The next day Xiao Bai was woken up by the phone ringing.

After waking up, Xiao Bai subconsciously wanted to hang up the phone and continue to sleep, but after seeing the name displayed on the phone, Xiao Bai's brain suddenly woke up.

"Xiao Bai, Yuuji and Kirishima are all ready to go to the amusement park for a date, come here quickly!"

Yoshii Akihisa's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Wait, I'll be there soon!"

Xiao Bai got up immediately, and was slightly taken aback when he realized that the clothes on his body had been changed, washed up in a hurry [then said to Rem and Ram, and went out.

Rem wanted to say something, but looking at Xiao Bai who had almost disappeared, she said in a final helpless voice, "Bon voyage!"

Ram looked at Rem and said, "Rem, don't be fooled by a pervert like that easily!"

"Isn't my sister no longer hating the master?"

"Hmph, it's just because of how hard he worked so hard yesterday!"

Rem smiled.

"It's great, my sister's vitality can still last for almost three years now, so I have time to find a way to restore my sister's horns like this!"

When Ram heard Rem's words, a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Rem!"

On the other side, when Xiao Bai rushed to the amusement park, Yuji Sakamoto and Shoko Kirishima had already arrived. Kota Tsuchiya, Hideyoshi Kinoshita, and Akihisa Yoshii were fooling Yuji Sakamoto and Shoko Kirishima into taking wedding photos, but Yuji Sakamoto directly The conspiracy of several people was punctured.

"Where's Xiao Bai? Why isn't Xiao Bai here? You don't think you can figure me out, do you?"

Yuuji Sakamoto sneered.

Without Xiao Bai, Yuuji Sakamoto was sure that these people would not be his opponents together.

Xiao Bai chuckled, and the one who followed didn't appear, but quickly set up the arrangement, found someone from the amusement park, and bribed the other party with banknotes.

Soon the three of Akihisa Yoshii, who were pretending to be employees of the amusement park, were taken away by the staff of the amusement park. The person in charge of the amusement park stepped forward to find Yuji Sakamoto: "I am very sorry for the inconvenience to you, these temporary workers. , in order to make up for it, the amusement park here specially provides a wedding experience, so...

Before the other party could finish speaking, Sakamoto Yuji said directly: "No need, and the weather looks like it's going to rain now, so that's the end of today's date, Xiangzi!"

Yuuji Sakamoto seems to have no intention of continuing to date with Shoko Kirishima, so he directly proposed the end.

"Just over an hour!"

Shoko Kirishima said a little disappointed.

Shoko Kirishima has been happy for a long time since knowing that Yuuji Sakamoto likes her, and even made a lot of preparations for today's date, but Yuji will be over in just over an hour, which makes Shoko Kirishima a little sad.

"Xiangzi, I originally hoped that you would discover it by yourself, but now I have discovered that you have not discovered it, but the lesson has deepened."

Shoko Kirishima looked at Yuuji Sakamoto with somewhat confused eyes.


"Xiangzi, I'm sorry, I don't like you, so I won't date you, let alone marry you, and don't mention this matter in the future."

Shoko Kirishima was stunned by Yuuji Sakamoto's answer!

Yuuji doesn’t like himself?

Didn't Xiao Bai say in his diary that Yuu Er also liked him, and that he rejected him just because he wanted Yuu Er to confess to him?

[Holy shit? Is there something wrong? Yuuji Sakamoto, you grandson, what are you talking about? You don’t like Shoko Kirishima? This is unreasonable. Didn’t you also like Shoko Kirishima in the original plot? Why the current result. . . 】

Xiao Bai expressed that he could not accept this kind of grievance.

Kirishima Shoko looked at Sakamoto Yuji: "Yuji, are you telling the truth? You don't like me at all?"

"I'm sorry, Xiangzi. I originally hoped that you could discover it by yourself. I never liked you, I just regarded you as my sister."

A glint appeared in the corner of Kirishima Shoko's eyes, and then she turned around and ran away.

Xiao Bai immediately came to Sakamoto Yuuji's side.

"Hurry up and catch up!"

Sakamoto Yuji looked at Xiao Bai and said, "You called the amusement park staff just now, right?

0…ask for flowers……

"Why do you care about this at this time? It's time for you to chase Kirishima Shoko."

"Xiao Bai, I won't go. I don't like Xiangzi, so I plan to make Xiangzi give up completely this time. If I still follow, Xiangzi will misunderstand and think that I have feelings for her."

Xiao Bai heard Sakamoto Yuji's words and knocked down Sakamoto Yuji directly with one punch.

"You bastard, what's wrong with Kirishima? He's pretty, and he's always obedient to you. Apart from being a bit possessive, there's nothing wrong with him!"

"I know, but if you don't like it, you don't like it. Xiao Bai, you can't force emotional matters."

Sakamoto Yuji's words made Xiao Bai couldn't help but curse.


Then he asked again: "You really don't want to catch up?"


Xiao Bai looked at Yuuji Sakamoto and his face darkened.

At this time, the gloomy weather in the sky finally started to rain, as if everyone was crying for Kirishima Shoko.

Xiao Bai ignored Sakamoto Yuuji and directly chased after Kirishima Shoko in the direction he ran before.

"Please, Xiao Bai!"

Yuuji Sakamoto's lips twitched and said softly.

Xiao Bai braved the rain and began to search for Kirishima Shoko, but he could not find the whereabouts of Kirishima Shoko.

[Damn it, that bastard Yuuji, even if he doesn’t like Kirishima, doesn’t he know how to reject it tactfully? I’m stupid too, the plot has changed a long time ago, and I actually think that Yuuji also likes Kirishima. Damn it, Kirishima is here now Where, the way she looked before was really unsettling!】

Xiao Bai, who was looking around for Kirishima Shoko but couldn't find Kirishima Shoko, was a little anxious.

Xiao Bai had a bad premonition in his heart. He always had a premonition that something was going to happen to Kirishima Shoko.

And the holder of a copy of the diary who knows what happened here is also in the chat room @ Kirishima Shoko.

However, Kirishima Shoko never responded, which made the holders of the diary copy uncontrollably nervous. Although the relationship could not be said to be very good, they were not indifferent. .

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