People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 287: Bridal Chamber Flowers and Candles [Please subscribe]

"Aren't you the Three Holy Mothers?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at Yang Chan and said confidently.

Yang Chan felt a shock all over and froze on the spot. She never expected that Zhang Jingyun already knew her true identity.

" do you know? Is it the fourth sister?" Yang Chan subconsciously thought of Ao Tingxin. During the three years she was away from Huashan, the only person Zhang Jingyun could contact was Ao Tingxin.

However, Zhang Jingyun shook his head.

He and Ao Tingxin had frequent contacts and had many in-depth exchanges in the past two and a half years, but Ao Tingxin's character would not tell Zhang Jingyun his true identity without Yang Chan's permission.

As for the real reason, Zhang Jingyun would not tell him. Could he still tell Yang Chan that he actually knew from the beginning that the Three Holy Mothers and she were the same person?

Make it clear that you are motivated by sex?

Zhang Jingyun pondered for two seconds and said: "I have been in Huashan for nearly three years, and I have never heard of anyone around the Third Holy Mother.

In addition, I have been with you for a long time, but I have never seen you eat. In addition, I have heard the story about the Three Holy Mothers from other people. When I had nothing to do, I listened to everyone’s comments. Described as a portrait of the Three Virgins.

Unexpectedly, I turned out to be 90% similar to you. In the end, I simply recalled your appearance and drew a portrait that was 100% similar to you. Guess what? "

Yang Chan subconsciously said: "How?"

Zhang Jingyun went into the room and took out a portrait of the Three Holy Mothers. When he opened it, Yang Chan almost exclaimed. It looked exactly like himself.

"Those people knelt down and kowtowed, and said with certainty that the person in the painting was the Three Holy Mothers. If I didn't know that you were the Three Holy Mothers, I would be deceiving myself."

Yang Chan looked at the portrait in his hand with a complicated expression. It was no different from herself. Yang Chan even felt that the person in the painting was a bit more beautiful than herself.

"I didn't expect you to have such ability."

Yang Chan acknowledged her identity by saying this, and she couldn't help but admire Zhang Jingyun even more. She was already good at reading, and even the portrait was lifelike. He was a perfect man, so how could he not be admired?


Yang Chan suddenly remembered something.

If Zhang Jingyun had known his identity for a long time, it meant that the object of his blasphemy in his dream was the Third Holy Mother, which was undoubtedly blasphemy.

Yang Chan's face turned cold, and then she changed the subject and said, "Since you already know my identity, let me ask you, do you know your guilt?"

Zhang Jingyun looked confused and said, "What crime am I guilty of? When did this happen?"

Yang Chan said: "Liu Yanchang, you are blaspheming the gods. This is the crime you committed in your dream."

Zhang Jingyun's heart skipped a beat. It was indeed a dream. He didn't expect that he would rarely have a dream. By coincidence, he was caught by Yang Chan.

However, Zhang Jingyun is so thick-skinned.

Even if Yang Chan caught her face to face, her expression remained normal, "Yang... uh, Third Holy Mother, please listen to me explain, why don't I remember the dream?"

Yang Chan confirmed: "You did it!"

Zhang Jingyun: "Oh, let me think about it."

Yang Chan's expression changed and she quickly stopped Zhang Jingyun: "Don't think about it! You have already blasphemed the gods once in your dream, so you want to blaspheme again?"

Zhang Jingyun said innocently: "You are right, but I have already remembered it. Indeed, it was my fault that I blasphemed you in the dream. I don't know how I could have such a dream, how could I be in a dream?" Doing that kind of thing to you..."

"Stop talking!"

Yang Chan's face turned red with anger.

It was obviously Zhang Jingyun who did something sexual to him in his dream, but now that Zhang Jingyun talked about it, Yang Chan wanted to turn around and run away.

"I won't say anything anymore." Zhang Jingyun shut up.

Yang Chan's chest rose and fell slightly. The room was very quiet, so quiet that even the sound of a needle dropping could be heard. In the end, Yang Chan couldn't help but say, "You are talking, are you just staring here?"

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

Didn't you ask me to stop talking?

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while and said, "This is indeed my fault. How do you want to punish me?"

"You are not allowed to go to Huashan again from now on."

Yang Chan blurted out, but regretted it after she said it. She flew all the way from Huashan to Nanjun, wasn't she worried about Zhang Jingyun?

If Zhang Jingyun agreed not to go to Huashan, wouldn't he never have the chance to see him again? Yang Chan regretted it and was about to change his words when Zhang Jingyun said in time: "I'm afraid it won't work.

I went to Huashan to take office. As a parent official, how could I not go to Huashan? Heaven has decreed that you are the Holy Mother of Huashan and guard Huashan. It does not mean that Huashan belongs to you alone. I can go wherever I want. "

Yang Chan was inexplicably happy.

Zhang Jingyun continued to speak, "Besides...can you bear it if you don't let me go to Huashan? You don't want to see me so much?"

Yang Chan panicked, and pretended to be calm and said: "What can't I bear? There are differences between immortals and mortals, and there is no relationship between you and me."

Zhang Jingyun disagreed: "Oh? Then why did you come all the way to see me? Is it possible that you just wanted to cover me with a thin quilt?"

Yang Chan argued, "I didn't cover the quilt. You're overthinking it. Just pretend that the blasphemy never happened. Just forget about it."

"Can't forget."

Zhang Jingyun said: "I am not blaspheming the gods, but I love the gods in my heart. Third Holy Mother, do you dare to say that you have no feelings for me?

There are thousands of mountains and rivers in Huashan and Linan County, but you opened up. In the past three years, I have missed you day and night, but you said I was blaspheming? "

"You!" Yang Chan said this in shock, "Stop saying that, do you know that this is violating heaven's rules!

Li Bo'an was sent to the eighteenth level of hell just for violating the majesty of the Jade Emperor. If you don't repent, you will only be worse than him, you know? "

"The rules of heaven are nothing. When I meet the person I love, I will not care about the rules of heaven or not. Even if I am shattered to pieces, I will not give up."

Zhang Jingyun's words were resounding, but Yang Chan still felt like she had seen them before. The second brother Yang Jian had also said similar words, but Yang Jian was bolder and even said that he would go down to heaven and raise a flag as a monster for the one he loved.

Yang Chan was a little confused and didn't know what to do. She couldn't deny her feelings for Zhang Jingyun. If she hadn't, she wouldn't have appeared in Nanjun.

He doesn't even care about Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun took a step forward and looked down into Yang Chan's eyes. He was only a few feet away, but separated by infinite difficulties, it was the gap between immortality and mortals.

However, no matter how great the difficulty was, as Zhang Jingyun stretched out his hands to grasp Yang Chan's hand firmly, it collapsed in an instant like a mountain.

Zhang Jingyun held Yang Chan in his arms and leaned against her: "I am a mortal, you are a god, I have violated the law of heaven, will you let me go?"

"I have no idea…"

Yang Chan raised her head and met Zhang Jingyun's gaze. She didn't know when she developed feelings for Zhang Jingyun. Maybe it was when Huashan was waiting hard for Zhang Jingyun's news, or maybe it was the moment she got Zhang Jingyun's reply, and a smile bloomed on her face.

The oppression of heaven and the ruthlessness of heaven's rules and regulations have made Yang Chan and other gods abandon their emotions and desires for thousands of years and cannot have any emotions.

So much so that the appearance of Zhang Jingyun was like a spark that had an explosive effect to Yang Chan, and her emotions were like a flood bursting its embankment, flowing thousands of miles away.

Zhang Jingyun lowered his head and kissed Yang Chan's red lips. The soft and soft touch was like an electric current, paralyzing the men and women on both sides of the taboo line.

One is a god and the other is a mortal.

The boundaries between immortals and mortals have become very flexible at this time. Zhang Jingyun kissed Yang Chan wantonly. The aloof gods are also human beings and have feelings. Zhang Jingyun bravely climbed to the top and did what all mortals in the world dream of doing.

"Don't stay here, please go back to Huashan?"

Yang Chan's low voice sounded.

Zhang Jingyun said: "It's thousands of miles away."

Yang Chan rolled her eyes and said angrily: "I'm not asking you to walk back with me. Why don't you hug me tightly and I'll cast a spell to take you back to the Huashan Notre Dame Temple."

Zhang Jingyun was delighted when he heard this, and put his arms around Yang Chan's waist. As expected, he had ice muscles and jade bones, a body of an immortal, and had experienced many heavens and worlds. This was considered a milestone breakthrough.

Yang Chan activated her magic power and saw a flash of light before her eyes, and then flew back to Huashan with Zhang Jingyun in the air. Zhang Jingyun opened his eyes and looked at the clouds under his feet, only to see thousands of mountains and rivers passing by.

"Aren't you afraid?" Yang Chan asked.

Zhang Jingyun was so calm but it was beyond her expectation, so he probably wouldn't be afraid. Although Zhang Jingyun could not fly as fast as Yang Chan when he was still practicing, he was not much slower.

Of course, Yang Chan didn't show much strength.

If Yang Chan goes all out, it is true that Zhang Jingyun will not even be able to see her back even in his heyday.

In a moment.

Yang Chan took Zhang Jingyun back to the Huashan Notre Dame Temple. As soon as they landed, Yang Chan waved gently, and the Notre Dame Temple instantly became decorated with lights and red lanterns, making it a little more festive.

"Why are you standing there, come into the house with me!"

Zhang Jingyun was pulled into the room by Yang Chan before he could react. As the two of them crossed the threshold, their clothes also changed.

I saw Yang Chan, with light red makeup, a phoenix crown, and a bright red wedding dress. She was indeed a rare beauty in the three worlds.

Within the Three Realms, there are only a few immortals like Chang'e who can rival Yang Chan. You can imagine how lucky Zhang Jingyun is.

In the original plot, Liu Yanchang's idea was very simple. Ever since he met the Three Holy Mothers once, he tried every means to stay in Huashan. He tried his best and tried his best just to be with the Three Holy Mothers. Even if he died without regrets, he would have no regrets. Planting peonies and dying under the flowers means being a ghost is also romantic.

So everyone hates Liu Yanchang.

In contrast, Yang Tianyou is definitely a real man. He obviously likes Yao Ji so much, but thinking that Yao Ji will violate the rules of heaven, he resolutely chooses to leave.

One of them refused to leave, but the other chose to leave. How could Yang Jian approve of such a sister-in-law? Especially Liu Yanchang always hides behind Yang Chan.

Zhang Jingyun closed his eyes, and as the two of them bowed, he made up his mind that even if the heavenly soldiers and generals attacked him, he would stand in front of Yang Chan.

Zhang Jingyun spent a long time here.

"Three Holy Mothers!"

Yang Chan's face turned red and she restrained her aura.

[Cultivation once with a partner, attribute points +10]

Zhang Jingyun's tiger body shook and he felt a surge of power pouring into his body. This time, it was not just a huge increase in attribute points, but also unexpected gains.

This power integrated into Zhang Jingyun's limbs and bones, transforming his body, and practicing with Yang Chan at once was better than Zhang Jingyun's three months of self-cultivation.

"Ten attribute points, so terrifying!"

Zhang Jingyun was shocked by the effect of dual cultivation with Yang Chan. You must know that before, dual cultivation with Bai Suzhen only increased five attribute points in one session.

Bai Suzhen's strength has surpassed that of some gods, but she is obviously not on the same level as Yang Chan, so doubling her attribute points is considered normal.

Zhang Jingyun was shocked, why wasn't Yang Chan surprised?

"Huh? The magic power is actually stronger and purer than before. Is it because of the prosperity of incense offerings in the world in the past three years?"

Yang Chan was stunned and didn't dare to think about Zhang Jingyun. Even if Zhang Jingyun was working hard, she couldn't believe that a mortal could increase the power of an immortal.

A fierce battle between immortals and mortals took place in the Temple of the Holy Mother.

A figure appeared outside the Notre Dame Temple at some point. Yang Chan used magic power to arrange the lantern strips. This person could easily see through them.

The person who came was none other than the Fourth Princess of the East China Sea. Ao Tingxin noticed that Yang Chan had returned to the Holy Mother Temple and wanted to come over and have a look. However, the scene in front of her made Ao Tingxin think that she had seen it wrong.

"Third sister is getting married?"

Ao Tingxin was confused.

Yang Chan just said she would go to Nanjun to visit the scholar during the day. Why did she get married at night? Who did she get married to? Who dares to marry Yang Jian's sister?

Ao Tingxin subconsciously cast a spell to explore.

In an instant, a picture appeared in front of her eyes. Ao Tingxin trembled all over after taking one look at it. She never expected it to be so exciting.

"No! Third sister has noticed it. Let's go quickly." Ao Ting was so flustered that he almost ran towards the West Sea. He was really shocked by the scene of Zhang Jingyun and Yang Chan.

In the Temple of Our Lady.

The statue of the Virgin bloomed with golden light, and Yang Chan's heart moved. She only saw the back of Ao Tingxin escaping in a hurry. His whole body was like a ripe apple, extremely shy.

"How should I face my fourth sister in the future..."


Zhang Jingyun and Yang Chan hugged each other, and the latter sighed: "You and I have violated the law of heaven. If my second brother finds out, it will definitely make things difficult for him."

"I have an idea, maybe I can help your second brother." Zhang Jingyun said at the right time, "How about I also practice?"

"You want to practice?" Yang Chan blinked and said, "Practice is not about studying. It doesn't just mean you have it, it also depends on your talent.

My second brother and I were able to become immortals in a short period of time because we are already half-immortals. Even if we don’t practice, we can naturally awaken our magic power. Once we start practicing, we will make rapid progress. "

Zhang Jingyun: "I can also make a thousand miles in a day."

Yang Chan smiled and said, "Let alone one day, even if it takes ten, a hundred, or a thousand days, I'm afraid it won't be effective."

Zhang Jingyun was stunned when he heard this, a thousand days? Good guy, those non-attribute points increased dramatically and took off directly, beating the Jade Emperor to the point where he could barely hold his head and run away!

Seeing Zhang Jingyun's insistence, Yang Chan did not refuse: "Okay, then I will give you a few techniques to see if you can practice it."

Zhang Jingyun said at the right time: "Since you want to practice, you need the strongest magic. I heard that your second brother knows a supreme magical power. I want to learn that. If I really can't learn it, I will give up."

"Practice my second brother's magical power, the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique?" Yang Chan didn't expect Zhang Jingyun to be so ambitious, but it was good to give up the idea of ​​practicing as soon as possible.

After all, in Yang Chan's opinion, Zhang Jingyun's cultivation would not be of much use. When encountering any danger, she would be enough. At worst, he would sacrifice the lotus lantern!

"I'm going to ask my second brother for the secret."

After Yang Chan finished speaking, he disappeared. Zhang Jingyun sighed, it would be awesome to marry a fairy wife, and she would go straight to heaven if she disagrees with her.

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