People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 92 Huashan Sect Five-Year Plan [Please subscribe]

You must know that not just anyone can be called a eunuch. A castrated eunuch must have a certain status in order to be called a eunuch.

There were tens of thousands of castrated people in the capital, and eunuchs were only a minority among them. Most of the eunuchs were palace slaves with low status.

After castration, he could only do the hardest and most tiring work, and he was helpless and discriminated against. Therefore, as long as Zhang Jingyun was treated well, he could easily recruit a group of people.

Even if they don't enter the palace, let these people be used by themselves and train them to become dead warriors of the Huashan Sect so that they can fully unleash the power of the evil-fighting swordsmanship.

"That's a good idea."

Zhang Jingyun thought for a moment, there are so many people who want to be cleansed, so every year he selects some people who are loyal, honest, and repay their kindness to be trained.

A fighting force can be formed in three to five years.

Then the team snowballed.

Zhang Jingyun pondered: "In this case, the Huashan Sect's first five-year development plan must be put on the agenda."

Revitalizing the Huashan Sect requires not only a powerful leader and outstanding disciples, but also supporting industries. The most important thing for running the sect is martial arts.

But making money is also an indispensable part.

The more money you have, the more disciples you will train. If the disciples are well treated, the sect will have cohesion and will rush forward immediately when encountering problems.


Zhang Jingyun put away the evil-repelling sword manual.

He has no plans to practice the sword technique to ward off evil for the time being. After browsing the sword manual, Zhang Jingyun already knew why this technique had to be used to draw the sword from the palace.

The reason for this is that if it does not come from the palace, heat will arise from the gong, and the heat will rise from the body, going from bottom to top, causing dryness and chaos. After leaving the palace, the true energy will generate by itself, and the true energy to ward off evil will flow into the Dantian and there will no longer be any hindrance.

In other words, practicing this skill will make you unbearably hot and unbearable. Ordinary people can't stand this masculine inner force. But what if you can suppress the masculine inner force?

Zhang Jingyun suddenly had a bold idea in his mind. He had just taken the cold jade bed from the Tomb of the Living Dead. The cold jade bed was extremely dark and cold, so it might be able to resist the heat.

Of course, the risk of trying to ward off evil swordsmanship is very high. Zhang Jingyun has so many magical secrets in his hand, so there is no need to compete with this thing.

Seven days later.

Zhang Jingyun hurried on the starry night and finally returned to Huashan. Ning Zhong was already three months pregnant and could not continue to practice the exercises on the cold jade bed.

There are the most taboos during pregnancy, and the cold jade bed is extremely cold. Even though Ningzhongze exercises can resist the cold, the child in the belly is fragile.

The sword energy surges into the sky.

Not long after Zhang Jingyun sat down, a voice suddenly sounded, and then a figure appeared in front of him.

"Disciple Laudno, pay homage to Master!"

This is a boy of 17 or 18 years old with a resolute face. When he sees Zhang Jingyun, he kowtows with bang bang and calls him master.

"Junior sister, what's going on?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at Ning Zhongze.

Ning Zhong said: "Brother, this person was recommended by Granny Zhao. He intended to join the Huashan Sect two years ago, but unfortunately he failed to do so..."

The Huashan Sect does not recruit disciples on the spot. There is a group of people roughly every two or three years. Granny Zhao is responsible for managing the pre-selected disciples.

Laudnor came to the door two years ago.

He only got the chance by offering five hundred taels of silver.

However, Granny Zhao was even more cautious about a young man like Laudno. She had done extensive background research in the past two years before she dared to recommend him to the mountain.

This kind of thing is actually very common.

Lauderno will not receive much training at his old age. At most, he will be taught some common exercises of the Huashan Sect. After learning, he will go his own way.

If it is the Shaolin Temple, these are lay disciples. Buddhism has always been about only accepting those who are destined. There are many more lay disciples than formal disciples. After completing their studies, these people enter all walks of life, whether they are escorts or open shops, and they all pay filial piety to the Shaolin Temple. .

To put it simply, it is a common business cooperation, spend some money to learn some skills, and then make money in the name of the sect to the outside world, and give some members to the sect every year.

Zhang Jingyun nodded and still accepted Laudenuo. Just like the original plot, Laudenuo became the second official disciple of the Huashan Sect.

Although Zhang Jingyun knew that he was an undercover agent of the Songshan Sect, why did he need to reveal his identity when dealing with the undercover agent? Just stay and observe.

Maybe Lauderno can be used in the future.

In fact, from Zhang Jingyun's understanding of the plot, he felt that Yue Buqun did not know from the beginning that Lauderno was an undercover agent of another sect.

In the original plot, Yue Buqun told Laudenuo that he actually knew Laudenuo's identity from the beginning but deliberately didn't tell him.

This is a bit exaggerated.

Yue Buqun said this because he wanted to make Zuo Lengchan angry. After all, if Yue Buqun had known from the beginning that Lauderno was an undercover agent, he would not have done those things.

Look at the big picture.

Luo Denuo made great contributions to the Songshan Sect, from first passing the news of the evil-repelling sword manual to Zuo Lengchan, to stealing the Zixia magical skill and framing it on Linghu Chong, and later to facilitating the battle at Yaowang Temple.

Qun Yue Buqun had known for a long time that Laudeno was an undercover agent, so he would not have suspected Linghu Chong of stealing the secret book. Yue Buqun had worked so hard to plan the sword manual to ward off evil. How could he let outsiders know?

Zhang Jingyun shook his head. One of the two official disciples was an undercover agent of the Songshan Sect. His role as the leader was too shabby.

"Junior sister, dozens of disciples are still too few. Tell Granny Zhao that from now on, he will send thirty disciples to Huashan every month for a year."

Ning Zhong was shocked and said, "If you give me away for one year, that's 360 disciples. Can Huashan support so many people?"

"Not all of the 360 ​​people can get started. The first batch of disciples is tentatively set at 200. The next recruitment of disciples will have to wait a few years."

Ning Zhong thought for a while, "Two hundred people are quite a lot. We are poor in literature and rich in martial arts. Training in martial arts consumes the most money. The sect must take care of food, food and housing to train a disciple.

In this way, the minimum annual expenditure is fifteen taels of silver, and for 200 people, it is three thousand taels. Plus various expenses and favors, it will cost at least two thousand taels.

In total, our annual expenses are 5,000 taels. The sect's land property affiliates and store profits only have 5,000 taels per year, so I'm afraid it will be tight. "

Cultivating so many disciples is the limit of Huashan. Zhang Jingyun naturally knows the income and expenditure of Huashan sect, so in this case, he can only open up the source.

"I don't know where Shaolin and Wudang got the money to train so many disciples. I heard that our Huashan Sect was once able to compete with them. Is this true?"

Ning Zhong murmured curiously.

Zhang Jingyun said: "The current Huashan Sect is simply not comparable to Shaolin and Wudang. Even though the monks in Shaolin Temple eat fast and chant sutras all day long, they are actually very rich.

The land around Songshan alone is no less than tens of thousands of acres, nearly half of which belongs to them, and the Shaolin Temple is the largest tenant in that area.

In addition, so many lay disciples are doing business abroad, and the incense money they turn in every year is not a small amount. The Huashan Sect may not be as good as it was in its heyday.

Not to mention the Wudang Sect, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty all respected Zhang Sanfeng as a god, and there was no need to pay taxes on the land surrounding the Wudang Sect, which was only much more than Shaolin. "

Ning Zhong suddenly realized.

"Then other sects also have their own businesses?" Ning Zhong thought subconsciously, and Zhang Jingyun nodded without hesitation.

"Take our Five Mountains Alliance as an example. The Taishan sect is close to the water and is engaged in waterway business. Who is not allowed to give money to their members from the merchant ships coming and going?

In recent years, the Taishan Sect has paid more attention to business, and its performance in the Five Mountains Alliance has become worse and worse, and its strength is not as good as before.

However, the Hengshan faction became more and more dissatisfied with the Taishan faction. Aunt Taishan and Aunt Datong, the two factions accused each other from time to time.

Hengshan said that Taishan harbored filth and evil and engaged in flesh-and-blood business, while Taishan secretly accused the Hengshan sect of being a cousin and erecting archways. Who doesn't know that the Hengshan sect has more nuns who return to secular life than formal disciples every year?

Most of the female nuns who return to secular life marry local wealthy people or are from official families. Many of them really just like to be nuns, but I don’t know how true or false this is. "

Ning Zhongze's face was full of disbelief.

In her inherent concept, the Five Mountains Alliance should punish evil and promote good, eliminate evil and support the weak, and everyone should be a knight.

I never thought that she was like this behind the scenes, the girl from Mount Tai, the aunt from Datong, the thin horse from Yangzhou, the boat girl from West Lake, who in the world doesn’t know?

You know, the Hengshan sect is located near Datong. Although there is no such thing as Datong's mother-in-law, it is thought-provoking that nuns still marry rich people and official families.

The Taishan Sect may have been eyeing this business, and then secretly built many nunneries. Pilgrims who went up the mountain would go in at every turn, which naturally made the Hengshan Sect dissatisfied.

The Taishan faction is focused on doing it yourself, so why do you have the shame to accuse me? Not saying anything on the surface, but secretly burying people is terrible.

Zhang Jingyun sighed leisurely.

There are so many glorious sects in the world. They all treat themselves as gentlemen and good people. Where do the expenses for the disciples of the sect come from?

Are you pointing to the sky and sending down silver coins?

Zuo Lengchan is still thinking about merging the Five Mountains Sword Sect. They each have their own business and live a comfortable life. Why do they join together when they have nothing to do?

What if someone wants to steal your business?

So Zuo Lengchanyue Buqun's starting point was wrong. Merging the Wuyue Sword Sect is equivalent to acquiring a company. If you don't lead everyone to make a lot of money, you also want people to spit out their own money. Who can bear this?

If you really want to merge the Five Sacred Sword Sects, then give them benefits and let all the sects work with you in a down-to-earth manner. Only when you see a profit will you be able to mess with you.

Zhang Jingyun said to Ning Zhongze, “The Five Mountains Alliance, and even all the major sects in the world, have a variety of businesses, but there are only a few that make money.

Affiliate property, run shops, open escort agencies, medical clinics, inns... We, the Huashan sect, also run these, but we can't make a big difference no matter what. "

"What kind of business does Senior Brother want to do?"

Zhang Jingyun held out three fingers and said, "We have no business running an escort agency, selling refined salt, selling briquettes, silk and cotton textiles. Whoever touches them will die."

Only the three businesses I mentioned have large enough profits and huge room for operation. If they are run well, even Shaolin and Wudang will not be as good as us. "

Ning Zhong thought for a moment and said, "I know about the Escort Agency. In the past, when there were many disciples of the Huashan Sect, Huashan had its own Escort Agency, which was very profitable.

But selling salt... this is competing with the government for business. It's not that easy, right? As for briquettes, I have never heard of them. "

Zhang Jingyun said: "Refined salt is not ordinary salt. It means refined salt. Ordinary people cannot afford it. It is consumed by dignitaries and will not compete with the government for business.

As for briquettes, I learned it accidentally. Coal is widely available in Shaanxi and is easy to make. Once it is made, every household can use it for cooking and heating. "

"Now that senior brother has thought about it, no matter what he does, I will support him. The matters outside Huashan should be bothered by senior brother. The matters within Huashan will be with me."

Ning Zhong said slowly, Zhang Jingyun had already intended this. The two of them, the female is in charge and the male is in charge, so why worry about revitalizing the Huashan Sect if they work together.

At that moment, Zhang Jingyun discovered the details of the Huashan Sect. It was the former leader who told Zhang Jingyun about the 20,000 taels of silver buried in a secret place on the main peak.

This is the accumulation of hundreds of years in Huashan.

Before opening up the Huashan School, there is one thing that Zhang Jingyun must do first, which is to let the whole of Shaanxi know the reputation of the Huashan Sect again.

The Huashan Sword Qi War has been going on for nearly four years now, and the control over the surrounding lands has become weaker and weaker. Many forces even don't take Huashan seriously.

The escort and merchant teams passed by in groups, but none of them paid tolls for the Huashan Sect. How could this be worthy of the Huashan Sect's ancestors?

Zhang Jingyun went down the mountain with his sword in hand.

From Huashan to the junction of Hubei, from Hubei to the junction of Sichuan, and then along the junction of Sichuan and Gansu, detouring through Ningxia, passing through the junction of Shaanxi and Shanxi, and finally returning to Huashan.

Zhang Jingyun almost wiped out the Shaanxi region. At this time, Shaanxi was not a province in later generations, but the entire Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia region.

Therefore, the influence of the Huashan Sect is actually amazing, and the scope of control is extremely vast. It took Zhang Jingyun nearly a year to circle around.

Zhang Jingyun has also gained a lot this year.

After confiscating the major green forest forces who were dissatisfied with Huashan's leadership, they obtained more than 30,000 taels of silver, increased the income of 55 shops in various places, and re-established contact with more than 20 forces, adding more than 2,000 taels to Huashan's annual income.

These green forest forces are also very cooperative. After all, the leader of the Huashan Sect is just a newcomer of a younger generation and has such strength. How powerful must a person of the clear generation be?

Although three years ago, there was a sudden plague in the Huashan Sect and many masters of the Qing generation died, but even so, there must be many left, maybe ten or eight, but probably three or five.

So they recognized the Huashan faction as the boss.

Of course, none of this matters.

The reason why Zhang Jingyun spent a lot of time and energy on sorting out the green forest forces who were not convinced by the Huashan faction was mainly to clear the way for open source.

The production of refined salt is not difficult for Zhang Jingyun. As a modern time traveler, who can't make refined salt? How about time travel?

Zhang Jingyun is an engineering student who attended university after all. He makes refined salt, dissolves it, filters it and evaporates it, and uses carbonate radicals in plant ash to remove calcium and magnesium ion impurities.

Who doesn’t know these basic common sense?

Although plant ash is potassium carbonate, removing impurities will cause the calcium and magnesium ions that make table salt bitter to form potassium chloride. However, the toxicity of potassium chloride is not much different from that of sodium chloride. In ancient times, it could be ignored.

Briquettes are even simpler.

These two businesses are a steady stream of wealth. In Zhang Jingyun's opinion, he can become one of the ten richest people in the Ming Dynasty within ten years.

However, it is easy to make money through open source, but on the other hand, protecting this steady stream of wealth is also a big deal, and Zhang Jingyun alone cannot do it.

"Master, the person you requested is here."

At this moment, Granny Zhao sent eighteen people. Zhang Jingyun looked around and saw that none of these people were over twenty years old. They were all skinny and skinny. Their eyes looking at Zhang Jingyun were full of confusion and numbness.

"Master, what's the use of having so many eunuchs? There aren't many disciples in Huashan, so just let them do more. If you want to take care of them, I'll train them myself..."

Granny Zhao thought that the disciples of the Huashan Party were so good that no one usually worked, so Zhang Jingyun had to find more than a dozen eunuchs.

"Grandma Zhao, you are worrying too much. These people are of great use. You should pay more attention to them. When recruiting disciples, pay attention to those with good conduct, loyalty and honesty..."

"You're welcome, boss. This is what I should do." The three generations above Grandma Zhao have all sent network talents to Huashan. She herself also runs a dental shop in Xi'an and does population business.

After Granny Zhao left.

Zhang Jingyun brought eighteen people to Beifeng.

The north peak of Huashan Mountain is suspended on all sides, with a crown of scenic clouds above and a ground connection below. It is majestic and unique, like a cloud platform, so it is also called Yuntai Peak.

Looking at the eighteen-year-old, Zhang Jingyun only said: "From now on, if you live here, Huashan will be your home!"

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he left calmly.

That night, everyone washed themselves, put on clean clothes, and had hot meals. Many people cried while eating.

Thought this was the last meal.

After finishing this meal, they wondered what they would do tomorrow. How could they, who had become eunuchs, be so naive as to think that someone could treat them well?

But the next day.

Everyone was only assigned a fine steel sword. From then on, they had endless food and endless sword practice...


Time flies.

Before I knew it, five years had passed.

Under the hard work of Zhang Jingyun and Ning Zhongze, the first five-year plan ended and the Huashan School ushered in earth-shaking changes.

After many assessments, two hundred disciples were finally selected. They practiced at Chaoyang Peak for many years without caring about worldly affairs. The two hundred disciples were led by Linghu Chong.

Linghu Chong's outstanding talent was fully unleashed through sect competitions, schoolwork examinations, and private discussions, and he finally got a glimpse of his inner strength.

He combined the low-end version of Han Jade Bed to practice the True Heart Technique, and now he has reached the fifth level. If he reaches the sixth level, he will be considered a second-rate expert in the world.

However, Linghu Chong has not yet learned any swordsmanship, and his strength cannot reach the level of a second-rate master, but the airbenders have always valued internal strength.

It is normal not to practice swordsmanship within ten years.

Zhang Jingyun will not be able to count on Linghu Chong's generation of disciples for at least ten years. Now the only people from the Huashan Sect who can help him are the eighteen people from Beifeng.

They started practicing evil-fighting swordsmanship five years ago. In the past five years, their internal strength has improved and their swordsmanship is far more powerful than that of second-rate experts.

It is the elite force of Huashan Sect.

They have been scattered throughout Shaanxi since half a year ago, and are responsible for supervising the pillar industries of Huashan such as escort agencies, field products, refined salt, and briquettes.

Especially refined salt and briquettes.

It brings hundreds of thousands of taels of silver to the Huashan Sect every year. The profits are extremely amazing and are still growing at an alarming rate. I don’t know how many people are jealous.

Even if these eighteen people were scattered, it wouldn't be enough.

Fortunately, the second batch of exorcism brigade is about to come down the mountain. There are thirty-six people in the second batch, which is enough to protect all the property for the Huashan Sect.

As for Zhang Jingyun.

Five years have passed, and his cultivation has already broken through the first-class level and reached a new height. Even hundreds of disciples in Huashan Mountain don't know how powerful Zhang Jingyun is.

Even the first batch of eighteen disciples from the evil-fighting brigade couldn't figure out Zhang Jingyun's depth. They only knew that three years ago, eighteen people worked together to withstand thirty-six moves in Zhang Jingyun's hands. Last year and this year, eighteen people worked together to defeat Zhang Jingyun. It only lasted eighteen moves.

On this day, Zhang Jingyun was running around and received a message. It was actually a letter from Ning Zhongze, asking him to return to Huashan as soon as possible to discuss important matters.

Zhang Jingyun didn't remember until he returned to Huashan.

The ten-year Five Mountains Alliance is about to begin. The last time the alliance was made by the previous leader of Mount Huashan, ten years have passed and some people can no longer wait.

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