"Your name is Clara, isn't it? I remember you, the little girl who used to follow Shvarro. "

"Listen to Chen Twilight, it was you who brought him back to the camp in the lower district."

Shill looked at Clara and said, "Actually, we also want to negotiate with Shvaro and have a good talk." "

"Clara knows that everyone works hard for the people of the lower classes, but Shvaro does not believe in human emotions, only the results of calculations."

"If you and Mr. Shwaro clash, there will definitely be injuries and innocent people may be affected."

Clara's little face had a hint of apprehension.

"I don't quite understand that Shvaro's duty is to watch over the lower areas and preserve the civilization here."

"If we seek cooperation with the same desire, why should he refuse?"

Bronia couldn't help but ask, apparently she had just come to the lower district, and what she knew was a little one-sided.

Clara shook her head and explained, "I know Mr. Shvaro that he is not touched by people's wishes, he only obeys rational judgment. "

"In this world, very terrible things are happening, and in his opinion, the earth is almost at its end."

"Therefore, his response plan is to allow the people in the lower areas to stay away from the source of the disaster and survive for a longer period of time."

When Clara said this, her words changed: "However, the miracle that appeared in the lower level not long ago, as well as the status quo that has changed recently, Brother Chen Twilight said that this is all a variable. "

"So, Clara thinks that the result of the calculation is not necessarily correct."

"Drip! Rationality and calculation! "

"Mr. Chen Twilight, Reloaded Bunny has generated a variable scheme, you can try to communicate with Shvarro."

The reloaded bunny sounded again.

"It... Did it just speak!? Motorcycles talk! "

March Qi took a sharp breath, and as soon as his footsteps moved, he directly looked around the heavily loaded rabbit.

"I'm a reloaded bunny, the appearance doesn't matter."

Reloaded Bunny corrected.

"Oh, reloaded bunny, you look very handsome, can I take a picture with you?"

March 7 slightly rubbed the camera, and the interest in taking pictures came again.

And this is still the beautiful girl car model style she has always fantasized about!


Reloaded Bunny responded.

People see the intelligence of a motorcycle, and the March 7 is like a stream, and they can't help but be heterochromatic.

"Hee-hee, if Shvaro had you as good a communicator, it would be good."

March Seven said, picked up the camera, and placed a few classic POSS next to the reloaded bunny.


Right at this moment.

No one expected that the iron gate of the mechanical settlement was actually opened.

It's Shvarro.

He walked out with a large number of machine legions.

"Eh! I just talked about him and came out! "

March Seven was slightly startled, very stunned.

No one expected that Shvarro, who turned them away, would take the initiative to come out.

"Analyzing, analyzing the results: target, earth fire organization, silver-maned iron guard commander, threat index, medium."

Shvarro's mechanical red eyes scanned everyone, calculating and analyzing one by one.

When sweeping past the train crew, "the target does not belong to the Earth Fire Organization and the Silvermaned Iron Guard. Background: Unidentified. Classification: Unknown information. "

"None of the goals are met."

"Hello, Mr. Shvarro, I'm Reloaded Bunny, and I just sent you an electronic signal."

It turned out that the reloaded rabbit was transmitted by an electronic signal and received by Shvarro, which caused him to step out of the mechanical settlement.

"Reloaded Bunny, background: unknown. Category: High-tech machine creation. "

Shvarro's mechanical red eyes twinkled.

"Mr. Shvarro, the reloaded rabbit is a friend of Brother Chen Twilight." Clara quickly reminded.

"Well, Schwaro, you know, I have always disagreed with your so-called rationality and calculation."

Chen Twilight said bluntly: "Everything you are facing now is full of variables. "

"I hope you can give the reloaded bunny a chance to speak, that is, provide a solution after a variable."

Schwaro is indeed troubled by the calculation of many variables now.

If communicated with Shvaro by 'the same kind'.

He was still able to accept it.

Shvaro nodded, his flashing red eyes subsided, and he silently stared at the heavily loaded bunny.

Everyone also looked at the reloaded rabbit curiously.

I don't know what variable scheme it will make.

"The reason given by the machine is a cold procedure."

"True rationality is a story that has something to say and can be truly believed."

"The story needs to be extended with a narrative structure."

"Morality is the narrative, money is the narrative, language, customs, aesthetics, they are all narratives, so they form [stories]."

"Starting with the primitive people of slash-and-burn, year after year, people continue to put their narratives into practice."

"And the result of all this is called [civilization]."

"Civilization comes from fiction, but it transcends reality."

Chen Twilight knew that this paragraph of the reloaded rabbit was derived from the construction and depiction of the law of reason.

A civilization that transcends reality from fiction.

This was also the knowledge that Prometheus once gave Bronia, which paved the way for her future name of truth.

Obviously, Bronia's power has worked on the bunny of reloading, and it follows a reason far beyond Shvarro's imagination.

"Civilization comes from fiction, but it is beyond reality, how can it sound contradictory!"

March Seven scratched his head, incomprehensible.

"Civilization always goes from 0 to 1, constantly bringing into the world things that were originally only fiction."

"Humans create everything they do with their hands together in their brains."

Speaking of this, everyone was slightly abrupt.

Indeed, civilization always comes from nothing.

That is, from fiction to reality, and even its creativity has surpassed.

"It also forms the narrative of the formation of civilization."

"People play in stories, learn from stories, and use stories to unite each other differently."

"So further, human beings are an animal that belongs to [stories], and [narratives] are also the fundamental way for humans to transform the world."

"Scholars call this [story] and [narrative] the [rationality] of civilization."

"Then in the end, I came to the conclusion that the so-called variable is the [narrative] from 0 to 1, and the [story] belonging to human beings should not be limited, which is not in line with the [rationality] of civilization."

After the reloaded bunny finished speaking, it undoubtedly pointed out Shivaro's problem sharply.

It also hits the deepest desire of Clara's heart.

"People play in stories, learn from stories, and use stories to unite each other differently."

Isn't this sentence Clara's long-term wish?

The reason why the lower districts are not united.

It is because Shvarro's reason has killed [stories] that belong to humans.

Blindly suppress by force.

It is naturally impossible to unite individuals who are different from each other.

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