Alicia: "Wow! 10,000 points! What did Chen Twilight upload, and he actually gained so many points! I worked so hard to save for so long, and I only had a total of just over 8,000 points. "

Raiden Bud Yi: "Just by uploading the information of the star god and fate, it was judged by the group system to be of such a high value, let me see what the content is." "

For a while, all the lawyers, in unison, looked through the group documents.

Star gods, mysterious higher beings, are like spiritual celestial bodies, each holding different "destinies", controlling the huge power to erase reality and create the world!

A pioneering star god who constantly opens up the boundaries of the universe.

A [Protection] star god who casts crystal walls in light-years to protect the life of the universe.

From 64 light years away, a single arrow exploded the star, destroying countless [patrol] star gods of the rich coalition army.

It turned into a self-replicating horror, an [breeding] star god that multiplied endlessly and ran rampant in all worlds.

The astral computer that solves all things, and the [intellectual] star god upgraded by the machine.

and other information of the star gods all made the lawyers' hearts jump and move.

Their vision is not comparable to ordinary people, and naturally they can imagine the supreme miracle power from the description of the star god.

The power of fate held by the Star God, even if it is the end, will be eclipsed.

They didn't feel any doubt about Chen Twilight's words now.

The reason is that the knowledge data he uploaded was judged by the group system to be of such a high value, so it was definitely not made up.

The Law of Knowledge: "It's abominable, I didn't expect that there was such a powerful star god in this universe, it's really unpleasant!" "

The Law of the Wind: "Compared with the Star God, our Law Maker seems to be very weak." "

Law of Erosion: "Don't confuse us with you, rookies rubbed by the Titan on the ground." "

The Law of the Wind: "You..."

The Law of the Wind wanted to refute, but for a while he couldn't find a point to argue with.

Chen Twilight: "In fact, everyone doesn't have to be presumptuous, I think, the power of the lawyer is also very powerful, as long as it is developed to the extreme, it should be able to wrench the wrist with the Star God Order." "

Wind Lawyer: "Really, really?" Can Boss Chen Twilight teach me a little bit of the skills of using power? If you don't dislike it, you can buy my power access in the chat group shop. "

The Wind Law saw that Chen Twilight was so knowledgeable that even the Star God knew it clearly, and he already regarded him as a powerful bigwig-level figure.

Since joining this lawyer chat group, she has been ridiculed by a lawyer almost every day, which is really too hot.

Chen Twilight was also a little stoic.

Indeed, Wendy, the lawyer of the wind, is the most humiliating lawyer in history.

The dignified lawyer actually fought back and forth with the B-grade Valkyrie of the Royal Three Families.

Finally, he was pressed to the ground by the Titan mech and rubbed.

Therefore, it can be seen how important it is for the lawyer of the collapse of the three to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry.

But that's not the point now.

"Eh, wait! Can you lawyers, put your power in the shop and sell it? "

This time it was Chen Twilight's turn to be shocked.

Alicia: "Yes, after all, the group is called the Lawyer Chat Group, and some functions have special permissions for the Lawyer. "

"But only those of us who have disappeared will sell our power, after all, we don't need it." Not...... Specifically, it should be a time-limited lease. "

【Ding! Chen Twilight launched a 1,000-point red envelope! 】

Chen Twilight did not rush to see the points store.

Just now Alicia gave himself a wave of warmth, and he didn't skimp on anything.

Just earned more than 10,000 points, and immediately sent a relatively rich red envelope in the group.

Also in a second, the red envelope was quickly robbed.

It is worth mentioning that the points red envelope of this chat group cannot be set as exclusive, and can only be fought hard.

The Law of Domination: "Not bad, today's points are several times more than usual, if only someone sent red envelopes every day." "

Wendy: "@陈暮, big guy, I just grabbed 200 points, thank you so much, you have so many points in your hand, you can go to the points store." "

Chen Twilight: "Okay, I'll study it slowly first." "

Chen Twilight took a deep breath.

I never thought that the opportunity to gain power would come like this.

His transcendent savvy can undoubtedly come in handy.

Wendy: "Uh-huh, you study slowly, I'm waiting for your good news!" "

The Law of Erosion: "Cut, isn't it the power of the wind, what is there to look forward to." "

Bronia: "@侵蚀之律者, I personally feel that the power of the Wind Law is more powerful than yours. "

As the Law of Truth, Bronia still has a certain understanding of the power of the Law of the Wind.

Chen Twilight: "By the way, you have time to study the power of fate, @布洛妮娅, after Walter came to this universe, he embarked on a destiny called nothingness, well... The current strength is probably at the level of explosive stars. "

Celine: "What did you say!?" Walter that guy is so good now!? "

She remembers that during the Second Honkai War, Walter was her own defeated man.

And Walter's name 'Young Sit-ups' began to flourish from that time.

The person who knows the law: "Ah, ah, I am anxious, I will also embark on the path of fate and become a strong person in fate!" "

Celine was in disbelief, and the person who knew the law was anxious.

Other lawyers, on the other hand, are thoughtful.

Bronia: "@识之律者, first you have to figure out the concept of destiny. "

Chen Twilight: "In fact, the collapsed world and this universe still have a lot in common. "

"Like the concept of imaginary numbers."

"Destiny is part of the imaginary number, a metaphysical spiritual aggregate."

"When a certain condition is met, this part of the imaginary energy will be completely occupied by an intelligent being."

"This intelligent creature becomes a star god, and the energy he possesses is called destiny."

"Star God can use the energy of the fate path at will, and at the same time is firmly bound to the fate path."

"The way of the star god, with whom he walks, is called the destiny walker, will receive its gifts."

These things that Chen Twilight elaborated were introduced in the materials just uploaded.

The Honkai world just doesn't have the concept of star gods and destiny yet.

But if you know one or two, you may embark on the path of destiny.

Even open up a path of destiny!

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