People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 283 Hug left and right【Please subscribe】

"But the girl saved me?"

Zhang Jingyun saw the person sitting up straight.

"Girl?" Yang Chan's smart eyes turned, and then she shook her head and said, "You fell from the cliff. How can I save you?"

Zhang Jingyun was naturally sure that the person in front of him was Yang Chan, who was conferred the title of Our Lady of Huashan by heaven. She was the Three Holy Mothers who protected the people of Huashan and made countless people grateful.

However, since Yang Chan didn't want to reveal her identity, she was afraid of trouble. After all, her status as the Third Holy Mother was as high as a deity. It was a rare opportunity for her to come and see Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun took advantage of the situation and said: "So it's like this. I lost my footing and fell off the cliff. Logically speaking, I should have been bruised and bloody. Why is it intact now? If not you, girl, who are you?"

Yang Chan couldn't help but smile sweetly after hearing this, and said softly: "You fell off a cliff near Huashan Mountain. Who can save you except a god? Since it is a god, who do you think it can be?"

"Three Holy Mothers!"

"Now that you know it, you should leave Huashan. Mortals cannot stay in the Palace of the Holy Mother. In the future, be sure to stay away from the cliff to avoid falling down again."

"Mortals can't stay. Does that mean you, girl... are not mortals?" Zhang Jingyun asked immediately. Yang Chan has never spoken so many words to anyone in thousands of years. It is rare to meet a living person who can speak better than her in just a moment. Hundreds of years say more.

"I am with the Third Holy Mother, so naturally I am different from other mortals. Also, who are you? How did you fall off the cliff?"

Zhang Jingyun cupped his hands and said, "I am Liu Yanchang, a failed scholar. I was passing near Huashan Mountain. He may have slipped and fell."

"Falling scholar? So he fell to the ground from above?" Yang Chan said as she gestured with her white jade-like arms, with a faint smile on her face.

Zhang Jingyun's face turned slightly red.

He also said that Liu Yanchang was some kind of talented person, but he was a piece of shit. He had studied for more than 20 years before he could barely become a scholar. He could take part in the provincial examination, but he naturally lost his reputation.

Many people say that Liu Yanchang has no big ambitions and no ambition. There is nothing wrong with this. Apart from his extreme perseverance in pursuing the Three Holy Mothers, he has nothing to show in his studies.

If Liu Yanchang had used his drive to pursue the Three Holy Mothers to study for fame, Chen Xiang would still be a scholar at the age of sixteen.

Even if he passed the exam and his status rose sharply, he would still be a good example to Chen Xiang. The result showed that Liu Yanchang had no real talent at all.

Zhang Jingyun remembers that in the original plot, the Three Holy Mothers and the Fourth Princess of the East China Sea, Ao Tingxin, teased Liu Yanchang about being a "low-level scholar". Liu Yanchang actually had the nerve to get angry and said not to insult scholars.

And Liu Yanchang said this more than once, but from beginning to end, Zhang Jingyun never saw how Liu Yanchang practiced himself as a scholar.

Reading a book by burning the midnight oil? No.

Pick up a pen and practice calligraphy? No.

Written articles? Not at all.

It was obvious that I was here to flirt with the simple-minded Third Holy Mother under the guise of being a scholar. No wonder Yang Jian didn't have a good attitude towards him from the beginning to the end.

So Zhang Jingyun said to Yang Chan, "I made the girl laugh. If I fail the exam this time, I will definitely pass the exam next time and won't let the Three Holy Mothers down."

Yang Chan asked in confusion: "Whether you passed the examination or not, what does it have to do with the Three Holy Mothers? It's not to say that you are disappointed or not, right?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head, and then said seriously: "The Third Holy Mother is my savior, and I must repay my life-saving grace.

Originally, I secretly vowed to repay the Three Holy Mothers by guarding the temple for three years so that the Three Holy Mothers can accept more incense faith, so that I can feel at ease. "

I heard that Zhang Jingyun has to stay in his own home for three years. Is this okay? Yang Chan's expression changed, and she quickly tried to dissuade her: "No need!

The Holy Mother is very pleased that you have this kind of heart. Why should you guard the temple for three years? You, a mortal, only have a few three years in your life, so why waste your time here? "

Zhang Jingyun slapped his thigh and said, "That's right, so I decided not to stay and guard the temple."

"Why is this?" Yang Chan looked as usual, but her impression of Zhang Jingyun was not as good as before.

"Since you are a scholar, don't scholars say that if a person has no faith, he will not be established? I think it is not the behavior of a gentleman to change orders day by day."

"It is true that a person cannot stand without trust, but under what circumstances should I say it, if I want to fulfill my promise, it will cause trouble to others?

I can stay in the Notre Dame Temple to guard the Temple for Our Lady. I can stay here for the life-saving grace of not just three years, but thirty years, or even a lifetime. "

Zhang Jingyun said loudly.

Yang Chan's face softened a little and her voice became weaker as she said, "What you said makes sense. If a grown man hangs around in front of the Three Holy Mothers every day, who can stand it..."

"Ah? What did you say?"

Yang Chan said quickly: "I mean the Third Holy Mother, I definitely can't stand you appearing in front of her every day, it's annoying to death."

Zhang Jingyun nodded and said, "So I use another way to repay the life-saving grace of the Third Holy Mother, and that is to obtain merit.

Even girl, you said that I am a low-level scholar. To be honest, I feel ashamed. If I cannot pass the exam, I will be deserving of the Holy Mother’s life-saving grace. "

"This..." Yang Chan thought for a while and said hesitantly: "Actually, what I am saying is that I don't think the Third Holy Mother is forcing you like this. Otherwise, I won't say that you are a mature scholar in the future?"

"Don't worry about being a scholar, girl. I have to prove myself. If a man has no ambition, what future can he have?"

Yang Chan did not deny this.

The person she admires most in her life is her second brother Yang Jian, who is the God of War in the Three Realms and the God of Justice. No woman will hate a man who works hard.

But recently, the pressure on the second brother has been too great. The Queen Mother is determined to curb the trend of thinking about mortals. Even gods and immortals cannot love each other, and having love between immortals and mortals is a grave sin committed by heaven.

Yang Jian deliberately stopped him. After all, even gods have seven emotions and six desires, which cannot be given up. However, the Queen Mother made this a rule of heaven. Yang Jian also had more than enough ambition but not enough power. He had a long way to go.

In addition, there are people in heaven who have been targeting Yang Jian. Many orders from heaven are a disaster for the lower world. Yang Jian has a loving heart and has been secretly disobeying the destiny of heaven and taking care of the common people. He is the god of justice. It's so tiring.

Yang Chan also always feels sorry for her second brother.

Therefore, at this critical moment, even the Queen Mother personally made a rule to prohibit fornication between immortals and mortals, and Yang Chan could not cause any more trouble to Erlang Shen.

"Since you have such confidence, the Third Holy Mother knows about it, and you will be pleased to think about it. I hope it was not a mistake for her to save you. Come down the mountain after you have rested."

After Yang Chan finished speaking, he slowly left.

Zhang Jingyun did not try to persuade him to stay. He was no longer the same Liu Yanchang as before. Zhang Jingyun also knew a lot about the Lotus Lantern plot.

At this time, Yang Jian can be said to be the most difficult moment in his life. Yang Chan's choice will greatly affect Yang.

So she will be more cautious about her feelings. Of course, she can be deceived by people like Liu Yanchang into giving birth to a child. No matter how cautious she is, she can't be more cautious.

Zhang Jingyun is not in a hurry.

After a while, Zhang Jingyun was about to leave the Notre Dame Temple, but when he turned his eyes, he saw two more ingots of silver and a few words on a piece of paper on the table.

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Zhang Jingyun chuckled lightly, she is indeed the Third Holy Mother, kind-hearted and compassionate. It would be strange if Liu Yanchang could leave. Why don't you hold on tight to this thigh?

Even Zhang Jingyun felt that.

Liu Yanchang vowed to stay at the Notre Dame Temple for three years, and Yang Chan couldn't drive him away no matter what he did. Most likely, he wanted to find a place to eat to survive the three years, and then take part in the next provincial examination.

Liu Yanchang might have thought so at first, but then he came into contact with the Three Holy Mothers. He probably changed his plan decisively and decided to become the man of the Three Holy Mothers. Isn't this much easier than passing the provincial examination?

Zhang Jingyun really didn't think of this until he realized that the provincial examinations in the Ming and Qing dynasties, also known as Qiuwei, were held every three years.

Isn't this a coincidence?

Zhang Jingyun couldn't do it right away even if he wanted to win the imperial examination. He would have to wait three years. Couldn't he just take the money from the Three Holy Mothers and stay outside for three years?

He shook his head. He couldn't keep it in the Notre Dame Temple for three years. Is it okay to use it at the foot of Mount Huashan? And with Yang Chan's character, Zhang Jingyun felt that it would take less than three years to enter the dual cultivation period in advance.

She is too innocent and too emotional to be a fairy. When she meets someone like Liu Yanchang, she will be like a meat bun and beat a dog, and there will be no return.

When you meet Zhang Jingyun, you are even more complete.

I'm afraid both legs may be deceived into lameness.


Zhang Jingyun built a hut at the foot of Huashan Mountain. He would often remind people who came to the Notre Dame Temple to offer incense to the temple as a visitor: do good deeds and accumulate merit, and the Three Notre Dames will bless your dreams to come true.


In the Notre Dame Temple, Yang Chan was quite surprised.

There have been a lot of incense offerings in the past few days. It has not yet reached the peak season of incense, so it is obviously abnormal to have so much incense suddenly.

So Yang Chan decided to go down the mountain to have a look.

The heavenly court conferred the title of Our Lady of the Western Mountains, holding a lotus lantern. Yang Chan's realm is not low. Strictly speaking, she is much more powerful than Zhang Jingyun.

If you are holding a lotus lantern.

Zhang Jingyun is no match for her.

Yang Chan cast a little magic and walked all the way to the foot of the mountain. The incense believers coming and going could not see Yang Chan's true body at all.

Occasionally, someone encounters Yang Chan by accident. He or she does not feel that he has met an immortal, but he is blessed with immortality and has many benefits.

Lu Dongbin, one of the eight immortals, often turns into a mortal and goes to burn incense with his followers. Anyone who squeezes him along the way is a good sign, and Yang Chan is almost the same.

Arriving at the foot of the mountain, Yang Chan stopped.

I saw many people gathered in front of a stall. Everyone looked pious and asked something to a young man in an orderly manner.

"Is everything you said true?"

"How can I lie to you? The Third Holy Mother saved me, and I stay here just to repay the Third Holy Mother for saving my life."


When Yang Chan heard this, she became very angry. She subconsciously thought that someone was deceiving her under her own guise. She immediately made up her mind to teach this liar a lesson.

However, when she passed through the crowd and saw the so-called liar, she suddenly looked startled. Wasn't this the "fallen scholar" whom she had saved a few days ago?

He had promised to go down the mountain to study hard and obtain fame, but why did he set up a stall at the foot of Huashan Mountain and become a liar? Yang Chan was immediately ready to show up to ask for details.

However, at this moment, several figures pushed away the crowd, and one of them placed a dark-faced boy in front of Zhang Jingyun.

"Half Immortal! Please save my son!"

Yang Chan looked sulky. His son's life was at stake. Instead of praying to himself, the father asked a fallen scholar?

Until she saw Zhang Jingyun pricking acupuncture points with gold needles and treating the boy calmly. After a while, the boy vomited black blood from his mouth, mixed with some fruits.

"This child was poisoned after eating black fruits. Fortunately, he was treated in time and the poisoning is not serious. When he wakes up, be sure not to let him eat randomly again."

"When the bastard wakes up, I'll break his legs and make him eat everything in his mouth!" The boy's father was angry and distressed.

"If you break his leg, I won't treat it for you. This is Wu Guo. You can take it and show it to the villagers. Don't eat it by mistake."

"Thank you, Half Immortal. Thank you, Half Immortal. You are such a good person, just like the Three Holy Mothers." The boy's father said repeatedly.

"Hey, how can I compare with the Three Holy Mothers? If the Three Holy Mothers hadn't appeared to save me, I would have fallen to my death under the cliff.

I am here to help the world and save people, just to share some responsibilities for the Three Holy Mothers. You don’t need to thank me, just go up the mountain and offer a stick of incense to the Three Holy Mothers. "

"Three Holy Mothers of Mercy!"

When Yang Chan saw the scene before her, her heart was filled with excitement. Zhang Jingyun's words and the smile on his face all fell in her eyes. Yang Chan only felt that this failed scholar was quite likable.

Zhang Jingyun used gold needles to treat illnesses and used talisman water to save people without charging any money. Even when others thanked him, they said it was the work of the Three Holy Mothers, which made Yang Chan feel deserved.

"Would you like to show up and thank him?"

Yang Chan hesitated, and then suddenly remembered that she could still use her previous fake identity to meet Zhang Jingyun. Looking around, Yang Chan saw a tea stall not far away. Zhang Jingyun was treating illnesses and rescuing thirsty people, so he wanted to have tea. Sit and sit.

So Yang Chan showed up and was waiting at the tea stall.

It's just that Zhang Jingyun didn't wait for him, but the evil man came. Everyone near Huashan Mountain didn't know that this man was evil, and they all called him Ding Da evil man.

Ding Da went up the mountain to offer incense at the Holy Mother Temple and pray to the Three Holy Mothers to give him a son. Somehow, Ding Da's evil wife gave him twelve children in total, all of them daughters.

In fact, this was Yang Chan's punishment for Ding Da because of his bad reputation. He wanted a son, but Yang Chan chose to let his children be daughters.

What surprised Yang Chan was that even though the villain Ding didn't know her identity, he still had evil intentions and teased her.

"Young lady, would you like to have a drink with me?"

After Ding Da finished speaking, Yang Chan was about to let him drink a pot, but he saw a figure rushing in front of Yang Chan and grabbed her hand.

"What's going on with you?"

Yang Chan was stunned, and Ding Da was also confused.

Zhang Jingyun knew that Ding Da was just a fake evil person, and that he was Ding Xiang's father, but Ding Xiang hadn't been born yet.

"This is my family, please give way." After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he took Yang Chan's hand and was about to leave, but Ding Da did not stop him.

"Are they your family members? Let's go, let's go."

Ding Da has never coveted other people's wives.

Yang Chan was grabbed by Zhang Jingyun's hand and walked outside. She felt an electric shock in her heart, and she didn't know how to break free for a while.

Before they had gone far, a beautiful figure came towards them. When they saw Yang Chan and Zhang Jingyun holding hands together, they suddenly looked strange.

"Fourth sister!" Yang Chan said in surprise.

Before Yang Chan could speak, another voice sounded, "Hey, this lady shouldn't be your boy's family member, right?"

The person coming is not Ding Da.

Zhang Jingyun knew that this was the Fourth Princess of the East China Sea, and before she could react, Zhang Jingyun accurately grabbed Ao Tingxin's hand.

Then he said to Ding Da: "You are right. She is also a member of my family. I'm so sorry. Let's talk later."

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he pulled the two of them away.

Ao Tingxin looked confused and allowed Zhang Jingyun to pull him. The evil Ding could be called the number one assister in the three realms. He waved his hands in disgust: "A family member again? Let's go, let's go."

Zhang Jingyun first pulled the two of them for dozens of steps, and then unknowingly picked up their waists. Ding Da saw that there was no problem at all.

"Hug you from left to right, this kid is so lucky."

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