People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 259 The Battle of Fangshi [Please subscribe]

"Outsiders all think that I am a unique swordsmanship genius who can kill Jindan monks through leaps and bounds due to my cultivation in the Zifu period. In fact, this is not the case."

Bai Zhaoji suddenly sighed.

Zhang Jingyun could feel that Bai Zhao was extremely unwilling to reject these words. If possible, she would rather become a Golden Core monk and have a fair fight with monks of the same level.

Or he was out on a sect garrison mission at the moment. The master and apprentice spent more time together, and Bai Zhaorui said a little more.

Zhang Jingyun is the most talented disciple under her sect. He shined in the sect's examination and earned a lot of face for Bai Zhaojie.

Bai Zhao refused and told him a lot about himself. Only then did Zhang Jingyun realize that his master's talent was so special.

"Water, ice, clouds, and such a talent?" Zhang Jingyun's eyes were opened. The most important thing is that Bai Zhaojun, with such a rare talent, can actually find a technique that is almost tailor-made for her.

Sure enough, as long as the timeline is extended infinitely, even a chicken wearing clothes can type the complete works of Shakespeare on the keyboard.

The history of the world of immortality is much longer than that of the real world. The written time alone is at least more than 50,000 years.

Over the years, the world of cultivating immortals has never declined. Monks have emerged in endlessly, and people with various cultivation talents have taken the lead.

Monks with talents like Bai Zhaojie must have appeared throughout the ages, and it just so happened that that person was also an amazingly talented person who created the most suitable technique based on his own talents.

It's no wonder that Bai Zhaojie couldn't condense the golden elixir. Who knows if the senior who created the technique had any special skills in the process of condensing the golden elixir that were not recorded in the technique.

It is this special skill that makes the people of the younger generation feel like there is a chasm between them and the golden elixir period. Just like Zhang Jingyun practiced Chinese martial arts before, each sect's kung fu focuses on a true inheritance. A single sentence from the true education often determines the difference between a layman and a layman. Experts, some people will never be able to understand the mysteries in their lifetime.

It was actually a good thing that Bai Zhao refused to do this. After all, she tried to condense the golden elixir several times, but although they all failed, it did not affect her own cultivation.

Now Baizhaoji can not only continue to try to form pills, but she has also gained a lot of benefits from the process of forming pills several times before. Her foundation is extremely solid. Every time she tries to form pills, her cultivation has improved.

Originally, Baizhaoji could rely on the special nature of his skills to compete with the Golden Core monks in the Zifu Perfection Realm. After trying to form pills many times, he became stronger and stronger, and he already had the strength to kill the early Golden Core cultivators.

In a sense, Bai Zhaojun's strength is comparable to that of a mid-stage Golden Core cultivator. After all, not every mid-stage Golden Core cultivator can kill an early-stage Golden Core cultivator.

The heaven-defying skills, coupled with repeated attempts to form elixirs, have gradually transformed Bai Zhaoji's strength. Zhang Jingyun can imagine that in the future, Bai Zhaoji's ability to condense golden elixirs will be directly comparable to that of late-stage golden elixir monks.

"Based on the three talents of water, ice, and cloud, creating a technique that suits you is already so powerful.

The great master who had the Five Elements talent who founded the Five Elements Sect in the past must have had more extraordinary skills. Unfortunately, the Five Elements Sect was too old.

It is difficult to find a skill with all five elements talents. If it doesn't work, you can only create it yourself, just like the great master who created the Five Elements Sect. "

Zhang Jingyun's own talent is indeed not that great, and his understanding is not as good as those who have "immortal" qualifications. He can achieve his current achievements only by relying on his own efforts and a little help from the system.

With the help of the system and Zhang Jingyun's own efforts, he may not be able to create the most suitable technique for himself like the person who founded the Five Elements Sect, and become the strongest boss in the world of immortality.

Let’s look back at the situation where we were rejected for nothing.

For Bai Zhaoji, she may never be able to overcome the hurdle of condensing golden elixirs in her entire life, but for Zhang Jingyun, this is just a trivial matter.


Zhang Jingyun also has a bold idea.

"If I can practice dual cultivation with Master, I wonder if I can help her condense the golden elixir!" Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but think in his heart.

Then he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Zhang Jingyun, Zhang Jingyun.

How could you have such rebellious thoughts? She is your master and has always taken good care of you. How could you have such unreasonable thoughts about her?

But Master is indeed very beautiful...

And she has never been able to condense the golden elixir...

If you have done this, you are also helping Master and repaying Master for taking care of him. After all, Bai Zhaoji doesn't want to be unable to condense the golden elixir, right?

Zhang Jingyun had a lot of random thoughts in his mind, but after calming down, he was not sure whether dual cultivation could help Bai Zhaorui break through the realm.

But there is another way that will definitely help her succeed. Breaking through the golden elixir stage will be easy. Zhang Jingyun is full of confidence in this.

The way is for her to personally practice the special skills of Bai ZhaoJi. With the uniqueness of the system, Zhang Jingyun can have the talent of Bai ZhaoJi.

The white move and rejection card cannot condense the golden elixir in the Zifu stage, but Zhang Jingyun can't. He has no bottleneck. As long as he adds some upgrades, the training problems will be easily solved.

At that time, after Zhang Jingyun breaks through the golden elixir stage, he will pass on his practice experience to Bai Zhaoji. With Bai Zhaoji's talent, it should not be difficult to form an elixir.

Although I have a way in my heart,...

But Zhang Jingyun couldn't tell Baizhaojiu that the former was a dual cultivator. He probably told Baizhaojiu that Baizhaojiu would draw his sword and kill this rebel disciple on the spot!

It would be even more outrageous to come to her practice and teach her experience. Zhang Jingyun didn't even tell her about his Five Elements talent.

If she knew that she could have any talent, unless Bai Zhao refused to be his woman, she would always be in trouble.

Of course, Zhang Jingyun is still very happy to accept Bai Zhaojun as his woman. After all, in this world, he only has Liu Lixia, who is a furnace body, who can provide a large number of attribute points. Unlike in the White Snake World, he has Bai Suzhen, the wife who is about to become an immortal, practices five attribute points at a time.

Zhang Jingyun estimated that Liu Lixia and Bai Zhaorui combined could be comparable to Bai Suzhen. From this, we can also know how lucky Xu Hanwen, the reckless hero, was to marry such a wife.

Although Liu Lixia and Bai Zhao are not as good as Bai Suzhen, fortunately, they still have great potential and will definitely shine in the future.

Oh, no!

Bai Zhaojie is not his woman yet. At this stage, Zhang Jingyun only has the evil heart but not the courage. However, he is still very bold in that he subconsciously regards Bai Zhaojie as his woman.

After Zhang Jingyun left the Baizhaoji Cultivation Cave, he returned to his own cave next door. Yanyunfang City was entirely maintained by a fourth-order spiritual vein underground. Many casual cultivators and the stationed monks of the three major immortal cultivation sects relied on absorbing the spiritual veins and spiritual energy to practice. .

This is very different from the world of White Snake.

In the White Snake World, even the human world has spiritual energy, and it is very rich. Except for a few spiritual mountains, the concentration of spiritual energy is not much different. Even many gods like to travel to the mortal world. The White Snake World is extremely good for practitioners.

This is not the case in the world of cultivating immortals.

Almost no monks stay in the mortal world for a long time. Monk practice is inseparable from spiritual energy, and spiritual energy is produced by spiritual veins. Therefore, various immortal cultivating forces are often formed in places with spiritual veins.

There is no spiritual energy in the mortal world precisely because there are no spiritual veins. Although immortal cultivators will not fall into the realm when they go to the mortal world, they can only rely on their own accumulation without spiritual energy replenishment. Firstly, they cannot practice, and secondly, they cannot easily consume spiritual energy.

It is precisely because of the various restrictions in the mortal world.

Immortal cultivators can either join a sect and practice peacefully, form their own family and occupy a spiritual lineage to develop, or become casual cultivators and practice in various ways.

Rogue cultivators are a mass of loose sand. Most of the spiritual veins in the world of immortality are controlled by sects, and the markets they open will not accept rogue cultivators unconditionally.

Just like this Yanyunfang City.

Renting caves of various levels have different prices. The cave where Zhang Jingyun temporarily lives is very close to the fourth-level spiritual veins in Yanyunfang City. Judging from the concentration of spiritual energy, it should be a third-level cave.

The Third Grade Cave Mansion can support the cultivation of Zifu monks. In the entire Yanyunfang City, the number of Zifu monks should not exceed twenty.

Zhang Jingyun can temporarily practice in the third-grade cave house, naturally because of the care of Bai Zhaorei. The three sects control Yanyunfang City, and there are many third-grade cave houses. If one is given to Zhang Jingyun, outsiders can't say anything.

As for Bai Zhaorui's cave, although it is only separated by a wall, it is a real fourth-grade cave, only for Jindan monks to practice. There are only three fourth-grade caves in the entire Yanyunfang City.

Zhang Jingyun felt the rich spiritual energy in the cave and was not too excited. He was already in the middle stage of foundation building and the spiritual energy in his body was still increasing rapidly.

It has to be said that the Five Elements talent is indeed unique. The spiritual energy is extremely active when it encounters this kind of physique, and it rushes to penetrate into Zhang Jingyun's body.

"If this continues, within three months at most, the cultivation level will naturally break through to the late stage of foundation establishment. This speed is truly outstanding in the world of immortal cultivation."

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but lament that he was progressing so fast that he was out of tune with the people around him, and it would be difficult to keep a low profile if he continued like this.

It's just that Bai Zhao refused to know what Zhang Jingyun was thinking, otherwise she would definitely give him a beautiful look. She couldn't form the elixir despite all her efforts, but Zhang Jingyun felt that her cultivation level had improved too quickly.

Although he is very pretentious, he does improve a bit quickly. Zhang Jingyun went from completing the sixth level of Qi training to the current late stage of foundation building in less than a year.

Zhang Jingyun even used the Breath Condensation Technique to cover up. It was enough to reveal his cultivation level in the early stages of foundation building to prevent unnecessary trouble.

In this case, Zhang Jingyun did not need to cultivate deliberately, but spent most of his time lifting the sealed cultivation.

Today, Zhang Jingyun's sealed cultivation has finally recovered a lot, and he can also use some spells and supernatural powers.

Zhang Jingyun estimates that it will be a little difficult to win the white move rejection, but in the early stage of the golden elixir, objectively speaking, the advantage lies with Zhang Jingyun.

Maoshan, A Chinese Ghost Story, and even the White Snake World. Some of the spells learned in these three worlds are unique in the world of immortality.


Zhang Jingyun listened to Bai Zhaorui's words.

He took out all the talismans he had accumulated and bought them. At this moment, the demon cultivators showed signs of provoking a fight, and the casual cultivators in the market were panicking.

Although it is clear that the three sects united are not afraid of the Demon Cauldron Sect, once a war breaks out, the most miserable ones will be the casual cultivators like them.

When the wind roars.

Various spiritual items such as elixirs, magic weapons, talismans, etc. have experienced price increases to a certain extent. In terms of elixirs, the price increase of healing elixirs has been the highest.

Magical weapons are expensive, and this is also a time of great sales. Most of the accumulated magical weapons have been sold, not to mention talismans. Both attack talismans and defensive talismans are in short supply.

The three kinds of talismans painted by Zhang Jingyun are all very popular. The Fire Talisman attacks violently and is reasonably priced. It is one of the most cost-effective attack talismans. The Diamond Talisman has an excellent protective effect. All foundation-building casual cultivators want one for protection. Rainbow Light Talisman The talisman is even more powerful and the price remains high.

The price of the three kinds of talismans was nearly 30% higher than the price in Zongmenfang Market. However, when Zhang Jingyun took out the inventory of three swords, they were still sold out.

"Junior Brother Zhang is making a lot of money!"

Li Feng was secretly stunned when he saw so many spiritual stones. One hundred pieces of each of the three types of spiritual stones were sold through Jinjianmen's own spiritual stone shop. The sect only charged Zhang Jingyun a symbolic handling fee.

The spiritual stones sold thus were worth dozens of pieces when converted into third-grade ones. The exchange rates for each grade of spiritual stones were one thousand. Dozens of third-grade spiritual stones were not worth it to Li Feng, who had cultivated in the Zifu period. It's nothing, but to Zhang Jingyun who is in the foundation building stage, it is a huge sum of money.

"The Four Arts of Immortal Cultivation, Alchemy Array, Real Money!" Li Feng sighed, but Zhang Jingyun didn't think he was making much money. The Super Spirit Valley he researched could earn hundreds of third-grade spirit stones every month just from selling seeds. .

Monopoly business is huge profits.

"Junior brother is a talisman master and a disciple of Elder Bai. It's okay to say something or not, but senior brother still wants to remind you not to go out with those casual cultivators at night."

Li Feng's words moved Zhang Jingyun's heart.

He had long heard that some casual cultivators would take advantage of the turmoil and go out at night pretending to be demonic cultivators to rob their fellow practitioners. He probably also often intercepted cultivators, and just in time for the demonic cultivators to cause trouble, he would blame them on the demonic cultivators. .

"Don't worry, senior brother. Junior brother will not take risks." After Zhang Jingyun said that, he returned to the cave and practiced for several days.

Until Li Feng came to give Zhang Jingyun an errand: "Junior brother, if it is not for the lack of manpower, I really don't want to trouble you. Two junior brothers, Zhang Ming and Xie Qingquan, have encountered bottlenecks and cannot be on duty. Can you be temporarily appointed as the deacon of the city to review it? A monk who comes and goes?"

Li Feng treated him well, and it was true that he was short of manpower. Zhang Jingyun agreed, and the latter informed him of all the review requirements, so there was no difficulty.

Zhang Jingyun took up his post soon.

There are generally two situations when entering and exiting the city. Disciples registered in the three sects only need to record their entry and exit. This is a requirement for special periods, and there is no need to record it normally.

For the entry and exit review of casual cultivators, those who travel from Fangshi need to apply in advance. If strangers want to join, they need to check their cultivation level and origin.

During this period, if stranger cultivators apply to join, the review should be stricter to prevent demonic cultivators from sneaking into the city and stirring up disputes.

Li Feng told Zhang Jingyun that anyone who was unsure should ask him to make the decision, but with Zhang Jingyun's eyesight, it would be very difficult to get through under his nose.

Zhang Jingyun found nothing unusual within a few days of taking up his post. However, the city was not only plagued by external troubles, but also internal troubles, and rogue cultivators pretending to be cultivators were repeatedly banned.

That night, four battles broke out. Among them, a pill shop in Linghua Mountain was robbed. The pills worth at least 500 third-grade spiritual stones were lost. The most unacceptable thing is that two foundation-building disciples died. .

"How brave!"

The head of Linghua Mountain was furious, and immediately ordered the sealing off of Yanyunfang City, and sent his disciples to investigate with the sect's magic weapon, the Divine Mirror.

PS: The Jade Rabbit bids farewell to the old, and the Golden Dragon welcomes the new. I wish you all a prosperous future, a bright future, and a prosperous life in the new year! Please subscribe, please vote~

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