The woman's face is pale.

Because there is no sunshine all year round.

But this pale complexion looks even more charming.

Her nose is straight and delicate.

Although her lips are thin, they are very graceful and have a moving expression even when she is not speaking.

This is a big beauty.

No matter who sees her, they will only find her cute, so how can they find her scary?

That's just because of her eyes.

She has no eyes, no eyes at all!

Her eyes seemed to have been sewn shut by some strange magic.

It turned into a smooth skin.

It became a blank, a hopeless blank!

If she is a very ordinary and ugly person.

Even without eyes, others wouldn't find it so scary.

But her beauty makes this blank space become indescribably sad and mysterious.

It makes people feel an indescribable feeling of terror in their hearts.

When this scene really appeared in front of Su Chen's eyes.

Su Chen was also ready to take action.

Activate the blue hand ability to find out the inner thoughts of the woman in front of you.

Sent a private message to Xiao Zhao.

Then take out any door.

Send it to Guangmingding first.

Done all this.

Su Chen took the three girls Huanwan out.

Suddenly I heard voices.

The sound came from the room next door with the door open.

A man's voice said:"Why are you holding me back? Do you still want to ask me for this snuff bottle?"

A woman's voice begged softly, saying:"As long as you give it to me, I will give you anything.."

The man said calmly:"You have already given me everything."

The woman's voice was softer and said:"But next time you come......"

The man sneered:"Next time? How did you know I would come to you next time? You are not the only woman in this place!"

The woman stopped talking, and the matter seemed to be over.

The man suddenly said again:"You don't take snuff, why do you have to have this snuff bottle?"

The woman said softly:"I like it.......I like the picture engraved on it.

The man smiled and said,"Can you see it?"

The woman said:"But I can touch it. I know that what is engraved on it is a landscape.""

"Just like the mountains and water in my hometown, when I touch it, I feel like I'm back home again....."

Her voice was as soft as sleep.

She suddenly grabbed the man and begged:"Please, give it to me!"

"I thought I was dead, but when I touched it, I felt like I was alive again....."

"When I touch it, I feel like I can endure any pain"

"I have never liked something so much, please give it to me"

"Next time you come, I will definitely.....463"

But before she finished speaking, she heard a crisp sound of"pop".

She seemed to have been beaten and fell.

The man sneered and said:"You should keep your hands to touch men. Even a bitch like you is worthy of asking me for it....."

The man's voice stopped suddenly.

The world fell silent.

Dong Sanniang was about to shake off Chu Liuxiang's hand and rush towards the man.

His figure immediately froze.

No matter how humble a person is, they all have a name. Sometimes even cats and dogs have names.

And she didn't.

The reason why she asked Chu Liuxiang to call her Dong Sanniang.

It's because she lives in the third room on the east side. anger!

When she heard what the man said, she was extremely angry.

Only anger can make people wake up from numbness, and only anger can make people desperate.

When Dong Sanniang was about to pounce, she was desperate!

She felt like the man's slap was like a slap on her face!

But she never expected it.

The man's voice suddenly disappeared.

More than just sound.

His people seemed to have disappeared as well.

The woman seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

It was as if those sounds just now were her auditory hallucinations.

If only there was light now.

You can see that the look of astonishment on Chu Liuxiang's face is no less than that of Dong Sanniang.

Even worse.

He has experienced many strange things in his life.

But none of them could make him as surprised as he was right now.

Chu Liuxiang thought that all his efforts and plans would be ruined right away.

It was destroyed by a little snuff bottle!

Chu Liuxiang wanted to come here.

I don’t know how much suffering I have suffered and how much I have paid.

One moment he had to be sacrificed for a snuff bottle.

But he was ready to sacrifice.

And no complaints.

Because he knows that this is not for a snuff bottle, but for human dignity!

To maintain human dignity.

No matter what the price is, it is worth it!

Even if he had to sacrifice his life, he would not hesitate!

But he never thought of it.

Those two people were right next to him.

It disappeared in such a strange way.

Chu Liuxiang was sure.

They must have all disappeared.

It's like it never happened.

What on earth is going on?!

But before Chu Liuxiang could figure it out.

Suddenly I heard a strange sound coming from around me.

There were sounds like this from all directions.

Chu Liuxiang knew that the bats in hell were flying towards him.

The ambush has not yet been launched, and no hidden weapons have been fired.

It's because there are still their guests here.

They haven't figured out what happened here yet.

But they'll figure it out in no time.

No one can resist them in this darkness of despair.

Because they are used to the darkness.

Their martial arts and attacks may not be scary in the light.

But in the dark it's enough to kill anyone.

Chu Liuxiang is also a human being, no exception.

If Chu Liuxiang retreated immediately, she might slide up the stone wall.

No one can chase him.

At least he can avoid this crisis.

But there is a kind of person in this world who will never abandon his friends in times of crisis.

Chu Liuxiang is this kind of person.

Everywhere was filled with that strange, creepy sound.

The place was clearly surrounded.

I don’t know how many people came, nor what kind of people they were.

Even the stone walls echoed with those sounds.

Their siege is like a net, and there is absolutely no loophole in this net.

No matter which way Chu Liuxiang goes, she will fall into their net!

But if he stayed here, wouldn't he also be found by them?

He seemed to have absolutely no way out.

If it were Hu Tiehua, he would have rushed forward and fought with them.

But Chu Liuxiang didn't do that.

He always has his own unique way of doing things.

He can always come up with the most brilliant ideas at the most dangerous times.

This room is only two feet wide and three feet long at most.

There is only a table, a stool, and a bed.

There are no windows or other doors.

This house is like an urn.

Chu Liuxiang is in this urn.

There were at least one or two hundred people coming.

There were seven or eight people who came in to search.

Everyone is holding a long and thin stick in his hand.

This rod is like an insect's antennae, which is equivalent to their eyes.

So many people to find two adults in a small room.

It is simply easier than"catching a turtle in a urn".

As long as their sticks touched Chu Liuxiang, he would have no chance of escaping.

Their rods searched every corner of the house.

Not even under the table, under the bed, or on the roof.

They never found Chu Liuxiang.

Hear Su Chen's lively and lively commentary.

All the girls in the live broadcast room were also puzzled. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

: Mr. Su, where is Chu Liuxiang hiding?

: Yes, Chu Liuxiang is not a fairy, nor does she know magic. Could she really turn into a bed bug and hide in the cracks of the bed?

: That's right, not to mention that he also brought Dong Sanniang with him. Two such big living people were hiding in a small room. Why couldn't others find them?

Su Chen smiled slightly and thought

【All I can say is that Chu Liuxiang was very calm and collected and did not disappoint me.】

【He and Dong Sanniang were lying in bed the whole time....】

Before Su Chen finished speaking.

There were many surprising comments in the live broadcast room.

: On the bed? Two people of their size were lying on the bed, and the guards on Bat Island couldn't find them? Are these guards all dead?

: It’s really unbelievable. Is there some mechanism on the bed?

: Yes, I really can’t figure out how the guards didn’t notice two big living people lying on the bed.

Su Chen smiled

【In fact, the method Chu Liuxiang used was not unusual at all.】

【He lay on one end of the bed and let Dong Sanniang sleep on the other end】

【They both pulled hard on the two corners of the quilt.】[]

【Those guards swept their sticks over the quilt, thinking the bed was empty.】

【Little did they know (bhba), Chu Liuxiang and Dong Sanniang were lying under the quilt. ]

All the girls watching the live broadcast were stunned for a moment.

Then he let out a long sigh.

Barrage after barrage emerged one after another.

: Yes, this method is not unusual at all, but only Xiang Shuai can come up with such an uncommon method.

: It’s amazing. This is really the most dangerous place and the safest place. Those guards would never think that Chu Liuxiang and Dong Sanniang were lying on the bed.

Moreover, when the quilt is straightened, it is equivalent to adding another layer of bed board on top.

: Tsk tsk, it seems that I can only give up the idea of ​​being a grand thief. I don’t have the brains at all!

: Yes, it seems that wanting to be a successful grand thief is not easy. Not only do you need to be good at martial arts, you also need to have a bright mind, and you also need to know how to take advantage of all the favorable conditions.

There must be no light on Bat Island. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Mr. Bat probably also thought that this darkness would help Chu Liuxiang a lot.

Suddenly, the girls in the live broadcast room heard another voice.

One person asked:"Who is the guest in this room?"

Chu Liuxiang heard that the voice was very familiar, and it was Ding Feng's voice.

Someone answered respectfully:"It's Zhao Gang from Daming Mansion."

Chu Liuxiang, who was hiding under the quilt, was shocked when he said this.

Zhao Gang is known as"the one who opens the monument with one palm".

His martial arts skills are so strong that he can be regarded as a first-rate master in the world.

Chu Liuxiang really couldn't think of anyone in this world who could subdue him and take him away quietly.

Are there really gods and ghosts in this darkness?

Ding Feng asked in a deep voice:"Where are the people? Where are Zhao Gang's people?"

No one dared to answer.

Ding Feng's expression became more solemn.

After a long silence, he suddenly said:"Retreat, all return to their original posts!"

Someone muttered:"Retreat? But...."

Ding Feng sneered:"So what if you don't retreat? Will that person still be here waiting for you?"

The man said:"Yes, retreat! Everyone returns to their posts."

Ding Feng said:"The seventieth patrol has begun, everyone Six more patrols will be added at this time. Anyone who doesn't have a waistband will be killed without mercy!"

Then Ding Feng turned around and walked quickly to the upper level.

What happened here made him feel extremely uneasy.

He wanted to inform Mr. Bat about what was going on here as soon as possible.

Hear these people's conversations.

Yun Luo curled her lips disdainfully.

The girls watching the live broadcast also sneered at this.

: So what if there are 60 more patrols every hour? Just you guys, are you still trying to catch Mr. Su?

: That is, these people would never have dreamed that Zhao Gang and the poor woman had been taken to Guangmingding by Mr. Su through any door.

: This Yuan Suiyun is really not a human being, he is a demon with no personality.

: That's right, just because he himself is a blind man, he wants to make everyone blind, so that these poor women will live in this hell where they will never see the light. He is simply not worthy of being a human being.

: Waiting silently in the darkness, and then being swallowed up bit by bit by the darkness, how desperate these women must be!

Thinking of that poor woman just now.

All the girls in the live broadcast room were filled with indignation.

And Su Chen did not continue to stay in the room where Chu Liuxiang was.

He began to rescue these poor women through the Any Door to the Bright Summit.

And through the horse charm, their physical bodies were healed.

Through the power of Blue Hand, their wounded spirits can be healed.

In the process of healing the spirits of these poor women with blue hands.

Su Chen's mood was somewhat heavy.

A small, dark house.

It is their entire life, their entire world.

There is no year, no month, and no distinction between day and night.

They can only wait in the darkness forever, waiting nakedly, until they die.

It took some time.

Su Chen moved all the women on the island to Guangmingding.

Next, with the strength of Mingjiao.

Sending these women back to their hometowns is naturally not a problem.

Done with all this.

Su Chen flew to the third floor with the three girls.

If there is light, sitting on the third floor, you can clearly see the movement on the first and second floors.

But the voices speaking on the third floor could not be heard below.

Because this floor is so high, it's like a stage.

It's just that the people sitting on the stage are not singing, but conducting an auction in the dark.

"In the first auction just now, I sold the secret book of the Mahamudra of the Yellow Sect Tantric Sect."

"The thirteen poisons made by the Tang Sect in Sichuan and the name of the murderer in the Lincheng massacre five years ago"

"I hope these goods will all satisfy the buyer. Several people laughed at the same time and said:"

I am extremely satisfied. Everyone in the world knows that the young master will never disappoint.""

Bat Master said:"Never let customers down, this is the principle of my business."

"Moreover, the goods here are never oversold. The goods are only sold once and will never be sold to another person. He smiled again and continued:"So, if the person who bought the name of the murderer in the Lincheng murder case is the murderer himself,"

"You can rest assured that I will never reveal this secret again. Suddenly someone asked:"

But I don't know who bought this secret?"

Mr. Bat said coldly:"Always keeping secrets for customers is also the principle of my business.""

"No matter what you buy here, no one else will know."

Someone seemed to be relieved in the darkness.

Mr. Bat added:"Furthermore, although you are all in the same room now,"

"But no one can see each other. The names I call you are also pseudonyms agreed in advance."

"So just feel free to bid, I can guarantee that no one will know who you are."

"As long as the money and goods are paid, there will never be any other troubles in the future.

Someone asked:"But I don't know what you are going to sell in this second auction, sir?"

Mr. Bat smiled and said,"The things I sell this time are a little more special than usual."

Another person couldn't help but ask:"Is it special?" What's so special?

Mr. Bat said:"This time we are selling people!"

The man lost his voice and said:"Human?" A living person? Or a dead person? Mr. Bat said:"

It's up to you whether you live or die, but the living have their own price, and the dead have their own price." He clapped his hands again and said,"Okay, the auction will start immediately. Please prepare to bid!""


This time, what Mr. Bat wants to sell is actually people.

Is there anything more interesting in the world than people?

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