The moment I saw the chat group upgrade completed.

Everyone is in high spirits.

However, the chat group went silent after the upgrade announcement was made.

As for what new features there are.

Just check it out yourself.

In this regard, the chat group will never interfere too much.

Not long after, the group members were all shocked when they saw the new function.

Anna:"Resurrection of the dead experience card!!!"

Wendy:"Oh my God! This chat group allows us dead Herrschers to experience rebirth in advance!!!"

Kiana:"This chat group The upgrade is such a big deal!"

Mei Yi:"Although the Resurrection of the Dead experience card only lasts for one month, it is of great significance!"

Herrscher of Corrosion:"Hahaha, great! Just now I said that I should work hard to earn points. Hasn鈥檛 the opportunity come?"

Alicia:"It鈥檚 really good. It seems that the chat group is specifically taking care of our group."

Chen Mu stood up at this time and said:"Everyone, let me try to sort things out.."

Chen Mu:"The upgraded function of the chat group is equivalent to making the group more equal, which is really good."

"On the other hand, the more points everyone earns, the more feedback they will give to the chat group. This upgrade of the chat group is obviously a virtuous cycle."

According to Chen Mu's understanding, the upgrade of the Herrscher chat group is more about improving the group structure.

Since the Herrscher chat group can achieve one million points to give new life, then upgrading the dead resurrection experience card is actually not that disturbing to Chen Mu. Mu was surprised.

But there was one thing that made Chen Mu very concerned.

Is the Herrscher chat group absorbing various knowledge and techniques and applying them?

After all, there are examples like the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment.

Chen Mu, who has extraordinary understanding, will always Habitually thinking about issues like this.

Sometimes, it will bring him new inspiration.

Bronya:"I agree with Chen Mu's statement."

Bronya:"I took a closer look. Although there is only one resurrection experience card, it is refreshed every month, and who uses it is determined according to the order of joining the group."

So everyone turned their attention to Alicia.

Wendy:"As expected of Alicia, the original Herrscher! As the first Herrscher to come, it is quite symbolic!

Anna:"Yeah, that's pretty good. We all have a chance anyway.""

The Herrscher of Dominance:"@Wendy, you seem to be the last one among us to join the group. Is it true that the order of entry into the group is based on strength?"

Among the deceased Herrschers, the Herrscher of Dominance has to admit that the original Herrscher of Man must be the strongest.

As for Wendy's words...

Wendy:"Humph! Don't be weird, the last one is the last one, anyway, in terms of results, we all get the same treatment."

Actually, there are not many of them in total. It doesn't matter who comes first. What

's important is that they have the opportunity to be reborn faster.

Mei Yi:"According to the instructions above, you can choose to be reborn in the world of any group member. Ai Li, I suggest you resurrect at Chen Mu's side. You should understand the reason."

Wendy:"Indeed, there are many opportunities for Chen Mu to gain points, and there is only one month left to waste.

Alicia:"That's exactly what I meant, Mei, please don't miss me too much.""


Bronya:"Resurrecting in the world where any group member lives, does this mean that the chat group will open the function of traveling through the world in the future?

Chen Mu:"You and I want to go together. It's not impossible." Herrscher of Knowledge

:"Stop talking so much, Alicia, come back to life quickly. I have always heard that you are very powerful."

Chen Mu:"You're here again."

Alicia:"Haha, Shibao, if you let me pinch your face, I will agree to fight you.""

The resurrection experience card will retain all its original power.

This is normal, after all, they have retained their own power in the chat group.

Wendy:"Hurry up, Alicia, remember to start the live broadcast. Let's take a good look. Alicia:"

Okay, I'm going to use the experience card.""

Under the attention of everyone.

The resurrection experience card of the dead emitted a burst of bright light.

Then, the girl as gorgeous as a flower came to life in the ice and snow of Yaliluo 6.

The girl was like a dancing girl. The elves intertwined in the ice and snow created a beautiful picture.

The snowflakes fell with the flying flowers.

They emitted a strange light.

Those lights were like mirrors refracting on the girl.

It seemed to add a layer of sacred color to her body.

Immediately , a fragment surrounds the girl.

The fragment is like a mirror, reflecting the beauty of the girl.

"What's this?"

Alicia gently moved the fragments, and her heart was filled with indescribable emotions.

"I seem to have gained the power of destiny... or a pure destiny."

Alicia murmured, a hint of surprise flashed through her bright eyes.

Through the live broadcast, everyone who saw this magical scene all had their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces.

Especially Chen Mu, who thought of a deeper layer

銆怭ure Beauty] Under the Star God, there is a faction called the Mirror Holders.

In the legend of the Mirror Holder, the fall of the God of Simei is an ancient metaphor.

It symbolizes the disintegration and chaotic changes in sentient beings' views on beauty.

Therefore, the goal pursued by people holding mirrors also has another meaning.

When people's ideas of beauty are harmonized again, disputes and differences will disappear.

The gods they believed in would be complete again, and the universe would become one.

This may not be a simple delusion, because the Landlord holds a series of entities called"Transcendental Mirrors"

銆怲he Mirror of Transcendence will not reflect the physical world.

Rather, it reflects the beauty perceived by the holder and projects it into reality.

According to the mirror-holder鈥檚 self-report, these mirrors are fragments of the divine body of the [Pure Beauty] Star God Idrila.

銆怭ure Beauty] When the star god died, his fragments were scattered in every corner of the star sea.

The wandering mirror-gatherer tries his best to follow the clues and recover the fragments.

I hope that one day it can be pieced together and restored, so that [pure beauty] can return to the world.

Of course, this is just one side of the story.

Because the pure beauty knights of the Lingyi faction did not believe in Idrila's fall.

As for whether [Pure Beauty] Star God has disappeared or fallen, no one knows.

But what is certain is that even if [Star God] dies, his destiny will always be open.

Chen Mu was also a little confused for a moment about the fact that Alicia had embarked on her destiny as soon as she arrived.

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