People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 211 Three Spirit Talisman [Please subscribe]

Bai Suzhen saw some panic in Zhang Jingyun's eyes. She wanted to find an excuse after eating and quietly follow Wang Daoling to see what he did.

Wang Daoling and Bai Suzhen knew each other three hundred years ago. At that time, Wang Daoling practiced for thousands of years and achieved human status. When he saw Bai Suzhen's appearance, he wanted Bai Suzhen to be his wife.

At that time, Bai Suzhen was still practicing in Qingcheng Mountain. Unexpectedly, during her practice, a toad spirit came to tease her and asked her to practice dual cultivation with him.

Bai Suzhen has wisdom, so naturally she is not happy, so this toad spirit wants to use force to make Bai Suzhen succumb to him.

It’s just that Toad Spirit never expected it.

Bai Suzhen studied under the old mother Lishan and has profound cultivation. Even though Toad Jing has a thousand years of cultivation, Bai Suzhen has five hundred years more Taoism than him.

After the battle, Bai Suzhen beat him back to his original form. Three hundred years later, the toad spirit once again transformed into a human form, and under the pseudonym Wang Daoling, he also came to the world to find Bai Suzhen to avenge the shame he had suffered three hundred years ago.

That's right, Wang Daoling came here specifically to find Bai Suzhen. In the past three hundred years, he had other opportunities, and he thought that his cultivation was not much worse than Bai Suzhen's.

Zhang Jingyun suspected that Wang Daoling was a fake Maoshan Taoist priest. In fact, this was not the case. After Wang Daoling cultivated into human form, he really worshiped in Maoshan Mountain of Shangqing Dynasty.

After three hundred years of hard training, Wang Daoling's Taoism can even ask some powerful gods worshiped by Maoshan in the past to help deal with enemies.

These are all things for later. Bai Suzhen didn't know much about Wang Daoling's current situation, so she came out to follow him tonight to find out his details.

What surprised Bai Suzhen was.

In this roundabout place, he unexpectedly met his husband-in-law. As soon as Zhang Jingyun saw Bai Suzhen, he asked, "Madam, why are you here?"

"I..." Bai Suzhen was speechless for a moment, and the next second, she had an idea, a hint of cunning flashed across her face, and asked: "Official, didn't you say you were going to Qingyu Hall to discuss medical skills with Wang Yuanwai? Why are you here? "

Zhang Jingyun tapped Bai Suzhen's forehead and said, "Madam, you are dishonest. I was the one who asked you first."

Bai Suzhen held Zhang Jingyun's arm and said softly: "The official asked first, but maybe I was out for a walk?"

Bai Suzhen didn't want to tell Zhang Jingyun her purpose, and Zhang Jingyun could understand. After all, in her eyes, Zhang Jingyun was no different from a mortal.

"Okay, okay, I'm here to follow the miracle doctor Wang Daoling who sells panacea." Zhang Jingyun told the truth.

Bai Suzhen's face suddenly changed: "Guanren, you are too courageous. How can the official follow Wang Daoling? Fortunately, I followed him, otherwise what would happen to Xiaoqing and I? "

Wang Daoling has been practicing Taoism for thousands of years and had another chance. Bai Suzhen was secretly afraid. Fortunately, she met Zhang Jingyun in advance, otherwise her life would have been in danger.

"So the lady is also here to follow Wang Daoling?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly asked, and Bai Suzhen knew that she couldn't hide it, so she simply admitted it.

"That's right, but I'm different from you, Guanren. Xiaoqing and I have received guidance from Master Guanyin. In addition to the Qihuang technique, we also know some other skills, so we dare to follow Wang Daoling."

Bai Suzhen explained.

Zhang Jingyun also said: "Then how do you know that I don't have any other great skills besides medical skills?"

"The officer is a scholar, what kind of skills can he have? Well, that Wang Daoling is very dangerous. I will just stay and monitor him. Go back quickly, officer."

Bai Suzhen didn't think too much, and Zhang Jingyun didn't listen. Instead, he took Bai Suzhen's hand and leaned against the wall with her, then stuck his head out to observe.

"Shh, madam, what do you see he is doing?"

Just as Bai Suzhen was about to speak, Zhang Jingyun stretched out his hand and covered her moist and warm lips with a finger to signal her to look out.

The two of them clung to each other, not daring to make a sound. They looked sneaky like a young couple trying forbidden fruit outside. Bai Suzhen's face turned red for a moment.

However, she still looked outside, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she saw Wang Daoling and his two disciples standing in front of a well. Under Wang Daoling's instruction, one of the disciples took out a jade bottle and sprinkled medicinal powder into the well.


Bai Suzhen's face changed, and she instantly figured it out. It turned out to be this. No wonder their panacea was selling so well, and they all said it had miraculous effects.

The Emotional King Daoling first poisons and then sells the antidote. In this way, he not only makes a lot of money, but also gains a good reputation!

"How could the official suspect Wang Daoling?"

Bai Suzhen suddenly looked at Zhang Jingyun and asked in a low voice. In her impression, Zhang Jingyun was honest and well-behaved, and he should not know much about these shady activities.

However, when they met today, Bai Suzhen suddenly realized that her husband, who was getting married, did not seem to be very simple.

Zhang Jingyun said: "My wife blamed me during the day, saying that I drank Wang Daoling's Wanling Water, what if something went wrong.

In fact, I already discovered it after drinking Wan Ling Shui. The so-called Wan Ling Shui is a secret laxative, and the Wan Ling Pill sold by Wang Daoling is the antidote. "

"The officer knew it was a laxative but he still drank it. Humph, you don't take your body seriously. I would be worried too."

Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen's cheeks were almost touching. Bai Suzhen's slightly reproachful tone was actually because she was worried about Zhang Jingyun.

Seeing Bai Suzhen puffing up her cheeks like she was angry, with a hint of blush in her fair skin, Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but kiss her.

"Madam, I actually forgot to tell you. I am a member of your family and I am strong and immune to all poisons. That's why I dared to drink the Wanling Water that he had laced with laxatives. Have you seen me have diarrhea once?"

Bai Suzhen's body trembled. The two of them were almost stuck together in this posture. Zhang Jingyun also kissed her, which stirred Bai Suzhen's heart for a while.

"It's really hard for officials to vent..."

Bai Suzhen thought of Zhang Jingyun's previous performance. She thought that the scholar was weak, but backstage she realized that she was overthinking it.

"Madam, what are you talking about? My husband can't understand!" Zhang Jingyun blinked, these are all nonsense words!

Bai Suzhen came back to her senses and quickly changed the subject and said, "Guanren, what time is it? You still want to be intimate with me. Wang Daoling went to another place again. Let's follow him quickly and take a look."

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Suzhen pulled Zhang Jingyun to follow her. Zhang Jingyun was half a body behind her, but he could still clearly see the crimson look on her face.

"My wife is quite cute..."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his mind, and the two of them followed and found that Wang Daoling and his two disciples were so heartbroken that they drugged them whenever they saw a well, and none of them survived.

"Why does this stinky Taoist priest need so much money?" Bai Suzhen was puzzled. After all, Wang Daoling is a toad spirit who has been practicing Taoism for more than a thousand years. After cultivating to this point, becoming an immortal is the most important thing. Yellow and white things in the world don't count. What?

Zhang Jingyun said: "Have you not heard, Madam, that money can make all the difference? In this world, many things can be done as long as you have money.

I met before...I heard about a monster. It was originally a centipede spirit that had practiced Taoism for thousands of years. By chance, it hid in the court and became the protector of the country. It absorbed dragon energy every day and practiced, and was only one step away from transforming into a dragon. "

"It's impossible. The emperor in the human world has luck to protect his body. The emperor's dragon energy will not be absorbed at all. If monsters are like this, wouldn't the human world be in chaos?"

Bai Suzhen said subconsciously.

For monsters such as snakes and centipedes, transforming into a dragon is also a way to become an immortal, because almost all orthodox dragons can become immortals.

"It's true. That centipede spirit is special. He once listened to Buddhist teachings and cultivated a six-foot-long golden body. He protected his body with Buddha's light and could confuse the real with the fake."

The centipede spirit mentioned by Zhang Jingyun is Pudu Cihang. Among the many monsters, Pudu Cihang had a great chance, but unfortunately he met the protagonist.

"Is there such a thing?"

Bai Suzhen was secretly stunned. If it were her, hiding in the court, she would almost be able to transform from a snake into a dragon, and become an immortal within a short time.

"Is this what Wang Daoling had in mind?" Bai Suzhen suddenly realized that Wang Daoling was a Taoist priest from Maoshan. If he used the Maoshan method to protect his body, he might actually be able to sneak into the court.

If you are appreciated by the emperor and get some kind of reward, using the emperor's dragon energy will be of great benefit to becoming an immortal, and entering the court is not easy.

Maybe Wang Daoling tried every means to defraud people of their money just to gain access to the court. Bai Suzhen didn't have a good impression of Wang Daoling. Today, she found out that this man had poisoned the well and she was even more determined. No matter whether Wang Daoling defrauded people of money or not, it was just to enter the court. Neither can make him get what he wants.

Another half hour passed.

Wang Daoling finally returned to his residence with his two disciples. Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen followed him all the way. When Zhang Jingyun wanted to go in to check, Bai Suzhen finally refused with a strong attitude: "Official, you must not go in."

Zhang Jingyun was not caught following Wang Daoling before. It may be that Wang Daoling relaxed his vigilance. However, Wang Daoling's residence must have many decorations.

Bai Suzhen felt that no matter how powerful Zhang Jingyun was, he could not escape Wang Daoling's spell, so she decided to go in by herself.

"Have the officials forgotten that I have received guidance from Master Guanyin, so I won't be in danger?" Bai Suzhen explained for fear of Zhang Jingyun's worry.

"Okay, then please excuse me, madam."

Zhang Jingyun said with a smile.

Only then did Bai Suzhen feel relieved to enter the yard to investigate. Zhang Jingyun used his golden eyes to see through and saw Bai Suzhen leaving his sight and cast a spell directly.

I saw Bai Suzhen forming a seal with her hands and reciting: "Shrink down and walk thousands of miles, climb mountains and ridges on flat feet!" As soon as the words fell, Bai Suzhen instantly moved outside Wang Daoling's room without any fluctuation.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes lit up and he said, "Shrunk to the ground, it is indeed the inheritance of the orthodox immortal family. It seems that I will have to be more honest with my wife in the future."

Zhang Jingyun was also envious of shrinking into an inch. This was a Taoist magical power. When Bai Suzhen used it just now, she used it in conjunction with the fourteen-character mantra.

As soon as the words are spoken, the powerful mantra will cause space distortion, making the originally distant straight line distance become curved and close to achieve the effect of crossing in one step, which can reach thousands of miles in an instant.

After a while, Bai Suzhen returned.

Naturally, she didn't mention the spell she had just cast. She just said, "Guardian, I saw a lot of panacea in Wang Daoling's room. I guess I am waiting for everyone to get sick tomorrow so that I can sell the panacea."

Zhang Jingyun nodded and said to Bai Suzhen: "How do you want to deal with Wang Daoling? I just have a plan..."

"Fortunately, officer, I also have a plan."

"Then let's talk about it together?"


The two said in unison: "Change the day by stealing the sky!"

Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen looked at each other and smiled. Sure enough, the couple had a clear understanding, and they immediately returned to the drug store to prepare.

"Madam, time is tight and we can't find any medicine to replace the panacea. Why not just use some flour? I'll steal Wang Daoling's panacea. Madam, you and Xiaoqing use flour to swap bags." Zhang Jingyun suggested.

Bai Suzhen refused without hesitation: "No, I'll steal the panacea, and Xiaoqing can just use flour to change the package."

"What about me?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

Bai Suzhen said dotingly: "Guanren has done a good enough job. Xiaoqing and I can solve the rest, so Guanren, go and rest."

Zhang Jingyun's face turned red, and his veins popped out, "How can that be done? If you two women work and let me, a grown man, rest, wouldn't I become a freeloader?"

Bai Suzhen didn't understand this and just said strangely: "I heard Guanren's sister said that it is not good for Guanren to have a small stomach, so it is suitable to eat soft rice. And doesn't soft rice taste delicious?"

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

Under Bai Suzhen's strong request.

Zhang Jingyun, who was full of energy, went back to bed to rest. Only then did he realize that there is another kind of tiredness in this world, which is that the lady thinks you are tired.

The next day, medicine bottles were already placed in the drug store.

What's inside is naturally Wang Daoling's panacea, and Wang Daoling's panacea has been replaced by ordinary flour by Bai Suzhen.

When Xiao Qing saw Zhang Jingyun, she was furious. She worked overtime last night, and even ghosts from five directions were brought over to work, and then all the panaceas were handed out.

As a result, Zhang Jingyun slept until he woke up naturally.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but shake his head, and Bai Suzhen said at the right time: "Official, after Cai Xing from Qiantang County got poisoned by eating well water and Wang Daoling's medicine is useless, we can just introduce Bao'an Pills."

"Security Pills? Who thought of such a tacky name?" Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth, and Xiao Qing next to him instantly felt like a cat with fur.

"I thought of it, Bao Bao Pills, to keep you safe. In addition, our pharmacy has also been named. It will be called Bao Bao Tang. Do you have any objections?"

Xiao Qing pursed her lips and examined it.

Zhang Jingyun said quickly: "No!"

By noon, there were indeed more patients. Wang Daoling took the opportunity to launch his signature panacea, which was specially designed to treat diarrhea and cure the disease.

However, after someone ate the flour in the medicine bottle, not only did he not recover, he also choked on the flour, and everyone immediately tore up his sign.

After that, Bao Bao Tang launched Bao Bao Pills.

Wang Daoling's Panacea sells for one tael of silver a bottle, but Bao'an Tang's Bao'an Pills cost nothing and are given to patients free of charge, saying they are creating a good relationship.

This was what Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing had discussed together. Taking the opportunity to make money was also an ill-gotten gain. It was just a good opportunity to build up the reputation of the security hall, so that Zhang Jingyun would not have to worry about having no patients in the future.

Zhang Jingyun: "I really want to tie Q!"

Wang Daoling looked at the flour in the bottle with a livid face, and then looked at the security hall not far away, which was crowded with people and people were full of admiration.

His eyes fell on Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing.

Wang Daoling suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I haven't started to take revenge, but you two have ruined my good deeds! I will definitely come back!"

Then Wang Daoling turned around and left.

"Sister, is he afraid of us?"

Xiaoqing said strangely.

Before Bai Suzhen opened her mouth, Zhang Jingyun said: "Have you ever heard of a sentence? Dogs that bite usually don't bark, and their big moves usually come from behind."

"A tiger is not harmful to a person, but a tiger is harmful to the human heart. The official is right, this person must be guarded against." Bai Suzhen looked deeply at Wang Daoling's leaving figure.

As expected.

After Wang Daoling returned, he immediately opened the altar and said, "The founder of Xuantan, in memory of my disciple Wang Daoling, who is eager to eliminate demons, please give him three demon-subduing talismans!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Daoling knelt down three times and kowtowed sincerely, "My disciple Wang Daoling wants to eliminate demons in the human world. The white snake and the green snake have transformed into human forms, and they are greedy for the world of mortals and confuse Xu Xian! Please give me three demon-slaying talismans!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were thunder and lightning in the sky and the earth, and the wind and clouds suddenly rose. The natural vision must be a big event. After Wang Daoling prayed repeatedly, the founder of Xuantan actually gave him three spiritual talismans to help him subdue the demon.

The talisman is introduced into the human world.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly felt something in his heart.

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