejuvenated, his bones were reshaped, and he was starting over. There was still hope for everything.

The problem of cell failure has been completely solved. From now on, she no longer has to worry about her life being in danger if she takes action.

"The premise is that when your power returns to its peak, after my transformation of the Immortality Changchun Kung, you won't have to rejuvenate yourself every few decades.

The timing of rejuvenation is in our hands. When we need to rejuvenate, we can take the initiative. For example, if the body is severely damaged and the foundation is damaged, rejuvenation is an opportunity to reshape the body.

However, the speed of strength recovery after rejuvenation cannot be changed. You need to drink blood or absorb the power of masculine attributes every day to regain one year's strength in one day. "

Zhang Jingyun told him that with Bai Yuekui's strength, it would take about two months to regain his full strength. Bai Yuekui was already very satisfied.

"What a pity..." Zhang Jingyun said suddenly.

Q version Bai Yuekui jumped over and asked: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Jingyun rubbed her little head and said with a smile: "She is still young and has white hair. The two potions you used are quite evil."

Before the catastrophe, Bai Yuokui had black hair. Later, because he took two genetic medicines, his hair turned white and he became stronger.

Although Zhang Jingyun likes the white-haired Bai Yuekui very much, he would be very happy if he could see the black-haired Bai Yuekui.

"Angel Potion and Miracle K are both extracted from the bodies of ancient creatures. Human beings have not yet figured out the secret of that ancient creature."

The cute Bai Yuekui said in a childish voice, "As for me with black hair, if you are interested, you can take a look at my old photos."

"Don't worry, I'm definitely interested."

Bai Yuekui asked Xia Dou to send a bunch of old photos. Seeing the cute baby version of Bai Yuokui, Xia Dou couldn't help but reach out and touch her.

There aren't many photos of Bai Yuekui, and the clearest one is a photo of her in prison uniform on a global wanted warrant, with handcuffs on her hands and scars on her body that appear to have been whipped.

Zhang Jingyun has a bold idea.

"This is the photo that was wanted by Gray at that time. The bastard Gray took away my brother's body. His 'contribution' to the earth becoming what it is is indispensable!"

Bai Yuekui emphasized the word "credit" very strongly. The Gray she was talking about was Gray Weaver, the former chief of the Jiuchuan City Police Department and a former commander of the special forces.

Gray used to be upright, selfless, brave and tenacious, with a strong sense of responsibility and commanding ability. Just when he was satisfied with his ambition, his wife was brutally tortured and killed by criminals who came for revenge.

Gray was seriously injured in a fight with criminals, resulting in lifelong disability. Gray, who was supposed to be promoted to the mayor of Jiuchuan, was later replaced by the more popular technology giant Bai Jingyu, Bai Yuekui's father.

His family and career were severely damaged, and Gray's character became extremely extreme, sensitive and suspicious. Years later, the criminal who killed his wife was caught.

In the same year, Bai Yuekui and his teacher successfully overcame the technical difficulties of brain transplant surgery. Soon after, Bai Yuekui's teacher became critically ill.

At this time, Gray's wife-killing enemy was executed. Bai Yuekui's brother Bai Yuetian stole the body and helped his sister complete a brain transplant to save the teacher.

However, the operation was illegal at the time, and the grudge between Gray and the Bai family completely erupted. Later, Gray took Bai Yuetian's body as his own in the process of hunting down the Bai Yuekui brothers and sisters.

In the catastrophe, Jiukawa City could calmly deal with various problems under the defense of artificial intelligence, but Gray accidentally broke the core of artificial intelligence.

As a result, Jiuchuan City lost the protection of artificial intelligence, causing a greater disaster, so Bai Yuekui said that Gray had "credit" for the earth to become like this.

Zhang Jingyun looked strange, "Same for you and your brother. You can't steal whose body. Do you have to steal the body of the criminal who killed Gray's wife?"

After the brain transplant is successful, Bai Yuekui's teacher will survive in the body of the criminal who killed Gray's wife, which is why Gray is furious.

Anyone who sees his wife-killing enemy alive again, even though it is someone else's head, will still resist, and the matter is not over yet.

After the brain transplant surgery, Bai Yuekui's teacher was still influenced by the original owner's will and killed Gray's only son.

The Gray family naturally hated Bai Yuetian to death, and he himself was disabled, so he used a trick to take away Bai Yuetian's body, transplant his brain into his enemy's body, and then hunt down Bai Yuekui.

So in the end, Bai Yuetian was left with only one brain, which was not unfair. Gray was indeed harmed by Bai Yuokui's brother and sister.

"This photo...hehe."

Zhang Jingyun turned to another photo and raised his eyebrows. In the photo, he saw Bai Yuekui, who was in his early twenties, lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, with his mouth open and drooling.

And because the size of the chest is too large, sleeping on the stomach results in two perfect eastern hemispheres. No matter how you look at it, this figure is much plumper than when you were white-haired.

"This doesn't count!"

The Q version of Bai Yuekui sat on top of the photo, with the small one blocking it. Zhang Jingyun looked at other photos, teasing Bai Yuekui, and finally left the command hall with satisfaction.

He will definitely not be able to practice dual cultivation with her within ten days. Zhang Jingyun, who is underage, cannot be offended, so Zhang Jingyun can only enter Jingnan's room.


Jing Nan was instantly awakened by a pair of strong, strong hands holding her body.

"It's me, Jingnan!"

A familiar voice sounded, and Jing Nan softened. Zhang Jingyun felt the warmth of his body and started a new dual cultivation task.

[Attribute points +0.4]

The system beep sounded, and Zhang Jingyun was surprised. It seemed that Jingnan had improved a lot this year, and his attribute points actually increased by 0.2.

"It's not like you left us a lot of spiritual liquid. Your cultivation speed must be faster than others. Even Vatican has successfully held the elixir."

In terms of cultivation aptitude, Fanti, the Lotus Light Master, has the best, and she has undergone Zhang Jingyun's double modification of her body, various cultivation resources, and she is also very good. Unexpectedly, she is far ahead in terms of martial arts practice.

Zhang Jingyun is not a selfish person.

This time when he returns to the spirit cage world, all his women will definitely be exposed to rain and dew. In three days, his attribute points have increased by a total of sixty.

On the tenth day, Zhang Jingyun's attribute points had already exceeded 100, and Bai Yuekui could continue to practice dual cultivation. Zhang Jingyun was curious about the ancient creature she mentioned.

"What exactly is that ancient creature?"

After Bai Yuekui finished vomiting, he took out a tissue and wiped his mouth. He opened the curtains and let the warm sunshine shine in, but his face became solemn.

Zhang Jingyun even saw fear on her face. This was definitely not the emotion Bai Yuekui should have. The ancient creature was definitely beyond imagination.

“Years ago, when my father’s Nirvana Institute of Biology was conducting deep-sea species exploration, it detected the existence of life source radiation deep in the bottom layer.

Deep in the trench, my father was surprised to find Him, an ancient giant who seemed to be pregnant, with strong life source radiation coming from His body!

Later, my father extracted rock samples from His body, and after testing, the results showed that He had lived for at least 250 million years, experienced the Permian mass extinction, and was still alive until the catastrophe. "

Bai Yuekui's voice was calm, but what he said was unbelievable. A giant who had lived for 250 million years was still alive, and Bai Yuekui even called this ancient giant by him.

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