People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 4: I kept pumping from the beginning [Please collect]

This is the fourth day of being trapped in Antarctica.

Zhang Jingyun used a multifunctional Swiss Army knife hacksaw to cut a hole in the bed board, and then placed a basin under the bed board.

Jing Ruyi seemed to be reborn.

It's just that Zhang Jingyun doesn't have to hold it while he poops, as if he has escaped the control of some big devil.

But this way.

Jing Ruyi can basically take care of herself, and Zhang Jingyun can go out to find the Aurora Station for help as planned.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow I will go out to find the Aurora Station. It is noon now. There are fishing gear in this small station. I want to try my luck."

Zhang Jingyun looked at the time and said.

Jing Ruyi agreed. Seventy-five days is not long, but it is not short either. If the food problem can be solved, the future will be easier.

The ice in Antarctica is very thick.

It is impossible to drill holes.

Zhang Jingyun wanted to go north, and Jing Ruyi went to explore the way. Although he broke his leg, it was not without gain. At least he knew that there was the sea to the north and he could fish.

When the plane crashed, it crashed to the west of the small station. It was a sea with thick ice, so the west and north were both seas.

Zhang Jingyun remembered that this small station was surrounded by the sea on three sides, so the east and south sides were also surrounded by the sea. You have to see it in person to know the details.

"I don't believe I can't find the Aurora Station, which is 20 kilometers away and surrounded by the sea on three sides!" Zhang Jingyun is more confident about survival than Jing Ruyi.

It takes about two hours to walk.

We arrived at the location where Jing Ruyi said.

This is the sea surface that broke out after the collapse of an iceberg. Zhang Jingyun came to the edge of the iceberg and shuddered as he looked at the bottomless sea water.

Zhang Jingyun opened the fishing gear and picked up a can of sardines. Zhang Jingyun hung a piece of sardine meat on the hook and threw it into the sea.

Zhang Jingyun has experience in fishing.

"At the beginning, I just kept pumping..."

Zhang Jingyun himself is not very good at fishing, but his predecessor has quite a lot of experience. In his memory, he is an enthusiastic fan of a certain fishing boss.

The fishing boss often posts fishing videos with detailed explanations and superb skills. He is praised by the entire Internet as the instructor of the 800,000-strong Air Force.

Zhang Jingyun pumped hard!

call out!

The sound of fishing line drawing is extremely pleasant.


"It doesn't matter, keep pumping, start in half an hour..." Zhang Jingyun pumped again and again until his eyes were dry, then tightened the zipper, curled up and waited for the fish to take the bait.

Suddenly, Zhang Jingyun's eyes lit up.

It's not that the float is moving, it's that the system panel has changed, and there is suddenly an additional item on the skill bar.

[Name: Zhang Jingyun]

[Realm: None]

【Lifespan: 25/89】

[Skill: None]

[Skills: Beginner to bone setting, beginner to fishing]

[Attribute points: 0]


"I see, the skills are not generated automatically, but appear according to my needs. When I want to fish, the skills are generated."

Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized.

Although the generation skills have not changed much, if you haven't started yet, it means you don't know how to do it, but I can still use attribute points to upgrade.

If you don't have the skills.

Empty attribute points will not help.

Skills are equivalent to 1, and attribute points are equivalent to 0. Only by generating skill 1 and attribute points 0 are they valuable, it's that simple.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought again, "Is this right, the skill system panel can generate whatever skills I want?"

Zhang Jingyun gave it a try.

After a while, he basically got it.

As long as the generated skills are within a reasonable range, they can be successful, such as swimming, singing, and even Sanda Taekwondo.

But something illusory.

For example, flying is completely imaginary and will not generate a skill unless someone can prove that humans can theoretically fly.

Tried for a long time.

It makes the skill bar a mess.

Except for bone setting, which is an introductory skill, all the remaining skills are for beginners. Looking at the big head, Zhang Jingyun directly deleted all the introductory skills except fishing.

Just at this time.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly caught a glimpse of the buoy moving.

Without even thinking about it, Zhang Jingyun pulled out a black Antarctic fish with a strong force, and it was alive and kicking.

But three to five seconds later.

The fish stopped moving. Zhang Jingyun stretched out his hand. The fish, which weighed more than a kilogram, had died and slept peacefully in the natural refrigerator.

Zhang Jingyun did not finish his shot.

There might be nests down there.

Zhang Jingyun quickly hung up another piece of sardine meat, threw it into the water, and then looked at the motionless buoy with a hopeful look on his face.

after an hour.

Zhang Jingyun has caught five fish.

Antarctic fish have particularly big heads and big eyes. Let’s call them big-headed fish. If conditions permit, they can be used to make minced fish heads...

Zhang Jingyun decided to stop playing.

Teacher Deng Gang deserves to be the instructor of the 800,000-strong Air Force. If you learn from him, you can really catch fish. Unfortunately, the wind picked up, and the Antarctic wind blew on your face like a knife.

Abandoned station.

Zhang Jingyun returned with five "big-headed fish".

"Did you know that with the water temperature in Antarctica, the growth rate of fish here is very slow, and it takes time for them to grow this big."

Jing Ruyi's face was full of surprise.

"That's a coincidence. It's worth calling him Uncle Fish. Starting from tomorrow, I will go to the Aurora Station every day and then fish for an hour."



Dinner was luxurious.

Three whole fish were stewed.

Zhang Jingyun didn't eat the fish head with chopped pepper that he wanted to eat, but the braised big head fish was not bad either.

After dinner, it was already eight o'clock.

There is still a clear sun outside the window.

There was nothing suitable for entertainment for two people in the small station. Zhang Jingyun climbed into bed early, like a brother sleeping on the top bunk.

"Tell me about your research."

Zhang Jingyun said suddenly.

Jing Ruyi said: "I mainly study things that are 80 kilometers to 300 kilometers above the ground, such as auroras, noctilucent clouds, and airglow."

Zhang Jingyun: "That's it?"

Jing Ruyi: "Sometimes we also study the magnetosphere more than 500 kilometers away. Oxygen molecules are split into two oxygen atoms by cosmic rays, and the electrons of nitrogen molecules may also be knocked off and become nitrogen ions."

"Go on."

"High-energy electrons from the solar wind impact atoms or molecules in the atmosphere. The excited atoms and molecules return to their ground state and emit characteristic light."


"That's right, red, green, and purple. Auroras generally come in these three colors."

“Is it profitable to study this?”

"The physics of high-altitude atmosphere in polar regions is an unpopular research, and there is not much scientific research funding. It takes three years for a master's degree and four years for a doctorate, with a monthly allowance of 1,500 yuan. After graduation, I work as an assistant researcher for three years with a monthly salary of 6,000 yuan."

"It seems you love your job."

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but said.

The salary for a PhD graduate is 6,000. What else can I say besides loving it?

"So I'm depressed."

Jing Ruyi said calmly.

Zhang Jingyun: "..."


Morning, six o'clock.

Zhang Jingyun got up in pain.

After a familiar routine of filling rice and cooking porridge, frying two fish, and opening a can of cans, Jing Ruyi also woke up, and she looked at Zhang Jingyun's busy back.

Throughout the year, she works in the polar regions several times longer than at home, and the scene before her seems to have only appeared in her dreams.

PS: Please recommend and collect ~

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