Herrscher of Domination:"I knew there could be no free lunch, endless lifespan, and indulgence. How could such a good thing be possible?"

Wendy:"Does this mean that everything has a price?"

Bronya:"After all, the life essence of mortals has its upper limit, and this is not in line with the principles of civilization. The population grows uncontrollably, the social structure collapses, and the price of group immortality is too high."

Anna:"Doesn't that mean that all of this Are all the disasters caused by the Fertile Star God? No wonder he is called the ancestor of the longevity plague by the current Immortal Boat people."

Bronya:"Standing at the latitude of the Star God, their ideas are not right or wrong. There is only a conflict of ideas."

Bronya:"However, the Star God [Medicine Master] does not control the fertility miracles that he sends, which is open to question."

The Herrscher of Domination:"The fertility miracles are too easy to induce The greed of the human heart, who doesn’t want to get something longer?" in the video.

Because of the chaos caused by longevity and the outbreak of demonic disease, the civil strife in all immortal ships quickly reached its peak.

This internal rebellion lasted for nearly a hundred years.

Known in history as [The Battle of the Wall]!

In the end, it all died down because of a fairy boat named [Yuanqiao].

During the Battle of the Eternal Wall, Yuanqiao Xianzhou was captured by the gravity of a red giant star in the universe and had no power to escape.

In the end, the entire starship disappeared into the red giant star together with the people on it.

At this point, there are only seven immortal boats left out of the original nine.

When the Herrscher chat group saw this, they obviously knew that there would be another immortal boat that fell later.

Because today's Immortal Boat Alliance is composed of six starships.

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel that the history of Xianzhou is really tortuous and tragic.

Yuan Qiao's sacrifice deeply saddened both armies.

So they agreed to call a truce and stop fighting.

But it took less than a month.

The second [Emperor's War] has begun to wreak havoc everywhere in the universe.

The clever golden man on the fairy boat was affected again.

The golden people who belong to the omnic life form broke out in 267 rebellion.

Indiscriminately massacre the old, weak, women and children on the fairy boat.

But it's different from the first time.

Today's fairy boat has received abundant blessings.

The two militaries worked together in this process and were united in dealing with the outside world.

The Jin rebellion was quickly put down.

At this period, the Xianzhou people finally figured it out.

In the past hundred years, Xianzhou has suffered from wars and fertility, and now is no longer the time for internal strife.

So all the fairy boats worked together to formulate new laws.

The succession of leaders begins again.

And family planning is carried out to regularly transport people to the habitable planets on the way to start recuperating and recuperating.

However, the rest of the Immortal Boat only lasted for a short hundred years, and a war broke out with the WingMakers.

When the Herrschers looked at the following screen information, they couldn't help but feel the turn of fate.

Kiana:"The people of abundance [WingMakers】……The emperor of the ancient country where the fairy boat originated originally saw the message of immortality left by the WingMakers and pursued it all the way, not wanting to bump into the hometown of the [WingMakers] at this time."

The Herrscher of Domination:"Once [WingMakers] arrived at the ancient country's hometown of Xianzhou, but now Xianzhou has come to [WingMakers]'s hometown instead, and a bloody battle broke out. It's really an irony."

This is really like a meeting of acquaintances.

As soon as the fairy boat approached, the WingMakers were attracted by the immortal trees on it. The WingMakers race is full of terrifying aggression.

Their hometown [Qiongsang] is A Dyson tree that absorbs the stars.

It is similar to the trees on the fairy boat.

Wendy:"This race of WingMakers is really terrifying. They can actually drive those disgusting [see flesh]】!"

The immortal boat here is far from recovering from the severe damage to its vitality, so it is naturally no match for the WingMakers.

At this time, they remembered Lan who had been hibernating.

The people of Xianzhou decided to wake up Lan.

After Lan regained consciousness, he analyzed the situation and, in order to repel the Wing Makers of the Fengshou people, he ignored the dissuasion and entered the prison deep in the [Zhu Ming] Immortal Boat, and persuaded the Suiyang leader [Sui Huang] who had been imprisoned.

He also made a deal with it, using his own body in exchange for the help of the power of Suiyang.

Many people on various fairy boats appeared in response to the hero's appearance.

Choose to make the same deal as the hero.

They joined the death squads and marched with Sui Yang.

I swear to be like a cloud blocking the sky, guarding the fairy boat, and never landing.

This is the origin of the name"Cloud Cavalry Army".

Lan, who had obtained the power of Suiyang, stood on the bow of the fairy boat Yaoqing, holding a long bow, and shot a shocking arrow.

This arrow destroyed the building, penetrated the giant beast, and severed the connection between Xianzhou Luofu and Qiongsang.

A hole leading to the depths of the void was torn open at the scene, and huge imaginary power spurted out.

After that arrow, Lan disappeared without a trace.

And when He returns again.

Already a hunting star god!

The Herrschers in the chat group couldn't help but feel shaken when they saw the hunting star god stepping into the starry sky, bow and arrow raised, and couldn't control themselves.

And this just continues the theme of the video storyteller.

The impassioned sound of clapping opened a new epic chapter in the Fairy Boat Patrol.

"【Emperor Gong Si Ming] came to the mortal world and protected the helpless fairy boat in the sea of stars."

"The fairy boat gallops across the sea of stars, chases demons and sweeps away filth, and hunts for five thousand years, serving the gods’ orders and fighting off longevity plagues!"

"The leader of these six immortal boats is Feng Dy, the hunting patrol - the Seven Heavenly General of the Imperial Gong!"

"Look, beside the marshal are six immortal boat generals!"


One after another, the fairy boat generals turned the next chapter in the storyteller's mellow introduction.

After watching this video.

Only then did they have a clear and basic understanding of the Immortal Boat Alliance.

Anna:"It's really exciting. The history of the Immortal Boat is so magnificent!"

Sirin:"I don't understand, why did Lan suddenly become the hunting star god?"

Bronya:" Perhaps he experienced some special encounter during the period when he disappeared in the depths of the void. It can be seen that the current hunting star god has a strong belief in hunting down all fertile and evil creatures, and he is completely committed to the heaven and the earth until death. On and on."

Wendy:"Now I finally understand why the Hunter Star God destroyed the Alliance of Plenty with one arrow."

Herrscher of Corrosion:"It is said that the Hunter Star God has been running around the universe for so many years, but he has never hunted him down. The Fertile Star God?"

The Ruler of Domination (bgea):"The angle of your question is a bit tricky."

Kiana:"Forget about the Star God, let's get back to the topic. I think the general of the Luofu Immortal Boat is a A wise general with an unrivaled reputation for knowing treasures and pretending to be Marshal Hua. I'm afraid...……"

Herrscher of Corrosion:"That doesn't matter. Even if he is exposed, can he still kill him without mercy? Besides, Chen Mu and the others are here to solve the star core. This is also a good thing for Xianzhou."


……(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On an interstellar merchant ship.

Rakshasa looked at the Herrscher of Consciousness, now he had to be careful about what he said.

This cannot be taken lightly.

The Lawyer of Knowledge does not need to pretend to be anything.

After all, it was the woman who mistakenly identified herself as Marshal Hua.

"Why would a businessman be with Luofu's predecessor, Sword Master? This combination is quite special."

Alicia looked at Rakshasa and Jingliu with a half-smile.


Rakshasa shook his head and said:"Although I am a businessman, I am also a doctor. The marshal must know that the former Luofu Jianshou suffers from the body of demonic yin, and I know some medical secrets, which can alleviate it to some extent. Miss Kyoryu’s symptoms"

"So that’s the case, it seems like I’m worrying too much."

Alicia didn't question the authenticity of Rakshasa's words.

It was a reasonable reason after all.

"Lord Marshal……"

"Call me Fu Hua."

The Herrscher of Knowledge waved her hand. In fact, she also felt that it was quite cool to deceive the Rakshasa with Otto's face.

"This is... okay."

Rakshasa only thought that the other party wanted to keep a low profile.

"The cargo on my merchant ship has been loaded, and I can enter Luofu at any time now, do you think?"

"Then let's go."

The Herrscher of Consciousness couldn't wait to enter Luofu.

Rakshasa glanced at Jingliu at this time, and Jingliu just nodded and said nothing.

"Then I have other tasks, so I will take a step away for now. Alicia blinked her bright eyes at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu understood slightly. Originally, he and Alicia went to find Kafka.

In this situation, he would not be able to leave for a while. It was not a big problem to leave Alicia and Kafka alone.

After Alicia left, the interstellar merchant ship seemed to have used some kind of technology to quickly pass through the Jade World Gate and log in to the star. Cha Pier.

Each area of Xianzhou Luofu is its own cave.

It is also equipped with a huge network configuration to facilitate the reception of signals by stars flying in the sky.

"This place seems to be blocked by the Yunqi Army. It's better for us not to make any noise."

Rakshasa glanced at such a huge port and couldn't see a single person.

This could only be because Luofu officials had blocked it and were on guard against something.


As soon as Rakshasa finished speaking, ten people appeared not far away. Several soldiers who fell into the demonic body.

Branches, leaves and lin blocks grew on their bodies, which were very obvious symptoms of the demonic body.

Before falling into the demonic body, the immortal boat people would show signs called five declines.

They were disability. , dirt, anger, otherness, and no memory.

Injury means that the body has suffered serious damage due to external violence, and must undergo a long and painful repair through self-healing ability. dirt means that due to the immortality of the body, it is infected with some kind of tenacious outsider Viruses or bacteria coexist with it for a long time.

Anger refers to the state of mind that produces resentment and harms others, and the emotions begin to fluctuate in intense sorrow, joy, resentment, and anger. Alienation means that the physical body begins to produce mutated organs and can no longer maintain the stability of the human form.

No memory The heart of the finger was occupied by an inexplicable sense of emptiness, and fell into a state of confusion.

Those demonic soldiers obviously all met these five signs.

Not only did their bodies mutate, but they also became irrational monsters.

They attacked directly here.

Chen Mu Immediately with a flick of his finger,���The virtual sword energy surges up like streams of water.

The endless mysterious artistic conception is as continuous as the tide.

It instantly penetrated the body of the Demon Yin body soldier.

Even though they are tenacious, they can hardly resist the strangulation of Taixu sword energy.

"This is……"

Jingliu caressed the hilt of the sword in his hand, inexplicably feeling that the sword energy used by Chen Mu was somewhat familiar.

"This is Taixu Sword Qi. I wonder who is better than Taixu Sword God and Luofu Swordhead. I am quite curious about this."

The Herrscher of Consciousness couldn't help but look at the flow...

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