Xing seemed to feel the will of the great guardians of past generations from the little girl.

In other words, it is Beloberg's will to protect.

The voice of will rang in her ears

"The city is crying, the power of protection is fading"

"In the end, we still cannot resist the will of the star core.

Xing heard the words and shook his head:"Never give up is one of the true meanings of protection.""

"In the past seven hundred years, the rift has been expanding every second. We have failed to leave any wealth to our successors... only boundless despair."

"No matter how firm our will is, it will inevitably waver in despair. This day is destined to come, and His protection is destined to leave us. Xing pondered for a moment and said slowly:"Then let me protect you. Maybe……"

"A passer-by, but determined to bear the fate of the entire world"

"Well, what's left to lose...what's left not to try?"

The guardian's will points to a spear emitting light in front of him,"Go and touch the light of amber and see if the will of protection in your heart is strong enough to attract His gaze."

Xing nodded, and then walked firmly towards the amber light.

In that light, there was an amber spear.

Xing reached out and touched it, and the hot air exploded like a volcano. , and bounced her away at once

"The determination to protect others!"

Xing's will did not weaken at all, and the potential in her body gradually awakened. She stretched out her hands again and held the handle of the lance tightly.


Xing's will resonated with the amber light, and she suddenly pulled out the flaming flame spear.

At this moment, she sensed the gaze from the starry sky of the universe.

The gaze of the guardian star god Amber King!

This For a moment,

Xing has stepped into the destiny of [Preservation] and received the blessing of [Preservation].

This strange narrow space of destiny dissipated.

And Xing returned to the battlefield with a flaming spear.

It just interrupted the consciousness. The Confrontation between the Herrscher and the Mother of Falsehood

"This is……"

The color in the eyes of the Lawyer of Consciousness is ever-changing

"Great changes have taken place in you, and you seem to have gained... the power of protection!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge keenly observed the qualitative changes in Xing's body.

Her current strength, compared with before, seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Herrscher of Knowledge also stayed in the city of Beloberg for some time.. She could still recognize the power aura of [Cunhu].

At this moment, she recalled what Chen Mu had just said.

In other words, in the dangerous situation just now, Xing stood up again and broke through. The destiny of [Current]!

The eyes of the Herrscher of Knowledge flashed.

She realized that it was not advisable to pursue the destiny like herself.

Going with the destiny is a spontaneous behavior.

There is no need to be deliberately demanding.

The Herrscher of Knowledge suddenly became enlightened and smiled.

Perhaps this was what Walter said was the last step.


The Herrscher of Dominance:"Look! Look! Everyone with a baseball bat really likes cheating! Damn it!"

The Herrscher of Dominance looked at the scene in the live broadcast and felt like suffering from PTSD.

So similar!

Just like Kiana back then.

Suddenly gained new power

, and even the weapons were upgraded.

One holds a flaming sword.

One holds a flaming spear.

The Herrscher of Domination had already anticipated that the BOSS would be beaten violently.

Be used as a backdrop like yourself.

What a miserable word.

Alicia:"Herrscher of Domination, you still don't understand. A person with strong beliefs will always shine with her own light."

Wendy:"Although I don't quite understand it, but listen to what Shibao said just now , the star seems to have embarked on a new [preservation] destiny!"

Bronya:"I probably know a thing or two, from the records of the Star God and the destiny, the [preservation] star god's behavior is to wait, sacrifice, Protection."

Bronya:"Xingyou's previous act of sacrifice and protection, coupled with his own beliefs, attracted the attention of the [Preservation] Star God." Anna:"I see."

Mei:"But Can a person have two fates at the same time?"

Bronya:"This phenomenon should be very rare. I can only say that this girl named Xing is very strange."

The Herrscher of Domination:"To put it simply, it is cheating. Already."

The Herrscher of Domination was still thinking vaguely.



"This...this is impossible! You actually……"

At the same time, the Mother of Illusion also sensed the power of [Preservation] blessed by Xing.

"This is the choice [Chunhu] made, you are at the end of your rope!"

Xing raised his flame spear and pointed it at the Mother of Illusion.

Compared with before, his whole temperament had a strong sense of tenacity.

The Mother of Illusion gradually became violent.

The sound coming out of his mouth was like a roaring wave sweeping across

"Star Core exists with me!"

"You... are just stubbornly resisting!"

"Welcome the end of the world and destroy it!"

The Mother of Illusion is now fully manifesting the will of the star core.

The power of the star core is fully activated. The energy of imaginary numbers is gathering crazily.

In the golden torrent, the cold wave of creation is played.

The ice waterfall of doomsday falls from the sky, and the desire To destroy the old world and welcome the arrival of the new century.

The unparalleled power directly impacted the cracked world and the imaginary number space to collapse.

Everyone returned to the reality of real numbers.

A biting cold wave crazily swept across the world.

A vast expanse of white , as if they were in a world of ice and snow.

The temperature plummeted.

When they saw the stars coming out on March 7th, they had no time to say anything. They saw a terrifying doomsday ice waterfall appear in the sky, crashing downwards at a very fast speed!

Herrscher Chat Group Everyone in the room finally saw the big scene of this BOSS battle.

They all watched the live broadcast with full concentration and said nothing.

"Flame Spear, charge!"

The flame gun in Xing's hand flicked, and the flames rose, and they attacked with the force of thousands of troops. The blazing flames and the icy cold current presented a completely different scene.

The strong collision caused the buildings in this area to continue to collapse. , smashed!

And the Herrscher of Consciousness also joined the center of the battlefield.

Even if she and the Mother of Illusion fight alone, she is sure to win.

One of the terrifying characteristics of the star core is to corrode the mind. However, in front of the Herrscher who controls the consciousness, there is no chance at all. It worked

"Is this the limit of your strength?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge shook her head.

It didn't put much pressure on her.

"Zhibao, our goal is the star core, it’s time for me to take action."

Chen Mu's voice came over again.

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