Unexpectedly, Dan Heng had just contacted Chen Mu and met him not long after in the cave of the Engineering Department.

When Su Chang saw Chen Mu, a great benefactor and good man, she couldn't help being surprised and happy, and ran forward excitedly:"Chen Mu, why are you here?"

"Because I figured you would show up here, so I came."

Chen Mu said with a slight smile.

It sounded like he was joking.

In fact, as he was familiar with the plot, he really expected that they would probably come to build Si Dongtian.

Although the plot was vaguely developing in the wrong direction.

But in the fairy world Here in Zhou, Dan Heng can be regarded as the key protagonist.

And the fate of the protagonist is difficult to change.

However, Chen Mu did not come here because of Dan Heng and the others.

It can only be said to be along the way.

"Then don’t you predict things like a god?!"

There was a smile in Su Shang's eyes. It seemed that she only thought Chen Mu was joking.

"That's right."

Chen Mu said as he put away Judah's oath of peace and quickly shrunk it down to the size of a palm. Master Gongshu was amazed when he saw it and wished he could take it and study it carefully.

Only then did Su Chang notice Gongshu Liang.

She had just come to Xian. Not long after Zhou reported, he didn't know the people in the Engineering Department very well and said seriously:"Uncle, I am the Yunqi Army who is responsible for evacuating the crowd. You can come with us first."

Master Gongsun scratched his head, looked left and right, and couldn't help asking:"I said Yunqi's little girl, why are you the only one Yunqi comes here?"

"This disaster has affected so many people, even if there are many people on Yunqi, they can't be separated from it."

"Don't worry, uncle, follow us and we will definitely keep you safe."

"Wait, there is a wave of fighting over there, go and take a look first,"

Bronya suddenly said.

No one said anything.

It was important to save people at this time.

Su Shang, who was doing good deeds every day, immediately rushed to the forefront. Ahead.

Soon I saw a group of demon soldiers covered in lin patches and branches and leaves.

They were besieging a seriously injured woman.

"Sure enough, there are demonic bodies causing chaos everywhere."

Chen Mu showed no mercy at all. With a wave of his hand, several Yakon spears with withering pierced through and strangled the demonic bodies one after another.

There was no one enemy at all.

Su Chang opened his mouth, knowing that Chen Mu Very powerful, but still a bit difficult to adapt to.

If it were her, let alone killing the demonic body with such devastating power, it would be very difficult to deal with it. The main reason is that the life of the demonic body is too tenacious.

"Are you okay, miss?"

Su Shang helped the woman's shaky body and asked quickly

"Asking knowingly."

When the woman saw that she was Yun Qijun, she said calmly


Su Chang glanced at it for a few times, and then she noticed something strange about the woman:"Sorry, I didn't see the blood stains, so I thought it was okay. It turns out you are Jiqiao Yanou.""

"Ji Qiao Yan Ou... is actually a mechanical transformation person."

Bronya quickly saw the woman's physical characteristics

"The exercise machine is broken and cannot move."

"Are you Yunqijun? Very good, please send me to the Diheng Division."

The woman pressed her chest with her hands. Her body seemed very stiff, as if it was difficult to move.

Su Chang couldn't help but look at Chen Mu.

If it were normal, she would definitely do what the woman said immediately.

Because she knew what was happening in front of her. The girl is a Yanou judge who belongs to the Ten Kings Division.

As a cloud rider, you have to give priority to her instructions.

The Ten Kings Division belongs to the longevity management organization of Luofu.

It mainly governs the longevity of immortal species and the devil's body.

In layman's terms, , which is Luofu’s punishment department

"Let me treat the girl."

Chen Mu also remembers this character in the plot.

This woman's name is Xue Yi. She is a judge of the Ten Kings Division and is connected to the Hall of Cause and Effect. She has the ability to attract souls and judge karma. She is very skilled in martial arts.

She is here The trauma she suffered was not caused by the demonic body that attacked her just now, but by another reason.

"It's useless. I am a creature made by ingenuity, not flesh and blood.……"

Xue Yi shook his head. Before he finished speaking, a breath of creation surrounded him.

I saw that the damaged parts of Xue Yi quickly healed and recovered without leaving a trace.

Su Shang and Master Gongsun were in disbelief.

The Rakshasa on the side looked frozen, thoughtfully feeling this life-healing aura that was different from the abundant one.

Pure and flawless, it can even calm people's minds.


Xue Yi’s feelings are undoubtedly the most profound

"Very good, no need to return to Diheng Division, the mission continues."

Xueyi's body structure is different from ordinary people, and so is her thinking.

She just recovered and immediately went back to work.

She looked at everyone and said:"Everyone, my name is Xueyi. According to the regulations of the Ten Kings, as a judge, I cannot It's a foreign relationship, but you helped me escape, so I would like to advise you to leave as soon as possible."

"I am here to rectify the source and capture the key criminal, the Star Core Hunter. This man has extraordinary sword skills and is extremely dangerous as he holds a magic weapon."

Hearing this, Xiao Qinglong, who had been silent all this time, trembled, and his expression looked a little strange.

Chen Mu naturally heard that the star core hunter Xue Yi mentioned was a blade.

But he didn't point it out.


At this time, The entire cave of Gongzao Division has once again undergone changes visible to the naked eye.

A large number of roots, branches and leaves have grown and spread.

Roots have been corrected and they have grown wildly.

It is the most important [Good Fortune Oven] of Gongzao Division. Tangled with thick branches

"Ah this... what is going on! ?"

When Su Shang saw this scene, her expression changed continuously, and she felt inexplicably uneasy in her heart.

"Since the star core has contributed to Jianmu's recovery, then as time goes by, Jianmu will naturally begin to grow. This is what you see in front of you."

Chen Mu said unmoved.

This is an inevitable phenomenon.

"If you look closely, you can see that the roots are coming out of the ground. This momentum is really fierce."

Rakshasa observed in a deep voice.

Chen Mu looked at him speechlessly.

You still have the nerve to say it.

Aren't you the ones who brought this star core in?

With the same face as Otto, he can't get along with trees..

He complained like this in his heart, and said on his lips:"But it suits me just right. I have never seen Jianmu's power with my own eyes."

"What is the stove wrapped in branches and leaves used for? It seems to me that Jianmu has taken it for his own use."

Bronya looked at the huge cauldron hanging in the air and couldn't help but ask.

"That’s the most precious treasure of our craftsmanship department, [Oven of Creation]! It is a thing passed down from ancient immortal ways. It can take over the creation of heaven and earth and has many wonderful uses."

Master Gongshu's face is a little ugly. Faced with this situation, he can only watch helplessly.

He is the oldest craftsman in the [Yojin Workshop] of the Engineering Department. If there is any loss to the [Good Fortune Oven] , it’s hard to describe his feelings.

"It turns out that the ingenious craftsmanship in the Engineering Department must be closely related to this treasure. Chen

Mu thought for a while and said:"Bronya and I will go check it out first. You guys stay here for the time being. After Jianmu grows, the place becomes more and more dangerous. Walking around will only lead to more battles.""

Before anyone could react, he and Bronya flew over

"The so-called artistic master is bold, nothing more than this."

Seeing Xue Yi's frown, Rakshasa couldn't help but smile and said this.

They all know that the closer they get to the [Oven of Creation], the more dangerous it will be.

Judging from its situation, even if the Cloud Cavalry Army presses in, they may not be able to Break through.

There are all kinds of smart puppets there, emitting ferocious aura fluctuations.

However, in front of Judas's oath, there is no way to fight back, and they are constantly paralyzed and falling to the ground, no more than scrap metal. What a difference.

Just when Chen Mu and Bronya were about to approach the [Oven of Creation], changes occurred.

The surrounding trees grew wildly and twisted.

And a huge flower bud emitted infinite brilliance.

The flower bud quickly stretched out.

A huge black deer emerged from it

"It is indeed a miracle of fertility. It is amazing to create life with ease."

Chen Mu's power of creation can completely feel the surging vitality of Jianmu.

All kinds of changes in Jianmu are also understood by him under the melody of the power of creation.

Bronya said nothing, and shot It blasted towards Fengsuanxuan Deer.

As a result, its body was penetrated. The Fengshenxuan Deer recovered instantly and was unscathed.

Its vitality was so strong that it was incredible.

"This is true fertility! No, it should be called an immortal evil!"

At this time, Bronya can also understand why the Xianzhou people are afraid of fertile creatures.

Jianmu's miracles will bring many uncontrollable disasters.

And the disasters will continue to expand and intensify as Jianmu grows.

"This black deer has a close connection with the root system of Jianmu, and has a constant source of vitality. Generally speaking, if you want to kill it completely, you must first destroy the root system connecting it."

Chen Mu is talking about normal circumstances. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With his method, of course it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Just use the power of withering to break down the Xuanlu.

Death. Withering, in addition to accelerating cell apoptosis, the most terrifying thing is the decomposition of life.

The power of creation can also create life.

It is just life without a soul.

Back then, Otto used the power of the Herrscher of Death to extract life from cells and DNA. In front of him, Kallen was cloned, but it turned out that it was just a body without a soul.

At this time, Chen Mu seemed to be aware of it and looked up.

Immediately, a look of thinking appeared on his face.

"What are you thinking about at this time? Don’t you have any bold ideas?"

Bronya looked at Chen Mu's side face suspiciously.

She had witnessed a series of Chen Mu's actions. If she didn't have any special ideas, she would have killed this black deer long ago.

"In fact, I purchased Xi'er's power from the beginning just to explore the secret of Jianmu."

"Or the power of abundance"

"Now it seems that the opportunity has come. If it goes well, you can even earn a lot of points."

Chen Mu said, pointing to the branches with roots growing upward.

Golden fruits began to grow on them.

"Look at the fruits on the branches. You should remember the history of Xianzhou you saw in the chat group. Those unripe fruits are the immortal gods that appeared in Xianzhou in ancient times."

"In ancient times, the ancestors of Xianzhou received the Immortal Reality given by Jianmu, and then they transformed into immortal species and gained nearly infinite life."

Hearing this, Bronya was slightly startled, and instantly understood what Chen Mu meant:"So you plan to use the power of death and life to accelerate the ripening of the fruit!"

"That's right."

Chen Mu nodded.

Although the Immortal God has become a forbidden object in Xianzhou, it is by no means an evil thing.

You know, the people of Xianzhou will not fall into the symptoms of the demonic body until they live to be eight or nine hundred years old..

And to put it bluntly, it is also caused by his own reasons.

This has nothing to do with the immortal god.

For example, the accumulation of a large amount of memory cannot withstand its oppression.

Chen Mu, who has the power of death and life, can completely ignore these problems.

Even He can further enhance his power of death and life through the Immortal God Realm.

In addition, he must understand a concept.

The immortality seed is the immortality seed.

The fertility evil thing is the fertility evil thing.

All the people of Xianzhou have taken the Immortal God Reality and become Immortality seed.

Throughout the ages, people from countless worlds have come to Xianzhou to seek immortality. Isn’t it the immortal god Shi that they seek? But fundamentally speaking, the immortality brought by the immortal god Shi does not mean much to Chen Mu.

His The essence of life has long broken the boundaries of ordinary people.

What he values is nothing more than the value of the immortal god

"`~Then give it a try."

Bronya nodded slightly and felt that she could give it a try.

She personally had no feelings about the Immortal God.

She only focused on its general value.

For example, selling it directly to shops in chat groups.

Or using the Immortal God to develop medicines, etc.

At this moment, Chen Mu fiercely operates the power of creation.

When creation comes into contact with fertility, the scene of the growth of all things becomes more shocking.

The vitality is constantly sublimating.

The fruits on the branches become more and more golden.

If you look at it hazy At this scene, I'm afraid I will go crazy with envy.

Huanwu loves destruction.

But she is also afraid of destruction.

So she took up the idea of Jianmu. She also tried to get involved in Jianmu's power and use the immortal god to create an eternity for herself. Immortal body.

It's very ironic.

It's like the immortal boat people have gained immortality, and in turn resisted it.

The complexity of this world is indescribable and unclear.

In just a short moment, the immortal god on the branch has matured. Hundreds of them!

Originally, it would take a long time for Jianmu to bear a mature immortal god.

In the original plot, Huanwu only managed to absorb the power of Jianmu (really), and then reluctantly gave up the first place. A fruit grows

"That's almost it. If the branches of Jianmu are allowed to grow like this, the disaster will be difficult to contain, and it will even destroy the ecological balance of Dongtian."

Chen Mu saw that there were no more fruits growing on the branches, and he directly switched to withering mode.

Everything that originally grew turned into withering.

The roots around him quickly withered and withered, lifeless, and completely lost the vitality just now.

It was that end Xuanlu also lost the support of its root system, and its vitality was exhausted.

The roots and branches of the building wood on Gongzao Si Dongtian's side only spread and grew from the scale abyss realm. The real body of building wood is definitely not Chen Mu's power can only make it wither.

Otherwise, the hunting star god would have uprooted Jianmu long ago.

Jianmu has completely taken root in the Luofu Immortal Boat, almost becoming one body, and currently it can only be sealed

"Let me see how effective this immortal god is."

Chen Mu took out a golden, clear Immortal God.

He did not take the Immortal God.

To him, that was the lowest value approach.

He directly used the power of creation to absorb the life essence of the Immortal God.

It was like the refining source in the immortal way, strengthening itself.

In an instant, the pure and incomparable life essence merged into his body, making his whole body feel as if it had been washed away and transformed and reborn.

He could clearly feel it. The strength of his physical body rose sharply, and so did his energy and spirit. Not only that, but the power of creation also experienced a qualitative change.

After absorbing and refining ten immortal souls, Chen Mu felt that he could no longer bear it.


He couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief

"His physical body and strength have actually improved so much!"

"Moreover, after the qualitative change of the creation power, the upper limit is even higher!"

Chen Mu only felt that the strength and power of his physical body had at least increased several times.

He finally understood something in his heart, and took out another immortal god. He squeezed it casually, and a huge immortal body appeared.

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