People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 180 The Millennium Zombie King [Please subscribe]

The legendary underworld, the underworld and the underworld among ordinary people, has been different from the Yang world since its birth. It is surrounded by Yin energy all year round and there is no sun.

But on this day, the underworld

The ghosts saw a horrifying scene from a distance. The dazzling light illuminated half of the sky, and a scorching sun seemed to rise in the underworld.

"What the hell is this?"

The old demon of Montenegro, who was entrenched in the underworld and was already a demon king, actually felt the fear of death. However, this threat of death still came from the two real gods of Lian Shen in the underworld. In his eyes, they were like ants.

The nuclear bomb exploded, setting off a terrifying shock wave. In front of this violent energy, all living beings are equal, even the old demon from Montenegro can't care less about showing off.

"Two evildoers!"

The old Black Mountain monster instinctively used escape skills and fled in embarrassment. However, it was not a monster that was good at escape skills, so most of the power of the nuclear bomb left by Zhang Jingyun was used on him and was not wasted.

However, Zhang Jingyun felt that this small nuclear bomb might not be able to kill the old Black Mountain demon in the realm of refining the void. After all, the demon king of the refining void was almost a demon immortal.

At the fourth level of Taoism, Zhang Jingyun has just reached the realm of divine refining, and can fly in the air, coming and going freely. The body of the old Black Mountain demon is still a big black mountain with strong defense. At most, it will be bombed by a nuclear bomb and lose hundreds of years of cultivation.

The final result was just as Zhang Jingyun thought. The old Black Mountain demon saved his life from the nuclear explosion and would definitely not be a threat to Zhang Jingyun in the short term.

But others are not so lucky.

For example, the horse-riding generals who fought with Yan Chixia before, as well as a group of Yin soldiers, were instantly turned into ashes in the destructive explosion.

There wasn't even a chance to cry.

With just such a nuclear bomb, the area controlled by the Black Mountain Old Demon's clone was completely cleared, and no trace of the ghost could be seen anymore.


Zhang Jingyun and Yan Chixia escaped from the underworld one after another.

Only after returning to the earth did the two of them feel at ease. Zhang Jingyun knew about the nuclear bomb explosion, but Yan Chixia did not.

At that moment, he felt like the hairs all over his body were exploding, and the shadow of death came to his mind. He thought Zhang Jingyun had cast some powerful spell.

"Brother Ning, is your Maoshan method already so powerful? The old Black Mountain demon in the realm of refining the void will probably be seriously injured."

Yan Chixia said in a loud voice.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "It's not Maoshan's magic, it's a weapon I got by chance. It's just a chance, and it's gone after it's used up."

Yan Chixia saw the ghost's frightened look and sighed, "It's so scary. It's like the sun rises and the sky is lit up. If this method can be used at any time, it must be like a god."

"Brother Yan, luckily I had the Xuanyuan Divine Sword to scare the Black Mountain old demon. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to use the method just now. You and I escaped, but the Xuanyuan Divine Sword jumped to nowhere..."

Before Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yan Chixia: "Brother Ning, I understand your worries. You can't lose the Xuanyuan Sword, so don't worry."

If she lost the Xuanyuan Divine Sword in order to go to the underworld to retrieve Nie Xiaoqian's ashes, Yan Chixia would definitely not be able to accept it.

Then Zhang Jingyun saw Yan Chixia holding a sword hand: "Return the divine sword!" As soon as he finished speaking, the space in front of him started to tremble.

A sword light cut through the space.

Immediately afterwards, the Xuanyuan Divine Sword flew out of the underworld and out of the Yang world. The Divine Sword has a spirit, and even if Yan Chixia is far away in the horizon, she can still call her back.

Yan Chixia carefully stroked the Xuanyuan Sword. This sword of the holy way survived the nuclear explosion unharmed. It was truly an artifact.

"Don't worry about me, look at Miss Xiaoqian." Yan Chixia said to Zhang Jingyun after putting the Xuanyuan Divine Sword back into the sword case.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved and he took out the black jar. Inside was Nie Xiaoqian's ashes. As Zhang Jingyun called softly, a figure slowly emerged.

"Thank you, Master. Thank you, Master Yan."

She knew everything about what happened in the underworld.

Zhang Jingyun and Yan Chixia fought fiercely with the old demon from Black Mountain just to get her ashes back. She knew how dangerous the battle was.

So when she returned to the underworld, as soon as Nie Xiaoqian appeared, she knelt in front of Zhang Jingyun and Yan Chixia, who were her saviors.

"There's no need to be polite. Since you are Brother Ning's...well, the person Brother Ning likes, then your character must be kind. Isn't it that we as Taoists learn the skills to punish evil and promote good?"

Yan Chixia racked her brains and said.

In the past, Yan Chixia would definitely kill one of the female ghosts like Nie Xiaoqian, or two of them.

But under the influence of Zhang Jingyun.

Yan Chixia could even accept humans and ghosts being together, and was secretly happy to see Nie Xiaoqian free and with Zhang Jingyun.

Shaking her head, Yan Chixia pursed her lips and said, "Today's young people are more daring to think and do than we are, so it's fate that you two are together.

However, I still want to remind you that there is no result between humans and ghosts. If you really want to be together, then reincarnate. "

Nie Xiaoqian's heart was filled with waves, and she was reincarnated. She had never thought that she would have such an opportunity before, but at this time, she hesitated again.

Looking at Zhang Jingyun, Nie Xiaoqian couldn't help but said: "Master, do you want me to be reincarnated? Even if I forget the memories of this life?"

Zhang Jingyun said in a deep voice: "If you don't want to, you can stay by my side for the rest of your life, but you may have been unable to achieve good results since you helped others do evil in the past.

If you are reincarnated, others will lose their memories of their lives, but you are different. With my arrangements, as long as we meet again in the next life, you will still think of me. "

Nie Xiaoqian's eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "Young master, I am willing to be reincarnated. In the next life, eighteen years from now, I will marry you."

"Ahem, you guys talk first."

Yan Chixia couldn't stand listening anymore. She was a single person, but she was still listening to it. When she came to her senses, she was the one who was hurt.

Nie Xiaoqian covered her face and smiled softly.

"Master Yan is a wonderful man."

Zhang Jingyun nodded: "Brother Yan has been cultivating Taoism all his life and is full of kindness. Such people will become Taoist sooner or later. The time is almost here. Xiaoqian, it's time for you to go."


Nie Xiaoqian's steps were heavy and she suddenly said to him: "Didn't Master say that I was cold before? I will be hot after eighteen years."

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

Nie Xiaoqian laughed so hard that her branches trembled and said, "Sir, I have noticed it a long time ago. You look like you are upright, but in fact you are also lusting after me. What you said before were all lies, right?"

Zhang Jingyun's face turned red and he said, "Don't talk nonsense, how can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air!"

Nie Xiaoqian said: "Even if the young master is a liar, I still like to be cheated by the young master. I only hope that the first young master can find me soon and Xiaoqian is gone."

As soon as she finished speaking, Nie Xiaoqian disappeared.

Zhang Jingyun could see her soul entering the underworld, "I don't know if he can find her reincarnation with the help of Ju Ling sent general."

This world is different from the world under one person. There is a real underworld. The control of the soul by the Ju Ling sent general is actually to imprint his own spirit into the controlled soul.

With this connection, Zhang Jingyun can feel Nie Xiaoqian's soul no matter where he is in the world, but nothing is absolute.

If reincarnation can erase even this trace of connection, it will be difficult. We can only use the Maoshan method to find the reincarnation body, which is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the sky.

After a while, the sky turned white, and a rooster crowed, breaking the boundary between night and day. Yan Chixia said at the right time: "You should have been reincarnated by this time."

Zhang Jingyun nodded, with a hint of excitement on his face: "Sure enough, that trace of connection is still there. No matter where she is, I can find it."

"Brother Ning, aren't you sad?"

Yan Chixia didn't see the sadness of farewell on Zhang Jingyun's face, but Zhang Jingyun said: "It's a good thing for Xiaoqian to be reincarnated, why be sad?"

"Haha, Brother Ning is not a nerd after all. Most of the others are inseparable from others. Only when you give up can you gain something. Eighteen years is not a long time for us cultivators. It would be better to change it to someone as beautiful as a flower. Wife, it’s not too late to be happy.”

Yan Chixia patted Zhang Jingyun on the shoulder and said.

"The monsters in Lanruo Temple have been eliminated. Brother Yan, I wonder what your plans are in the future?" Zhang Jingyun looked at Yan Chixia and asked.

Yan Chixia thought for a while and said, "Brother Xiahou will not let me go. As before, he will find a place to live in seclusion and practice waiting for him to challenge me."

Zhang Jingyun nodded. This time, because of his intervention, Xiahou Swordsman was not sucked into a mummy by the thousand-year-old tree demon like in the original plot, and he would definitely continue to challenge.

"Hey, it's hard to drink Brother Ning's good wine this time." Yan Chixia said in a low voice. He has been with Maotai a lot these days. For Yan Chixia, losing Maotai is no less than losing the West. Jerusalem.

Zhang Jingyun chuckled: "I still have some in stock, so I'll give it to Brother Yan to save some drinks. Maybe it will last until the next meeting."

Yan Chixia suddenly smiled when she saw Jiu, and then the two of them said something more, and Yan Chixia said goodbye and left: "Brother Ning, see you later."

"See you later."

Zhang Jingyun originally wanted to compete with Yan Chixia, and if he won, he would complete another task, but Yan Chixia was also injured in the battle in the underworld.

Although he was injured, Yan Chixia was a blessing in disguise and had a breakthrough in his realm. When he returned to his peak, he would surely enter the late stage of god refining. Zhang Jingyun and Yan Chixia made an appointment to compete again the next time they meet.


As soon as Yan Chixia left.

Zhang Jingyun was also thinking about where he should go. He had never thought of partnering with Yan Chixia, mainly because Yan Chixia did not have the destiny to attract monsters like Uncle Jiu.

The goblins that Yan Chixia killed were all encountered passively. In the first part, it was because Ning Caichen was beaten hard by the thousand-year-old tree demon and beat him until he became autistic for a hundred years.

In the second part, it was because Ning Caichen and Zhiqiu Yiye couldn't defeat Pudu Cihang that Yan Chixia came on the scene to turn the tide.

So relatively speaking.

Zhang Jingyun is more likely to attract monsters.

"The system mission of rescuing Nie Xiaoqian has been completed. It is also a matter of time to defeat Yan Chixia, so we still have to conquer the demons."

Zhang Jingyun thinks about which place in the A Chinese Ghost Story trilogy has the most monsters, and the first place that comes to mind is the palace.

When a country is about to perish, there must be monsters.

Counting the time, Cihang Pudu's centipede spirit has been rooted in the palace for many years, and there must be countless monsters under it.

But against Cihang Pudu...

Zhang Jingyun actually doesn't have much confidence now. When Yan Chixia was at her peak, she could barely kill Cihang Pudu.

But Cihang Pudu was the weakest at that time. If he hadn't caught up with the Tengu Eclipse, Cihang Pudu's original strength would have been greatly reduced. Otherwise, Yan Chixia would not have been able to defeat Cihang Pudu.

"So this is Cihang Pudu's most powerful state at this time? He can eat away at the palace's dragon energy. This is an absolutely unparalleled monster!"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and no longer thought about the palace. There were still a few years until the next Tengu eclipse, and he would then deal with Cihang Pudu.

"Forget it, there's no need to target any monster. Anyway, Ning Caichen's identity is inevitably entangled with monsters. Whoever he encounters will be considered unlucky."

You definitely don’t have to think about going to Beijing to take the exam.

So Zhang Jingyun decided to travel around.

Traveling all over the world, one cannot travel with a sword. Zhang Jingyun returned to the county town and bought a good horse, one person, one horse and one sword, and embarked on the journey.

Along the way, whenever he met someone having a wedding or wedding, Zhang Jingyun would always go up to greet them and check to see if the bride looked... like a ghost or something.

Seven days passed before I knew it.

Ning Caichen's identity is indeed very attractive to ghosts. In the past seven days, Zhang Jingyun encountered a total of four unclean things, three of which were female ghosts.

"Damn, he is indeed the Undead Knight!"

Until the eighth day.

Zhang Jingyun finally encountered an evil spirit that was not a ghost. He was in Fukang Township. Fukang Township is the place with the best Feng Shui in Guobei County, and there are many wealthy families.

When passing by Fukang Township, Zhang Jingyun noticed that the underground Yin Qi in the mausoleums of wealthy families in Fukang Township was particularly strong.

This kind of situation has a high probability of forming zombies in normal times, not to mention the change of dynasties and the node of chaos in the world. The formation of zombies is also particularly powerful.

The Yin Qi is diluted a lot by the sun during the day, and the specific situation can only be known by checking at night. This is why many zombie movies often open coffins at night to detect whether there are zombies.

The scary atmosphere at night can increase the effect of the program. This is only one reason. In fact, Maoshan Taoist priests are not willing to fight zombies at night.

But unexpectedly.

Zhang Jingyun originally wanted to go to the mausoleum at night to investigate the situation, but when night fell, he noticed the sound of horse hooves approaching from far away.

"Five men, five horses."

Zhang Jingyun flew to a big tree and observed, "You dare to come to the mausoleum so late. Could it be that you are a tomb robber?"

However, even tomb robbers would not come over on horseback, and these five people were holding torches. Looking at their attire when they got closer, Zhang Jingyun raised his eyebrows.

"Maoshan Taoist?"

If Zhang Jingyun couldn't recognize this outfit after seeing it, he would really be disgraced by Uncle Jiu's teachings. Meeting a colleague with a colleague would make Zhang Jingyun dumbfounded.

"Look at the level of these five Taoist priests."

Zhang Jingyun stood still while five men approached. One of them, a bald old man, got off his horse and came to a large tomb with a magic sword in his hand.

The other four people seemed to be his disciples, following the bald old man, and the bald old man said: "This is a general's tomb, and it has been dug.

The source of the zombie troubles in recent years is in Fukang Township. If there are really zombies, it is most likely caused by this tomb.

There was wind, rain, thunder and lightning. After a while, I went into the tomb to take a look. If there were corpses, then they were not transformed. If not, it meant that they had become zombies. "

When the bald old man turned around, Zhang Jingyun was stunned when he saw it. With this fierce look, he was clearly Duan Yanqing, the eldest of the four evil villains in The Eight Parts of Demi-Gods.

"Maoshan Taoist, the Four Disciples of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning?" Zhang Jingyun saw this familiar face and immediately thought of a unique zombie movie.

The great era of zombies, the thousand-year zombie king.

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