People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 241 The Ninth World [Please subscribe]

The system of Taoist immortals is complicated, and each one has its own interpretation. After Zhang Jingyun broke through the realm, he became an earthly immortal. He was the middle of the five immortals and was immortal in the human world.

The five immortals here are: gods, earth, humans and ghosts.

Some people say that the so-called five immortals, gods, earth, humans, ghosts, there are no upper and lower levels, but only five ways to become immortals. Ghost immortals are ghosts who practice to become immortals, human immortals are monks who practice to become immortals, etc.

This is just a way of saying it.

In the Taoist immortal system, there are generally two categories of immortals, one is innate gods, and the other is human beings who cultivate immortals.

The innate gods are the incarnation of the Tao and cannot be cultivated. Humans can cultivate immortals. In the Taoist Zhonglu Neidan practice, they are divided into ghost immortals, human immortals, earth immortals, gods and heavenly immortals, and the levels are deepened step by step.

The so-called ghosts and immortals are detached in the underworld, their gods are unknown, their ghost gates have no surnames, and the three mountains have no names. Although there is no reincarnation, it is difficult to return to Peng Ying. In the end, there is nowhere to go, and we will give up after reincarnation.

In Zhang Jingyun's view, ghost immortals are similar to corpse-dissolving immortals. During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Ge Hong, a famous Taoist scholar, divided immortals into three levels, namely, heavenly immortals, earth immortals, and corpse-dissolving immortals.

"Baopuzi·On Immortals" says: "When a superior person raises his body and ascends to the void, he is called a heavenly immortal. When a sergeant travels to famous mountains, he is called an earthly immortal. When a corporal officer dies and sheds his body first, he is called a corpse-resolving immortal."

Corpse dissolution is the transformation of corpse form, the refining and transformation of the true nature, the escape and transformation of body constitution, and the hidden adaptability of the five attributes. To put it simply, after a person dies, he can become an immortal like a cicada shedding its shell. The body remains in the world and the soul becomes an immortal.

In fact, it is not much different from ghost cultivator.

Therefore, ghost immortals are the lowest level. They are a level of immortality formed by some practitioners who are eager to achieve success.

It is also recorded in the Immortal Sutra that ghosts and immortals are shaped like wood, their hearts are as gray as dead, their spiritual consciousness is guarded within, and their will is unyielding. Immortals are the highest-level immortals. They cut off the three obstacles and ten evils, completely restrain their desires, and achieve a quiet, natural, and otherworldly state. realm.

In addition, some people believe that heavenly immortals and ghost immortals are too extreme and are not the ideal pursuit of immortality. Only the three levels of immortality, earthly immortality and human immortality are the goals that practitioners hope to achieve.

For example, human beings and immortals still live in the human world and are members of all living beings. In the Taoist Zhonglu Neidan practice, through health preservation and cultivation, the Qi of the five elements is solid and the eight evil diseases cannot harm them. An Shaobing was called a human immortal.

According to folklore, immortals can live about 150 years. Human Immortal is the lower level among immortals. It refers to practitioners who have reached a certain level of cultivation and cannot understand the Tao. They can only practice one method or one technique in the Tao and stop there.

The qi of the five elements refers to the qi of the five internal organs, which converge and solidify under the opportunity to slow down the aging of the body. The eight evils cannot invade the body, which means that the eight diseases of wind, cold, heat, dampness, hunger, fullness, labor and rest cannot harm the body.

Human immortals are not tortured by diseases and have strong bodies. Although they have not achieved greatness, they can also prolong life. For example, Chen Tuan, Zhang Sanfeng, etc. are all considered human immortals.

Earthly immortals are higher than human immortals. They can also live permanently in the human world. They can live forever and see for a long time, but this immortality is limited to the human world.

Immortals, on the other hand, have a body outside the body. They shed their bodies and ascend to immortality. They transcend the ordinary and become saints. They reject the worldly world and return to the three mountains. Immortals can change in thousands of ways. They can travel around the world by riding on clouds and energy like the gods in Gushe Mountain.

Before Zhang Jingyun went through the thunder tribulation, he did not have such a deep understanding of the realm of the Earth Immortal. After going through the tribulation and becoming an Earth Immortal, he finally understood its secrets.

After the thunder tribulation, Zhang Jingyun transformed again. Both his physical body and his soul had undergone the most essential changes. Only today is Zhang Jingyun truly qualified to call ordinary people a mortal.

Because Zhang Jingyun conquered demons and accumulated merit, the thunder tribulation he overcame when he became an immortal was the easiest to overcome among the four or nine heavenly tribulations.

Thirty-six thunderbolts descended one after another.

Zhang Jingyun didn't even use the magic weapon to protect his body. In the first twelve thunders, Zhang Jingyun happened to be practicing the Shangqing Thunder Method, and he realized the beauty of it in detail.

The last twenty-four thunderbolts became more and more powerful. Zhang Jingyun took them with the help of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique, and directly tempered his body with the thunder tribulation. The physical strength and even the most essential flesh and blood structure were changed.

Now Zhang Jingyun and the legendary blood rebirth are almost the same. As long as the soul is not destroyed, the physical body can be restored no matter how it is beaten.

Of course, it is not easy to break Zhang Jingyun's physical body. After all, Zhang Jingyun is not too afraid even if he fights the magic weapon with his physical body. Unless it is a magic weapon such as Xuanyuan Sword, he really does not dare to fight it forcefully.

The fairy queen of achievement.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't take any time off.

All the skills must be upgraded, and all kinds of protective spells and magical powers must be upgraded to the earthly immortal level, which requires a large number of attribute points.

Zhang Jingyun opened the panel and looked at it.

The most obvious change is that the life span column has disappeared. Theoretically, Zhang Jingyun is already immortal, so naturally the end of his life will not be displayed. It is estimated that the day he was beaten to death in a fight with others will be the end of his life...

"Bah! The god was beaten to death due to his fighting skills!"

Zhang Jingyun is quite confident in his magic and magical powers. Besides, what kind of fighting and killing will he do after becoming an immortal?

Isn’t it good to marry a few fairy wives and slowly cultivate? In the Taoist immortal system, it is more difficult for earthly immortals to go one step further than to ascend to heaven.

The solidification of the immortal level is extremely serious. Breaking through the realm is just like the class jump in the real world. It is not that easy.

Shaking his head, Zhang Jingyun didn't think much about it.

After coming back to his senses, he still had one thing to do, which was to find Lao Yan Chixia, Nie Xiaoqian and others and return to the world a hundred years ago.

If it were in other worlds, going back a hundred years ago, Zhang Jingyun wouldn't even dare to think about reversing time and space. What kind of cultivation would it take?

In the world of A Chinese Ghost Story, with Xuanyuan Divine Sword, this is possible. Zhang Jingyun activated his magic power and saw Xuanyuan Divine Sword blooming with dazzling light.

As Zhang Jingyun swung his sword, the space was split, as if leading to another world, and then he walked in in a flash.

Zhang Jingyun had just left this world not long ago.

A young figure thousands of miles away suddenly shivered, as if he sensed something, and then a memory suddenly emerged in his mind.

"Zhiqiu Yiye... This is the memory of my previous life. The art of escaping from the earth, holding the body, exorcising ghosts and exorcisms, Tiangang Wulihuo, moving mountains and filling the sea... these are all my own spells! Senior Ning is too special It’s not authentic anymore.”

The young Taoist priest is the swordsman who left Lanruo Temple. The reincarnation of Zhiqiu Yiye, who inherited the mantle of old Yan Chixia, is now affected by something, and he can't help complaining after awakening the memory of his previous life.

However, at this moment, another strange memory flooded into her mind as the memory of her previous life was restored. Yan Chixia felt it and found out that it was actually the Pianxian family's technique, called Jiutian Xuanyuan Dafa. After practicing it to the depths, she could Become a celestial being.

"I see, the technique was not given to me, no, strictly speaking, it was not given to me in this life, but to Zhiqiu Yiye in the previous life. If I cannot recover my memory in this life, I am afraid I will never get the immortal technique. "

Yan Chixia sighed in her heart,

No, now he is no longer Yan Chixia, but Zhiqiu Yiye. He has recovered his past life memory and continues to use this name. He always feels strange, just like the way Zhang Jingyun looked at him at that time.

Zhang Jingyun didn't know that his activation of the Xuanyuan Divine Sword would actually affect Zhiqiu Yiye, indirectly helping him recover his past life memories.

Wait until he opens his eyes again.

Looking around, he saw a cave he was familiar with. After Zhang Jingyun solved Pudu Cihang, who was causing trouble in Chaogang, he found a place with rich spiritual energy deep in the Kunlun Mountains to establish a cave for practice.

Sister Nie Xiaoqian also practices here.

When Zhang Jingyun returned to this world, he immediately sensed sisters Nie Xiaoqian, but they seemed to be the same in that world.

That's why Zhang Jingyun was suspicious.

The world he just returned to may be a parallel world of A Chinese Ghost Story. It should be that something happened during the time he left, causing Chiqiu Yiye's soul to enter another world.

Just like in the original plot, when fighting with Pudu Cihang, Zhiqiu Yiye disappeared into the turbulence because of insufficient cultivation and the soul could not return to its original form.

Zhang Jingyun used the Xuanyuan Divine Sword to break through that world and get back on track, but in this world, there will no longer be Zhiqiu Yiye.

"Sir, you are back!"

Zhang Jingyun appeared in the cave, and two figures came to him. They were sisters Nie Xiaoqian, namely the reincarnated Fu Qingfeng and his younger sister Fu Yuechi.

Nie Xiaoqian, who had a higher level of cultivation, threw herself into Zhang Jingyun's arms first and pressed her face against his chest. How could she not miss Zhang Jingyun after such a long separation.

Fu Yuechi, whose cultivation level was slightly lower, saw her sister rushing into Zhang Jingyun's arms before her, her steps stopped, and she felt a little disappointed.

However, at this time, Zhang Jingyun turned his body slightly to one side, hugging Nie Xiaoqian while exposing half of his chest, and reached out to Fu Yuechi.

The latter smiled sweetly, rushed over to Nie Xiaoqian with a quick step, looked at each other with Nie Xiaoqian, and then buried his head in it with a blushing face.

"Did something happen while I was away?" Zhang Jingyun asked suddenly. Nie Xiaoqian raised her head and sighed and said, "Some time ago, Daxia Yan and Master Zhiqiu were traveling and encountered a powerful monster. Master Zhiqiu accidentally appeared. The orifice makes it impossible to return to its original position, and I’m afraid my soul is gone.”

"Master Zhiqiu is lively and full of justice. It is really a pity." On the other hand, Fu Yuechi was also quite regretful.

Zhang Jingyun's expression was as usual, and as expected, it was because of Zhiqiu Yiye that the third part of A Chinese Ghost Story happened. Zhang Jingyun entered the plot as soon as he returned, and then he couldn't find Nie Xiaoqian and others.

"Master Yan has been sad about this for a while. Master, do you think Master Zhiqiu can be saved?" Nie Xiaoqian asked hopefully, knowing that Zhang Jingyun had great magical powers.

"Is there any help?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought of something, "Don't worry, that guy is very nourished, don't worry about him."

"Master, have you seen him?"

Nie Xiaoqian said with a look of surprise.

"I've seen you before, but you can't see him. He is no longer in this world." Zhang Jingyun's words made the two of them seem to understand each other, but that is not important. What is important is that the person they miss deeply is back, and Zhang Jingyun's battle is inevitable. .

Fu Yuechi's face turned red as if he had thought of something. He subconsciously broke away from Zhang Jingyun's arms and said weakly: "Master, you and sister should rest. I will go out to practice first."

Zhang Jingyun saw that she wanted to leave, but he couldn't do what she wanted. "Yuechi, I haven't seen you for so long. Your cultivation has improved a lot. Let me come and check."

"Ah! Master...don't..."

Nie Xiaoqian smiled and gently closed the bed curtains. After a long drought, the rain came, and the horses were still homesick after going out, but Zhang Jingyun had been gone for several years...


After returning to the real world from A Chinese Ghost Story, Zhang Jingyun did not stay much. The real world is in the age of the end of the Dharma and is not suitable for practice.

They practiced with Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Yuechi for several days, so much so that the two girls couldn't get out of bed. However, the efficiency was not as good as practicing with Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing for a day.

For partners who are dual cultivators, the higher the level of cultivation, the better. For future convenience, Zhang Jingyun immediately taught the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa to Sister Nie Xiaoqian, hoping that the two girls would advance quickly and become immortals as soon as possible.

Except sisters Nie Xiaoqian.

Zhang Jingyun has not forgotten other women either.

In the spirit cage world, Zhang Jingyun was quite surprised to find that Bai Yuekui's martial arts realm was the heaven-human realm, while his cultivation realm surpassed Fu Yuechi and broke through to the realm of refining gods.

"What's weird? The Lingyuan cultivation system also has something in common with the monastic system. Plus, with the auxiliary cultivation of spiritual liquid and spiritual breath seeds, it would be strange if there is no breakthrough in divine refining.

It's you! "Bai Yuekui's breathing was a little rapid. Zhang Jingyun's speed and strength made it difficult for her to keep her tone calm, so she had to wrap a pair of white jade-like arms around Zhang Jingyun's neck and exhale like a blue: "What state you are in, I can't see through at all. "

Zhang Jingyun said: "I have become an immortal!"

Bai Yuekui murmured: "Then so do I..."


Attribute points increased by nine.

Zhang Jingyun felt refreshed, but he suffered a lot from Bai Yuekui. Zhang Jingyun, who almost failed to resist the realm of Earthly Immortal, seemed to have to work hard to practice.

"Yuekui, this time I can grant you a wish. Are you ready?" Zhang Jingyun said suddenly.

Bai Yuekui was stunned for a moment, and then there were tears in his eyes. He couldn't help but ask, "Have you found a way to resurrect my brother?"

In Bai Yuekui's hopeful eyes.

Zhang Jingyun nodded. Bai Yuetian's soul was temporarily sealed in the body of the royal zombie he brought from the world of Mr. Zombie. Then Zhang Jingyun used a spell to summon Bai Yuetian's soul.

"What device code is not needed?"

Bai Yuekui couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and said, "I will teach you this technique after resurrecting your brother. By then you will understand my realm."

The Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa has the powerful power to help all things reborn. Bai Suzhen relied on this technique to cure Xiao Qing, who was almost completely ruined.

Even Bai Fu, whose body turned into bones and only his soul remained, can be restored to his original state, so resurrecting Bai Yuetian is also a piece of cake.

As the mana flows, the body of flesh and blood is condensed. Bai Yuetian's soul returns to its place and becomes one with the body. This is the real living dead, with flesh and white bones.

Zhang Jingyun could foresee the scene of family reunion, so after imparting the spell to Bai Yuekui, he thought of returning to the main world together.

After that, Zhang Jingyun traveled around various worlds and taught immortal magic so that his women could specialize in the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dharma.

All that's left is to wait for the next mission to start.

Time passes slowly.

Unknowingly, the three months have come to an end, and the voice of the system finally came to my mind, and another world of heavens was about to begin.

"Ding! The ninth world is about to open!"

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