"Yun Luo, not to mention, your hair is really fluffy and natural after being washed by the inverted automatic hair washing machine."

Yunluo knew that Huayuenu was comforting herself.

But she didn't want to discuss the inverted automatic hair washing machine anymore.

Not in this life.

Yunluo forced out a smile that was uglier than crying.

In response,

"Yes, this is a vest with heritage."

Looking at the vest that Yun Luo took out, Su Chen said.

After hearing this,

Yun Luo's face turned from gloomy to clear, and she almost jumped up with joy.

But immediately she thought of the deputy head of Juanlian Sect. The martial arts inheritance of Zhang Zangzhang.

My heart became extremely uneasy again.

"that...Mr. Su, what kind of inheritance is this?"

Yunluo, who has gained wisdom through every experience, feels that it is too early to be happy. She still needs to find out what kind of inheritance it is.

"This is Shikamaru's legacy of shadow imitation from the Naruto world."

Looking at Yun Luo, who looked like a snake, Su Chen straightforwardly told her the origin of the inheritance.

"Hey, Naruto world?"

"Shadow mimicry? Sounds good."

Yunluo, who was very nervous, instantly felt that she could do it again.

She put her hands on Yangliu's slim waist, with a look of pride and joy on her face.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su, what kind of shadow imitation technique is it?"

She was proud for a while.

Yun Luo turned to look at Su Chen again and asked aloud

"To put it simply, it is to extend your own shadow to connect with the enemy's shadow, making the other party take the same action as yourself."

Su Chen couldn't help but think of the classic battle scene between Temari and Shikamaru.

Shikamaru used conditions such as the height of the sun, the shadow area of ​​the wall, flying baggage, and two connected holes to create and increase the shadow area, thereby achieving In this battle ,

Shikamaru used this ninjutsu technique to its fullest, and finally succeeded in connecting Temari's shadow.

Although he finally surrendered, he lost the game and won his life.

"film...shadow? Mr. Su, is this shadow you are talking about?"

Yun Luo thought she heard wrongly.

She pointed to the shadow on the ground with her green jade finger and confirmed to Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and nodded,"That's right."

Yun Luo's eyes widened for a moment. She had a look of disbelief on her face.

This was the first time she had heard of such a strange technique.

Shadows are something that can be seen but cannot be touched. They are very illusory!

Yun Luo I never thought that I could use something as intangible as shadow to create magic-like magic.

"Mr. Su, can you accept the inheritance by wearing this dress?"

After roughly understanding what kind of inheritance this is,

Yun Luo quickly made a decision.

There is no hesitation.

A technique created with shadow.

It sounds very interesting!

Su Chen:"Yes. Yes, just put this vest on and wait for a minute."

After this period of getting along,

Yun Luo was no stranger to the"one minute" that Su Chen said. This new unit of time measurement was not unfamiliar. She quickly put the vest on her body.

She held her breath and concentrated, and began to accept the inheritance.

A moment later.

Yun Luo opened her eyes and looked straight at her own shadow.

Huan Huan and Hua Yuenu also looked at Yun Luo's shadow curiously.

The next moment,

Yun Luo's pupils shrank suddenly, and she couldn't help but rub her eyes..Then he exclaimed:"It’s changed! My shadow has really changed!"

Huanwan and Huayuenu also had a flash of surprise in their beautiful eyes.

Yunluo's shadow has really changed.

And it doesn't simply become longer or shorter.

Instead, it keeps changing into different shapes.

It looks very magical.

"Yunluo, you can now try to connect your shadow to other people's shadows."

Su Chen reminded with a smile.

Yun Luo had a great time playing with her shadow. It kept changing into various strange and weird shapes.

Su Chen thought it was better to remind Yun Luo.

Otherwise, she could Keep playing endlessly

"Hey, okay Mr. Su, let me get started~"

After Su Chen reminded her,

Yun Luo remembered that this is a technique.

She was so excited for fun that she almost forgot about the real thing.

She just finished speaking.

Yun Luo Luo's shadow changed rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a black line.

In an instant, it was connected with Huayuenu's shadow.

Huayuenu looked curious.

All these changes made her feel very It was a novelty.

She had never dreamed that something like a shadow could be played like this.

She was sighing secretly.

The next moment,

Hua Yuenu frowned slightly and her beautiful eyes were slightly focused.

How could this happen?

Hua Yue Nu An incredible look appeared on the slave's pretty face.

She felt she had lost control of her body.

Her body actually refused to obey her orders.

Immediately, Huayue slave spun around in circles.

: What happened? Hua Yuenu Why is Yue Slave spinning around in circles and jumping up and down?:

Yes, what's going on with Hua Yue Slave? Why is he like a puppet on strings?:

I saw that you didn't listen carefully. You didn't listen. Have you heard what Su Shen just introduced about the shadow imitation technique?:

Extending one's own shadow to connect with other people's shadows, and then making the other party make the same movements as one's own!

So, Huayue Slave is now controlled by Yunluo, Whatever Yun Luo does, she will follow suit.

: Awesome, from this point of view, this is a very strong control skill!

: Yes, and it attacks with shadow, it can even surprise her. The effect of catching someone off guard.

: Miraculous, it’s so miraculous, it’s actually a control technique that uses shadow as a medium!

At this moment, all the girls in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but sigh at the magic of shadow imitation.

"Yunluo, stop, stop, stop, stop quickly, my head is so dizzy!"

Hua Yue Nu shouted stop again and again. She could still handle it by spinning in circles, jumping up and down. Unexpectedly, Yun Luo still wanted to use the swinging fist technique. This time, Hua Yue Nu said she couldn't stand it anymore..I felt like my head was about to be thrown out. The world was spinning for a while, and I was shaken to the point of dizziness.


Yun Luo chuckled and released the shadow imitation technique. She put her hands on her hips like a general who had won a battle.

Hanhan looked stunned.

At first, she did not take this shadow imitation technique seriously.

Because it didn't sound like a very powerful technique.

However, after seeing Yun Luo's demonstration,

Huanwen's view of the shadow imitation technique changed.

Although the shadow imitation technique has no offensive power.

But it is undeniable that it can definitely play an unexpected role in combat.

Not to mention anything else, the control effect alone is amazing enough.

In duels between masters, success or failure is often tied to life and death.

If in combat , controlled by such a shadow imitation technique.

There is no doubt that it will be fatal!

At this moment,

Yunluo's eyes rolled. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) It

's already She quietly stretched her shadow and connected it to Su Chen's shadow.

Yun Luo smiled proudly,"Hey, Mr. Su, you are already under my control."

Immediately afterwards, Yun Luo smiled evilly and was about to use the swinging punch.

But her little head hadn't swayed as much as she wanted.

She just discovered something abnormal.

She couldn't help but let out a soft sigh,"Huh? It's strange, my strength seems to have been drained away."

Yun Luo hurriedly released the shadow imitation technique.

She felt the rapid loss of internal energy.

If the shadow imitation technique was not released, she would collapse.

Yun Luo pouted, looked at Su Chen and said:"Mr. Su, are you? If you can't afford it, why do you still use evil skills to absorb people's internal energy? Su

Chen shook his head with a smile and said:"I didn't use any skills. God can tell me, but I didn't even move a finger.""

Yun Luo pouted her little mouth even higher, and there was no problem at all hanging up an oil can."Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"After I used the shadow imitation technique to connect your shadow just now, my internal energy drained away very quickly, and I was almost drained dry."

Yun Luo has a little expression on my face: I'm very witty, you can't even try to lie to me.

"Is there a possibility that with your current strength, you simply cannot control me with shadow imitation?"[]

Su Chen glanced at the angry Yun Luo and said with some humor.

"Well? So, isn’t my shadow imitation technique controllable by anyone?"

Yunluo (adfj) has never thought about this problem, and her pretty face is full of surprise.

"Of course, using shadow imitation will consume internal energy."

"I believe you have realized this"

"The stronger the opponent you control, the more internal energy you will consume."

"When this consumption exceeds your own limit, you will naturally be unable to control the opponent with shadow imitation."

Su Chen looked at Yun Luo and explained.

Yun Luo nodded seriously, waved her clenched fist and said,"Master Su, starting from today, I will work hard to improve my strength."

"One day, I will be able to control you with shadow imitation.

Su Chen smiled slightly and said,"Well, okay, I'm very optimistic about you.""

After thinking for a while, Su Chen added:"In addition to paying attention to the consumption of internal energy by the shadow imitation technique, there is another point that you should pay special attention to."

"That's the attack distance of Shadow Mimicry."

"As a technique that uses shadow as a medium, the attack distance of shadow imitation technique is limited by the length of the shadow."

"Therefore, if you want to make better use of the shadow imitation technique, you must make full use of all favorable conditions such as the height of the sun and the shadow area of ​​surrounding objects."

"This technique will be a test for your wisdom."

Hearing Su Chen's words,

Yun Luo patted her chest and said,"Okay, Mr. Su, I've written it down."

Yun Luo feels that this technique is a perfect match for her.

What she is best at is strategy, and she relies on her brain to make a living.

The most important thing she lacks is wisdom.

Su Chen:"......"

Su Chen was a little doubtful whether Yun Luo really understood.

But seeing how confident he was, he didn't say anything more.

Yun Luo was in a great mood after gaining the skill of shadow imitation.

Humming a little tune, he took out a red item

【Name: Jet Backpack (Exclusive to Mr. Zheng)】

【Source: Mermaid World】

【"Mr. Zheng, we had a good conversation, why do we need to spray pesticides all of a sudden?"

"Spray pesticides? Country bumpkin! This is an aircraft produced by the high-tech company I just acquired""Take it off first, you haven’t even drank the wine yet!"

"I won’t take it off. If you want to take it off, ask your mother to take it off. You despicable, shameless and obscene bitch, I’ll fuck you!"

"Damn it! It's flying!"

"Oh my God, why is Mr. Zheng’s jetpack missing?!"

"Oops, Mr. Zheng fell down!"

"Quick, call an ambulance!!"]

Su Chen:"......."

What a picture.

The man in sexy leopard print with no hair on his forehead had already appeared in Su Chen's mind.

I wonder if Mr. Zheng is okay?

I don’t know if it can fly high or not?

Yun Luo noticed a worried look on Su Chen's face.

I couldn't help but become nervous.

"Mr. Su, is this item dangerous?"

Can even Su Chen show such a worried look.

In Yunluo's view, this red item may be extremely dangerous.

This made her jade hands holding the jet pack tremble a little.

"It's a bit dangerous, but it's okay."

Looking at Yun Luo, who was getting nervous, Su Chen comforted her first.

Then he continued:"This thing is called a jet pack. As long as you put it on your back, you can fly."

As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room instantly became lively.

: Flying? Is it the flying I thought of?

: Is there any mistake? This thing should be made of gold and iron. How can it fly?

: Yes, this thing looks like a big iron lump, without even wings. It doesn’t look like something that can fly?:

Calm down, please be calm. I see that all of you sisters have just watched the live broadcast. If If you have seen bamboo dragonflies, you shouldn’t be so fussy.

: Hee hee, yes, since Su Shen said it can fly, it must be able to fly. After all, bamboo dragonflies can take people up into the air.

A piece of iron. Why not?:

Bamboo dragonfly? Flying with people? Forgive me for my limited knowledge, it is difficult to imagine such a scene.

Huanwen stretched out her hand, with fair and slender fingers.

She tapped it with her index finger and tapped it gently.

It looks good. He frowned,"It's really made of gold and iron....."

Immediately, Huanwan looked at Su Chen and asked,"Mr. Su, is this a machine creation?"

Su Chen smiled and said,"That's understandable."

A look of confusion appeared on Huanwan's beautiful and enchanting face,"Then What is the principle that allows this mechanical creation to fly?"

Su Chen didn't want to explain so much.

After all, a lot of knowledge is common sense in the eyes of modern people.

For these female heroes in the mixed martial arts world, it is still too obscure and difficult to understand.

However, he saw that Huanwan was like a curious baby, staring at him with a pair of charming eyes that could make any man in the world fall in love, looking at him with longing.

Su Chen decided to simply talk about it

"A jet pack uses the principle of jet propulsion to fly"

"The high-pressure gas is ejected to create a reaction force, thereby generating forward propulsion."

"This is the back plate, this is the cylinder, this is the pressure regulator, this is the nozzle, it is mainly composed of these parts"

"The gas stored in the cylinder controls the air flow rate of the nozzle through the pressure regulator"

"Then the high-speed airflow is ejected through the nozzle, which generates reaction force and propels the human body."

Having said this, Su Chen waved to Yun Luo,"First, tie the jetpack to the back of the human body like this."

Su Chen said as he picked up his backpack and tied it to Yun Luo.

Yun Luo was extremely excited.

After all, he would be able to fly after a while.

That's flying!

How many people's dream!

You can only hear about it in legends Things like this are about to become a reality, how can you not be excited and excited?

"Okay, now it's tied like this"

"After a while, these two jets will eject high-heat airflow and push people into the air."

"Simultaneously manipulate this controller button to control the size of the jet thrust, thereby controlling the speed and altitude of flight."

"When you want to land, just reduce the jet thrust."

Yunluo's beautiful eyes widened, and she listened very attentively.

This was the first time that she was so serious about listening to a class.

After all, it is a major matter that affects her life, so she can't be careless.

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