The fire in the house was burning brightly, the heat was rising, and the aroma of food was lingering in the house, filling the whole room with the warmth of home.

Kamado Aoi sat quietly on the side, looking at Tanjiro, Nezuko, Takeo, and Hanako who were eating food. A smile appeared on the woman's lips unconsciously.

For Kamado Aoi, the only thing she wants to see is for her children to grow up healthily and have a good future. As for her own future, she has never thought about it.

Outside, the wind was howling, and the cold was still there, but it couldn't invade the warmth of the house.

Kamado Kwaieda picked up the cup.

The heat of the hot water in the cup flowed out from the mouth of the cup and hit Kamado Kwai's beautiful eyelashes, making the woman blink her slightly tired eyes.

"Mother, why did you spend so much today?……"

Tanjiro was beside him and spoke softly.

Since his father passed away, almost all the burden of the family has fallen on his mother, Kamado Aoi, who has supported the family with her soft but tough hands.

As the eldest son of the family, Tanjiro is no longer as innocent as a child, but has become sensible early on. He knows that the family is not easy, and has always wanted to try his best to help his mother support the family. However, he is still too young, so There is not much that can be done, and it cannot help the mother to bear too much burden.

At the moment, the family is in a very difficult situation, but today, when my mother came back, she spent a lot of money. She bought things for her younger brother and younger sister. Even the food was eaten with open stomach today.

After spending so much today, how can we survive in the days to come?

"Tanjiro, don’t worry, I found a job in the town today, and you won’t be bothered by food issues in the future."

A smile appeared on Kamado Aoi's lips. She probably understood Tanjiro's worries, but now, she felt a little more confident.

"What job? Tanjiro couldn't help but ask, feeling happy for his mother. If his mother could really find a job, she wouldn't have to work so hard.

"I have a job as a cook. The employer is kind-hearted and nice. He is also willing to let me bring Tanjiro, Nezuko, Takeo and Hanako there. There is an extra vacant house there.……"

"Tomorrow, we can live in the town"


Listening to his mother's ramble, Tanjiro probably understood the situation. Today, his mother went to town to sell charcoal and met a very good employer. Not only did he buy all the charcoal his mother had left, he was also willing to let his mother come to his place. Work as a cook

"When I get there, I will definitely behave. Tanjiro said softly.

"I will also be obedient."

Nezuko who was next to me also whispered.

"Don't worry, your employer is very nice. Besides, Tanjiro is so good, Nezuko is so cute... your employer will definitely like you."

Kamado Aoi spoke to her son and daughter in a low voice, but while speaking, Kamado Aoi's beautiful eyes showed a hint of worry.

Although Mujun said that he could take his son and daughter there, in the end he just said He said, if he really brings his son and daughter there, will the other party really welcome him?

Kamado Aoi is not sure about this in his heart.


The night got late without realizing it, the children had all gone to bed, and Kamado Aoi also returned to her room.

In the past, she would have fallen asleep after a tiring day and had no energy to think about anything.

But today, which was very rare, she couldn't sleep because tomorrow she would take her children to a small town to work as a cook. She didn't know what kind of life she would live in a small town in the future.

The confusion about the future left her unable to sleep at all.

Involuntarily, Kamado Kuie came to a corner of the room.

In the corner, there was a small dressing table. My little hand unconsciously picked up the comb on the dressing table. After a moment of hesitation, I lit the candle.

The flickering light of the candle cast the woman's face in the mirror.

The woman's face in the mirror is pretty, gorgeous, and a little gentle, but she is more tired and exhausted from life.

Kamado Aoi couldn't help but touch her face with her hands, and then touched the tools on the dressing table. She couldn't remember how long it had been since she dressed up properly.

But tomorrow, when you go to your employer's house, you can't look too sloppy. After all, if you are too sloppy, your employer will probably feel bad when he sees you.

Picking up the comb, he carefully combed the waterfall-like hair, then took off the old clothes that were worn and stained with patches, and put on new clothes with slightly fewer patches.

For an instant, the face reflected in the mirror seemed a little more delicate.

The new clothes were a little tight on the chest, making her slightly out of breath. Her eyes fell unconsciously in the mirror. In the mirror, her chest seemed to be about to burst out, as if the clothes were about to burst.

"This... is too unsightly."

Looking at the image in the mirror, Kamado Aoi's face looked a little sad. This dress was too tight.

So she hurriedly found another dress from the room.

This dress was looser at the chest, but not at the waist. The edges are relatively narrow, which makes Kamado Aoi always feel like her buttocks are being pinched.

Standing up slightly, the woman in the mirror shows her bulging forward and backward, especially her waist is tight and narrow, and her buttocks are very straight. warped

"No, I still need to change my clothes."

Kamado Aoi's face turned red, and she went to look for clothes in the cabinet again. Always choose decent clothes.

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