The haunted town is not far from here.

I borrowed a carriage on the road and arrived quickly.

On the way, Su Mu also started to tell Tanjiro about ghosts. Although he mentioned it to Tanjiro before, it was not specific.


"Mujun, you are here too"

‘Imada Yuna looked at Su Mu who was coming, and also came forward to greet him.

Looking at the tired expression on the other party's face, Su Mu also smiled and said:"Come here and help me. My strength is limited. I may not be able to provide much help in the night battle, but during the day, I can help you search for traces of evil spirits. , maybe it can alleviate some of your burdens"

"Thank you so much, Mujun"

‘Imada Yuna said with emotion, and at the same time, she also began to introduce the 'hermit' in charge of this village to Su Mu.

The 'hermit' in charge of this village is an old man with a stooped body. In addition to the old man, there are several young people who are 'hermits' transferred from nearby to assist.

"These days, I have been troublesome for you all."

‘Imada Yuina bowed slightly. He would rest for a while to recharge his batteries for the night, and would not search with the Hermit.

In fact, the 'Hermit' rarely moves at night. After all, the 'Hermit' does not have very high combat effectiveness. Once you encounter evil spirits at night, it will be extremely dangerous.


After Imada Yuna went to rest, Su Mu chatted with the rickety old man in charge here.

From the old man's words, he roughly understood the specific situation.

Before 'Imada Yuna' led the team to this town, the old man had been investigating for many days, but there was still no breakthrough discovery.

Even though 'Imada Yuna' led a team and came with the help of other 'hermits', the evil ghost was still not found, which shows that the evil ghost is deeply hidden.


Because this was Su Mu's first visit, the old man in charge of an area personally took Su Mu to understand the situation in the town.

As we walked along, the streets seemed very depressed, but through some traces of the streets, we could see that not long ago, this town should have been quite lively.

Obviously, the frequent disappearance of young girls has cast a shadow over this town.

Even when walking on the road, he looks hurried and alert.

"Hey, if the evil ghost is not dealt with, all the families with daughters in this small town may have to move away."

The old man looked at this scene and sighed slightly.

After all, he is an old man living in a small town. Seeing that the once lively town is slowly becoming lonely because of the evil ghost incident, he feels naturally sad.

"There is nothing we can do about this."

Su Mu whispered softly and comforted:"As long as the evil ghost is eliminated, the once prosperous town will recover again."

"Mujun is right, so we must find the traces of the evil ghost as soon as possible."

The old man gritted his teeth.


While Su Mu continued to talk with the old man and continued to learn about the situation in the town, Tanjiro, who had been following behind him, tugged at the corner of his clothes.

"What's wrong?"

Su Mu turned around

"I seem to smell something rotten here, which is very unpleasant."

Tanjiro pointed to a courtyard he just passed by.

After hearing Tanjiro's words, the old man also stopped and looked at the place Tanjiro pointed with his cloudy eyes.

"Have you investigated this?"

Su Mu looked at the old man

"No one lives here. Before, a mother and son lived here. The mother was blind and the son was also disabled. Their life was very difficult and they almost relied on charity from the neighbors. A year ago, the mother fell ill and the son had already taken her out. I haven't been back for a long time after seeing a doctor. I heard that the mother and son died outside, so this room has been empty for a long time and no one has lived in it."

The old man thought for a while and said.

After hearing this, Su Mu also nodded and looked at Tanjiro again:"What is that smell you smell?"

"It feels a bit like...the smell of a rotting corpse."

Tanjiro thought for a moment, with a bit of uncertainty.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Su Mu spoke to the old man.

Su Mu naturally knew how sensitive Tanjiro's nose was, but he knew that later on, Tanjiro could even smell lies from his nose.

The old man hesitated slightly and nodded. , he ordered a young man next to him to climb over the wall and open the door from the inside.

Because it was daytime, he was not worried about encountering evil spirits, so Su Mu also walked in with Tanjiro.

There was a courtyard in the house, and the courtyard was full of evil spirits. They were fallen leaves. It seemed that there had been no human traces for a long time.

Entering the living room, the house was also full of dust.

It looked like, as the old man said, no one had lived in it for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu couldn't help but look at it. To Tanjiro.

Tanjiro also sniffed his nose, and then, as if following the smell, opened the door next to the living room.

Suddenly, a pungent rotten smell came to him, making Su Mu even choked and stepped back. He pinched his nose with one hand and fanned his face vigorously with the other hand.


A horrifying sound exploded, making people

's hair stand on end. Tanjiro's face was bloodless when he entered the room, as if he had seen a ghost, and he stumbled out.

Su Mu and the old man hurriedly came to the inner room, and there was a disgusting stench. It hit their faces and was suffocating.

They couldn't help but cover their mouths and noses with their hands, but the sight in front of them made them unable to look away.

On the bed in the inner room, there lay a creepy old woman, her body already It was rotten, and fat maggots were crawling on her body.

However, the terrifying old woman's skin was actually covered with pieces of fresh, white and tender new skin, just like the new and tender skin of a girl. These skins were different from the old woman's rotten flesh. It forms a sharp contrast and makes people shudder.

However, the horror in the house is far more than that.

In every corner of the room, there are white bones that have been eaten clean. These bones seem to be telling the silent horror. It is even more terrifying. What's surprising is that in the center of the room, there is a bloody skeleton of a girl who has lost her skin. Her eyes are empty and lifeless, as if she is accusing the cruelty of the world. The whole room is filled with the atmosphere of death and terror, making people feel like they are in hell..

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