Looking at the girl's obviously beautiful but empty eyes, at this moment, something seemed to be touched in Su Mu's heart.

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gently landed on the girl's head.

This sudden touch made the girl raise her head in confusion, and her slightly hollow eyes fell on the man's face.

She didn't understand why this person touched her head, but she could feel that this person seemed to have an inexplicable warmth.

This kind of warmth, to her, is like the long-lost sunshine, so strange and longing for her.

She probably understood that this person should care about her.

The environment and rough life she has lived in since she was a child have made the girl very sensitive to every warmth.

Every piece of warmth is precious

"Will you come with me? If you want, I will protect you and won't let you get hurt."

Su Mu looked at the girl and asked softly.

The girl raised her head, a flash of color in her empty eyes.

She didn't understand why this man said that. , but this is the first time she has heard someone say that they want to protect her and not let her get hurt.

In the past few days, she has been living in cold-blooded domestic violence and witnessed her brother Whenever she cries about the death of a sister, what awaits her is always the fists and kicks of her parents.

Not long ago, her last sister was brutally taken away from her life. It was she who had just buried her sister with her own hands.

Even, she She also heard her father say that he was going to sell her to human traffickers.

The moment she heard that her father was going to sell her, she didn't even feel sad.

Because, I don't know when, she didn't seem to be able to be sad anymore.

This does not seem to be a bad thing for her. After all, if she is not sad, she will not feel so much pain.

"Hey..., what are you doing? Why are you touching my daughter's head?"

A voice that seemed arrogant and somewhat drunken sounded from behind.

As this voice sounded, the girl's body couldn't help but flinch, and the color that had just appeared in her eyes dimmed at this moment.

Su Mu ignored the shouts behind him. When he felt the girl's condition, he reached out and gently grabbed the girl's hand. The girl's hands were so thin, as if they were just bones.

It was heartbreaking and hard to imagine. What kind of life did the girl live in the past? At this moment, an unknown anger rose in his heart.

He turned around and looked at the girl's so-called father.

A man looked very strong, with a scar on his face, and was full of alcohol. angry man

"Bitch, what are you doing here? Why don't you come home with me?"

The girl's father shouted fiercely at the girl. He even took out a cane from his hand and hit the girl.

A flash of fear flashed in the girl's eyes, but she didn't dare to dodge at all. She just instinctively moved her body to the side. She turned to the side, so that the cane that originally hit her skull would hit her shoulder.

In the past, she survived until now by avoiding these fatal injuries.

But her brothers and sisters were unable to avoid these fatal injuries. She was beaten to death.

For her, it has become an instinct to avoid being hit to the fatal place.

But the expected feeling of pain did not come.

At some point, the man who had just helped her stood on the In front of her, she grabbed the cane that was hitting her.

The tall figure was like a wall, blocking her face.

"Bastard, let me go."

Seeing that his cane was caught, the girl's father's face became fierce.

However, when his eyes saw the handle of the knife at the man's waist, his pupils couldn't help but shrink. During this period, there was a ' Due to the existence of the knife restriction order, most people do not dare to carry knives.

But the other party dares to carry knives in public, which is obviously not easy to provoke. If not, he would have made the other party look good:

"Listen, bastard, this is my daughter. What qualifications do you have to care if I take my daughter away?"

With that said, the man stepped forward to take the girl away.

Su Mu punched out directly, instantly hitting the side of the man's face.

The man was obviously on guard and had to dodge the moment he struck.

But Su Mu's punch The movement was too fast.

Even though the man was prepared, he still couldn't react.


The fist hit the face, and the man flew out directly, landing heavily on the ground. Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and he even spit out his two front teeth.

Feeling the strength of the other party and the pain on his body, the man looked at him with a bit of fear.

The man originally planned to say a few harsh words, but when he saw the indifferent eyes of the other party, he felt his heart become cold. At this moment, he even had a feeling that if he continued, the other party would kill him.

"From now on, she is no longer your daughter."

Su Mu stepped forward, stepped on his face, and slammed his face to the ground:"If I see you again, I will kill you."

The cold words made the man's body tremble. He had no doubt about the authenticity of the other party.

If he continued to stay here, he was afraid that he would really kill him.

Almost holding back the pain, the man stumbled away and even , didn't dare to say a word.

Looking at the man's leaving figure, Su Mu narrowed his eyes slightly. The reason why he didn't kill the man was just because the current situation was not suitable to do so.

But it didn't mean that he would spare the other man's life.

"It's okay, no one will bully you anymore."

Turning his head, Su Mu came to the girl, squatted down, and gently scratched the bridge of the girl's nose. This was probably the first time the girl had been treated with such tenderness, and her empty eyes looked dull.

"let's go."

Looking at the girl's expression, Su Mu couldn't help but smile. In fact, the girl was still very cute, but she was tortured by life and did not show the youthful beauty that a girl of this age should have.

"let's go."

Looking at the dumb girl, Su Mu stretched out his hand again and spoke with a smile.

The girl hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her hand and let Su Mu take it.

The small palm was held by a big one.

At this moment , the girl couldn't help but raise her head, Looking at the tall figure in front of her, she felt as if there was something extra in her heart. But she couldn't tell what it was specifically. She just felt that it was... a very warm thing.

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