People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 74 Can this also hit accurately? 【Please subscribe】

How arrogant is Sun Dianying in robbing tombs?

It is said that Sun Dianying directly blew open the door of the tomb to rob the tomb, and the continuous sound of artillery fire could be heard for dozens of miles near Dongling.

It has only been about ten years since the Qing Dynasty abdicated, but there are still mausoleum guardians in Dongling, and the mausoleum protection organization still inherits the Qing system.

At the same time, there are flag soldiers and green battalion soldiers stationed at the mausoleum to guard the mausoleum, and institutions such as the Zongren Mansion and the Ministry of Rites and Works are respectively responsible for all the affairs of the mausoleum.

And as things change.

These institutions were also separated from the jurisdiction of the Qing court, and the ministers who protected the mausoleums existed in name only. They were not in their posts all year round and had no one to take care of them.

In fact, not only did these people not guard the tomb, but they also colluded with others to resell antiques, and some even tried to fully excavate the Qingdong Tomb.

It was just that he failed because he was not professional enough. Until Sun Dianying arrived, he lied about planting a bomb in the name of an exercise and evacuated the people around him.

This way.

He was allowed to excavate the Eastern Tombs of the Qing Dynasty as he pleased.

Not only that, before Sun Dianying decided to rob the tomb, he also asked Zunhua County to provide thirty mule carts, saying that they would transport food from other departments during the exercise.

The actual purpose is to transport treasure.


This is information that Zhang Jingyun knows.

He is cautious about tomb robbing. If there is any benefit, he will not take the initiative, refuse, or be responsible. He will just get what he can.

This is an opportunity.

You know, Sun Dianying robbed dozens of carts of gold, silver and jewelry from a tomb. The Qing royal family was so angry that they jointly submitted a letter to President Jiang requesting that he be severely punished.

Jiang promised that he would never tolerate it!

But later Sun Dianying was still at large.

Because Sun Dianying gave away some of the treasures, the most precious one in Qianlong's tomb was undoubtedly Emperor Qianlong's portable sword - the Nine Dragons Sword.

The Kowloon Sword is five feet long and has nine golden dragons carved on it, symbolizing the unity of the Nine and Nine. Even the scabbard is made of precious shark skin and is inlaid with rubies, sapphires and diamonds.

This sword was given to Chiang Kai-shek by Sun Dianying, boss Dai, but later due to traitors and other reasons, the Kowloon sword was displaced and there are many stories that will not be mentioned for the time being.

In addition, there is a string of 108 beads worn around Emperor Qianlong's neck when he went to court, which is a rare treasure.

The two largest ones were given to Boss Dai, the emerald watermelon from the tomb of the Queen Mother was given to Song Ziwen, and the orb in the mouth of the Queen Mother was given to Madam Chiang.

Especially the orb in the mouth, which opens into two pieces and closes into a ball. When separated, it is transparent and dull. When closed, it emits a green cold light. At night, one can see hair within a hundred steps.

This orb is said to be worth 800 million yuan.


As a result, no one held Sun Dianying accountable. A generation of great thieves finally got away with justice, which shocked the world at home and abroad.

In this case, if Zhang Jing is still thinking about nonsense like protecting treasures, then he will really be kicked in the head by a donkey.

Even if you really keep these treasures.

It’s not certain who will end up in the end.

Rather than doing this, it would be better for Zhang Jingyun to keep them all. Zhang Jingyun had no intention of staying in the store to collect antiques and hurriedly left for Zunhua.

It took most of the day.

Zhang Jingyun wandered near Dongling.

At this time, Sun Dianying had surrounded Dongling Tomb and sent people from time to time to explore the structure of the tomb. There were thousands of people in this area alone.

It was impossible for Zhang Jingyun to sneak in.

Zhang Jingyun thought for a long time and temporarily hid. On the third day of the exercise, Sun Dianying began to formally bombard Ding Dong Tomb and rob the tomb.

Ding Dongling is the tomb of the Queen Mother of the West.

It is said that after the death of the Queen Mother of the West, there were numerous burial objects in the tomb, including more than 25,000 pieces of precious stones, more than 24,000 pieces of gemstones, and thousands of rare and rare treasures such as jade carved horses and emerald watermelons.

Among them, the gold-woven Dharani sutra quilt covered by the Queen Mother of the West is made of bright yellow satin and twisted gold. It has 25,000 words of Dharani sutras woven into it. The quilt is also embellished with thousands of pearls, which is priceless.

It lasted three days.

The tomb of the Queen Mother of the West was looted.

Sun Dianying was not satisfied and bombarded Qianlong's tomb. Qianlong was the most extravagant emperor in the Qing Dynasty, so the tomb after his death was naturally extremely luxurious.

Pearls, jade, jade, ivory, carvings, calligraphy and paintings, bookmarks, swords, etc. were counted by Sun Dianying personally and finally packed into forty or fifty large boxes.

How terrifying are the treasures in the two tombs?

I don't know if the thirty mule carts that Sun Dianying wanted from Zunhua can be loaded at once. I had known that he should have fifty mule carts.

"Why hasn't the mule cart arrived yet?"

A rough voice sounded. The person who spoke had a pale complexion and a pair of particularly sinister eyes. He didn't seem to be someone to be trifled with.

This person is Sun Dianying.

There are so many treasures in hand, and if they are not transported out quickly, disaster will definitely happen. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a man pulling a mule that was taller than an ordinary war horse, and a cart pulled slowly.

There were more than twenty carts lined up behind him. Sun Dianying looked at the person leading the mule cart with a surprised look on his face: "Are you the only one?"

"Master Jun, I can control thirty carts because this top-notch green mule, who has been feeding me since childhood and is well versed in human nature, leads the way."


Sun Dianying looked at the mule in front of him. It was tall, strong and taller than a person. It was indeed a rare and top-quality green mule.

Mules are a cross between horses and donkeys. They take into account the advantages of both animals. They eat less and have strong endurance. They are much better at pulling carts than donkeys and horses.

"It has nothing to do with you here, let's go."

A person next to him waved his hand and signaled the mule driver to go back. Transporting treasures could only be carried out by Sun Dianying's confidants, and outsiders would not be allowed to intervene.

The mule driver said: "Master, don't look at this mule that is so docile now. When I leave, no one will be able to control it, and the other mules will not be able to control it. Don't delay the affairs of the military anymore..."

Before the mule driver finished speaking, he was shot in the face, "Don't talk nonsense. If you are told to leave, leave. If not, stay here!"

"Yes, yes, I'm leaving now..."

The mule driver's legs were trembling with fear. He finally walked out of the military camp with great difficulty, and made many soldiers point and laugh.

"Haha, look at him like that!"

"Who doesn't know how to lead a mule..."

However, not long after the mule driver left the military camp, the mules came calling in unison, making an extremely noisy sound.

"Whoever keeps mules, take care of them!"

Sun Dianying was so irritated by the noise that she asked someone to take care of it, but no one could do it, especially the biggest green mule, which was jumping up and down like a disco.

"Commander, no! No matter how big the animal is, it won't work! How about calling the mule driver back?" someone couldn't help but say.

Sun Dianying's eyes widened, "With so many people, aren't they as useful as a mule driver? Find a way for me quickly!"

"Maybe this big green mule is taking the lead, why don't we try to kill it?" someone who had raised a mule suggested to Sun Dianying.

Sun Dianying kicked him.

"Kill it, will you pull the cart?"

After struggling for a long time, he finally called the mule driver back. Looking at the frightened mule driver, Sun Dianying whispered to the adjutant: "Get there..."


Zhang Jingyun's ear power is amazing.

"Others are unloading mills and killing donkeys, but you are unloading carts and killing me?" The mule driver was of course Zhang Jingyun pretending to be a mule driver. He performed bone-shrinking skills so that he was only 1.6 meters tall, with a big head and a stooped body.

Who would have thought that he was a martial arts master?

As for the real muleteers.

Then he was temporarily tied under a certain tree.

It is true that ordinary people cannot control so many mules, but Zhang Jingyun is different. His taming skills are just used at this time.

After Zhang Jingyun left, he directly controlled the mule to kick the mule. No matter how hard Sun Dianying tried, he had to call Zhang Jingyun back to lead the mule cart, right?

As for this batch of treasures, except for some of them, most of them will be sent to Tianjin Port and exported by the customs for sale abroad.

This was what Sun Dianying had planned long ago.

It is not difficult to rob tombs, but the big problem is to write off the accounts. There are so many treasures that are extremely valuable. If they are placed in the hands of professionals, they can be sold for sky-high prices.

But a boss like Sun Dianying.

The treasures sold abroad are all priced in boxes. Some of the treasures don't seem to be very valuable, but they actually feel like they've made a profit after selling them for 20,000 silver dollars per box.

What a waste of resources.


The mule cart traveled for most of the day, and the journey was extremely smooth. Sun Dianying glanced at Zhang Jingyun twice and sighed that he was the top scholar.

It would take several days for these thirty mule carts to reach Jinmen Port, and that night, Zhang Jingyun was ready to seize the treasure.

Zhang Jingyun took advantage of the opportunity to feed the mules and touched one of the boxes, instantly opening the system space and taking away the contents of the box.

The next second.

Zhang Jingyun returned to the main world.

Feeling that the space was full of treasures, Zhang Jingyun knew that it was done. He could use this method to repeatedly absorb the treasures into the system space, and then transport them to the real world to hide them.

This goes back and forth dozens of times.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly staggered when he returned to the main world and almost fell down. Repeatedly traveling between the two worlds consumed a lot of mental energy.

Zhang Jingyun just wants to sleep now.

With a thought in his mind, Zhang Jingyun used his golden eyes to control the spiritual energy in his eyes to flow gently in his mind, soothing his soul like a clear spring.

The golden pupil has a very good healing effect. With the consumption of spiritual energy, mental fatigue is also swept away.

Zhang Jingyun's spirit took on a new look.

With a thought in his mind, he entered the world of the Republic of China again, and after repeating this process, he finally transported all the treasures in the boxes to the main world.

"Damn! I actually did it!"

Zhang Jingyun stood in the room, slightly lost in thought. In front of him was a dazzling array of treasures, which almost filled his two rooms.

Zhang Jingyun reached out and picked up a sword.

It was the Nine-Dragon Sword worn by Emperor Qianlong. When he pulled out the sword, the cold light shone brightly, and its appearance was exactly the same as in the records. It had nine golden dragons, a shark skin sheath, and was inlaid with rubies, sapphires and diamonds.

The sword of Emperor Yongle stolen by the British Empire is said to be worth 1.2 billion. The sword of Emperor Qianlong may not be that expensive, but it is definitely worth several hundred million.

"But, who dares to sell this thing?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head, and immediately his eyes narrowed slightly, using his golden pupils to absorb the spiritual energy of the Nine Dragons Sword, and a shocking and ferocious spiritual energy poured into his eyes!

In an instant, Zhang Jingyun seemed to be wrapped in spiritual energy, and his eyes were filled with a huge amount of spiritual energy, almost dissipating out of his eyes.

This aura is really impressive.

Zhang Jingyun had absorbed more than a hundred antiques before. It was like standing there and being punched by spiritual energy. Happiness came suddenly.

The originally light golden aura has turned into a dazzling golden color after such baptism, and the level of the aura has obviously increased by one level.

Zhang Jingyun stood here for two full hours. As the spiritual energy in his eyes faded, Zhang Jingyun also felt obvious changes in his body.

A large amount of spiritual energy washed repeatedly inside the body, faintly transforming Zhang Jingyun's body, much like the feeling of upgrading through horizontal Kung Fu training.

But not so obviously.

Zhang Jingyun checked the data panel and found another change. The life span column actually increased a little. This was an earth-shattering discovery.

If he has enough aura, does it mean that Zhang Jingyun is immortal in disguise? Zhang Jingyun quickly picked up another treasure to absorb the spiritual energy.

This is a bright and magnificent large coral tree. The tree is covered with strings of small cherry trees with green stems, green leaves and red fruits. The mature spotted kingfisher is really cute.

This is a rare treasure in the tomb of the Queen Mother of the West. It can be ranked among the top ten among the many burial objects. Naturally, it also contains a large amount of spiritual energy.

Zhang Jingyun absorbed it again!

The spiritual energy in the eyes actually shot out through the eyes, reaching a level one foot outside the body. The whole body was transformed by the spiritual energy again, but the effect was obviously not as good as the first time, and it ended in only ten minutes.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the life span column and saw that there was no change. He did not give up and picked up another jade lotus root, which was also a treasure from the tomb of the Queen Mother.

There are green lotus leaves growing on the arm-length lotus roots, and pink lotus flowers are blooming. There are also a few black water chestnuts hanging next to the lotus flowers, which are as delicious and magnificent as if they had just been fished out of the water.

ten minutes later.

The spiritual energy in Zhang Jingyun's eyes soared again, and the lifespan column finally increased a little, which was still somewhat different from what Zhang Jingyun thought.

Yes, antique spiritual energy can indeed increase lifespan, but the effect will become weaker and weaker. How many Nine Dragon Swords, Coral Trees, and Jade Lotus Roots are there in the world?

There are only a dozen antique treasures of this level in the Tomb of the Queen Mother of the West and the Tomb of Qianlong combined, which can increase their life span by less than ten years.

"That's better than nothing."

In fact, compared to lifespan, Zhang Jingyun's other changes are the most significant, such as his healing ability, which has improved a lot after absorbing spiritual energy several times, and his perspective effect has also increased several times.

Zhang Jingyun looked down at the ground. He could see through one meter and couldn't see anything further down. Furthermore, with the blessing of the Golden Eyes, all movements in his field of vision could be slowed down by nearly twice.

Combined with the clairvoyance ability, against a divine warrior, you can observe the changes in the opponent's energy and blood, pinpoint the opponent's breath weakness, and hit it with one hit.

"Isn't this an ability similar to Byakugan?"

If the Golden Eyes had no limits and kept upgrading, they might become extraordinary and even have unpredictable abilities in the future.

"It's just that there are so many treasures..."

Zhang Jingyun looked at the house full of rare treasures in front of him, and he was a little worried. If he sold any treasure here, he might not have to work for the rest of his life.

"It would be nice if the system space could be larger." Zhang Jingyun shook his head. The safest place in the world is the system space.

Unfortunately, the space is only one cubic meter.

The room in front of him had been prepared by Zhang Jingyun in advance. Although it was safe to a certain extent, even the slightest risk would make people uneasy.

Currently, the place that Zhang Jingyun considers safe is his home in the Antarctic Love World. During the Republic of China, warlords often fought with each other, so it was not safe anywhere.

There was no other way, so Zhang Jingyun had to work harder and transport the treasures that filled two rooms to the mansion in the Antarctic Love World.

After all, Zhang Jingyun is also the boss of a listed company. The security of private residences is still very reliable, and there is no problem in leaving them temporarily for a period of time.

After doing this, Zhang Jingyun breathed a sigh of relief.

He returned to the main world without saying a word and went into the mountains. He wanted to see how much his strength had improved after being washed with spiritual energy.

Zhang Jingyun called Zhang Da Miao.

In the deep mountains and old forests, the Siberian tiger is the king. Ever since it was tamed by Zhang Jingyun, this big cat has been hiding in this mountain forest.


Followed by a tiger roar.

Zhang Jingyun felt a strong wind blowing behind him. The dragon followed the cloud, the tiger followed the wind, and the tiger pounced on its food, which would stir up a strong wind.

Zhang Jingyun moved.

He was the last to arrive first, and he was actually a few minutes faster than the tiger. He used the eight-step cicada-catching Qinggong to run through the mountains and forests, and even the Siberian tiger couldn't catch up.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Damiao was discouraged. Looking at Zhang Jingyun jumping up and down in front of him, he didn't have the strength to catch up.


It doesn't understand what's going on.

Although Zhang Jingyun's strength is much higher than it, in a speed competition, as a Siberian tiger, he can still crush Zhang Jingyun.

"Haha, I won't make trouble with you anymore!"

Zhang Jingyun stepped forward and held down the tiger with a slight force. The Siberian tiger, which weighed more than 300 kilograms, lost its center of gravity and lay down on the ground.

Expose your belly and let Zhang Jingyun rub it.

"The tiger's speed is more than 20 meters per second, and when I use Qinggong with all my strength, my speed is faster than Zhang Da Miao, more than twice as fast as an ordinary person."

Zhang Jingyun felt it carefully.

It is difficult for humans to reach the speed of ten meters per second. He is more than twice as fast, and his power is even more terrifying. A tiger is like a cat in front of Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun reached out and stroked the tiger.

Snoring, snoring, this is the natural ability of tigers, and the thunder sound of tiger and leopard. If you understand the mystery, humans can also master this skill.

Later, Zhang Jingyun compared his strength before absorbing the spiritual energy and found that his overall strength had increased by nearly 30%, and the speed of improvement was beyond imagination.

"If you absorb all the antique spiritual energy, will your physical fitness double?" Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but wonder.

Then he put aside this idea and absorbed spiritual energy, which could indeed improve his physical fitness, but Zhang Jingyun also discovered a problem during the process.

That is, a considerable part of the spiritual energy is wasted. The spiritual energy is absorbed too frequently, and the effect of the spiritual energy is not exerted at all.

"It's best to absorb it after a while!"

So Zhang Jingyun's life became simple again. During the day, he practiced in the deep mountains and old forests of the main world. At night, he practiced with Ma Fengyi in the Republic of China world, or with Jing Ruyi in the Antarctic Love world.

Zhang Jingyun was dumbfounded until half a month later.

"Ah, Fengyi, are you pregnant?"

Ma Fengyi was sure, and Zhang Jingyun also checked, and it turned out that he had a happy pulse. Overjoyed, Zhang Jingyun went to the Antarctic Love World to have a look.

"Ah? Ruyi, are you pregnant too?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought that he still had a talent, precise hitting... Could it be that all the precision talents were used in giving birth to children?

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