People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 302 The Rebellious Boy in Heaven【Please subscribe】

"Didn't Chenxiang say that his father is dead? Then who are you? In that case, I will know when I wake Chenxiang and ask."

Grandma is planning to wake up Agarwood.

Zhang Jingyun stretched out his magic power to block his grandmother and said, "If you wake up Agarwood and spoil my good deeds, just wait for a big disaster to come."

"Do you think I'm scared?"

Grandma Xiaoyu pretended to be calm and unconvinced and said, Zhang Jingyun saw that she was so ignorant of current affairs, so he stopped being polite and directly used his magic power.


The silent long sword beside Chenxiang actually flew towards him. The moment the divine sword came out of his body, there was a golden light, and the sharp sword energy surged towards grandma's body like a blanket.

Xuanyuan Sword is already a spiritual treasure of merit and virtue, with infinite power. It has natural restraint for monsters like Old Fox who have been practicing for thousands of years, not to mention that Xuanyuan Sword is a sword of the holy way that kills monsters and eliminates demons.

Zhang Jingyun raised his sword fingers, and the Xuanyuan Divine Sword hovered. At some point, the old fox suddenly discovered that there were many holes in his clothes, all of which were cut invisibly by Zhang Jingyun's sword.

"This kind of strength? It's easy to kill me!" Grandma thought instinctively. Her usual character is not to easily offend such a powerful person.

"Misunderstanding, I believe you are Chen Xiang's father. You can flatten a mountain with two fingers. I am definitely not something I can compete with. It's just that when you mentioned your in-laws just now, I felt a little distraught when I heard it."

Grandma took a step back and said.

Zhang Jingyun put away the Xuanyuan Sword and put it back to Chen Xiang. This sword will help Chen Xiang in the future and play a vital role. When Chen Xiang can pull out the Xuanyuan Sword, he will be almost a master.

Grandma's eyes were shining brightly, and she looked at Chenxiang with envy, "This boy is so lucky. Not only does he have artifacts like the Lotus Lamp, but he also has a divine sword that even I didn't notice."

Zhang Jingyun said at the right time: "I know that your daughter, Xiaoyu's mother, is a fox demon with a simple personality just like Xiaoyu."

"Simple personality? If all monsters are like her, what will happen? I would rather my daughter become cunning and cunning, I don't want her to die like that."

When it comes to Fox Sister, grandma only hates that iron cannot be made into steel. Zhang Jingyun also feels quite regretful. Fox Sister's death is a tragedy because she didn't know people well and found a husband with evil intentions, which ultimately harmed herself.

Neither Fox Sister nor her daughter Xiaoyu had ever harmed anyone, but her husband always had bad intentions and finally cultivated a magical power. He was so bold that he wanted to eat Tang Monk's flesh, and was eventually beaten to death by Sun Wukong.

Grandma only told Xiaoyu that her parents were beaten to death by Sun Wukong, but did not mention that Xiaoyu's father was entirely to blame.

Even Fox Sister's death was caused by him. Xiaoyu's grandmother was very worried about this matter, but Zhang Jingyun thought it was unnecessary.

"Having said that, I would rather my daughter be cunning and cunning than die, but why did you raise a more innocent granddaughter?"

Zhang Jingyun's words made Xiaoyu's grandma froze in place. Yes, if she really wanted this, how could she train Xiaoyu to be like her mother?

In the final analysis, it is still duplicity.

"In my opinion, it would be best for Xiaoyu to be with Chenxiang. I know best what kind of character my son is. He is naive but never suffers, and I can't treat her badly."

"No!" Grandma refused without thinking. Zhang Jingyun was quite puzzled and paused, only to hear her hesitate and say: "It's too dangerous to follow your son!

I have lost my daughter, and now I only have a granddaughter left, and I have to be chased by my son all day long. If something happens to her, how will I survive? "

"Haha!" Zhang Jingyun suddenly laughed and said: "I thought you were worried about something? I didn't expect it to be this.

Don't worry, I can swear with the Lotus Lamp that no one inside or outside the Three Realms can harm Xiaoyu's life, and she will definitely achieve enlightenment and become an immortal in the future. "

Grandma was doubtful, but she heard Zhang Jingyun say again: "It's not just Xiaoyu, as the saying goes, a person can achieve enlightenment, a chicken or a dog can ascend to heaven.

Even you can benefit from it. After being a fairy all your life, you may not have a place among the immortals. I will teach you a set of immortal magic tricks to give you hope of becoming an immortal. "

As soon as Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, a golden light shot out and sank into the sea of ​​​​grandma's consciousness. It was the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dharma inherited by Li Shan's mother.

How could the old fox have imagined that after being a demon all his life, he would still have the opportunity to be enlightened by others? This is the fairy fate that demons dream of.

And this is because she has taken advantage of her granddaughter Xiaoyu, so what kind of fate will her granddaughter be like? The old fox couldn't help but think about it.

"Forgive me, since you have such strength, why do you still allow Yang Jian to pursue Chenxiang? Yang Jian can't kill you, right?" Grandma asked curiously.

Zhang Jingyun looked at her and said meaningfully: "Who said Yang Jian wanted to kill Chen Xiang? Sometimes what you see may not be the truth. Well, it is not good if you know too much about Chen Xiang."

"Could it be..."

Grandma seemed to realize something.

Zhang Jingyun added: "From now on, just practice your cultivation and don't leave Wanku Mountain. The lotus lantern is not something you can covet. Don't do such stupid things again."

"I understand." Grandma's heart trembled.

After Zhang Jingyun explained, he looked at the sleeping Chen Xiang. The child had only been born for a few months, but he seemed to have grown a lot. The road to Huashan was thousands of miles away, and it was difficult for Chen Xiang not to arrive after such a long time.

After all, all the obstacles on the road were arranged by his own father and uncle after consultation. I don’t know when this silly boy Chen Xiang will react.

The next day.

Agarwood woke up refreshed.

Although some private goods were added to grandma's medicinal soup to make Agarwood sleep all day long, in addition to the private goods, this medicinal soup also had the effect of increasing mana, replenishing qi and strengthening the body.

After a good sleep, Chen Xiang felt that her magic power was obviously more skillful than before. Chen Xiang couldn't help but admire her grandma's craftsmanship.

With Zhang Jingyun's intervention, grandma's attitude towards Chenxiang was obviously different from before. Yesterday, although grandma was smiling all over her face, it was more of an act to paralyze Chenxiang so she could steal the lotus lantern.

Today, her smile doesn't have those calculations. In fact, the old fox is still pretty good. If she can cultivate kind and innocent monsters like Fox Girl and Xiaoyu, she can't be too bad.

In the original plot, grandma's plot against Chenxiang was actually based on her obsession with her daughter being killed. Her son-in-law was defeated by Yang Chan with a lotus lantern. Later, even her daughter was killed by Sun Wukong, so she plotted to seize the lotus lantern to deal with it. There is nothing wrong with Sun Wukong.

Zhang Jingyun also felt that compared to avenging his own death, wouldn't it be better to practice in Wanku Mountain and wait for his granddaughter and grandson-in-law to succeed in starting a business?

Chenxiang and Xiaoyu lived in Wanku Mountain for several days. Finally, their good days were interrupted by two uninvited guests. The visitors were Roaring Sky Dog and Erlang Shen Yang Jian.

This time, Yang Jian was not pretended by Zhang Jingyun, but the real Erlang Shen. He had just dealt with Fairy Baihua, and came over slowly after hearing that Roaring Sky Dog had discovered the traces of agarwood.

It was just as Zhang Jingyun expected.

Yang Jian cleverly used a borrowed knife strategy to kill people. He personally tied up Princess Iron Fan and threatened the Bull Demon King to seize Baihua Fairy and all the flower fairies under his command.

Although the Bull Demon King was quite infatuated with the Jade Faced Princess, he couldn't bear to part with his original wife, so he gritted his teeth and captured Baihua Fairy.

However, the old cow cleverly told Yang Jian that he had wiped out all the Baihua Fairies, which was actually what Yang Jian wanted.

In the future, find an opportunity for Chen Xiang to meet the Bull Demon King. The enemy of his enemy is his friend. The Bull Demon King must have a grudge and will help Chen Xiang deal with Yang Jian.

Yang Jian easily forced the uninvolved Niu Demon King into Chenxiang's camp. Of course, it is also possible that Lao Niu, who is too wise and foolish, had already done this intentionally and wanted to join in the fun because he didn't like it in heaven.

"Where's the agarwood? You haven't smelled it yet?"

Yang Jian turned to ask Roaring Sky Dog.

In fact, Yang Jian had noticed traces of agarwood for a long time, but he kept pouring water and even asked Roaring Sky Dog if he could smell the smell.

"Master, it all smells like them. This kid Chenxiang is spinning around in the cave!" After sniffing around, Roaring Sky Dog felt that his nose didn't work.

"Split up and chase!" Yang Jian waved his hand and said.

Deep in the cave, Chenxiang and Xiaoyu looked anxious, but grandma had expected it. Not only did she not panic, but she also said confidently: "I will lure them away later, and you two will go through the back door."

"Grandma, you are no match for Erlang Shen..."

Before Xiaoyu finished speaking, grandma had already gone out. As soon as she took the initiative to show up, Roaring Sky Dog and Yang Jian were quickly attracted.

"Master, old fox! Old fox!"

Roaring Sky Dog holds a grudge. He was beaten by his grandma last time. Now is the time for him to let Yang Jian help him take revenge.

"Where is Agarwood?" Yang Jian asked coldly.

Grandma pointed in the right direction and said calmly: "Here, Chenxiang is right in front, why don't you hurry up and chase after him?"

The corners of Yang Jian's lips raised, and he calmly analyzed and said, "The little fox is your granddaughter, will you tell me the truth? It's the opposite direction, Roaring Sky Dog, why don't you follow me to chase her."

"But the old fox beat me..."

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about? Let's talk about it after we catch Chenxiang!" Yang Jian glared, and Roaring Sky Dog suddenly stopped saying anything.

Grandma watched Yang Jian release water...oh no, it was simply release into the sea. No wonder Zhang Jingyun said that no one in the Three Realms can harm Chenxiang and Xiaoyu.

"It turns out it's all acting..."

After sending Yang Jian and others away, grandma stopped being distracted and concentrated on practicing magic in Wanku Mountain. Jiutian Xuanyuan Dafa is the inheritance of the immortal family. Becoming an immortal is no longer about fishing for the moon in the water. Grandma even felt that Chenxiang and Xiaoyu were together. It's a pretty good match.

Facts have proved that grandma's idea was very correct. Even Yang Jian recognized the marriage. Looking at his nephew and his wife along the way, a face that had been broken by Chang'e and had been cold all year round kept smiling.

Especially when he saw Chenxiang hugging Xiaoyu by the river, Yang Jian smiled brightly, and he probably just said in his heart: "Good boy, well done!"

Chenxiang and Xiaoyu have become inseparable in the past few days. With the Roaring Sky Dog getting in the way several times, their relationship heats up sharply. He tries to hug Xiaoyu, and Xiaoyu will stick to his shoulder. Anyone who sees it will just feel What a golden couple.

Suddenly, Chen Xiang felt her neck tremble.

He let go of Xiaoyu's hand and reached in to grab it. After seeing that it was an ant, Chenxiang threw the ant to the ground in annoyance and was about to crush it to death, but Xiaoyu firmly stopped him, "Why do you want to crush it to death?" ?”

Chen Xiang told the truth: "It's all this ant's fault. If it hadn't caused trouble, I could have hugged you for a while longer."

Xiaoyu blinked her innocent big eyes and said, "So you like to hug me? Then let the ant go and I'll let you hug me for a while."


Chen Xiang happily let go of the ant, then reached out and hugged Xiaoyu in his arms. Seeing this scene, Yang Jian in the sky felt that he had lived in vain for thousands of years.

"Sure enough, he is Liu Yanchang's son!"

Inexplicably, Yang Jian felt that Zhang Jingyun's seduction of Yang Chan set an example for Chen Xiang. He really dared to love and hate the people he liked, unlike himself, who clearly had people he liked but didn't dare to look directly into his heart.

"Is it appropriate for you two to do this by the river?" The water in front suddenly exploded, and the eighth prince Ao Chun appeared with an unhappy look on his face.

"Eight Prince! Why are you here?"

Chenxiang said happily when she saw Ao Chun.

Ao Chun said: "The water systems in all directions are under the jurisdiction of the Dragon Palace. You two have been by the river for so long, and some soldiers and crab generals have already reported to me."

"Agarwood, who is he?"

Chenxiang quickly introduced Xiaoyu and said, "Oh, he is Ao Chun, the eighth prince of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. I also have a fourth aunt. I will introduce her to you if I have the opportunity."

"Don't listen to what he calls the Eighth Prince. Just call me Eighth Uncle." Ao Chun said to Chenxiang and Xiaoyu with a smile.

Chenxiang didn't want Xiaoyu to call him eighth uncle, so she turned to ask Xiang Aochun: "We happen to be going to Huashan to meet my mother, are you going?"

Ao Chun said: "I wanted to leave with you before, but my sister and my father were afraid of offending Erlang Shen, so I ran out secretly just to help you. How can I be loyal?"

"So loyal! Eighth uncle!"

Ao Chun was very proud of Chenxiang's eighth uncle. The three of them went on the road together, laughing and joking. When Yang Jian saw that it was almost done, he sent out the roaring dog.

Although Chen Xiang and the other three had an advantage in numbers, their skills were too shallow, and the three of them together could not defeat the Roaring Sky Dog.

"Agarwood, why can't you pull out that broken sword? Otherwise, you might be able to defeat the Roaring Sky Dog!" Ao Chun couldn't help but say.

"This was left by my father. I can't pull it out now, but I will definitely be able to do it in the future. Let's not talk about this for now. I think I should find a way to get rid of the Roaring Dog."

"Have you thought about it?" Ao Chun asked.

Chenxiang and Xiaoyu shook their heads at the same time.

Ao Chun rolled his eyes: "It's better for me to fight him. You run away first. I'm from Donghai. He doesn't dare to do anything to me."

I have to say that Ao Chun is serious about something.

Seeing this, Chen Xiang couldn't leave Ao Chun alone: ​​"I'll try to activate the lotus lantern to repel the roaring dog, but my mana is not enough. You two give me some mana."

"Okay!" Ao Chun and Xiaoyu said in unison, and then the two of them stood deep in the agarwood, using their magic power to transfer to agarwood, while agarwood activated the lotus lantern.

Hazy, with a little light shining.

The roaring dog was not repulsed, but the breath of the lotus lantern unexpectedly attracted a tyrannical being who stepped on a hot wheel, was surrounded by a circle of heaven and earth, had a silk ribbon around his waist, and was holding a fire-tipped spear. , the rebel boy in heaven, Nezha whoever rebels I will help.

"Who are you and where did you steal the lotus lantern?"

Nezha looked at the lotus lantern and asked coldly.

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