People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 224 Li Gongfu was attacked [Please subscribe]

"Fahai, you have made great merits in rebuilding Jinshan Temple. Now you go to Lingshan Mountain and make a vow to travel and practice hard. It is really commendable.

I specially give you a golden bowl to help you accumulate merit. I hope that you can take advantage of your wanderings to wipe out the evildoers in the world, so that you can achieve righteousness as soon as possible and return to bliss. "

"Disciples should do their best to eliminate evildoers!"

"Fa Hai, this golden bowl has an extraordinary origin and is spiritual. It is specially designed to collect spirits and ghosts that do evil. I hope you will always have compassion in mind, and do not do anything for yourself. If you encounter a creature with good intentions, you should use persuasion as a guide. Lord, don’t rely on your treasure to do anything bad.”

"Thank you Master for your teaching!"


The teachings of Tathagata Buddha lingered in his ears. Every time Fa Hai saw the golden bowl in front of him, he seemed to remember clearly the scene of the Buddha bestowing treasures.

Different from Bai Suzhen.

Fa Hai was able to reach this point all because of his own hard work. He really practiced step by step. It took him more than a thousand years to receive the treasure given by the Buddha.

Correspondingly, Bai Suzhen's 1,800 years of Taoism were not all achieved by her own hard work. She also contributed to the absorption and refining of Fa Hai's elixir.

At that time, Bai Suzhen was only over 700 years old and her Taoism was simple. Fahai had practiced hard for many years, and his tenacity and mental strength had already been recognized by heaven.

For this reason, Heaven gave him an elixir to help him achieve enlightenment as soon as possible. The power of the elixir could save Fahai at least six hundred years of hard work, but it was snatched away by Bai Suzhen.

In fact, Bai Suzhen did this intentionally. Seven hundred years before Fahai received the elixir, Bai Suzhen almost had the snake gall cut out and stewed into snake soup.

Just for revenge, Bai Suzhen practiced hard. Although the Taoism was only seven hundred years old, her skills were not weak because she was passed down by Lishan's mother.

Fahai was unaware that the elixir given to him was taken away from him, and he and Bai Suzhen had a deep hatred from then on. In Fahai's heart, Bai Suzhen prevented him from becoming a Taoist, and this hatred was irreconcilable.

It seems that since that time, Fahai's mentality has changed. In order to accumulate merit, Fahai even used the golden bowl to slay demons unscrupulously.

Sometimes in Fahai's eyes, as long as it is a monster, it must be subdued. Such indiscriminate behavior really changed his mentality.

However, as his magic power improved, subduing demons and demons gradually failed to help him progress, and from this point on, he also realized that not all monsters could be conquered at will.

Some monsters have deep backgrounds.

Even though Fahai has powerful magic power, he cannot surrender without permission, so Fahai became enlightened and he should find a profound background.

At that time, Fahai traveled to Zhenjiang. The Jinshan Temple, which was once glorious in the past, has gradually lost its incense. The temple is in dilapidated condition, and the golden statue of Buddha has been secretly demolished.

Stopping at Jinshan Temple, Fahai immediately understood the meaning. He went around asking for help, hoping to get funding to rebuild Jinshan Temple and recast the golden body of Buddha.

However, Fahai was a low-key man with little reputation, and Zhenjiang was not a prosperous place. No one was willing to help him rebuild Jinshan Temple.

Later Fahai came to Lin'an City.

By chance, Fahai got acquainted with King Liang and gave him advice. Finally, King Liang funded Fahai to rebuild Jinshan Temple and expanded the reconstruction on the original site.

After the reconstruction of Jinshan Temple, Fahai's reputation gradually increased, and the temple's incense became more and more prosperous. Fahai finally got the second and most helpful opportunity in his life. Buddha accepted him as a disciple and bestowed treasures on him.

A purple gold bowl.

Even Buddha said it had extraordinary origins.

After Fahai refined the golden bowl into his own magic weapon, he also truly felt the power of the golden bowl. All evil-doing monsters and ghosts could be conquered by the golden bowl. With this treasure, Fahai conquered several extremely powerful monsters one after another. The powerful thousand-year-old demon.

In addition to being able to absorb monsters, the golden bowl also has many functions. The most convenient and practical one is to reveal its true form. With the help of the golden bowl Fahai can see through the true form of any monster.

Even if he is thousands of miles away from the monster, Fahai can see through the monster's true form with a thought. This function is quite extraordinary among auxiliary magic weapons.

Finally, the most disgusting function of Jinbo is that you can look back on anything you want to know about the past. It is basically equivalent to installing an all-round high-definition camera in someone's home.

Watch whatever you want.

For Fahai, as long as there is something he wants to see, it is difficult to see it, unless it is an area where a special forbidden array is arranged to isolate Jinbo from exploration.

In addition, very few magic weapons can also be isolated from detection. Generally, magic weapons of this level are basically collected by the major gods for their own use.

At least in the human world, there are only a few magic weapons that can rival the Golden Bowl. Bai Suzhen's Realgar Sword and Xiao Qing's Demon Slaying Sword are not on the table, but Zhang Jingyun's Xuanyuan Divine Sword can be ranked high.

Looking at the golden bowl in his hand.

Fahai hesitated for a while. He wanted to conquer Bai Suzhen, and it was easy with the golden bowl given by the Buddha. But just now Fahai had also used the golden bowl to explore.

The difficulty is that Bai Suzhen has never hurt anyone, and has never done anything harmful to nature except stealing her own elixir.

The most irritating thing is that there is justification for snatching the elixir, because Fahai was a snake catcher 1,800 years ago and almost cut open Bai Suzhen's snake gallbladder.

It's normal for Bai Suzhen to take revenge after taking form, so Fahai can't use this reason to force the golden bowl to subdue Bai Suzhen.

If Fahai doesn't do something.

Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qinghui have been in the security hall, treating illnesses and saving people, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. When the time comes, he will have no reason to subdue Bai Suzhen.

Thinking of this, Fahai had a bold idea. He was ready to avenge his personal revenge, and by forcing Bai Suzhen to violate the rules of heaven, he could naturally collect the demon.

Just at this time.

There were bursts of noise in Fahaier.

"I've been here for so many days and still can't see Fa Hai. I asked him to go down the mountain to catch monsters but he didn't respond. I want to leave and he still doesn't agree. What's the point?

Go and tell Zhike Monk, if Fahai still refuses to see me after today, I will burn down Jinshan Temple tomorrow! "Liang Lian shouted loudly.

Since the conflict between Prince Liang and Bai Suzhen, Liang Lian was very worried and crazy, so Prince Liang sent him to Jinshan Temple.

Liang Lian originally thought that Fa Hai would not hesitate to go down the mountain to capture Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing for the sake of the Liang Palace's funding to help him rebuild Jinshan Temple.

As a result, he was left hanging here.

Fahai in the Zen room naturally heard Liang Lian's words, "Amitabha, that's good, that's good. Jinshan Temple is an important place for Buddhism. If Mr. Liang speaks lies, I'm afraid he will suffer a catastrophe!"

At that moment, Fahai used a spell similar to the sound transmission from a thousand miles to tell the monk Zhike to bring Liang Lian to the Zen room. The monk Zhike was already not surprised when he heard the sound transmission.

I heard the monk Zhike put his hands together and said to Liang Lian, "Amitabha, Master Abbot has now expired his meditation period. Please ask the donor to move to the meditation room to meet you."

Liang Lian looked strange.

"He came out at the right time."

After a while, Liang Lian finally saw Fahai. In the Zen room, Fahai was still meditating, but no one knew that he could no longer worship the Buddha humbly.

"Zen Master Fahai, my father..."

Before Liang Lian could finish his words, he was interrupted by Fahai: "Donor Liang, you'd better stay at Jinshan Temple with peace of mind."

"Fa Hai, I waited patiently until your meditation period expired just to wait for you to come down the mountain to subjugate demons. You still let me live in this ruined temple?"

"Donor Liang's words are serious."

Liang Lian's tone paused and he calmed down and said, "Zen Master Fahai, you don't know how much I, Prince Liang, was bullied by Bai Suzhen.

The purpose of my coming to Jinshan Temple is to invite you to Lin'an City to deal with Bai Suzhen. Isn't it too unkind of you to act like this? "

"Amitabha, it's not that I'm unkind, but that the thousand-year-old white snake demon has left Lin'an, and even if she is still in Lin'an City, I can't subdue it." Fahai's voice was calm.

Liang Lian was startled and said, "Even Zen Master Fahai can't subjugate Bai Suzhen?"

"It's not that I can't suppress it, it's that I can't."

Liang Lian was not stupid, and he immediately realized that there was something in Fahai's words, "Then, master, what do you need me to do before you can subdue Bai Suzhen?"

Fa Hai took a deep look at Liang Lian and said seriously: "Amitabha, Donor Liang has misunderstood. Although Bai Suzhen has been a white snake demon for thousands of years, she has never done anything harmful to nature.

Lao Na was enlightened by the Buddha, and he should give priority to persuading people who have good intentions, and should not forcefully subdue them, otherwise he would not be able to explain to the Buddha. "

"Bai Suzhen has never done anything outrageous? She and that Xiaoqing came to my house to steal treasures, and almost caused Prince Liang's palace to be confiscated and his family exterminated. Isn't this a reason to subdue Bai Suzhen?" Liang Lian couldn't believe it.

Fa Hai couldn't help but rolled his eyelids and replied: "Donor Liang, I don't want to say much about the situation in Prince Liang's Mansion. If it is as you said, Prince Liang will probably ask me to catch the monster with great fanfare, right?"

Liang Lian was at a loss for words. Fahai was already very tactful. Prince Liang's house had done so many bad things that it's hard to describe. How could he still have the nerve to accuse Bai Suzhen of being evil?

Do you really think that Buddha is that stupid as an emperor?

"Zen Master Fahai, if we don't eradicate these two powerful enemies, I will feel uneasy. Please tell me why you can't take action to surrender Bai Suzhen."

"Amitabha!" Fahai clasped his hands together and said, "Donor Liang, please forgive me for not being able to say anything, and I can't say anything."

Liang Lian felt depressed and so angry that he couldn't help but said: "Zen Master Fahai, you have to know that since my father can help you rebuild Jinshan Temple, he also has ways to destroy your Jinshan Temple and make you unable to be the abbot. The trouble in Prince Liang's Mansion, You have to figure it out."

"I will always remember King Liang's kindness in helping me. Please be patient, Donor Liang, and don't provoke Bai Suzhen for the time being." Fahai advised.

Liang Lian got angry when he heard this: "Who is Bai Suzhen, and you want me not to provoke her? Fahai, I think your role as host has come to an end. I want to go down the mountain. I can't deal with Bai Suzhen, and I can't deal with Xu Xian?"

Fahai's eyes lit up, "Donor Liang, please think twice. Don't make others angry because of you and Bai Suzhen. According to what I said, you should stay at Jinshan Temple."

"Are you teaching me how to do things? Zen Master Fahai, since you don't dare to take action to subdue the demon, you don't have to worry about whether I will stay or go."

After Liang Lian finished speaking, he walked away.

Fa Hai looked at Liang Lian's leaving figure and sighed, "Amitabha, I'm afraid Donor Liang won't be able to survive this calamity."

After Liang Lian came down from the mountain, he did not blindly seek revenge. He also knew that Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were powerful, so he was ready to take advantage of them.

"If any of you know a powerful Taoist master, invite them all to me. No matter how much money is spent, I will pay for them." Liang Lian said to several guards.

One of them immediately said: "Back to the young master, I have a brother who is wandering around the world. He knows people outside the country. I asked him to find him."


The next day, the guard rushed over in a hurry: "Sir, it's not good, my brother was mistakenly taken as a gangster and arrested, and he will be escorted to the capital soon."

Liang Lian frowned slightly. The guard said he was aggrieved, but in fact it was definitely not a mistake. He was probably a gangster.

"Sir, my brother knows an expert hermit who can use flying swords to kill demons and demons. If the master can spare his life, he will definitely invite that master for him," the guard said hurriedly.

"Huh?" Liang Lian didn't know whether it was true or not for a while, but it was easy for him to save someone. Wouldn't it be better if he could really invite the "Sword Immortal"?

"Okay, if you dare to deceive me, you know the consequences without me telling you. I will give you a warrant to find Chen Lun and get him out."

Chen Lun was also promoted by King Liang himself at the beginning. King Liang was kind to him, so Liang Lian expected that Chen Lun would give him a favor.

However, when the guard went to find Chen Lun, he was frustrated. Not only did Chen Lun sternly ask him to tell Liang Lian about the state's national laws, but he couldn't help with the matter, but even Chen Lun's head catcher clamored that he would never be released.

"What? How dare a little-known head catcher dare to disobey?" Liang Lian suspected that he heard wrongly. Let's not mention Chen Lun's first name. Who is a little-known head catcher?

"Sir, this is the person who arrested my brother. This leader is named Li Gongfu. He has good martial arts skills. After arresting people with his own hands, he refused to let Chen Lun go. That Chen Lun is also an unreasonable guy!"

The guard was very angry. It was true that his brother was a gangster, but after all, blood was thicker than water. He just had this good opportunity, how could he not save him?

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell the young master. Li Gongfu has some relationship with Bai Suzhen." The guard took the opportunity to add jealousy.

"Oh? What's the relationship?"

"Xu Xian is Bai Suzhen's husband, and Li Gongfu is Xu Xian's brother-in-law. Xu Xian was raised by her sister and brother-in-law. If Li Gongfu is captured, Xu Xian can be controlled, and Xu Xian can be controlled. Then Bai Suzhen probably won't dare to make a mistake. .”

Liang Lian stood up and said, "Bai Suzhen is so arrogant and can't attack Xu Xian directly, why doesn't she dare to deal with Li Gongfu?

I will take action on your brother's matter after he is escorted to the capital. Now, gather all the troops and go together to capture that Li Gongfu. "

The guards were the most active. Li Gongfu had captured his brother. Now that he could take revenge, he would definitely rush forward. Soon the group of people blocked Li Gongfu in a small road.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Gongfu asked.

The guard stood up and said fiercely: "Li Gongfu, if you hadn't captured my brother, he wouldn't have been escorted to the capital!"

Li Gongfu came to his senses and said with a kind face: "Oh, what you said is wrong. Brother Ling has been doing bad things. As a head catcher, I should bring him to justice.

In addition, your brother was escorted to the capital for punishment. He deserved it. If you want to blame it, it should be your parents' lax discipline. How can you blame me? "

The guard pointed at Li Gongfu and became very angry.

"Yes, Li Gongfu, I really shouldn't blame you, because I don't have to blame a dead man. Just give me your life!"

"Hey, are you really confident that you can kill me? Let's forget it!" Li Gongfu looked sincere, turned around and left.


The guard rose up and swung his sword. Li Gongfu drew his sword and turned around. In an instant, the swords flashed and the guard was directly killed by Li Gongfu.

Liang Lian's expression changed slightly: "Come together!"


In the security hall, Zhang Jingyun suddenly opened his eyes: "Suddenly, on a whim, it turned out that my brother-in-law was in trouble. Liang Lian was afraid that Fahai was using him as a weapon."

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