The theater, the first impression given is definitely a place to see the repertoire performance.

In the upper district of Beloberg, there is a Golden Opera House.

Bronia has also been to the Golden Opera House to see opera performances.

In her mind, opera is an artistic form of performance.

And it contains various core meanings.

It needs to be savored.

The attention of everyone present could not help but look at the stage that dominated the theater.

They certainly don't have much mind to watch an opera performance.

Everyone in the room understood that this was no ordinary theater.

Just like it just showed.

At this time, Chen Twilight checked the authority to control the theater.

And entered a piece of information.

The stage of the theater transcribed a lot of script information.

It has to be said that the function of the theater to transcribe information and reflect reality is very unique.

"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the Domination Theatre."

"Today we are going to perform an opera called 'The Nightcap King's Drive'!"

A voice sounded from nowhere.

It wasn't Chen Twilight's voice either.

[Act I: The Kingdom Shrouded in Nightcaps].

The melodious narration gradually rises, making people feel like they are immersed in the magic.

Once upon a time there was a land of abundance.

The people there are well-fed, well-fed, and peaceful.

But the king was old and dying.

Death came to his bed and invited him to another kingdom.

The narration is accompanied by one performer after another.

They play their roles perfectly.

"It's amazing, even the scene is changing!"

March 7 saw the scene of the stage reflected in it, and couldn't help but exclaim and admire.

This theater is simply amazing!

The show continues.

"Wait a minute," said the king.

"I have not yet enjoyed the glory and wealth I deserve."

"I founded this land." - he said.

"I resisted the invasion of others."

"It is I who build the happiness of the people and keep them away from illness!"

"Ah, that's right." - Death whispered.

"But that's not enough to open the way for you."

"The other side is a country of equality, and it does not favor nobility."

The king was quiet.

The king was quiet.

What was he thinking? The old man's eyes shone slightly.

"I see." - The king spoke.

"But let me say one last time with you, I want to make a deal with you."

"But listen to it without harm," said the Grim Reaper.

"Please forget my soul and never take it again."

"Why is it easy?"

"My thousands of people, you can wave the sickle as you please."

"This body is old and dragon bell, it is not worth your labor for this."

"But my people are strong, and the soul is at your disposal."

Death was silent.

Death was silent.

At this time, everyone gradually saw the content of the performance.

A greedy kingdom, on the verge of death, betrayed its people for its own selfish interests and made a deal with the Grim Reaper.

Such a story seems a bit corny.

However, watching it in the performing arts of opera brings a very subtle experience.

And the core of the story in this seems to be alluding to something.

Kokolia frowned.

Is this alluding to the fact that he is the king, and the star core is the Grim Reaper?

But why not?

As the head of a country, he turned his back on the new position of the people and made a deal with the "devil".

On stage.

Death made a deal with the king.

The king was safe and watched death leave.

He rejoiced and ordered a national celebration.

People drink and have fun endlessly.

The king put on his nightcap and fell asleep.

[Act II: Death's Scythe Hoho].

Oh look, whose kid is that.

He cried fiercely, but no one looked away.

Oh look, whose silver mirror is that.

Once illuminated, now only ruins.

War, disease, hunger and plague.

The scythe of the Grim Reaper.

War, disease, hunger and plague.

Who can bring us liberation?

The main tone of the opera's second act is descended into sadness and darkness, as well as despair.

The stage of a thousand people vividly expresses a thousand emotions such as despair, a thousand anger, a thousand sadness, and so on.

Let the person be immersed and enter the play.

That kind of mood is too strong.

So that Kokolia, Bronia, and Jepard had a spiritual resonance.

It's like a tragedy epitome seven hundred years ago.

"This kind of opera is probably too depressing! Can't you show the good side? "

March Seven pouted.

"Don't worry, there should be a reversal later, maybe it's a happy finale?"

Xing looked at it very seriously, his eyes were shining, and he was very much looking forward to the later plays.

[Act III: The Come Together].

"He is no longer our king," said the people.

That's right! That's right!

"He is worthy of being our king," said the people.

That's right! That's right!

"But he made a deal with death, and no one could take the head under the nightcap."

"Tweet, tweet."

Where did the noise come from?

"Tweet, tweet."

Who is singing.

Like the melody of fate.

It seems to be a cry from the heart.


The performance came to a climax at this moment.

"Tweet, tweet."

But who can understand? Who can understand it?

Oh, the cause and effect of fate!

When the Grim Reaper traded with the king, it was there!

Oh, the tease of fate!

A came with a tate!

It fluttered its wings and came with a pair of branches!

Come with hope!

"Go ahead! My friend! March to the palace!"

That's right! That's right!

"Let this holly branch arrive!" Let that king suffocate and die!"

That's right! That's right!

"You lied to me!" - The king angrily questioned the Grim Reaper before he died.

"No, I didn't." - said the Grim Reaper.

"It was you who did not want to wake up from the pain of suffocation, it was you who chose to die safely in your nightcap."

"No matter what country you are in, your destiny is determined."

The king could not escape death.

The moment he made a deal with the Grim Reaper, the end was already preordained.

"This... It's not a happy ending at all! "

March 7 couldn't help but look at the stars.

"Although it was an expected ending, the performance was very exciting."

Dan Heng said so.

The king in the opera can allude to the portrayal of Kokoria.

If she is like that king, the final result will be a tragedy.

Bronia looked at her mother's gaze with complicated eyes at this time.

Maybe it's just an artistic performance.

But often art comes from reality.

"Huh? It doesn't seem to be over yet..."

Suddenly, Jepard's eyes flashed.

Originally, he also thought that death was the end of the king.

But the next moment, the stage changed again.

And the scene becomes ethereal.

Kingdom After Sunset - Final Curtain!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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