People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 274 Jigong’s Wife【Please subscribe】

"Have you heard about the Li family?"

In the security hall, my sister Xu Jiaorong was eating snacks and talking to Zhang Jingyun and others about recent events in Hangzhou City.

"What happened?"

Bai Suzhen hugged Xu Shilin and talked to Xu Jiaorong. Eating melons has been an excellent tradition of the Chinese people since ancient times, and Bai Suzhen is no exception.

"Master Li's daughter-in-law was kicked out of the Li Mansion." Xu Jiaorong lowered her voice and said to Zhang Jingyun and others mysteriously.

"Master Li's daughter-in-law? She is a poor person." Bai Suzhen sighed and talked to Xu Jiaorong.

"Li Mansion, which Li Mansion?"

Zhang Jingyun was practicing on the side and became curious. Xu Jiaorong said: "It's the Li family whose son I told you before ran away from his wedding night and clamored to become a monk."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jingyun immediately realized that Xu Jiaorong had indeed said before that Mr. Li's son escaped from marriage on his wedding night, which caused quite a stir in Hangzhou. It even became a hot topic in the streets, restaurants and teahouses. topic.

Mr. Li was also well-known as a good man in Hangzhou City. In the early years, he had no children. Later, he finally had a son, so he naturally loved him very much. As soon as his son came of age, Mr. Li arranged a marriage for him.

My daughter-in-law and my son have grown up together, and they can be said to be childhood sweethearts. Mr. Li is very considerate when it comes to his son's marriage.

He did not interfere with his daughter-in-law's family because she thought she was from an ordinary family, but readily agreed. She only hoped that her son could live a happy life, and nothing else mattered.

However, it was bizarre that on the night of the wedding, the son finally got married to the person he had longed for, but uncharacteristically, he ran away from the marriage and even said that he wanted to become a monk in front of everyone.

If Mr. Li had arranged the marriage for his son, and he himself didn't like the person he was getting married to, it would be reasonable for him to run away from the marriage.

But the key point is that he himself requested the marriage, and the person he got married to was also his childhood sweetheart. In this case, it was obviously wrong to escape from marriage.

When Zhang Jingyun heard Xu Jiaorong talking about this incident, he subconsciously thought of a person. This is Hangzhou, and there is Lingyin Temple.

The groom escapes from the marriage on his wedding night and wants to become a monk. This is so familiar. It is clearly the plot of the living Buddha traveling for kilometers.

Zhang Jingyun originally wanted to visit Lingyin Temple. It would be a good thing to get to know Jigong, even if it is not the most classic You Benchang version of Jigong in his mind.

Of course, Chen Haomin's version of Jigong is also a classic. The story of escaping from marriage and becoming a monk on the wedding night is also this version of the plot. Although it is a bit bloody, it is still interesting to watch.

It's a pity that Zhang Jingyun had one thing after another. He was either busy having Wen Quxing with Bai Suzhen, or he was entangled by Fahai. In the end, Zhang Jingyun did not go to Lingyin Temple.

Unexpectedly, after a year, Zhang Jingyun would hear something related to Daoji and Lingyin Temple again. This time he must not miss it.

Seeing Zhang Jingyun also leaning in to listen, Xu Jiaorong held up her pregnant belly and talked about what happened in the Li Mansion even more excitedly.

Zhang Jingyun finally figured it out after listening for a while. It turned out that Mr. Li's son, Li Xiuyuan, ran away from marriage on his wedding night and became a monk. His newly married daughter-in-law suddenly became embarrassed in Li's house.

Although Mr. Li has no prejudice against his daughter-in-law, rumors can still be heard at home. After all, his son ran away from marriage and became a monk, which is obviously abnormal, so some people said that it was his newly married daughter-in-law who was responsible.

At first, Mr. Li didn't believe this kind of thing. Although Li Xiuyuan ran away from marriage and became a monk, although it was abnormal, it was a bit unreasonable to say that he was his daughter-in-law.

It wasn't until Mr. Li and his wife passed away one after another more than half a year later. They were both very young, and it was normal for their son to do such a thing again. He was overly worried and couldn't bear it anymore.

It is the unlucky daughter-in-law who has been in the family for less than a year. Mr. Li has no relatives in his family. Mrs. Li also has a younger brother. After Mr. Li died, Mrs. Li asked his younger brother to take charge of the affairs of the Li Mansion. When Mrs. Li died again, the Li Mansion will It is completely controlled by Mrs. Li's brother.

His daughter-in-law regarded him as his uncle, but they didn't care about it, because what he wanted was the Li family property. In order to seize the family property, he even asked his servants to spread rumors that the Li family suffered such an end because of his daughter-in-law.

The purpose of doing this was to force people away, and the result was what he wanted. The daughter-in-law of the Li Mansion couldn't stand it, and she almost had a mental breakdown. In the end, she was forced to leave the Li Mansion and disappeared.

Zhang Jingyun sighed after hearing this.

This version of the Living Buddha Ji Public Bureau is really bloody. The roc bird under the Buddha's seat couldn't stand being ridden by the Buddha and flying around all day long, so it wanted to rebel and descend to earth.

Before Dapeng descended to earth, he was worried that there would be treasures in the Demon-Conquering Hall in the Buddhist world that could subjugate him, so he thought about destroying the Demon-Conquering Hall so that he could descend to earth without any restrictions.

After all the troubles, the Demon-Conquering Hall was destroyed, and the Buddha also sent the descending dragon Arhat to reincarnate into the mortal world to capture Dapeng and bring him back to the Buddhist world.

As the head of the Eighteen Arhats in the Buddhist world, the Subduing Dragon Arhat is very powerful. After descending to earth, he should have been reincarnated as Master Li's son, Li Xiuyuan.

Jianglong was the first of the eighteen Arhats who sat down with the Buddha. After reincarnating into the mortal world, it was really inappropriate to get married, but the timing of awakening the memory of Jianglong Arhat...

Do you have to awaken your past life memories on your wedding night? Then he left his newly married wife to become a monk. If it was because of personal behavior, it would be understandable to trigger the Arhat's defense mechanism and passively trigger related memories.

But in fact, it was the other seventeen Arhats who inspired Li Xiuyuan to recover his past life memory, which shows that they can control the time when Arhat Subduing the Dragon recovers his memory.

He was able to restore Jiang Long's memory but it was stuck in time and made him become a monk on his wedding night. Isn't this a trick on the bride?

This could kill people in ancient times.

"What's the name of Li Xiuyuan's wife?" Zhang Jingyun thought about it in his mind and suddenly remembered it.


She grew up with Li Xiuyuan, they were childhood sweethearts, but on their wedding night, their marriage broke up, and they were rumored about her husband and her family, and she was so desperate that she jumped off a cliff.

Thinking of jumping off a cliff, Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but feel something in his heart. Xu Jiaorong just said that Yanzhi was forced to leave the Li Mansion by Li Xiuyuan's uncle and disappeared.

So she jumped off a cliff?

Zhang Jingyun looked strange. His wife before Jigong became a monk was going to jump off a cliff. Should he do something? He was either thinking about Jigong's wife, or he simply felt sympathy for Rouge.

Of course.

Jigong’s wife before becoming a monk was indeed very beautiful.

Zhang Jingyun had a slight impression of her. She was dressed in red, white socks, and red round-top shoes. She was 165cm tall and weighed 49kg. Her career line was big and round...

She only wanted to get married to Li Xiuyuan. What could be wrong? As a result, her marriage broke up and she was forced to jump off a cliff. After being rescued, she embarked on the path of spiritual practice. Then she wanted to ask Jigong for clarification. In the end, Jigong was angry with her for asking others to send her. The token makes no impression.

Later, when I asked Jigong face to face, Jigong just said, Li Xiuyuan is dead, and there is no more Li Xiuyuan in the world. Isn't this just taking his body?

In the world of cultivators, everyone calls for beatings when someone seizes their childhood sweetheart’s body. But in this world, you seize the husband of someone’s childhood sweetheart. Not only do you not say a word, but when someone comes to find you, you fool them by saying “die?”

This is replaced by someone who doesn't go black.

"Sir, are you not going to sit in for a consultation anymore?"

Bai Suzhen asked when she saw Zhang Jingyun getting up and going out. Zhang Jingyun said, "Let Xiaoqing take care of my son. Madam, you can sit here for me for a while. I'll be back soon."

Bai Suzhen didn't think much about it, but Xu Jiaorong said slightly dissatisfied: "It's been more than a year since we got married, and we have a son, and we still keep running away? Don't get married to someone else, go to White Snake, it's him Don’t you realize your great blessing?”

This was meant for Bai Suzhen. She was extremely satisfied with her sister-in-law, and was afraid that Zhang Jingyun would mess around with others outside.

"Sister, officials are not like that."

Bai Suzhen said with trust.

"Just face him..."


Zhang Jingyun left the security hall, cast a spell and disappeared. In fact, his true body flew out of Hangzhou.

"It can only be counted as close as here."

Zhang Jingyun landed on a mountain and whispered softly. He had already used the yin and yang wheel algorithm to calculate whether there was anyone who jumped off the cliff.

In the White Snake World, the Yin-Yang Alchemy Technique is indeed very effective. After all, Bai Suzhen can calculate that Xu Xian was his benefactor seventeen hundred years ago, and Zhang Jingyun's current cultivation level is much higher than Bai Suzhen's.

The result of the calculation is that someone did jump off the cliff, but the specific location is very vague. This is understandable. Rouge and Dragon Subduing Arhat are too entangled, and she will not die if she jumps off the cliff, but will encounter another fate.

In the original plot, Yanzhi was rescued by the roc after jumping off a cliff, taught her magic and fell into the devil's path. After that, she devoted herself to practice, transformed into the master of Wuxin Cave, and cultivated the Heartless Demon Sword to the seventh level, preparing to seek revenge on Jigong.

Speaking of which, the Golden-winged Dapeng is also a funny comparison. The reason for the rebellion was that Buddha often flew around on it. In addition, he was dozing off during one of the Buddha's sermons and was scolded by the Buddha in public. He felt embarrassed. So they rebelled.

Lingchanzi, who was guarding the Demon-Conquering Hall, persuaded Dapeng, saying that he could become the Buddha's mount only because of the blessings he had cultivated for thousands of years. As a result, Dapeng was so angry that he was beaten to the point where Lingchanzi was reincarnated.

Zhang Jingyun is not afraid of the strength of the Dapeng. If it were the Golden-winged Dapeng in the Journey to the West world, then he would definitely be transferred and left.

But in this world, the level is not very high. Bai Suzhen was able to defeat many immortals before she became an immortal. Not all the immortals are powerful. Many of them are in the immortal formation and have little strength.

According to the setting of the original plot, the Golden-winged Dapeng achieved a thousand years of blessings and became the mount of Buddha. The Eighteen Arhats were able to beat him half to death.

In Buddhism, Arhats only have three levels of fruition. The top one is Buddha, then Bodhisattva, and after Bodhisattva is Arhat.

In Journey to the West, after Sha Monk went to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures, he almost rebelled on the spot when he heard that he was named an Arhat because he disliked the Arhat's low level.

Later, after the Buddha explained it, Sha Monk realized that what he had been consecrated to was the Namo Eight Treasures Golden Body Arhat Bodhisattva, which was the Bodhisattva status. This time he was satisfied.

The level of this world is far inferior to that of the Journey to the West world, and the strength of Arhat is not that strong. Zhang Jingyun has practiced the Nine-turn Mysterious Skill to the second level, and is considered a heavenly immortal. The Dapeng in this world is at most 50-50 equal to him.

After searching for a while, Zhang Jingyun found nothing. He could not remember the exact place where Yanzhi jumped off the cliff even though he had become an immortal, so he could only wander around.

Even if the other party really jumps off a cliff and dies, Zhang Jingyun is sure to get her back from the hands of Black and White within one day. How big a deal is that?

Saving people was just a whim of Zhang Jingyun.

As for saving people, Zhang Jingyun hasn't thought about it yet. At the worst, he can go to Lingyin Temple to find Daoji and ask him for some benefits or something. Although Daoji has no magic weapon and only knows the Arhat's Heaven-turning Seal, he can just do this. Men Luohan's Heaven-shaking Seal, he was not afraid of anyone from start to finish, so it would be good to come over and practice.


At this moment, Zhang Jingyun suddenly felt something. He quickly calculated with his fingers that the yin and yang wheel calculation method taught by Lishan's mother was indeed magical. There were rumors that she was one of the incarnations of Nuwa. It was not impossible now that he thought about it.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Jingyun flew away and flew over several mountains. As expected, Zhang Jingyun saw a figure in red jumping off the cliff.

"Tuiting Back Cliff?" Zhang Jingyun saw a stone tablet engraved with Turning Back Cliff at the end of the cliff. He couldn't help but shook his head. Turning Back Cliff couldn't make people turn back.

Rouge's face was ashen, she was wearing a red dress, just like when she got married, and jumped off the cliff without any hesitation or fear.

She just closed her eyes and fell straight down. For her, life was more painful than death. How could she be afraid?

After more than ten breaths, the imagined scene of her head being bruised and bleeding, and being smashed into a puddle of flesh and mud did not happen. When she opened her eyes, she realized that she was floating face down several feet in the air.


Rouge screamed, she wasn't afraid when she jumped, she was ready to die, but now that she was floating in the air without death, it frightened her.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Zhang Jingyun's voice sounded.

He raised his head and looked up at a forty-five-degree angle. What came into view were two snow-white northern hemispheres. The rouge was facing down, so it appeared larger and rounder, so that Zhang Jingyun almost fainted.

"You...are you a human or a demon? Did you make me float in the air?"

Zhang Jingyun waved his hand and let Rouge slowly fall to the ground. Unexpectedly, the girl was unsteady on her feet. She staggered two steps and almost hit Zhang Jingyun with the ball.

Fortunately, she stabilized, but not completely. She jumped twice before returning to her original position, leaving Zhang Jingyun dizzy.

"I saved you. I jumped off a cliff without finding a deserted place. If I hadn't had some strength, wouldn't I have been killed by you after I jumped like this?"

Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth and scolded.

In fact, after this girl found out that she didn't die after jumping off the cliff, she started sobbing slightly again, her eyes were gloomy, and she could cry loudly anytime and anywhere.

Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun interrupted her and she came back to her senses. She said sadly and aggrievedly: "I can't live anymore. I'll find a place to jump off a cliff and commit suicide. How do I know someone is down there? Then I'll go back and jump again. You Stay away from here.”

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

You are so kind-hearted.

"I am cultivating here. Do you know about cultivation? It is not surprising that I have been in seclusion for a year and a half, but now it has been interrupted by you jumping off a cliff. Most of my practice has been ruined. What do you think we should do about this?" Zhang Jingyun asked in a deep voice. road.

Rouge trembled, "What do you want?"

PS: There was an accident and I was forced to delay it for a few days. The book will be completed normally. The Supreme Immortal of Baolian Lantern or the prequel to Baolian Lantern has not been written yet. I will find time to slowly make up for it after the update is overdue. It’s the beginning of the month again, so please subscribe and give me a monthly pass~

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