The white bones of the human beings piled up in the room silently accused the evil ghosts of the crimes committed before their deaths, and also made the little ripples that had just risen in Su Mu’s heart no longer exist, and his expression was also slightly indifferent.

Evil ghosts, after all, are evil ghosts, even if they have human-like feelings, even if they were once human beings, even if some of them have almost the same face as humans, but evil ghosts, after all, are still evil ghosts, a kind of monster that feeds on humans.

As long as evil spirits still feed on humans, then for human beings, their existence is the biggest tumor in the world.

Chestnut flowers fall. Chanelhu also quickly walked into the room, and her pink-purple eyes quickly saw the white bones in the corner of the room.

The girl’s face was still calm, but it was not without fluctuations under that calm face.

The early childhood experience makes the girl seem to lose the ability to express feelings, but it does not mean that the girl is really completely emotionless.

“This time the task of hunting ghosts should be considered completed.”

See chestnut flowers falling. Xiang Nai came in, and Su Mu whispered while clumsily bandaging the wound.

This time the evil ghost is not powerful, it is a demon that he should be able to kill easily, but there are still some small accidents, and even, he almost died because of carelessness.

He knew that hunting demons was very dangerous, but because of his confidence in his own strength, deep down, he did not pay attention to evil spirits other than the Twelve Ghost Moon, after all, his strength was already comparable to that of the pillar.

But this time the ghost hunt sounded the alarm for him.

Regardless of his own strength, he still belongs to human beings after all, belongs to flesh and blood, will be injured, will bleed, and even die if he is seriously injured.


It also means that even the weakest demons may have accidents.

Maybe some surprises are nothing.

But some accidents can make people lose their lives.

Human beings are no better than demons, flesh and blood, it is easy to die, life and death are often only a momentary thing, will not give themselves a chance to start again, die is really dead, everything they have will be completely away with death11.

He was glad that he had been training hard these days, and only then did he react in the moment of the life and death crisis and block the fatal blow of the evil ghost’s sneak attack.

Chestnut flowers fall. Kana lowered her head slightly, still did not have too many emotions, but the girl’s heart was not as ancient as the outside, but a little guilty, this time the ghost hunting mission, she did not seem to play any role, the whole process of fighting with the evil ghost was almost the man in front of her.

The girl silently stepped forward to help the man in front of her bandage the wound.

Su Mu did not refuse, compared to the clumsiness of bandaging his wounds, chestnut flowers fell. Kanahu is very skillful, after all, he has always followed the doctor Butterfly Shinobu.

The wound was quickly bandaged and changed into new clothes.

Su Mu also stood up: “The task of hunting evil spirits is complete, and I should also leave.” ”

Chestnut flowers fall. Xiannai did not stay, but quietly looked at the back of the man leaving, and a pair of pink-purple eyes rippled the man’s back until it completely disappeared.

The girl did not leave, but came to the house where she had killed the drunk before.

In the dilapidated room, the child who was bullied by the drunken father before is hiding in the corner of the room.

The girl’s white white boots stepped into the room, and a slight noise alarmed the children who were hiding in the corner of the room,

The child looked up in horror and saw the murderer who killed his father.

Looking at the terrified children, chestnuts fall. Chana seemed to see her childhood self, and all she could do was leave the child some money, and by the way, instruct the nearby hermits to provide some care for the child.


The task was completed, and Su Mu was ready to return immediately, but after hesitating, he still decided to heal his injuries before going back.

After all, if Aoizhi saw the injuries on his body, he would be very worried.

Therefore, Su Mu chose to recuperate in a nearby hotel for a while, and then went back when he was almost recuperating.


On this day, Su Mu just got up, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw a man wearing a tengu mask at the door.

The other party was wearing a long blue cedar, silver hair, and under the Tengu mask, there was a peaceful look.

Although he just stood there quietly, it gave people an indescribable momentum, as if standing here was a sword that was about to be unsheathed, but this sword was hidden deep in the scabbard, and all the swords were completely converged.

Almost at the first glance, Su Mu recognized this person.

It is Taki Zuo Jinji.

The former water column is also the master of the current water column Tomioka Yoshiyuki.

In the future, it was he who taught Tanjiro and taught him to breathe water, and he was regarded as Tanjiro’s cultivator.

“You are the person recommended by Yiyong, and sure enough, Yiyong’s vision is very good.”

Seeing Su Mu’s gaze over, Taki Zuo Jinji also spoke: “My name is Taki Zuo Jinji, and I have seen Your Excellency.” ”

Su Mu nodded: “In Xia Su Mu, I have seen Mr. Scale.” ”

He still knows something about Taki Zuoji, knows that the other party is strong, and he is very good at teaching people.

He has taught many talents, whether it is the current Mizuki Tomioka Yoshiyuki, the future Tanjiro, or the dead Rabbit and Maho, they are all very good.

Unfortunately, fate is not fair to the old man in front of him, he has taught many excellent disciples, and he also has high expectations for his own disciples, but unfortunately, almost all the disciples he taught have sacrificed and cannot respond to his expectations.

Now, the only one who survives is Tomioka Yoshiyuki.

“Yiyong wrote to me that Mujun is very interested in the breathing method, and Yiyong asked me to give you some guidance on the breathing method.”

Shōtaki Zuo Jinji also said the purpose of his coming.

A few days ago, while studying the Kagura Dance, the god of fire, in order to learn the breath of the day from it, Su Mu wrote to Tomioka Yoshiyuki and asked him to learn other breathing methods.

Tomioka Yoshiyuki did not refuse, and the letter gave him the contents of the breath of water.

It seems that he not only gave him the content to practice the breath of water, but also asked his teacher to guide him.

“Trouble Mr. Taki has guided.”

Su Mu was also respectful, he knew the skills of the old man in front of him.

“Then find a secluded place.”

Taki Zuo also smiled and spoke, as a pillar, even if he was old, but his vision was not lacking, he could see that Su Mu’s strength was not weak.

But how, only after the real hand-to-hand will be known.


Soon, the two arrived at a secluded place.

The two looked at each other from a great distance.

“Yiyong highly respects Your Excellency’s swordsmanship, and your Excellency’s sword is very fast and powerful, and it is a complete killing skill, and I am also very curious.”

Taki left near calm.

“The sword art I practice is the Flying Imperial Sword Stream.”

Su Mu also explained.

Taki Zuo listened to it recently, pondered slightly, and then suddenly abruptly for a while: “I have heard of this swordsman, it is a kind of ancient flow sword art, and the people who have inherited this sword art for generations are called sword pulling swords, I thought that this sword art has long been lost, but I didn’t expect that Your Excellency still inherits it.” ”

As the samurai withdrew from the stage, many schools of swordsmanship were slowly disappearing, and the Flying Royal Sword Flow was only one.

“Then, let’s start, let me see Your Excellency’s ancient flow sword art.”

Taki left near the second is also an opening.

Su Mu nodded, put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, his knees were slightly bent, and his face was serious

“Su Mu, please advise more.”

“Misty Mountain, front water pillar, Taki Zuo Jinji, see Your Excellency’s ancient flow swordsmanship.”

Taki whispered recently, under the mask, a pair of eyes were also shining with a very serious color, and the hand was also a Japanese knife on his waist.

Although he is no longer the current pillar, Taki Zuoji’s strength is very strong, just because of his old age and physical decline, he is no longer the strongest posture.

But even so, there are not many pillars in the Ghost Killing Team who can be stronger than him now.

For the Flying Royal Sword Flow, Taki Zuo had heard about it recently, and he also understood that this was an extremely powerful sword technique, and he would not be taken lightly, and he would be more flustered, at this moment, the sharp momentum exuding from this person’s body also made him unable to impose.

Although the other party has not yet drawn the knife, it seems that the edge of the knife is already like a crow in the throat.

The two stared at the air for a while, and they also shot at the same time.

Su Mu’s knife was pulled out in an instant, and the sword light spread between the palms, and in an instant, the strength of the whole body was gathered, and a sword that was extremely fast slashed towards the left of the scales.

In the face of this sword, Taki Zuo did not back down recently, his sword was not as fast as Su Mu’s, but when he came out of the sword, it was exactly where Su Mu’s sword was going to finally slash.

At the moment of the confrontation, the sound of a dragon could be faintly heard. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A knife was blocked, Su Mu’s heart was also slightly cold, these days, his strength has improved, but it seems that there is still a gap with Taki Zuo.

This made Su Mu slightly excited in his heart, and he could feel that Taki Zuo was deliberately trying his knife recently, which also made Su Mu want to go all out and see his own true limits.

These days, through the Kagura Dance, the God of Fire, he has learned the breath of the sun, originally, after using the Flying Imperial Sword Flow, the momentum should have been exhausted, but with it

When breathing, a large amount of oxygen is inhaled into the lungs, and the oxygen burns, producing huge amounts of energy that spreads throughout the body

Constantly breathing

He began to burst with greater power, faster speed.

The Flying Imperial Sword Flow was already known for being fast and ruthless, and with the breathing method, every time Su Mu cut out, it had extremely powerful destructive power.

Even if Taki was left and near, he was forced to retreat one after another.

“Ring the bell…”

Two figures kept dodging and swaying in the secluded clearing.

Su Mu’s knife was fast and violent, especially with the blessing of the breathing method, which made the power of the knife he cut out even higher

However, every time he slashed at Taki Zuo, it was like slashing on soft water, and although he forced Taki to retreat again and again, he was never able to completely defeat him.


A battle, as Su Mu ended from the breathing state, also fell.

Taki retreated to the side with his sword in his hand, sweating profusely.

And Su Mu was also gasping and standing in place.

Although he has the blessing of the breathing method, his breathing method practice is not deep, and there is no 613 method to maintain the state of breathing at all times, far from reaching the full concentration that the column can achieve. The normal level can only last for a few minutes.

When the breathing state is over, the Flying Imperial Sword Flow no longer has its initial oppressive force.

After all, the so-called Flying Imperial Sword Flow is an explosive sword technique, which is exhausted in one blow, then declines, and exhausts three times.

When the breathing state faded, it was no longer possible to exert the powerful combat power of the Flying Imperial Sword Flow.

After all, every blow of the Flying Imperial Sword Flow needs to burst out with full strength, and every blow is completely condensed by the spirit and spirit.

This kind of knife technique means that it is extremely physically demanding, and without the blessing of the breathing method, it cannot last too much time.

Su Mu drew his knife into the sheath and hung his head slightly: “Mr. Taki is very strong, and I am not an opponent.” ”

“Mujun’s sword art is also very powerful, it is really the most difficult technique I have seen in my life, if you don’t pay attention to it, it can be the end of your body.”

Taki Zuo Jinji also sighed with emotion.

If it were not for the precautions in advance, such a powerful swordsman, with a slight slightest slight, would be killed.

“Mr. Taki has passed the prize.”

Su Mu smiled bitterly, not feeling too proud of this.

“Mujun’s attainment in swordsmanship, I can’t give too much guidance, if you need to go further, you can only rely on Mujun himself, but Mujun has many shortcomings in breathing, and even, it has not reached full concentration. Often the level can achieve full concentration if the shepherd in the breathing method. Changzhong’s level, Mujun’s strength will go to a higher level…”

Near Taki Zoji also began to teach.

Su Mu also listened carefully to the opinions of Taki Zuoji.


In terms of breathing methods, Taki Zuo has extremely deep insights, and he is very good at teaching, and under his guidance, Su Mu’s understanding of breathing methods has further deepened.

And with the continuous deepening of the breathing method, Su Mu could also feel that his strength was also further strengthening.

These days, Su Mu has also fought with Taki Zuo many times recently, and he has a deeper understanding of his own swordsmanship.


Feeling Su Mu’s progress, Taki Zuo was also very happy, he had vaguely seen the birth of an extremely powerful pillar in the Ghost Killing Team.

Even, it will surpass the most powerful rock pillar of the current Ghost Killing Team.


Half a month later

Under the teaching of Scale’s Zuoji, Su Mu finally reached the level of full concentration and normalcy.

And here it is

Izuku could not teach him more.

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