On wide grounds.

Ciel stands opposite to the Law of Knowledge.

Before this duel began, Xi'er was always nervous.

The more she does this, the greater the pressure on her heart.

Those who look at the law of knowledge, walk leisurely, feel free and show the style of a strong person.

"Please enlighten!"

Xi'er suddenly drank softly, and the scythe in her hand flashed with a trace of cold light.


The blue figure is as flowing and flexible as a butterfly.

Between high-speed movements, the phantom-like arc of the scythe dances around at great speed.

Bang bang!

In the blink of an eye, the sound of gold and iron clashing is endless.

The visual nerves of others can't capture the figure of the two at all.

It's so fast!

"Not bad, you really have real skills."

The weapon magazines surrounding the Law of Knowledge were unsheathed one after another.

Eighteen kinds of martial arts are easy to throw, making people dazzled and dizzying.

"You're so bells and whistles, look at me catching your flaws!"

Xi'er instantly burst out with divine speed.

The whole person seemed to shuttle directly behind the Law of Knowledge, and the scythe was placed on the neck of the Law of Knowledge at some point.

The two fought each other for dozens of rounds, only to take a few breaths.

Seeing Xi'erqi's victory, the crowd of onlookers immediately burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Although they couldn't understand what was happening, they could feel the thrill of the slightest.

"This took down the woman?"

Luca always felt a little strange.

He often fights between life and death, and he can also sense that the other party is definitely an extremely dangerous strong person.

"It's a pity that Xi'er lost."

Chen Twilight said lightly.

I saw that in the next moment, the person who was held by the scythe around his neck turned into a wisp of black qi and disappeared.

"This is ... A phantom! "

Xi'er was suddenly startled, and after realizing it, a sharp sword appeared on her neck.

The lawyer who controls consciousness has a very terrifying sense of battle.

She had already seen through Xi'er's series of attack steps.

After all, Xi'er is shallow in the path of destiny, and at the level of battle, it is difficult to reach the law of knowledge.

Fatewalkers are clearly strong and weak.

The deeper the path of destiny, the more you gain.

Simply put, Xi'er is still too young.

You know, the person who knows the law has inherited Fu Hua's 50,000-year memory.

He is very experienced in martial arts.

Once at the beginning of the Avalanche World, when he occupied Fu Hua's body, he was considered the most perfect Honkai Apostle by the so-called 'Honkai Will'.

To put it bluntly, those who know the law are looking for Xi'er, and they want to feel the power of fate.

"I lost."

Xi'er took a deep breath.

I didn't feel unconvinced, and I didn't feel angry.

After the fight, she has deeply realized that this mysterious woman is far more powerful than she thought.

It can be described as unfathomable.

At this time, the surrounding crowd changed from cheering just now to an uproar.

In the lower area, the [Butterfly] of the Earth Fire Organization, everyone knows that they are skillful, and they can retreat all over their bodies when entering and exiting the dangerous rift.

But even if she was as strong as [Butterfly], even the Shvaro boss was not convinced, but she very simply admitted defeat in front of that woman.

Isn't it possible to say that the woman is even more powerful than the Shvaro boss!?

"It turns out that the big sister was really not bragging just now, it's too powerful!"

Hook blinked, and for a moment he couldn't close his mouth in surprise.

"Sure enough, there are people outside the people, and there is a sky outside the sky!"

Luca echoed with emotion on the side.

"Everyone dispersed, dispersed, just now it was just a discussion to the point, it's not a big deal."

The Wise Law Man waved his hand and said with a nonchalant look.

In this way, the excitement ended in just a few minutes.

The crowd quickly dispersed.

People in the lower districts have to be busy every day to make a living, and they have little time to look at it.

Hook and his friends also went home separately, so as not to worry the family.

"Chen Twilight, is this Miss Fu Hua a friend you knew before?"

Compared to the mysterious and powerful Fu Hua, Xi'er felt that it was more natural to talk to Chen Twilight.

She knew that Chen Twilight had been exiled to the lower level area a month ago.

But nothing is known about his previous experiences.

However, thinking of Chen Twilight's various deeds in the lower region, it is not surprising that a genius like him knows a strong man like Fu Hua.

After all, things are clustered together, and people are grouped.

Good people tend to attract each other.

"Sort of."

Chen Twilight nodded, but it was not convenient to elaborate on the identity and origin of the person who knew the law.

"Miss Xi'er, although I have just arrived, I basically understand the situation in the lower class area here, what kind of Shvaro boss, suppress the people by force, and prevent people from the lower class area from going up, this kind of behavior, I am still a little unhappy."

Obviously, this is also the information known by looking through other people's memories.

"What do you mean?" Xi'er's eyes moved, if Fu Hua helped the Earth Fire Organization, then everything would be much easier.

Those who know the law want to directly fight violence with violence and suppress Shvarro.

However, she can't mess around and have to listen to Chen Twilight.

Chen Twilight had also previously expressed to Earthfire that he did not agree with Shvarro's ideas.

He thought about it and said: "In fact, there are many ways to lift the blockade in the lower areas, but the root of the problem lies in the upper areas, and Shvaro does not have any impact." "

"I also spent a lot of time with Shvaro and basically understood his behavior, as long as there are enough variables, sooner or later he will change his thinking mode."

Chen Twilight knew the entire situation in Beloberg well.

Even though the blockade of the lower districts has now been lifted.

The question is, will the Great Guardian allow the inhabitants of the lower districts to go to the top?

Hearing this, Xi'er bowed his head slightly: "It is indeed necessary to consider the problem of the upper area, which Natasha also mentioned." "

"Xi'er, I do have an idea now."

Chen Twilight suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"What thoughts?" Xi'er was slightly startled.

"If you think about it, the overall basic structure of the lower area is still good, as long as the harsh environment here is changed and rebuilt, there is no need for the lower area to think about moving to the upper area."

As soon as Chen Twilight's words came out, Xi'er and Luca were shocked.

Although he knew that Chen Twilight was a genius, this idea was too much... Whimsical, right?

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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