Two hours later, Saburo said goodbye and left, and Kamado Aoi opened the courtyard door in person.

"Does Mrs. Kamado plan to work here from now on?"

Before leaving, Sanlang asked curiously

"As long as Mujun doesn't fire Kui Zhi, Kui Zhi hopes to continue working here."

Kamado Aoi said with a smile.

Life here is very stable, and the children are also very secure. If possible, she hopes to be a cook here for the rest of her life.

Saburo nodded:"This is indeed a good job. , at least it is better than being in the mountains. In the mountains, if something happens to you as a woman, it will be in danger."

Kamado Aoi nodded. A few years ago, a man-eating black bear appeared in the mountains, which made people panic. At that time, it was Kamado Tanjuro who killed the black bear. At that time, Kamado Tanjuro She is still here and is not afraid of these things, but she is alone with her child. If something happens, she has nothing to rely on.

"Thank you, Uncle Sanlang. I understand all of this. I am now staying with Mujun with my child.……"

The sunflower branches on the kitchen door spoke softly

"Mujun is a good person and a person worthy of trust."

Sanlang nodded and glanced at Kamado Kuizhi again:"Mrs. Kuizhi is still young and may be looking for a new destination."

Kamado Aoi lowered her head slightly. She was not stupid, so she naturally understood the implication of the old man's words. However, in Kamado's view, Mujun was so good, how could she be worthy of him? In addition, she also had Several children... How could she have such extravagant thoughts?

Saburo shook his head, but didn't say anything.


After Sanlang left, Su Mu also started practicing the 'Water Breathing' sword shape with a wooden stick.

After practicing for about three hours, Su Mu also closed his eyes slightly, and his mind sank into his attribute panel.

Name: Su Mu

Breathing method: Breathing of water LV1 (1/20)

Swordsmanship: None

Strength: 1.52

Agility: 1.52

Physique: 1.55

Spirit: 1.53

Distributable attribute points: 0.03

(for reference, the average value of a standard adult male is 1 point)

"Good, I got some assignable attribute points."

Looking at the attribute panel, Su Mu felt happy. After learning the 'Breathing Method', he found that the speed of acquiring attribute points was faster than before.

Obviously, the exercise of practicing the 'Breathing Method' is better than the ordinary exercise in the past. More efficient.

After getting 0.03 attribute points, Su Mu did not hesitate and directly added all these attribute points to the physique.

The stronger the physique, the better the physical strength and the better recovery ability. In this way, he can exercise more. For a long time.

After all, the human body is not a machine and will not be tireless. The time of each exercise cannot be maintained for too long. Once it is too long, the body will not be able to bear the load. However, the growth of physical fitness can extend the time of exercise.

As time passes , As he added 0.03 constitution to the attribute panel, a warm current surged through his body. Vaguely, he felt that his heartbeat seemed to have become much slower. Although it was slower, it seemed to be deeper than before. Just because of The rapid breathing from exercise seemed to have eased a lot at this moment.

His eyes fell on the attribute panel again.

Name: Su Mu

Breathing method: Breathing of water LV1 (1/20)

Swordsmanship: None

Strength: 1.52

Agility: 1.52

Physique: 1.58

Spirit : 1.53

Distributable attribute points: 0.00

(For reference, the average value of a standard adult male is 1 point.)

Feeling his gradually growing strength, Su Mu felt excited in his heart. If this continues, it won't take long, even if he doesn't rely on it. With the"breathing method", his physical quality can reach the point where he can compete with ghosts, and even, in the future, he may not be able to surpass evil ghosts.

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