When Su Mu left, Zaomen Kuizhi almost fell limp to the ground, and his eyes were blurry.

These days, I am getting closer and closer to Mujun, and my relationship is becoming more and more ambiguous, and I feel an inexplicable throbbing in my heart.

In the eyes of Kamado Aoi, Mujun is undoubtedly an excellent person, tall, strong, and gentle. If she can marry such a person, she will undoubtedly be extremely happy.

But Kamado Aoi deeply understood that she was no longer a girl, and as a former woman, she was not worthy of Mujun.

The cowardly mentality prevents Kamado Aoi from facing her own heart and the restlessness in her heart.

"No one likes wives, since wives are not clean anymore. How can Kui Zhi expect to be Mu Jun's wife? Kui Zhi just wants to stay by Mu Jun's side and help take care of Mu Jun. That's enough."

Bowing his head slightly, Kamado Kwaizhi bit his red lips and murmured silently.


Kamado Aoi didn't know how she got back to the room. At this moment, her brain was already like paste, and she came to the dressing table almost unconsciously.

He unbuttoned the kitchen coat that was worn in front of him and took off his clothes, leaving only the pajamas that covered his buttocks.

He gently picked up the wooden comb on the dressing table and carefully combed his waterfall-like hair.

In my memory, it seems that I haven't taken care of myself seriously for a long time. I vaguely remember that the last time I took care of myself was when I got married. At that time, I was full of expectations for the future, but my life after marriage was simple and monotonous. In my memory,...

There seems to be no aftertaste of those days. Tanjuro's appearance about her dead husband seems to be gradually blurring, and then gradually becomes clear. After becoming clear, it is all about Makun.

Except for the first day she got married, she had never groomed herself so seriously.

"I am such a shameless woman."

Kamado Aoi was a little ashamed, but she put her hands on her waist unconsciously. Even though she had given birth to several children, her waist was already delicate and slender. Her hands gently touched the waterfall of hair, and some hair fell down. Between the plump slits that almost burst the clothes.

Looking at the appearance of the woman in the mirror, Kamado Aoi unconsciously lowered his head and couldn't see his toes at all.

Looking at his figure, in his mind was Mu Mu Jun would probably like the way Jun Zeng looked at her figure with enthusiasm.

In my mind, I still vaguely remember the way the other person stared at me, as if he wanted to eat me. With that kind of look, if it were someone else, he would probably Quite disgusting, but Mujun, there is no disgust in his heart. Instead, he feels a little happy and probably a little proud.

"What's wrong with me? How can you think about this?……"

Kamado Aoi bit her cherry lips tightly, and the water from her tongue shone slightly on her lips, giving her an inexplicable alluring feeling.

But even though he warned himself like this, all he could think about was what Mujun said just now. He liked a wife like himself.

All of this seems to be filled with beautiful dreams and has a sense of unreality.

For Kamado Aoi, she had always followed a step-by-step approach in her previous life. When she was just an adult, she followed the instructions of her parents and married someone else. Her life after marriage was monotonous and ordinary. Originally, she thought her life was She lived her life normally like this, but her life was full of accidents. Her former husband, Tanjuro, suddenly became seriously ill for some unknown reason, and then died soon after.

On that windy and snowy night, she was a weak woman, faced with several ignorant children, and the difficult family situation left behind by Tanjuro's treatment. The burden of life suddenly fell on her, and she had no choice. , can only bear it silently.

The hardships of her subsequent life made her cry silently many times at night, but after dawn, she could only force a smile and grit her teeth to persevere.

When life was difficult and helpless, she had longed for a shoulder to appear, even if it was just a shoulder for her to lean on.

But that didn't happen.

She endured it all alone.

Just when she had resigned herself to her fate and accepted all this, she went into the city to sell charcoal and met Mu Jun.

The first meeting was very dull and monotonous. The other party took pity on me and bought all the charcoal from his cart. The other party was considerate of me and even carried the charcoal to his home personally.

Always so gentle.

Later, I found out about the recruitment in front of the other party's door and applied to become Mujun's cook.

The other person is a very good person, who treats her very well. When she is by her side, she always feels very comfortable, like the warm sunshine in spring.

In addition to these, the other party will also say some very gentle words, humorous, teasing, or serious, majestic...

These are novel experiences that she has never had before, making her feel as if she has suddenly become younger than you. A lot.

It was as if I had returned to the age of a girl all of a sudden, with the feelings of a girl, looking forward to meeting my own love, and fantasizing about my future husband.

Thinking of this, her eyes suddenly dimmed a little.

She is no longer...an ignorant girl.

She really still has a chance... just like a young girl, full of passion and love



PS: Thank you to the reader"Ji Ru Qianwu" for the monthly pass, and thank you for your support.

I just saw a comment from a reader in the comment area. This reader said this:"Although I don't hate married women, I still feel that girls are better. You take good care of them carefully, and others stand up.""Hey, do so many people like second-hand?"

Let me explain to this reader. Kamado Aoi is just one of the female characters in this article. There will be more female characters in the future. There must be girls, and , in fact, it has already appeared, but it is written in a more obscure way. After all, some content is not suitable to be written in an explicit way, especially when it involves theory, because it is easy to be reviewed and blocked.

Of course, there will be more female characters later, and the male protagonist is also a carnivorous male protagonist, not a vegetarian.

This novel begins with the female character Kamado Aoi, so this reader may have a big misunderstanding. It is not that the protagonist likes secondhand, and the protagonist assumes more of the attributes of a Cao thief. There are some differences from liking second-hand.

As for Kamado Aoi, the emphasis is on length because it has very important attributes, and the relationship between the various women needs to be adjusted in the later stage, so that when the female characters gather together, it will not become a mess.

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