People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 309: Making Trouble in Heaven【Please subscribe】

"The Fourth Princess of the East China Sea..." Yang Jian paused and said, "She is not dead, but she can't appear in front of the world for the time being.

Along the way, Ao Tingxin helped Chenxiang too much. She repeatedly took action to give Chenxiang a way out, which has affected our layout. "

"So you pierced her heart with a knife?" Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but speak. Although Yang Jian was bearing the humiliation, others didn't know the inside story, and it was inevitable to be accidentally injured by Yang Jian, but Ao Tingxin almost had his soul expelled. Too serious.

"Do you think I want to do this? The fourth princess of the East China Sea, we have been friends for thousands of years. How could we do such a heavy-handed thing if we didn't have to do it as a last resort."

Yang Jian said solemnly, in fact, compared to Zhang Jingyun, he has more things to shoulder. Even in the movie "Baolian Lantern", it seems that Chen Xiang is the protagonist, but in fact Yang Jian is the real protagonist.

Every step Agarwood takes is under the control of Yang Jian. For the sake of his family and all the sentient beings in the three realms, Yang Jian has devoted all his attention to it and cannot tolerate any mistakes.

And Ao Tingxin had a great influence on Yang Jian. He knew many of Yang Jian's secrets and knew the means to restrain Yang Jian. For example, Chang'e was Yang Jian's weakness.

There was also the destruction of the jade tree transformed by Pangu's eyelashes. Ao Tingxin also knew that it was Yang Jian who did it. If Ao Tingxin continued to stay with Chenxiang, it would only be bad.

Not only Ao Tingxin, but also others, the vixen Xiaoyu who lived and died with Chenxiang, is his future wife.

Yang Jian used a trick to let Xiaoyu leave Chenxiang temporarily. The eighth prince Ao Chun and Nezha did not follow Chenxiang after he left Huashan.

Nezha originally promised Zhang Jingyun to take care of Chenxiang, but with such a great god beside him, how could he continue to implement the plan?

So Yang Jian reported to the Jade Emperor that Nezha was in the human world and secretly helped Agarwood. As expected, the Jade Emperor became angry and punished Nezha to return to heaven and face the wall for three years.

Such things are all secretly guided by Yang Jian. The purpose is to put pressure on Chenxiang and let him have a firm goal. As long as he has a goal, he will have endless motivation.

Zhang Jingyun can understand Yang Jian's efforts.

But Yang Jian suddenly asked Zhang Jingyun in turn: "You are quite concerned about the fourth princess. I heard that Chen Xiang called her mother when she was a child?"

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

"No, I don't know. Who did you hear this from? Ao Tingxin has a deep love for her sister. It's right for me to care about her." Zhang Jingyun said.

Yang Jian snorted coldly and said, "It's best this way. If I find out that you have done something that's sorry to Third Sister, I won't be jealous of my three-pointed two-edged sword."

"Are you still threatening me? Things are different now, Yang Jian. I used to call you Zhenjun, but now I'm afraid of you?" Zhang Jingyun said forcefully.

Yang Jian snorted lightly.

He couldn't figure out Zhang Jingyun's current strength. Anyway, Yang Jian knew a few years ago that Zhang Jingyun was already at the same level as himself.

"This is the soul of the fourth princess. Since you care about it, leave it to you to deal with." Yang Jian released Ao Tingxin's soul as he spoke.

It can be seen that Ao Tingxin's soul is almost transparent. It is obvious that Yang Jian's release pierced her heart and also injured her soul.

"If the soul of the fourth princess is left here with me, it will be difficult to recover within a few decades. You may have some good ideas." Yang Jian said slowly.

Zhang Jingyun stretched out his hands to pull Ao Tingxin's soul. The soul was damaged and it was extremely difficult to recover. The translucent Ao Tingxin closed her eyes tightly and fell into a deep sleep.

"Isn't the Lotus Lamp in your hand? Why don't you use the Lotus Lamp to heal her injuries?" Zhang Jingyun looked at Yang Jian and asked suddenly.

Yang Jian flipped his wrist and took out the emerald green lotus lantern, "After Chen Xiang learned about the power of the lotus lantern, he relied too much on the lotus lantern.

I secretly planned to let the little fox eat the wick of the lotus lamp. If it eats the wick of the lotus lamp, it will have ten thousand years of magic power, and the treasure lotus lamp will become a useless lamp. "

Duan Duan was a magic lamp with endless mana, but it lost its wick and became a useless lamp. Yang Jian was also heartbroken, but for the sake of the overall situation, he could only do this.

"You are willing to let Xiaoyu eat the wick." Upon hearing this, Zhang Jingyun temporarily took Ao Tingxin into the Yangtian Ping. With the power of the Yangtian Ping, he could quickly nourish Ao Tingxin.

Yang Jian sighed and said, "You don't know, our family is sorry for the little fox. I almost adopted the little fox as my daughter.

Naihe got into some trouble for various reasons, and later her grandmother, the old vixen, took Xiaoyu away and raised her. "

"Xiaoyu is Chenxiang's future daughter-in-law. Giving her the wick of the Lotus Lamp will keep the wealth out of the family. I have no problem with it, and neither will the Third Holy Mother."

"It's a pity that the Lotus Lantern is a pity."

Yang Jian was quite heartbroken.

Zhang Jingyun spoke again at the right time, "Without the wick, it may not be completely useless. If I have enough time, I can repair the lotus lantern.

But now you and Chen Xiang have no time. Let me tell you a temporary solution. Xiaoyu's blood can be used as lamp oil.

But if you want to take her blood, you must tell Xiaoyu the whole truth, and didn’t Master Yuding create a set of Heaven-Splitting Divine Palms? It's just right for Xiaoyu, who has ten thousand years of magic power. "

Yang Jian nodded while listening, but when he heard the last word, he had a strange look on his face. Zhang Jingyun even knew that Master Yuding created the Heaven-Splitting Divine Palm. He couldn't be Yuding's third apprentice, his third junior brother, right?

"Xiaoyu, I will definitely make arrangements, but why did you suddenly come to Heaven? Did Chenxiang come up too?" Yang Jian asked.

"Not only Chen Xiang and I, but also Sun Wukong are all here. Counting the time, they should have entered Tushita Palace by this time."

"What? Sun Wukong brought Chenxiang into the Tusita Palace. He must be stealing the elixir again. Why don't you stop them from ordering it? I'll say hello to Laojun first..."

Yang Jian became anxious as soon as he heard this. He stood up and walked towards the Tushita Palace. However, he was blocked by Zhang Jingyun before he took two steps.

"Look, are you in a hurry?"

Zhang Jingyun said, "I know what your plan is. Let's discuss it with Laojun and ask him to give a few gourds of elixir to Agarwood as a token, right?"

"Of course it is. How does Taishang Laojun exist? Without his permission, who can sneak into Tushita Palace and steal the elixir?

When Sun Wukong went to Tushita Palace to steal the elixir, it was also because of a deal with Buddhism. Didn't Sun Wukong realize it all these years? "Yang Jian said dissatisfied.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "Don't think you are the only one who is smart. Everyone else is stupid. Have you forgotten that the Tantan Merit Buddha came to you in the first place?"

Yang Jian trembled: "You mean..."

"Buddhism has long been involved, voluntarily. First it was Zhu Bajie, and then Sun Wukong. Just watch, there will definitely be someone who can lure the Supreme Master away.

How many elixirs can you ask for from Taishang Laojun? For the sake of the God of Justice, I might be able to give Chenxiang a few gourds, but if Buddhism takes action, hehe. "

Zhang Jingyun clicked to stop.

Yang Jian's eyes flashed and he said: "Buddhists are good at using methods and are willing to take action. It looks like they are trying to create another Sun Wukong!"

Yang Jian has always been a smart man, and he can tell the truth with just one point. In the beginning, Sun Wukong made Buddhism flourish for 800 years.

With this precedent, Buddhism will definitely do its best to continue to grow bigger and stronger. Correspondingly, Taoism has seen others eating meat and will obviously not miss it this time.

So Taishang Laojun is also willing to cooperate.

"It turned out to be the Deng Deng Ancient Buddha who led Lao Jun away. I didn't expect the Buddhist sect to be so decisive. It seems that I was too conservative."

Yang Jian asked his men to inquire and learned the whereabouts of Taishang Laojun. For a while, he had to admire the reason for the Buddhist layout.

No wonder the Buddha of Zhan Tan’s merits came over and advised Yang Jian to stand still and continue to be patient. If Yang Jian insists on choosing to rebel during the suppression of Yang Chan and the uprising, the result may really be a failure, and his many years of hard work will be in vain. flow.

"Fire! Fire!"

At this moment, bursts of loud shouts came into their ears. Yang Jian and Zhang Jingyun used their spiritual thoughts to check, and found that there was a fire on the 33rd level and black clouds filled the sky.

Zhang Jingyun and Yang Jian looked at each other and understood. Chenxiang must have gone crazy like Sun Wukong after taking the elixir and knocked over the Bagua furnace.

Yang Jian did not move immediately, but stood still and let Chenxiang have enough trouble first, giving him plenty of time to leave the heaven, and then go to check the situation.

"As expected of my son, he is indeed capable of great things." Zhang Jingyun said, and Yang Jian curled his lips secretly. The bloodline of his Yang family also played a big role, but Tiangang was a common occurrence.

"It's time for me to go."

Zhang Jingyun said suddenly.

"The martial law will be enforced in Heaven later. It's better to leave now." Yang Jian nodded and said, but Zhang Jingyun said strangely: "Who said I am leaving Heaven?"

Yang Jian heard the voice behind the words, he was planning to cause trouble, "Then where are you going? I advise you not to add fuel to the fire, be careful that the Jade Emperor really turns his back!"

"If he doesn't fall out, how can we intensify the contradictions? How can we change the rules of heaven if we don't intensify the contradictions? It wasn't enough just for us before.

Now there are Buddhists joining and Taishang Laojun helping, the Bull Demon King and other monsters are also involved, Nezha also has to help, so many people are enough, it is best if I can burn the fire, it doesn't matter if it doesn't burn. . "

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he left in front of Yang Jian. Yang Jian didn't know what Zhang Jingyun had planned at first, until he sensed that Zhang Jingyun was heading towards Pantaoyuan, and he suddenly became enlightened.

"My son is so bold, and he will be the same as his father. I'm afraid he's really going to make a big fuss this time." Yang Jian could completely imagine what happened next.

The fire in the Thirty-third Heaven attracted the attention of most of the gods. Chenxiang took too many elixirs in the Tushita Palace.

And unlike Sun Wukong, when he took the elixir, he had already gained enlightenment and could digest it quickly. Therefore, while Agarwood's mana increased dramatically, he also suffered great pain.

This is inevitable.

Agarwood's heels are far from being comparable to Sun Wukong. In order to reach a level comparable to Yang Jian and others in the shortest time, they can only pay a higher price.


Agarwood roared in pain, and the surging mana exploded, knocking over the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, causing a fire in Tushita Palace. When the alchemy furnace fell to the ground, an ax flew away, and the ax blade crossed the alchemy furnace. Cut off a piece directly from one end.

"Such a sharp ax is just for Chen Xiang!" Sun Wukong appeared and directly took the ax and stuffed it into Chen Xiang's hand.

This ax is used by Taishang Laojun when he chops firewood. In terms of level, it is no worse than a nine-tooth rake, a three-pointed two-edged knife and other weapons.

But Chen Xiang grabbed the axe, her consciousness was a little confused, and in a chaotic state, she subconsciously performed exquisite axe skills!

There are a total of eighty-one ax moves. After being superimposed layer by layer, the power of the eighty-one moves can finally be concentrated together and explode. This set of ax moves is so exquisite that even Sun Wukong can't help but applaud in admiration.

"Boy, who did you learn this ax technique from?" Sun Wukong asked curiously. Chen Xiang subconsciously replied while using it: "My father taught me."

Sun Wukong is much more knowledgeable than Chen Xiang, and he can naturally see that the person who created this ax technique, Chen Xiang's father, is by no means weaker than Yang Jian, and Chen Xiang said that his father was killed by Yang Jian.

"How is that possible? Chenxiang's father is definitely not dead, but since he is alive, why doesn't he show up?" Sun Wukong vaguely noticed that there seemed to be something fishy.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and thought of a person, "Could it be that... the person who transformed into a Taoist priest is Chen Xiang's father?"

Sun Wukong pulled the flesh on his face and bared his teeth and said, "Okay! I, Old Sun, was wondering how such a powerful person appeared out of thin air.

It turned out that it was no coincidence that he worked so hard to cultivate agarwood. In the end, I was helping him cultivate his son, grandma, and it was a huge loss! "

Zhang Jingyun knew that sooner or later Sun Wukong would know. After this time, the competition was over, and the result was naturally Sun Wukong winning. Zhang Jingyun felt that losing to Sun Wukong was acceptable.


Chenxiang made a big fuss in Tushita Palace, and Zhang Jingyun was not idle either. He appeared outside Pantaoyuan in a flash, but was stopped by two golden-armored god generals before he entered.

"Bold! How dare you break into Pantaoyuan!"

Sure enough, without saying hello in advance, Pantaoyuan was guarded by someone, and it seemed that the strength was not weak.

There are probably only a few people in the world who can subdue the two great generals without alerting the Jade Emperor. You can count them on your fingers.

Zhang Jingyun is naturally one of them.


Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth and spat out softly to perform the body-holding technique.

The two golden-armored god generals were immediately frozen in place by him, without even a chance to transmit their spiritual thoughts. Then Zhang Jingyun walked to the gate of Pantaoyuan and did not reach out rashly. This was because there were restrictions on the door.

"Within the five elements, this is easy to handle."

After Zhang Jingyun's exploration, the corner of his mouth curled up, and as a five-color divine light hit the restriction, it instantly turned the restriction into the most original five elements of spiritual power.

Breaking the restriction, Zhang Jingyun pushed the door directly and walked in. What he could see were many flat peach trees. The flat peach meeting was coming soon. The trees were already full of fruits. The first ripe ones were beautiful and beautiful, while the still raw ones were green skin and green flesh.

There are a total of 3,600 flat peach trees in the flat peach garden. The 1,200 in front have tiny flowers and small fruits. They ripen once every three thousand years. People who eat them will become immortals and become light-weight.

There are 1,200 peach trees in the middle, with sweet flowers and sweet fruits. They ripen once every six thousand years. If a person eats it, the clouds rise up and they become immortal.

There are 1,200 peach trees in the back, with purple stripes and hollow cores. They ripen once every nine thousand years. If a person eats them, he will live as long as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon will have the same age.

Zhang Jingyun had long been prepared to loot the flat peaches. He knew the flat peach garden very well. With the red flat peaches right in front of him, Zhang Jingyun could no longer hold back his excitement.

Just when he was about to reach out and pick it,

An old immortal suddenly appeared underground in Pantaoyuan.

"Shangxian, don't do anything!"

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