
The old crow’s eyeball was gouged out.

Gin ignored the old crow’s screams and Vodka’s astonishment.

Very good.

The technique is still sophisticated, the old crow is still alive.

He used the same method to gouge out the other eyeball.

He timed it and swallowed it alive.

While locking the old crow’s neck, he silently said in his heart:

‘I can see’

‘I can see’

‘I can see. ‘

The time has come.

In the dim room.

I don’t know if it was Gin’s illusion.

He just felt that his eyes seemed to have a cool and comfortable feeling.

Looking back.

Vodka was still stunned.

Nothing unusual happened in the room.

He walked to the window with a frown and opened the curtains.


Instantly widened like cow pupils.


The world in his vision changed.

A vast and mysterious world appeared before his eyes.


Occasionally, a twisted creature passed by with three wings on its back and blood pupils all over its body.


People and monsters live together.

A behemoth three or four stories high carefully avoided the people under his feet.���

There were reptiles and wriggling creatures as humble as ants crawling down the sewer.

There were also greedy monster snakes swallowing their tails, swallowing the gathering monsters in one gulp.

The gloomy sky seemed like a hotbed of weirdness.

The faint black gauze emanating from them seemed to be connected to some existence above the thick black clouds.

It was not difficult to see the huge size of the surging clouds.

The weirdness coming from all directions was clearly there, but people could not see it.

People seemed to be unaware of it.


A big bird with blazing fire flew from high in the sky.

The hot breath permeated all the way to Gin’s nostrils.

The hot fire breath accelerated the flow of blood.

It seemed that goose bumps were all over his body.



The world unveiled its veil.

However, Gin sincerely sighed at its grandeur.

Oh world… how mysterious you are…

Gin’s vision seemed to be blurred.

His ears.

It was as if the crazy man’s drunken laughter was heard


I’m right!

I’m right!!

I’m right!!!]

His breathing suddenly became heavy.

His heart was pounding.

A kind of shock that cannot be described in words was evident.

He gasped so heavily that his scalp was almost numb, and then he suppressed it with his strong psychological quality.

Old guy.

Old Kamo.

You are indeed right…

This is much more magical than the so-called elixir of life researched by the organization.

Because the elixir of life researched by the organization is basically used as poison by its members.

But this notebook is different.

Gin held the notebook tightly against his chest, and his pounding heart made him take a deep breath to calm down.

He looked at those mysterious creatures with a sharp gaze.


Are they really the creatures in human cognition…

That too distorted posture, too grand worldview.

It’s really………


A piercing howl instantly awakened Gin, who seemed to be in a dream.

A sense of urgency flashed through his mind.

He looked sideways, and his heart seemed to stop!


The three-winged creature with blood-red pupils turned its sight instantly, staring at the”uninvited guest” with its scarlet blood-red pupils.

A huge monster turned its head 360 degrees and concentrated, like countless faces showing a variety of terrifying grins.

A strange snake stopped devouring itself and raised its head to look straight at the hotel floor.

Are they looking at me?



“Can you see it?! ? ?”

Crazy. Rioting.

The violent excitement of the monsters is enough to make any normal person tremble with fear.

Gin’s pupils seemed to shrink into a needle as he tightly pinched the crow’s neck.

He confirmed it.

They are looking at me! In a moment

, Gin felt that he was in the most dangerous moment of his life.

A kind of hallucination like a revolving lantern vaguely appeared in front of him.


He instantly crushed the old crow in his hand, and the mysterious grandeur before his eyes was instantly shattered. He gasped as if he had just been pulled out of drowning.

He originally thought that the danger was over.



Gin spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Looking at the shocked and stunned Vodka, Gin directly”spit blood at him””

“Go! Go now!”


Where to?

“Go overseas! Go to headquarters!! And……”

He took out the notebook with trembling hands, and once again a mouthful of blood gushed out.

He was indeed back.

But he had never thought about what kind of dangers were hidden in the other world.

But this thing must not be lost.

This thing must not be allowed to have any mistakes!

“Bring it back, at any cost, must bring it back………”

“Big Brother!!”



Hattori Heiji couldn’t help but yawn.


He wanted to see piles of cases.


The police officers in Hatsukaichi are so lax…

It’s been a long time.

Not a single patrol officer has passed by here?

This made Hattori Heiji doubt the ability of the police officers in Hatsukaichi.

He had heard of it.

There are many parasites in the Metropolitan Police Department.

This is also a headache for his father.

Because it is impossible to kill all these parasites with one stick.

Some are sent by the higher-ups to get gilded. There are also those who are in high positions.

Such people can be mobilized.

But it depends on the situation. The complexity of it cannot be explained in a few words, let alone arresting people with just one sentence? If they really want to arrest people at all costs, the first to be in chaos will be his Metropolitan Police Department.

His father still has such people under his command, and his father, who hates evil, can only accept it with a pinch of his nose, not to mention him, Hattori Heiji…!!!

Out! ? He really came out.

Mizunotsuki let out a breath of turbid air as if in relief.

With Yumi Miyamoto’s hoarse voice of”I’m going to die, I’m going to die”, the fire never stopped.

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The sky is not enough to describe the gunfire.

The ground must be stained with”blood”.

Who made Yumi Miyamoto walk into the wrong room?

Maybe after this time, this confused girl will have to lift up her skirt and ignore people.

No doubt.

She is such a person.

Because the other party is obviously not prepared.

So after this road, there will be no more water. Mizunotsuki took a deep breath of Yumi Miyamoto who was muttering something.

Mizunotsuki turned his eyes back to Hatsukaichi.


That notebook is Mizunotsuki’s masterpiece.

It’s just a small experiment to extend its tentacles to the general public.

And the Black Organization is perfect.

In Mizunotsuki’s eyes. The stagnant water of Japan is calm.

So it needs a shit-stirring stick.

The Black Organization is just this shit-stirring stick.

It is reasonable to see members of the Black Organization in everything…

What a joke!

Hattori Heiji was dumbfounded.

This man in black really drove away as soon as he left the hotel?

And he was carrying an accomplice who was obviously unconscious.

He hurriedly pressed the emergency notification button.

Want to run?


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