People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 313 The God-Opening Ax【Please subscribe】

Under the Qiankun Bowl, Zhang Jingyun is creating a secret technique. It is useless to rely on mana alone to refine Tiantiao. Tiantiao is a partial manifestation of the consciousness of Tiandao.

Only by understanding the laws of heaven and earth and understanding the root of heaven's way can one have the opportunity to penetrate one's spiritual consciousness into the new laws of heaven, and then through secret techniques, slowly refine the new laws of heaven into a part of the body.

This is the method Zhang Jingyun came up with after constant attempts during this period. He just doesn't know if the secret technique he created will be effective.

After practicing with Yang Chan for ten days and accumulating attribute points, Zhang Jingyun started his first attempt. Along with his thoughts, the skill bar changed.

New skills emerge.


For ten days in a row, Zhang Jingyun was very busy, and there were constant twists and turns on Chenxiang's side. Although he secretly ate so many elixirs in Tushita Palace that his mana was greatly increased, but because he ate too much, Chenxiang's physical body could not bear it.

Fortunately, Sun Wukong has been secretly taking care of Chenxiang. The final result is that most of the elixir's power is concentrated in Chenxiang's body and has not been tapped out.

This also means that Agarwood has greater potential, but this process also causes some problems in Agarwood's body, that is, under the stimulation of the elixir, although the mana is greatly increased, it occasionally fails to perform well.

This shortcoming has caused Chen Xiang to suffer a lot these days. It can be imagined that when Chen Xiang was avoiding pursuit by Yang Jian and others, he had to fight Yang Jian, and then he was beaten miserably by his uncle at the right time.

Yang Jian also knew that Chenxiang had some "indigestion" after eating so many elixirs, so instead of drinking water, he went all out.

He forced the agarwood to explode, stimulating the power of the elixir and penetrating the acupuncture points all over the body. He could fully use the magic power in the body without it being ineffective sometimes.

Facts have proved that what Yang Jian did was very effective. After constant fighting, after losing, he was worried that he would be caught by Yang Jian, so he felt a sense of urgency.

Sometimes he is even on the verge of life and death, and there are often great opportunities between life and death. In just a few days, Chenxiang can transform again.

At this time, Chen Xiang has been able to control the magic power around him. Even if he faces Yang Jian, with the many spells he learned in Mount Emei, he will not lose easily.

As Chenxiang continues to grow, and Yang Jian intentionally or unintentionally forces people related to Chenxiang to oppose him, making them form an alliance with Chenxiang, unknowingly, more and more people are around Chenxiang.

It was even more difficult for Yang Jian to capture Chenxiang. Even in the most recent encounter, Yang Jian not only faced Chenxiang directly, but was also besieged by several people.

Ao Chun, the eighth prince of the East China Sea, Chenxiang's first master, Zhu Bajie, the messenger of the altar, and even Sun Wukong are secretly restraining Yang Jian.

With one against four, Yang Jian was no match for everyone. In the end, he sacrificed the lotus lantern before retreating. Only then did Chen Xiang discover that the original lost lotus lantern was taken away by Yang Jian.

But what makes Chen Xiang confused is.

How could Yang Jian activate the lotus lantern if he was so bad? At the foot of Huashan Mountain, Yang Chan once told Chen Xiang that only benevolent magic can use the Lotus Lamp.

"Is Yang Jian kind?"

An idea flashed through Chen Xiang's mind, but he quickly dismissed it because it was absolutely impossible!

During this period, Yang Jian did so many bad things and killed so many people. If Yang Jian was a good person, then there would be no bad people in the Three Realms.

The naive Chenxiang didn't know what Yang Jian was carrying, let alone how much his hated uncle had paid for her secretly.

Yang Jian has so many burdens that no one can understand him. Therefore, in the original plot, everyone was deceived by him, and even the people he loved did not understand. This is also the most heartbreaking part of Yang Jian, so many people even think that Chang'e is unworthy. Not as good as the second brother.

"Agarwood, what should we do next?"

The Eighth Prince suddenly asked.

Chen Xiang looked at the people who were following him along the way. Even Zhu Bajie, an outsider, tried their best to help, as well as the Eighth Prince, who also hated Yang Jian deeply because of his sister's death.

"I used to think that I must rescue my mother. If my father hadn't died yet, our family of three would have retired to the countryside and lived a carefree life.

But now I find that our family of three, who could have lived such a happy life, was abruptly torn apart by heaven and earth.

Because of the law of heaven, too many tragedies like this have occurred, and the law of heaven not only suppresses the seven emotions and six desires, but also causes more and greater injustices. I want to revise the law of heaven! "

Chen Xiang's words were shocking, and everyone looked at each other in confusion. The fat on Zhu Bajie's face kept shaking. He, the master, could not withstand such a tormenting disciple.

"Okay, okay, old pig, I invited Brother Monkey!" Zhu Bajie's greatest confidence was obviously given by Sun Wukong.

"Amend the rules of heaven? Okay!" The Eighth Prince said at the right time: "Agarwood, you don't know, we in Donghai have already had enough of the constraints of the rules of heaven.

In the past, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother made us rain everywhere. If it was to bring good weather in the world, that would be fine. But sometimes, the Jade Emperor made us have rain in the East China Sea for several months. Isn't this harmful?

Not to mention a few months, even if it rains for more than ten days in a row, there will be floods in the world, and countless people will be killed and injured. Are you angry? "

"Why did the Jade Emperor give such an order?"

Chenxiang was puzzled. He remembered that the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother said that the duty of gods was to benefit the three realms. Why did the Jade Emperor give punishment instead?

The Eighth Prince pouted: "Why, because someone scolded the Jade Emperor, and the Jade Emperor was so angry that he asked the East China Sea to punish him. Sometimes it was also the West Sea, or the South China Sea, or the North Sea."

"What kind of god is this!"

Chen Xiang just said.

"It has to rain at the right time. Sometimes too much is not enough, and too little is not enough. Too much is a heavy rain, and less is a severe drought. The Jade Emperor also ordered the Dragon King of the Four Seas not to drop a drop of rain for three months." The Eighth Prince said.

"Then the rules of heaven must be changed!"

Chen Xiang spoke firmly, modifying the rules of heaven not only to save her mother, but also to benefit the three realms.

"But it's not enough for us to change the rules of heaven. I want to go to Huashan first to rescue my mother, and then unite more people. There is strength in numbers!"

"With your strength, you should have split Huashan Mountain long ago. Erlang Shen won't be able to defeat you even if he doesn't use the Lotus Lamp. He will definitely be able to break through Huashan Mountain's restrictions."

A few people did not object. In addition to Zhu Bajie and Ao Chun, there was also a "Ding Gongzi" who met halfway. It was later discovered that he was a woman disguised as a man, and his original name was Ding Xiang.

It was a coincidence that Ding Xiang met Chen Xiang and others. Her father was Ding Dashan, and Zhang Jingyun had warned him not to go to Huashan.

Later, there was an earthquake in Huashan Mountain, and rocks were flying. If Ding Dashan had gone there with his only treasure at that time, he might have been in trouble.

From Ding Dashan's mouth, Ding Xiang unexpectedly learned that her father wanted to marry scholar Liu Yanchang but was rejected.

This Ding Xiang can be said to be an ancient fairy. She heard that her father wanted to marry someone else but was rejected, so she wanted to meet this family.

As a result, she couldn't find Liu Yanchang after many inquiries. She didn't know whether Liu Yanchang's child was a boy or a girl. She only knew that his name had the same incense as her own. She was Lilac and the other person was called Chenxiang.

After inquiring to no avail, Ding Xiang's whims of thought were slowly forgotten, and she unexpectedly bumped into Agarwood when she went out.

Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun refused the marriage at the beginning, otherwise, there is no telling how much trouble this arranged marriage would bring to Chenxiang.

After all, the intensity of Ding Xiang's torment in the original plot is comparable to Ao Cunxin in the prequel of the Lotus Lantern, which caused Yang Jian pain for more than a thousand years.

Precisely because Zhang Jingyun did not arrange a marriage for Chen Xiang and because Xiaoyu was with Chen Xiang at that time, a lot of trouble was saved.

However, after spending a long time together, the eighth prince Ao Chun somehow moved his heart, and gradually became familiar with Ding Xiang, and then they got together naturally.

Ding Xiang was a mortal and had never practiced any magic. Chen Xiang ate and took away the food in Tushita Palace. Before leaving, he also took a bottle of elixir and gave one to Ding Xiang.

Unexpectedly, the elixir was quite powerful.

Ding Xiang gained a huge amount of strength inexplicably, and she finally didn't look out of place when she was with Chen Xiang and others.

Just go and go, Chen Xiang not only learned somersault clouds, but also mastered the magical power of shrinking into an inch. I saw him making a seal with his hands and chanting a spell: "Shrinking into an inch, walking thousands of miles, walking over mountains and ridges on flat ground!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone felt their eyes blurred. The scenery on both sides flashed by at an alarming speed, which was almost dazzling. When everyone stopped, even Zhu Bajie almost lost his balance.

Wait until you stand firm and look up.

"This is Huashan?" Everyone has been to Huashan once and is very familiar with the scene in front of them, but the speed is too incredible.

Zhu Bajie even felt that even Sun Wukong could only perform somersault cloud. He instantly realized that Agarwood was not simple.

It seems that in addition to Sun Wukong, someone else has secretly taught him how to shrink to an inch. This is a magical power that can only be counted on the fingers of a few people.

"Huashan is here, I'm going to rescue my mother right now!" Chen Xiang said impatiently, and then tried to enter the interior of Huashan in a flash.

However, the next second, Chen Xiang was thrown out by the invisible barrier, rolled several times in the air, and landed firmly, with a bit of confusion on his face.

"Boundary? There wasn't one last time!"

Ao Chun stretched out his hand to explore. Not only Chenxiang, but also no one could get in. Chenxiang walked forward and found that the barrier in front of him was not arranged by Yang Jian.

"I have seen Yang Jian's barrier in Liujiacun. It is not as strong as this one. Everyone, stay away while I split it with an axe."

After Chen Xiang finished speaking, he showed his axe.

This ax was originally used by Taishang Laojun to chop firewood. Last time Chenxiang went to Tushita Palace to steal the elixir, Sun Wukong took it away and gave it to Chenxiang as a weapon.

Chenxiang knows ax skills, which matches this ax very well. To put it more exaggeratedly, when Chenxiang holds this axe, she feels like she can split the sky.


Chen Xiang shouted loudly, flew to the sky above Huashan Mountain, and struck out with an ax so fiercely that the earth was turned upside down in an instant, and even the mountain was shaking under the fluctuation of magic power.

Dark clouds were pressing down on top, the sky and the earth were pale, and visions were coming one after another. Agarwood performed the eighty-one movements of the sky. She thought that with her magic power, it would be easy to split the barrier, but she didn't expect to be bounced away again.

"How come there is such a powerful barrier?"

Zhu Bajie murmured, even Sun Wukong and Yang Jian couldn't arrange such a barrier. Could it be that the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother arranged it themselves?

"I don't believe I can't split it!"

Agarwood flew into the sky again, and the ax light kept hitting the barrier. The eighty-one moves of Kaitian were very mysterious, each move was more powerful than the last, and the last move could almost explode several times in power. .

It's just that Agarwood hasn't reached the eighty-one position yet. Huashan Mountain is constantly shaking, and the huge rocks on the mountain have rolled down in all directions.

"Agarwood, stop chopping. There are so many rocks. What if we hurt the mortals at the foot of the mountain? We can't hurt innocent people even if we save your mother."

Zhu Bajie shouted loudly while blocking the boulder.

Chen Xiang suddenly realized that he had just ignored it and insisted on splitting Huashan Mountain, but he did not expect that he almost harmed the innocent people at the foot of the mountain.

After calming down, Chen Xiang had to admit that even if he performed the complete Eighty-one Kaitian Style, he might not be able to break this barrier.

"Why? What happened?"

Chen Xiang was discouraged. After so much improvement in mana, he still couldn't save his mother. What else could he do?

"Agarwood, if it doesn't work, I'll ask Brother Monkey. Logically speaking, it won't be too difficult for you to split a mountain with your magic power. It's probably Yang Jian who did it."

Zhu Bajie persuaded.

Chen Xiang looked lost and his eyes were colorless. At this moment, a familiar voice came from his ears: "Are we about to give up now?"

"Dad!" Chen Xiang was extremely surprised.

However, in an instant, Chen Xiang returned to his original state. He thought he was hallucinating, otherwise how could he hear his father's voice?

"My father has died a long time ago." Chenxiang sighed.

At the foot of Huashan Mountain, Zhang Jingyun was awakened by Chen Xiang. As soon as he figured out what happened, he heard Chen Xiang say this.

I almost killed Zhang Jingyun!

After coming back to his senses, Zhang Jingyun sent a voice message: "Agarwood, go back, you can't split the Qiankun Bowl! It's useless no matter how many times you try."

Chen Xiang was 100% sure that she heard correctly this time: "It's my father's voice. Where are you? Why don't you come out to see me? What is the Qiankun Bowl?"

Zhu Bajie's ears twitched: "Agarwood, what did you say? The Qiankun Bowl? That is the Queen Mother's magic weapon. The Qiankun Bowl covers everything in the world and no one can break it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun's voice also sounded: "Yes, it was the Queen Mother who placed the Qiankun Bowl over Huashan Mountain to prevent you from saving your mother. I am right by your mother's side."

"No, I want to try again!"

Chenxiang was happy and angry when she heard that Zhang Jingyun was still alive. She was happy that all three members of the family were still alive, but she was angry that the Queen Mother had even planned for him to come to save Yang Chan.

"Don't waste any more mana. The Qiankun Bowl is a magical weapon. If it can be broken open, I will be out." Zhang Jingyun said in a deep voice.

Chen Xiang couldn't accept it: "Then what should I do? I can't just watch you two suffer under Huashan Mountain. Father, how can you split the Qiankun Bowl?"

Zhu Bajie hesitated to speak.

The Queen Mother even sacrificed artifacts such as the Qiankun Bowl, but it was useless no matter how hard Chen Xiang tried, at least Zhu Bajie couldn't think of a way.

"It's not like there's nothing we can do."

Zhang Jingyun spoke again: "Thousands of years ago, Yang Jian used the Kaitian Divine Ax to split Peach Mountain. Peach Mountain is transformed by the law of heaven, and the Kaitian Divine Ax can split it. If you can find this ax, you may be able to split the Qiankun Bowl. "

"The God's Axe?" Chenxiang saw hope: "Father, where is the God's Axe? How can I find the God's Axe?"

"Go to the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea, and someone will tell you." Zhang Jingyun said and stopped talking. Agarwood can indeed help him, because the key to refining the Heavenly Rule lies in the God's Axe.

"Master, are there any experts in the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea?" Chen Xiang asked Xiang Zhu Bajie. The latter rolled his eyes and said, "You don't even know the Taoist temple of Guanyin Bodhisattva?"

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