The four followed Jepard into Belloberg.

Except for the last time I walked around the upper area with the Law of Knowledge.

Chen Twilight hadn't actually been here a few times.

They basically stay in the lower area.

"Eh! It seems that the city is much warmer! "

March 7 felt warm in his body, as if he was in an air-conditioned room.

Danheng and Xing also perceive the wonders of the city.

"Because you are in Belloberg, the last bastion of mankind."

Jeppard has a good application of the historical record.

It briefly describes the war and disaster that occurred on the Arilo VI seven hundred years ago.

"The determined builders built the city, and under the protection of [Survival] Creep, Belloberg was forever warm despite the wind and snow."

Because of the protection of conservation, the city becomes warm as spring?

March 7 showed a thoughtful look.

After all, she also has the power of [Protection].

"Then the strange creatures we saw outside the city just now, they come from the eroded space [Rift], right?"

Danheng came to this conclusion after previous surveys on the train and what he saw with his own eyes.

"You actually know!"

Jeppard was a little surprised, and immediately nodded: "Yes, there are many threats beyond the cold wave, and the monster you saw is one of them." "

"The Silver-Maned Iron Guard has been fighting it, but the situation is not optimistic."

"After meeting the Great Guardian, I hope to ask your opinion on this, and we will eventually lack intelligence collection."

March Seven was slightly startled: "Great Guardian? "

She subconsciously looked at Chen Twilight.

It sounds like the Great Guardian must be a big man, and there will be no danger, right?

After all, they almost fought with each other just now.

Chen Twilight nodded to her, signaling that he was relieved.

"It was the leaders of Beloberg who were elected and appointed by the city builders, who watched over the city for generations and provided shelter to the people."

"The current guardian is Lord Kokolia Rand, and all major decisions in the city are promulgated by her."

Jepard explained patiently.

"I'll take you to see Lord Kokolia, you can organize the language in advance, her time is precious, so she prefers to report concisely."

"Ah! Going to see her so soon? Can I find a place to freshen up first? "

March 7 looked very surprised, and did not expect to meet the highest local power at all.

Even Danheng and Xing were surprised.

"You don't have to feel inhibited, Lord Guardian doesn't care about the red tape, not to mention that it's normal for you to be new to Beloberg and not familiar with Beloberg's rituals."

Jepard continued: "I have sent messengers to deliver the message in advance, Kokolia should already know where you are going, come with me." "

So, the crowd was led by Jepard.

Came to Fort Creper.

Known as the heart of Beloberg.

It was also the headquarters of the city builders.

"It's a pity that this sacred fortress in the name of preservation has decayed."

Chen Twilight observed silently.

Today, Fort Creper is in the shadows.

But no one noticed.

He thought about it and opened the chat group.

Chen Twilight: "@支配之律者, then again, don't you think that the means of the will of the star core are quite similar to you?" "

Previously, the Law of Knowledge said some information about the star core in the chat group.

Those who erode the law still know a little or two.

Chen Twilight: "I almost forgot, you didn't know that the star core seduced the great guardian of Belloberg. "

The Law of Domination inexplicably felt a little ironic: "The star core has seduced the Great Guardian? Similar to manipulation and domination? "

Chen Twilight: "Sort of." "

When one's hopes are shattered and one falls into the deepest despair.

Grab a lifesaver anyway.

Kokolia is a prime example of this.

So that the star core seized the opportunity and took advantage of the void.

Kokolia shoulders the mission of conservation of the Great Guardian.

But judging by the results of the Great Guardians of the past.

Kokolia gradually fell into despair.

She tried, struggled.

But there is still no hope for Belloberg.

Endless cold waves and rift erosion, if not changed, the last city of mankind will also be destroyed.




This is simply the 'spiritual food' of the Dominating Law!

Domination theater has always been a theater used to lead others to despair and become objects of domination.

There is no choice in despair, only domination.

All sorts of negative emotions, losers, despair ... Kokolia perfectly meets all the conditions of domination.

It can be said that if Chen Twilight has the power to dominate, he can even compete with the Star Core Will for the dominance of Kokoria.

The power of the lawyer of domination is like the law of the thousand people himself.

It represents a thousand despairs, a thousand sadness, a thousand angers, a thousand madness...

Countless malicious distortions and combinations have jointly built a dominating theater!

Finally, the Law of Domination was born!

Chen Twilight glanced down at the Thousand Man Law Core in his hand.

Agreeing to the Domination's Law, it is clear that there is a perfect host right now.

Great Guardian!


However, using Kokolia as the core host is still too radical.

It doesn't have to be this for now

Chen Twilight tried to extract the energy from the core.

Then use the terminal server that dominates the theater.

Guide despair itself.

And despair naturally stemmed from the great guardian of Fort Creper.

"Coco... Leah...... Threat...... In asymptotic. "

The ethereal voice echoed in Kokolia's mind.

"The thread is already wrapped around you."

Another voice appeared in Kokolia's mind.

At this time, Kokolia's negative emotions were tightly entangled by something.

Kokolia instantly fell into boundless darkness.

Even, her thoughts and memories were spied on by Chen Twilight.

Strangely, he doesn't have any dominance.

But it is with the help of the core and domination of the theater that a similar means can be derived.

Perhaps, this is the result of that transcendent understanding against the heavens.

In the darkness where her fingers could not be seen, Kokolia walked step by step mechanically in the direction guided by the silk thread.

"Kokolia... The new world is here, follow me, and the beautiful new world will welcome you. "

Suddenly, the voices of the star core were vying for control of Kokoria.

On the other side of the darkness, a splendid world is presented.

After a brief struggle, Kokolia walked towards the 'brave new world' woven with lies.

Chen Twilight didn't stop it, just watched quietly.

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