People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 44 Huo Yuanjia【Please follow up】


On the outskirts of Jinmen City is Wei Nanwa Official Road.

A knight on horseback galloped over, dust was flying. He was majestic, with a strong back and a strong waist, a face as black as coal, leopard eyes and protruding eyes, and he had a hot temper at first sight.

In addition, there were two yellow eyebrows, a shaggy beard, and a two-inch knife mark that cut off the eyebrows on the left forehead.

It becomes even more fierce and ferocious.

The samurai wears a tan cloak embroidered with chrysanthemums. When the breeze lifts the cloak, you can see a three-inch wide belt tied around his waist, and a shark-sheath ghost-headed sword on his shoulder.

The Ghost Head Sword has a murderous aura. The handle is made of bronze and is shiny. The red silk on the handle is fluttering. This sword alone weighs twenty or thirty kilograms.

The knight on horseback came to the crossroads and dismounted. He was as light as a swallow because of his burly body, and there was no movement at all when he dismounted.

The horse was tied up next to a tea stall.

Only then did he ask the old man selling tea.

"How far is this from Xiaonan River?"

The old man selling tea changed his mind. From his accent, he thought he was from outside the country. He was so tired from the journey and the horse was so tired that he must have been traveling on a starry night.

Seeing the bright ghost-headed sword, he asked with a sinking heart: "Dare I ask this brave man, are you going to Xiaonanhe to visit relatives or friends?"

The fierce and ferocious warrior frowned impatiently and said, "I don't visit relatives or friends, but I come to collect a debt."

I drank half a bowl of tea.

The warrior asked casually: "Hey, tea seller, do you know that there is a brother Huo En in Xiao Nanhe?"

The old man selling tea quietly winked at a young man wearing a bamboo hat and drinking tea from a large bowl. The young man only regarded him as saying hello.

The old man had no choice but to reply: "This strong man, Brother Huo En is a famous hero in Jinmen. Who in the eighteen villages in the three towns of Weinanwa doesn't know Brother Huo En!"

The fierce warrior kept silent after hearing this. After drinking the tea, he pulled the reins hard to wake up the horse, turned over and asked: "Where to go to Xiaonan River?"

The old tea seller pointed his hand and said: "Go straight ahead, turn left when you see three big willow trees on the river embankment, then walk eleven or twelve miles east, pass through a pine forest and run onto the road to see the village. "

The fierce warrior threw down a few coins and shook the horse's reins. The black horse neighed and roared away, and dust rose up again on the path.

Wait until he goes away.

The young man wearing a bamboo hat asked: "Uncle Ma, you pointed to the wrong road. It will take an hour longer to reach the village in a circle."

The old man selling tea chuckled and said: "Silly boy, look at this gangster's murderous spirit. If he asks your second uncle's address by name, what good can he do?

Most likely they are coming to collect debts from your second uncle.

Why don't you take a shortcut and report the news? "

The young man slapped his head and said, "So that's what happened. I didn't think much about it. Thank you, Uncle Ma. I'll go back right now."

Speaking of Brother Horn.

Not only is he famous in the Eighteen Villages of Weinanwa Town, but also in Jinghai County and even Jinmen, Huo Endi is considered the number one figure.

Brother Huo En is outstanding in martial arts and possesses special skills. He has been a escort for decades and has defeated countless robbers by relying on the Huo family's unique skills.

People in the world call him Huo Erxia.

Brother Huo En, who created Huojia Quan by combining the essence of long boxing, short boxing, Xingyiquan, Bagua and Tai Chi, is known to all the escort agencies, green forest gangsters and village owners of the sixty-three provinces in the south, seven north and north.

Gains and losses.

Brother Huo En is an upright man, but he has been a bodyguard for decades and has fought countless bandits and robbers. However, if there are bodyguards, there will be dangers.

Over the years, Brother Huo En also had many enemies. Even if he quit the escort agency after the age of forty and returned home to live in retirement, there were still people seeking revenge.

As people age and frail, heaven reincarnates.

If friends come, Brother Huo En will welcome them. It is a good thing to learn from each other and improve Chinese martial arts, but if enemies come, it will be really difficult to deal with them.

Brother Huo En is nearly sixty, and his condition is not as good as it was back then. He is weak in swords and guns, and in a life-and-death battle, if he is not checked, his old age will be ruined.

Brother Huo En has been worried about this for many years.

The folks in the village also know that Brother Huo En is not easy. Whenever they see someone asking about his revenge, they will send someone to report in advance.

Just in case Huo Endi is not prepared to fight.

It happened that Brother Huo En's nephew was here just now.

That's why Uncle Ma gave him a wink to report the news. Of course, it was Brother Huo En who was a righteous man and that's why so many people helped him.

This means that there is much help in the right way and little help in the wrong way.


the other side.

Brother Huo En didn't know yet that someone was looking for him to seek revenge. At this time, he was teaching martial arts to his nephews in the jujube forest in the west of the village.

Brother Huo En is three brothers.

His nephews and nephews add up to exactly ten people, and they are called the ten brothers of the Huo family by outsiders. According to their age, they are Yuan Zhen, Yuan Shan, Yuan Dong, Yuan Jia, Yuan He, Yuan Qing, Yuan Liang, Yuan Xiang, Yuan Zhong, Yuan Chen.

Among them, Huo Endi has three sons: Yuandong, Yuanjia, and Yuanqing. Huo Yuanjia is the fourth son, but Huo Endi alone does not let him practice martial arts.

Just because Huo Yuanjia was frail and sickly since he was a child, when he was eleven or twelve years old, he was not as tall as a seven or eight-year-old child.

Youdao means that people are bullied when they are kind, and horses are ridiculed when they are good. Huo Yuanjia was bullied when he was thin, and they even asked him if the Huo family had a shitty Mizongyi.

Huo Yuanjia wants to learn the art of Mizong from Brother Huo En.

When Brother Huo En saw that his child was so useless, frail and sick, and unable to practice any martial arts, he would lose face in the Huo family's Mizongyi.

Therefore, among the ten brothers of the Huo family, only Yuan Jia did not learn martial arts. Over time, some good people even composed a ditty for the ten brothers of the Huo family.

The nine tigers of the Huo family are one sheep,

The sheep are not allowed to enter the martial arts field.

He sighed loudly while his brother was practicing martial arts.

Chopping wood and carrying water are quite busy.


"Yuan Jia, why are you sighing again?"

Brother Huo En was teaching his nephew the skill of plum blossom stakes. In the open area of ​​the jujube forest, thirty-six plum blossom stakes one foot long were buried, three feet into the ground and seven feet above the ground.

The plum blossom piles are arranged in groups of five and are in the shape of a plum blossom. Because there are thirty-six wooden piles in total, they are also called the Tiangang Plum Blossom Array.

Plum blossom pile is an excellent pile skill, but with just a few years of foundation, it is impossible to practice it at all. Brother Huo En gave instructions to his nephew to practice the skill, but it was like a baby learning to do it, which made him anxious.

And Huo Yuanjia sighed for a long time next to him. Every time he sighed, he was very special. After two minutes, Huo Endi only thought that Yuanjia wanted to learn martial arts and pestered him.

After saying this, he ignored Huo Yuanjia and continued to give instructions to his nephew, "When competing with plum blossoms, it is most important to avoid turning your back. During the competition, you must stand in the center of the pile..."

the other side.

Huo Yuanjia finished taking a breath.

He has a majestic body and a majestic appearance. His eyes shine like cold stars, his eyebrows are curved as if they were painted, and his chest is broad and majestic.

It doesn't look like a sheep.

"It's been two and a half years, and I've finally regained my health. Brother Huo En, Huo identity in this world is Huo Yuanjia, so isn't that still the number one in Tianjin?"

Zhang Jingyun's heart is like a bright mirror.

For two and a half years, he heard nothing outside the window.

After conditioning his ailing body to its peak condition, he sighed every day not to pester Brother Huo En to teach him some magic tricks, but to exercise his internal organs.

Huo Yuanjia's yellow complexion was due to something wrong with his liver. Zhang Jingyun added some vomiting exercises, using breathing and vomiting methods to strengthen the body, tempering the bones with the sound of thunder from tigers and leopards, and chopping wood and carrying water are the most practical ways to invigorate the body. .

Two and a half years, everything turned upside down.

Zhang Jingyun opens the system panel...

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