People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 52 Huo Yuanjia, were you the number one in Jinmen? [Seeking for further reading]

"I heard that a hero came out of Jinghai County, his surname was Huo Yuanjia. The two of us wanted to get acquainted with Brother Huo, so we made this move."

Zhang Jingyun sneered twice: "This way of getting acquainted is quite novel. If I didn't have some strength, I might have been buried in the belly of the python!"

"Brother Huo, don't worry. The two of us are on the side to support you. Although the giant python can spit out white mist, it can only fool third-rate people. If it encounters Brother Huo, it can only kill him at the neck."

Zhang Decheng explained.

"I don't think so. Lin Heier lured me here. If I lose to the giant python, you two will jump out again and let me accept your life-saving grace.

People like me in the martial arts world have always upheld justice. If you use the favor of saving your life to draw someone into your gang, if you don't agree, you will lose your reputation, right? "

Zhang Jingyun's eyesight was clear.

This is a common trick. In Water Margin, in order to conquer Qin Ming, Song Jiang would send people to pretend to be Qin Ming and kill people and set fires in the city. In the end, the prefect killed Qin Ming's family in anger, and Qin Ming was forced to die.

Since Zhang Decheng was able to become the leader of the Boxer Rebellion, he had some abilities. It was probably because he heard that Huo Yuanjia, the powerful king of 1,000 kilograms, was born in Jinghai, so he had the idea of ​​​​pulling Zhang Jingyun into the group.

"You even said that you also raised this giant python?" Zhang Jingyun looked at the two of them, and it was really unpleasant to have such a plan for others to join the gang.

Lin Heier immediately shook his head: "No, no, how can we do this? The giant python has long taken root in the tomb of the Ming Dynasty.

We just borrowed the giant python to test Brother Huo's skills. Since everything can't be hidden from Brother Huo, my adopted brother and I are willing to apologize.

If Brother Huo doesn't feel relieved and wants our lives, that's okay. I just ask Brother Huo to see that my brother and sister have a heavy burden on them, and wait for a few years before taking it. "


Zhang Jingyun sneered.

Lin Heier's words were quite impassioned. Anyone else would probably follow her lead and ask, "What burdens do you have on you?"

So I was fooled. What does Lin Heier do? Madonna Huanglian, one of the leaders of the Boxer Rebellion and the founder of Hong Deng Zhao.

Zhang Jingyun does not want to be morally kidnapped by these people. If he does not follow them to help the Qing Dynasty and destroy foreign countries, he will be a coward. Only by serving as cannon fodder for them can he be a hero...

To the Boxer Rebellion.

It can only be said that the courage is commendable, but the ideas are seriously lacking. There is no clear program, no advanced ideas, only enthusiasm.

What's the use of hot blood?

After just a few words, the court used them to attack foreigners. When the Qing court could not withstand the pressure of foreign devils, it backhandedly sold the Boxers.

Take Lin Heier in front of him as an example.

After being betrayed by the Qing court, he was attacked from two sides. The Eight-Power Allied Forces captured Jinmen, and Lin Heier was captured alive by foreigners and tortured to death.

Finally there are rumors.

Lin Heier's body was made into a specimen by foreigners and put on display in the West. It ended miserably. Zhang Jingyun's joining them could not change anything.

Does it work to tell them not to kill foreigners on sight? If they really do this, they might even be judged as devils by the blind boxers...

At present, the future of China depends on Mr. Zhongshan. As long as the Boxers still believe in the imperial court, they are destined to fail.

Seeing that Zhang Jingyun didn't want to say too much, Zhang Decheng and Zhang Decheng knew that this plan had completely failed, and the other party was being magnanimous without thinking too much.

"I don't believe in the idea of ​​being possessed by gods. In my opinion, instead of believing in invulnerability, it's better to learn how to organize a new army. That's it, so that you can do it yourself."

Zhang Jingyun was too lazy to argue. He raised the steel knife in his hand and rubbed the blade with his arm. The blade made a crunching sound as it passed across his arm, wiping the snake's blood clean.

Finally, Zhang Jingyun carried three sections of the python corpse and left directly, leaving Zhang Decheng and Lin Heier looking at each other in the tomb.

What does the Boxer Rebellion rely on to win over people's hearts? Is it real money? Everyone is white, and no one is richer than anyone else.

To put it bluntly, everyone is poor.

They are completely different from people like Nong Jinsun.

The reason why the Boxer Rebellion was able to quickly win over people's hearts was not only because the people at that time had no hope, but also because they relied on lies such as spiritual possession to deceive people.

But today, the two of them are no longer confident.

Lin Heier couldn't help but ask Zhang Decheng: "Brother, you said that as long as you are sincere, you can be possessed by a spirit and become invulnerable. Is this really feasible?"

Zhang Decheng's eyes flashed.

"What, Hei'er, don't you still believe me? I've demonstrated to you how to be possessed by a spirit. Even a musket bullet couldn't penetrate my chest."

"You poured most of the gunpowder."

Zhang Decheng's brows jumped.

"My heart is not sincere enough, and my skills are not at its peak."

"Then others are even less sincere."

Zhang Decheng said: "It all depends on personal performance. Whoever contributes more money and food, I will pray for them. It will naturally be easier for them to communicate with the gods."

Lin Heier stopped talking.

Zhang Decheng suddenly sighed again: "What a pity. I originally wanted to take Huo Yuanjia under his command and give him the position of deputy altar leader. I listened to God's will... ah..."

Zhang Decheng came to Jinghai this time to open the altar, the first altar in the world, and personally served as the leader of the first altar.

Due to Zhang Decheng's frequent contacts and extensive social contacts, nearly 3,000 people expressed their willingness to join during the early preparations for the forum's opening.

If the reputation is established, the world will respond in the future, and incense altars will be set up in various places, and a team of 30,000 to 50,000 people will gather in only ten days and a half.

"This person has great ambitions and a tenacious will. We cannot persuade him. Even if we cannot work with such a person, we should not make him an enemy."

Lin Heier said helplessly.


Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

Zhang Jingyun came out carrying three python carcasses and was immediately surrounded by people. They were shocked to see the bloody python.

There was a good storyteller in the village, who slightly exaggerated the story about Huo Yuanjia catching a giant python with one hand and using his eagle claws to eliminate the snake monster, and the story soon spread.

In addition, Zhang Jingyun had previously punched the Flying Bear Moba and killed everyone in Xibatian Zhou, so he became a great hero among the people of Jinghai County and even Jinmen.

Zhang Jingyun did not expect that fame would come so quickly. He underestimated himself too much. People in this era are eager for a savior to save the world.

Anyone who has some skills can spread naturally without much publicity, unlike the Jinmen martial arts during the Republic of China.

It takes three to five years to open a martial arts gym.

Zhang Jingyun took the python carcass to the market to sell, and casually talked about the situation at that time, which attracted countless people to praise him: He is really a great hero.

at last.

The snake corpse was still bought by Nong Jinsun.

Zhang Jingyun refused to accept his money, so Nong Jinsun forced him to do so, and then said: "Junqing, actually I have one more thing I want to discuss with you."

"Jin Sun, just say so."

Nong Jinsun said bluntly: "Junqing, you have unique skills, which is certainly respectable, but although you are strong, you are still as brave as a man.

Today, we see that our people are sick and weak, and we are a small country. People dare to call us the sick men of East Asia. All knowledgeable people are ashamed of this.

All men should strive for self-improvement and rejuvenate China. I sincerely ask Junqing to use his talents to expand his family and use his martial arts skills to turn sick men into strong men! "

Zhang Jingyun hesitated for a moment, then clasped his fists and said, "Jinsun, these are the things you said I want to do, but not now."

"Then you now..."

Zhang Jingyun stretched out a finger and said: "One year, give me one year, I will stand up in Jinmen, become the number one in Jinmen, and then open up the door!"

"Junqing actually has such an ambition. He is a true man. He is standing in Jinmen. Looking at the martial arts world, there is no one before or after. Junqing should be the best."

After Nong Jinsun finished speaking, he waved his hand. In the next year, all Zhang Jingyun's expenses for Li Lei in Jinmen will be borne by Huaiqing Medicine Store.

Three days later.

Nong Jinsun had someone build an arena in Jinmen. The arena was three feet high and made of solid wood. Once it was erected, it became the focus of Jinmen.

"In this challenge, the hero of Jinmen, Huo Yuanjia, stands!"

The apprentices of Huaiqing Medicine Store stood on the stage and shouted, From this moment on, Zhang Jingyun stepped onto the martial stage and accepted anyone's challenge.

Zhang Jingyun's first round came at an alarming speed. He walked along the street to the ring. At this moment, the ring was already surrounded by crowds.

Followed by Zhang Jingyun walking slowly.

The crowd automatically parted to make way for Zhang Jingyun, when suddenly a beggar followed behind him and asked him.

"Huo Yuanjia, were you the number one in Jinmen?"

PS: Please read more and recommend votes~

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